From k!ssTo Love episode 29 & 30

🌷From k!ssTo Love 😘
(I love you)
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
“Where did you and your father go today?” Seth asked me, his attention focused on the screen in front of him as he cli-cked the game control violently trying to beat my character.
Without losing focus either, I answered. “We went on a road trip.”
“Ahh I see. I bet that was awesome.” Seth replied and I nodded.
“It was cool.” I confessed.
The day spent with my dad today was indeed awesome. Dad had stood by his promise and c@m£ to visit me early this morning at around six o’ clock. We spent almost the entire day out as Dad st©pped everywhere during the trip. It was an amazing day, which wasn’t really surprising.
I really like hanging out with him because we always have an amazing time.
When Dad brou-ght me back home, it was two in the afternoon. I c@m£ over to Seth’s house after because we had planned to watch a football game on the television. However, the game wasn’t schedule to start until four o’ clock, so we’ve been here killing time pla-ying video games since then.
“Oh yes!” Seth exclaimed in triumph after he successfully killed my character. “Once again, I’m the champion.”
“Dude, it was pure luck.” I replied, getting comfortable in the recliner I was sitting on.
Seth snorts. “You mean, pure talent.” He then placed the game controller that was in his hands on the table beside the couch and stood up. He went to the kitchen and appeared a few seconds later with two soda cans in his hands. He tossed one to me and I caught it. “Is it time for the game yet?”
I looked at the time on my phone. It was five minutes to four. “It’s about to start now.”
Seth unplugged his Xbox and turned the channel on the television to the sports channel. He then walked back to the couch and sat down.
“Did you see the game yesterday?” Seth asked. “I didn’t get a chance to see it.”
I pop the t©p of the soda before shaking my head. “No, I didn’t see it either. Emily and I went to a roller skating arena yesterday after school.”
As I took a drink of the soda, I noticed Seth turned his head to face me throu-gh the corner of my eyes. His eyebrows were lifted in a surprised notion. “You took Emily to a roller skating arena?” He asked as if I hadn’t just said that.
“Yeah.” I replied, not un-derstanding what the big deal was.
“You know, I’ve been noticing small things and I noticed that you like spending time with her.” Seth said.
I looked over at him then. “What are you on about? Dude, I don’t enjoy spending time with her, well at least not in the way you’re obviously suggesting.” I as-sured. Seth looked unconvinced so I added. “I just took her to a roller skating rink. There is nothing else to it. I really don’t un-derstand why you are ma-king a deal about it.”
Seth raised both hands up in defence. “Okay fine, it’s just as you said.” He said, but he was still grinning like a banshee. I then hear him whispered un-der his breath. “I’d never thought I’d see this day.”
Shaking my head at whatever he was referring to, I turn my attention back to the television screen. I really didn’t know what the big deal was. In one of our conversations, Emily had said that she hadn’t been roller skating before and she really wanted to try it.
After thinking about it, me being a nice person, decided to bring her to a roller skating rink, so she could do what she always wanted.
And that was just it.
So I don’t un-derstand why Seth would make an as-sumption like that. I guess Seth was just being Seth, I surmised, shaking my head once again. I down the last of my soda as the football game started.
After the football game ended, I went home. It didn’t take me long to get home, because Seth lived about fifteen minutes from where I did.
As I turn into my front yard and cut the engine, I noticed Emily’s stepmother’s car just pu-lling into the driveway of their house. When the car parked, Emily and her stepmother got out. They both looked over in my direction and saw me just as I stepped from my car.
“Hello Tyler.” Mrs. Samuels called waving her hand.
“Hi Mrs. Samuels.” I greeted. She smiled before walking inside the house.
Emily, who was on the other side of the car, closed the pas-s£nger side door and walked around to the other side where she was now facing me. “Look who’s just coming in after a long night out.” She said.
I lifted an eyebrow tea-singly. “You missed me?”
She crossed her arms and made up her face in a way that always have me smiling. “No, I did not.”
I grinned at her. “Just admit it, Samuels, you were just waiting impatiently for me so that you can see my pretty face once again.”
She glared at me and I couldn’t help but laugh. I don’t know why, but I love to tease her to get a reaction. She then uncrossed her arm and rest one hand on her h!p. “Okay then. If that makes you sleep better.”
I win-ked at her. “It does actually.”
Emily laughed at my comment. One of those laughs that lit up her entire face and caused her brown eyes to twi-nkle. I couldn’t help it, I felt myl-ips pu-ll-ed into a responding smile as I watched her. When she st©pped laughing, her eyes connected with mine again and for some unknown reason, I felt my heartbeat picked up.
I immediately cleared my throat, trying to reign in this unknown feeling. What was that about anyway? I know there was nothing between us but the fact that we’re pretending to d@t£, so why was I feeling like this?
I don’t know what it was, but this is really confusing. This is a completely new territory for me.
pu-lling me out of my thoughts, Emily spoke again. “Good night Tyler.”
I lifted my hand in a wave. “Good night.”
She smiled at me once again, before turning and walking into her house.
ru-bbing my hand over my face, I walked over to the front door of my house and head inside.
What is really happening to me?
🌷 From k!ssTo Love 😘
(I love you)
Written by Authoress Yesha 📒📒📒
Emily’s POV
I gro-an ed inwardly as I tried to get my locker to open. I’ve been here for the past five minutes fighting the lock but it seems to be jammed.
The school really nee-ds to do something about these old lockers.
I decided to rattle the lock, but it still didn’t budge. After I rest my knee in the locker and used my fist to pound it, I finally got it to open. However, as soon as it opened, a few of my books fall out to the ground.
Sighing heavily, I stooped down to gather my fallen books.
“Tell me, what did your locker do to you?” I heard a voice say. I looked up to see Tyler standing in front of me with a teasing grin on his face. I was so caught up with gathering my books that were scattered all over the floor that I didn’t noticed when he walked up.
“It seems to not like me for some reason.” I answered before continuing to get my books. Tyler chuckled lightly then helped me to pick them up. When we were both standing up again, I took my mathematics writing book as well as my textbook out of the pile, before putting the others back into my locker and closing it. I turned to face Tyler. “What are you doing here by the way? Shouldn’t you be getting to your clas-s?”
“Yeah, but I’m here to walk you to your clas-s.” He explained.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I do. I’m your b©yfri£ndremember? Isn’t that what b©yfri£nds do?” He asked.
“Well yeah, but your clas-s is all the way upstairs and mine is over on the other hall. If you follow me to my clas-s, you’re going to be late for yours.” I explained.
Tyler shrugged as if it didn’t matter. “Well, I’m here now anyways. At least let me follow you halfway. I don’t want to look like a bad b©yfri£nd.” He insisted.
“Okay fine.” I said giving in. Tyler is so stubborn, he wouldn’t have given up anyways. When we turned away from my locker, I added. “No one would have thought that by the way.”
“I’m not going to take any chances.” He replied wra-pping his arms over my shoulder and began to walk.
We walked for more than halfway, when I saw Tori. “Look, there’s Tori. You can go to your clas-s now. Tori and I have clas-s together, so we’ll walk together.”
“Okay.” Tyler said as he st©pped walking and re-moved his arm from my shoulder. And then for the benefit of the small crowd of students that were around us, he leaned down to give me a k!sson my cheeks before turning back the opposite direction to his clas-s. Tori caught up to me and we walked to maths clas-s together.
As we walked, I heard Tori say, “Look who’s walking towards us.” I looked in the direction Tori indicated and I saw Trisha walking towards us.
When she was near us, she st©pped in front of us.
“Hi Emily.” She said shifting on her foot a little. “Can I talk to you a minute, plea-se?” She shift her eyes to look at Tori beside me.
I crossed my arms. “Go ahead. Anything you have to say to me, you can say it in front of Tori.”
“Okay. I know that I’m the last person that you want to talk to right now, but plea-se hear me out.” She pleaded.
I nodded my head. “I’m listening.”
“First of all, I want to apologize again for what I did. I liked Logan and I was jealous that you were d@t!nghim, so when he c@m£ on to me, I acted on it.” She said in a quiet tone. “I know that isn’t an excuse and that didn’t give me a right to do what I did, but I want you to know that I’ve felt bad about it ever since it happened.”
She paused for a while waiting for me to say something. I didn’t say anything, so she continued after a few seconds. “I also wanted you to know that Logan is still pursuing me. But Emily you have to believe me that I told him to get lost and leave me alone. He wasn’t who I thought he was. I made a mistake and I don’t want to make it again.” She looked down to the floor for a second, before facing me again. “I’m really sorry Emily. I didn’t mean to come between you and him. I was just so stupid and naïve. I hope you can forgive me one day.”
I looked at Tori who was looking at me, watching my response. I looked back at Trisha. “I believe you.” I said after a while. “And honestly I don’t really care about Logan anymore. I’m actually glad you did what you did because I wouldn’t have found out the kind of guy he was.” I said truthfully.
After thinking about it, I knew I didn’t hold this against her. After all, she was used by Logan as well. Also, if he hadn’t cheated on me with her, it would’ve been someone else. And if she was sorry, there was no nee-d to continuing holding a grudge. I had to be mature about this, so I added. “I forgive you, Trisha.”
“Thank you.” Trisha said.
“I’m going to be late for clas-s.” I said as I walked away from her, Tori following behind me.
Tori looked across at me and smiled. “I’m glad to see that you’re finally over Logan.”
“Well, he’s a j£rk. He doesn’t deserve me being broken up about him or even thinking about him anymore. I’m better than that.” I replied.
Tori nodded and looked in front of her again. “He is a j£rk indeed. I can’t believe that even though he’s been trying to get you back, he’s still looking a hookup with Trisha at the same time. He’s never going to change.”
“Yeah and as I said, I’m not upset. I don’t care what he wants to do. I’m so done with him.” I expressed with conviction as we turned inside our clas-sroom.
Tori smiled at me as we took a seat at the front of the clas-s. “I’m so proud of you.”