First love again episode 7 & 8

šŸ’ FIRST šŸ’

LOVE šŸ„°šŸ„°

AGAIN šŸ’žšŸ’ž



Right after Bella left. I sat back on the sofa and tried to do my homework on my own. I can’t believe I just told her that I love her. It wasn’t like me to tell people what I felt inside but when I talk to Bella everything just comes out of my mouth without me even realizing what I’m saying.

“Prince Logan?” George called out as he entered the room. “Why did Bella run off like that? I thought she was tutoring you until seven o’clock. It is only six.”

“Uh. she uhm, uh” I stuttered b!tt!g my bottoml-ip. I knew I couldn’t tell George about us “She had an emergency so i let her go earlier than expected.” I added.

He approved nodding his head. “Well if vou nee-d anything, I’Il be in the kitchen.”

I don’t know what to do with Bella anymore. Love is so complicated!


“Hey Bella, you’re early today. I thought your work finishes at seven.” Sally greeted as soon as I entered the ap@rtment.

“Yeah. You won’t believe who my boss is,”

“Try me,” She challenged.

“The one and only Logan Lacosco.” I sighed sitting on the couch beside her.

“No way!” Sally g@sped. “It was probably a setup,” She as-sumed.

“But he didn’t even know that I was his tutor so I don’t think so.” I defended.

“So are you going back tomorrow?” She asked.

“I honestly don’t know. Something happened today and I don’t think I can ever face him again.” I said murmuring the last p@rt.

“What happen?”

“He said some things to me that an engage guy shouldn’t say to another girl” I admitted giving Sally a big clue.

“He told you he still loves you, didn’t he?” She sm-irked as I looked at her with a shock expression on my face.

“How’d you know?”

“I have my ways.” She sm-irked. “I figured logan would still have feelings for you. I mean he k!$$Ā£d you just a few days ago which is why you’re in this mess right now.”

“What an I going to do, Sally?” l asked resting my head on her shoulder

“How about this? Why don’t you go back to school?” Sally suggested.

“School? But l cant go back there, they pu-ll-ed my scholarsh!p, remember?”

“Yeah, but that’s not the only school you could go to. There are lots of public schools that nee-d a smart girl like you. Don’t worry I’ll handle everything, is that a deal?” She asked

“Fine, deal.” I sighed shaking her hand.

After Sally and I discussed about school and gossip, I went straight to my room and did a little bit of re-ading to take my mind off Logan. I really nee-ded a break from him. Every time I distance myself fron him, fate seems to always bring us back together. Fate is so annoying!

Suddenly, Sally knocked on the door
“Hey bella, someone’s looking for you.”

“who?” I asked

l dragged my feet to the living room. I heard Sally and a very famniliar voice talkng.

“I’m sure she’s coming” Sally smiled. Wait, that voice, that’s her famous flir-t voice. I cannot believe that Sally was flir-ting with my visitor, whoever he was. Sally never flir-ts with anyone

When they were in sight, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. What was he doing here? He was the least person I was expecting to ever visit me.

“Chase?” I said as he faced me.

“Hey.” He greeted waving at me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked sitting beside Sally on the couch opposite to him.

“Uh, I kind of wanted to talk to you.” He shyly said scratching the nape of his nĀ£Ā¢k.

“Oh really? What about?” I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.

“Logan.” He sighed as I gawked at him. He c@mĀ£ all the way here just to talk to me about Logan. Wait, did Logan sĀ£nt him here to talk to me? That dimwit!

“Did he sĀ£nd you here?” I blurted out.

“No, but he did told me what happened.” He admitted.

“Why don’t I leave you two alone? I’l just make something for you to eat.” Sally announced smiling at both of us as she stood up and made her way to the kitchen. I couldn’t help but notice that Chase was staring at her when she left. His eyes were focused on the kitchen were Sally was.

“Hello? Earth to Chase!” I said waving my hand in front of his face. He quic-kly snapped out of it and looked down at the ground. Wait, is he blu-shing ?! I can’t believe Sally was affecting him that much. “Anyway, what did you want to talk about again?” I asked breaking the awkward silence between us.

“Right Um Look, I didn’t know that you were the girl Logan was talking about. Just so you know we didn’t plan any of this. I just asked him if he could offer you a job but I never mentioned your name . And everything just happened.”

“So you’re here to tell me that it wasn’t a setup or anything?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him. I had no idea why he had to tell me this.

“No. I’m here because you don’t know how much Logan loves you. I can’t believe it. Logan and I had been friends since he arrived at England and ever since then all he talks about was you. He never told me your name but tonight, he nee-ded me and he finally gave in and told me who the girl was. For seven years, he didn’t tell me anything about you except for the fact that he loves you and he’ll come back for you. Every single day, all he talked about was how much he misses and loves you. You have no idea how crazy that guy is for you.” He explained.

“If he loves me then why is he getting married to another girl?” I asked as tears pooled in my eyes.

“I can’t tell you that it’s not my position to tell you so. But I can as-sure you that there is a good explanation for everything. I hope that tomorrow you’ll come back and work for him. plea-se just give it a chance”, he plead

“Well I do nee-d this job, but tell him to stĀ©p whatever he’s doing”

“Got it”, he smiled as Sally c@mĀ£ back with a tray of drinks and snacks, she kept on blu-shing.

“Well I’ll leave you two to talk, bye chase thanks for coming”.

Tomorrow is going to be a awkward day.

*šŸ’ FIRST šŸ’

LOVE šŸ„°šŸ„°

AGAIN šŸ’žšŸ’ž



Logan and I studied for an hour alre-ady and neither one of us mentioned anything about yesterday’s incident. I was thankful that he didn’t mention it again. Suddenly, there wasa knock on the door.

“Come in.” Logan commanded as the door slightly opened. The person sli-pped in and stared at me than necessary. The woman was tall and slim. She had brunette hair like mine and the same blue orbs that Logan has. She smiled at me and walked towards us.

“Bella, I missed you so much.” She squealed pu-lling me into a hvg.

“I missed you too Lindsy.” I said hvgging her ti-ghter. It’s true, I missed Lindsy. She had been a wonderful woman and a second mother to me before my parents even died. She supported me and loved me like her own child and I couldn’t thank her enough for that.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” Logan asked.

“I thought you’re still on a business trip with dad.”

“Well, the King wanted to talk to us tomorrow so we decided to go home right away to rest. Why didn’t you tell me that Bella’s here?” She asked shooting Logan a disappointed look. I was kind of confuse she wasn’t mad at me by ma-king a big scandal and was printed in the front page of the newspaper. Maybe she didn’t notice me.

“Yeah, she’s tutoring me since I’m behind in clas-s.” He shrugged bluntly.

“You guys go to the same school?!” Lindsy g@sped.

“Well, we used to.” I answered looking at Logan then Lindsy. She furrowed her eyebrows together, confusion flashed throu-gh her face.

“What do you mean used to?” She questioned folding her arms to her che-st.

“Uh, the sponsor of my scholarsh!ppu-ll-ed out and I can’t pay for the tuition fee, so I had to stĀ©p school.” I explained as words started to sink in her head. “But only for the mean time.” I quic-kly added as her reaction turned to a mix one that I can’t really comprehend.

“Is that so? Well why didn’t you tell me?” She said throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

“I can sponsor you, honey. I know that you’re really intelligent and won’t put my money to waste. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” She announced as I gawked at her.

“You mean, Bella gets to get back to school?” Logan asked

“Of course. I will talk to the board and tell them I will be sponsoring you. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll get you back to school. I know how much you love it.” She smiled at me

“Thank you so much.” I grinned pu-lling her into a ti-ght hvg.

“Any time sweetie.” She pu-ll-ed back looking into my eyes. “I love you, don’t ever forget that.”

“Thanks Lindsy. I love you too.” I said as tears started to well in my eyes.

“Well, I hope you stay for dinner. I’m sure Rick would be thri-lled to see you again.” She invited me

“So what do you say?” She asked again.

“Sure, a thank you for willing to be my sponsor.” I hesitated then smiled.

“Great. Why don’t you guys wra-p it up and see you in five, okay?” Logan and I nodded as she walked out.

After Logan and i packed everything away, we made our way to the dinning room. The glas-s table was hvge ten people can sit on it. There was a chandlelier at the ceiling and everything was just perfect.

“Hon, plea-se pu-ll away all your paperwork, we have a guest.” Lindsy said to Rick who was shuffing papers on the table.

“I am sorry, dear” He apologized glancing up at me as he organized the paper and put it back on the bag lying on the floor.

“I didn’t know we have a guest. So what’s your name, dear, and how did you know my son?” He asked.

All of us sh0t him a confuse look as he asked those questions. Seriously did l change a lot?

“Hon, this is Bella. I can’t believe you forgot about her:” lindsy said astounded.

“Bella? As in our Bella?” Rick asked

I quic-kly nodded at him as his eyes wi-de-ned in surprise. “Well what are you waiting for? Come here and give ne a hvg!” He urged

I chuckled as we stood up from our seats and gave each other a hvg.

“You’ve change so much I didn’t even recngnized you. How have you been, Bella?”

“Oh hon,” Lindsy suddenly barged in like she remembered something. “| almost forgot to ask you, is it okay if we sponsor a schalarsh!pfor Bella? After all, she’s intelligent,” She smiled at Rick urging him to say yes.

“Sure,” He answered as I wh!pped my head back at them, “If that’s going to make her happy then I’m in.” Rick said rinning at me.

“Thank you so much Rick.” I grinned back gratefully.

“What for? You are a p@rt of the family ater all. You always have, and you always will” Rick stated. I glanced at Logan and he just beamed at me and nodded.

“Sir, Princess Rosalie is here.” One of the maid interrupted causing Logan to choke on his drink

“She’s here?” Logan exclaimed glaring at his father. “Why is she here? She never called me she was coming” Logan, Rick and Lindsy all shared the same expression on their faces. It looked so sinilar you would think they planned to do it at the same time.

“I don’t know.” Rick shrugged as he stood up frorn his seat and made his way to the front door.

“Cindy, plea-se add another plate for her. Thank you.” Lindsy ordered one of the maids as she followed Rick to the front door.

Logan and I were left in the dining room looking at each other. I sh0t him a puzzled look and he just shrugged in response. Well talk about awkward.

Princess Rosalie c@mĀ£ in the dining room. Rosalie was beautiful; she had reen eyes and blonde hair. She looked like one of those models you see in magazines that make you insecure because you’re beauty is nothing near to hers.

“Hi” She greeted k!ss!ngLogan on the cheek ma-king my insides boil, although I had no idea why. She also greeted Lindsy and Rick and looped her arm around Logan’s.

“Hello, I’m Rosalie.”

“Bella. Nice to meet you. Princess Rosalie.” I smiled politely.

“Oh, so you’re Bella. And it’s only Rosalie. No princess, plea-se.” She lightly giggled extending her hand to shake mine. I gr@bbĀ£d her hand gentle shaking it slowly.

“Okay” I replied.

“So, what are you doing here?” Logan asked, “I thought we’re meeting tomorrow.”

“Well, actually I nee-d to talk to you. It’s urgent. Is it okay if I borrow him for just. a few minutes ?” She questioned me. I didn’t know why she was asking me.

“Sure?” I shrugged. It sounded more like a question than a response to me.

“Thanks.” She grinned pu-lling Logan with her in the living room. Logan sh0t me an I’m-sorry look and got dragged by Rosalie.

“Hey Bella, why don’t you join us. I’m sure they won’t take long.” Lindsy offered gesturing me to sit.

“Okay.” I nodded sitting to the seat I sat before. We talked and eat for about twenty minutes alre-ady and Logan and Rosalie were still not done. I looked at my wrist watch and it was nine o’clock alre-ady. I nee-ded to get home soon or Sally will interrogate and lecture me.

“Uh, I think it’s time for me to go. It’s getting late.” I announced standing up from my seat.

“Okay sweetie. Let me just ask one of the drivers to drive you.” Lindsy said taking her phone out.

“Oh, it’s okay Lindsy. I’ll be fine; I’ll just take the bus.”

“Don’t be silly. It’s dark alre-ady; I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

“No, don’ t worry. It’s okay, besides you’re alre-ady sponsoring my scholarsh!p, I don’t want to abuse your generosity.” “Okay, well, maybe Logan can drive you.” She suggested.

“I think he’s busy. Don’t worry about me, I’m good. I promise to give you a call when I get home.” I as-sured them giving them both a hvg.

“Okay, take care honey. Call us when you nee-d anything okay.” Rick said k!ss!ngmy forehead which reminded me of the time when my dad used to do that to me.

“Okay. Bye.” I waved at them ma-king my way to the study hall to get my stuff. I pas-sed the living room but Logan and Rosalie were no longer there. I took my bag and books and made my way to the front door.

“Going alre-ady Miss Bella?” George asked opening the door for me. I swear, that accent is just so damn cool.

“Yeah. Thanks George, see you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” He said shutting the door behind. I took a de-ep breath and started walking towards the gate when the rain started pouring again. Ugh! Why now ?!


“Listen Logan, all I’m trying to say is you have to stĀ©p seeing her. At least try avoiding her. You know how risky this is. plea-se Logan, think before you do!” Rosalie shouted to me in the calmest way.

We decided to go to my room because it was too public to stay in the living room. I didn’t want anyone to hear us especially Bella.

“I know what I’m doing Rosalie. You don’t have to tell me what to do.” I hissed ma-king my way to the porch attached to my be-droom. I nee-ded fresh air, fast. I just felt suffocated in my room, I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

“If I don’t tell you what to do everything will be ruin. Logan, we are trying to save lives here, not lose them!” She yelled gr-abbing me by the shoulder to face her.

“Just trust me Rosalie.”

“Trust you ?! Logan, you’re not only putting Tristan’s life in danger, you’re also putting Bella’s. Didn’t you ever think of that ?!” She spat at me.

As the words started to sink in my head, I c@mĀ£ to a realization that she was right. I was putting Bella’s life in danger and I don’t want anything to happen to her. I love her too much to get her involve in this.

“Now are you re-ady to listen to me?” Rosalie asked with a calmer voice than before. I nodded my head in response and let her explain our plan.

She continued to tell me what I was supposed to do but all I could think about was Bella and how I was going to protect her. I can’t put her life in danger. I really can’t.
