First love again episode 5 & 6





?Bella ?

I woke up with a knock on my door.
“Bella are you in there?”

“Yeah come in”, I said and sat upright

She entered the room and sat gently at the side of the be-d. “How are you doing?”

“You heard the news right?”

“Yes, I watched the news yesterday I can’t believe he did that, j£rk!” Amber said

“That’s why I didn’t want him to come back into my life. It’s only been three days and he has alre-ady ruined my life.” I said

“You are one tough girl, no matter what you’re going throu-gh you’re gonna survive this. That’s why I love you” she said pu-lling me into a hvg.

“So what’s the deal between you and Logan?” She asked

“You really want to know, I’m sure when you find out you’re going to hate him.”

I told her everything starting from when my parents died and how Logan was the only who actually made me smile. For two years since my parents died he was the only one that was there for me until his parents decided to move to England. I was devastated. He told me he loved me and he’ll come back for me but now he c@m£ back engaged to the Princess Rosalie which broke my heart. And now I still have feelings for him and it breaks my heart.

“So you’re telling me you love Logan?”

“I loved him but after what he did today I don’t know anymore”.

“Hmm okay, call me if you nee-d any help, school is starting soon I have to go” she gave me a hvg and left.


Beads of sweet was dripping down from my gave this h0t afternoon. I entered the building and made my way to the receptionist.

“Hello how may I help you?” She asked with a smile

“I want to apply for a job here”

“Okay, I’ll call someone to esc-rt you” she took he phone and called someone to esc-rt me .

I took a deap breathe, I don’t think she recognizes me as the one on the newspaper yesterday. Few minutes later a girl walked in.

“Hi you must be the applicant, follow me plea-se”.
I followed her to the office where I’ll get interviewed. On my way there I heard some employees gossiping about me.

? Wasn’t that the girl

? Yeah I heard she k!$$£d the prince f0rç£fully. How desperate she was.

?she’s a slut

I bowed my head down and used my hair to cover my face. I felt tears in my eyes but held it in, I wouldn’t want to cry in front of all these people.

“plea-se take a seat when it’s your turn you’ll be called in” she gestured me

“Thanks” I replied her. They were about three persons waiting and were in their mid 20s and 30s

After half an hour it got to my turn. I entered looking straight at the guy sitting behind the desk. He looked frustrated but I smiled at him anyway and sat down facing him.

“Can I see your resume?” He collected my folder and scanned it emotionless.

“So you’re only seventeen?”


“Have you graduated?”

“No not yet but I’m graduating soon-”

“I don’t want to hear it. Look we nee-d someone who can work full-time and had previous experiences. It shows here that you’ve only worked at a day care and resturant. You’re applying to a business company and not a restaurant”.

“Sorry to waste your time, sir” I stood up and made my way to the door. My hand was almost at the doorknob until it flew open hitting my head ma-king me land on my bu-tt.

“I’m so sorry” a guy apologized kneeling next to me. He looks like he’s in his twenties with his sparkling green eyes.

“Sir Chase you’re here”, the guy behind the desk stood up.

“Yeah, Phil would you mind getting her some ice”.

“Yes sir”, Phil replied as he got out

Chase held my hands and took me to a seat. He re-moved my hands that I used to run my forehead and examined it carefully tracing his f!ngers. His f!ngersgave me a tingling s-en-sation.

“Sorry you shouldn’t have stood near the door” he said politely.

“Oh so now it’s my fault” I snapped and went to pick my bag from the floor. I was almost out when the door opened again hitting me on the same sp©t.

“OW!! You people should st©p doing that”.

“I’m sorry Miss Murray”, Phil apologized handing me the icepack.

“Look we’ll make it up to you did Phil hire you?” Chase asked.

“No apparently I’m too young for this kind of job”

“What position were you hiring?” He asked Phil

“as-sistant of your father” Phil answered

“Oh, I see why”

“Yes sir, you’re dad is expecting someone with more experience and much older and Miss Murray here is only seventeen and still attending high school” Phil explained

“Wait you’re just seventeen, isn’t it too early to start working?” Chase asked

“Well not everyone is rich sir”

“It’s alright, I’ll give you a call when I get something for you, what do you say?”

“Thanks Sir”.

Wow what a cute gentleman, I hope he offers me a job soon.

?Logan ?

It was Friday alre-ady, the school bell just rang. I wasn’t really happy with happened with Bella, I tried to convince the principal about the scholarsh!pbut there’s nothing she can do. I feel really bad for lying to the world about Bella.

I got into and limo as we rode home. I took out my iPhone and called my best friend to come over.

I stepped out the car and was greeted with servants.

“Welcome prince Logan, how was school?” George asked

“It was okay” I replied blantly

My phone vibr@te in my pocket. “Yo man are you at your mansion?”

” Yeah”

“Great I’ll be there in five minutes”.

I went to the pool area to hang out

“Hey man” chase called out

“You’re late. Do you want a drink?”

“No nee-d I’m driving”, he changed into swimming clothes and began swimming.

“So where’s your princess?” Chase asked coming out of the pool.

“How should I know?”

“Man you’re engaged to her and getting married soon. What’s the purpose of getting married if you don’t care about her”

“I have to okay. That’s the power of parents on their children”.

“I know what you mean bro, look at me me dad’s forcing me to do all these business and stuff and I don’t even want to be a business man”.

“So you were going to tell about what happened in work” I reminded him

“Oh yeah, there’s this girl a really h0t girl and seventeen but she’s alre-ady applying for the company. So on my way to Phil’s office I opened the door and she fell on her bu-tt and when Phil c@m£ back with an ice pack he opened the door and hit her again at the same place” he said laughing.

“So you’re laughing at someone being hurt?”

“No man, she was really funny and cute. I’ll have to give her a job when I find one. Or maybe you have a job to offer her?”

“Well I do nee-d a tutor” I said slowly

“Oh maybe she can tutor you, I saw her files and she’s a straight A student, maybe she can tutor you”

“Okay no problem”.

Chase left when it almost midnight and I went to my room drun!k. I close my eyes to sleep but all I can see is Bella’s face.

I nee-d to st©p thinking about her.

*? FIRST ?




?Bella ?

It was saturday.i la-id on my be-d staring at the ceiling. It was alre-ady twelve o’clock. Normally I would have been at work by now or doing my homework but since I have no job and can’t attend school I had nothing to do.

Suddenly my phone vibr@tes. It was an unfamiliar number calling.


?Hi this is Chase from De Grove company, may I speak with Miss Murray?.

I was shocked. I didn’t expect to offer me a job alre-ady.

?Yes this is her.

?Hey so great news I found a job for you.

Aaahhhh!! I screamed covering the phone so he won’t hear me.

?So about this job my friend nee-ds a tutor and he was asking if you would like to do it?

?Uh, how much?
I’ve never tuto-red once, although I have good grades but I don’t really know how to teach others.

?My friend is paying fifty dollars per hours and he wants you to tutor him for two hours.

?Oh my goodness!!

?So you’ll be tutoring him every day for two hours which will be five hundred dollars a week.

As soon as he said this my jaws dropped. I’ve never such money even in my previous jobs. Wow his friend must be really rich.

?So what do you say? Are you still there?

?Yeah I’ll do it.

?Great, I’ll text you the address and every information you nee-d to know.

?Thank you so much, I don’t know how to repay you.

?It’s no big deal, bye.

I dropped the call happily. I can’t believe I just got a job with a high salary.
I told Sally about the job and she was very happy for me.

Before I knew it was Monday and I can’t wait to start my job. I practiced everything nee-ded to be taught so I won’t make mistake.

It was 4:30pm and I nee-d to get there by 5pm. I hailed a cab and told him the address. As soon as we started getting closer, the houses changed into mansions with large backyard and swimming pool. Wow Chase friend must be really rich.

I got down and pressed the bell by the gigantic silver gate.

“Who is it?” The person answered throu-gh the intercom.

“I’m Bella I’m supposed to tutor someone her”.

“Oh the tutor, come in”. The gate opened by itself and I let myself in.


Right after school I had to st©p at the cafe to get some coffee, then I remembered that the tutor was coming today and I was late.

I ran into the house and bu-mped into George.

“Sorry George, where is my tutor?”

“In the study hall”, I quic-kly ran there and took a de-ep breathe before opening the door.

“Sorry I’m late, I totally forgot”, I apologized taking my books out without glancing at her.

“It’s fine I un-derstand”, her voice sounds familiar. I looked at her and was shocked when I saw her seating on the sofa.



“What are you doing here?” We both asked in unison

“Wait you’re my tutor?” I asked

“And you’re the idiot I’m teaching?” She asked annoyed

“Hey I’m not a idiot okay”.

“Then why do you nee-d a tutor?”

“Look let’s just st©p this okay”

“Fine idiot”, she murmured

“Let’s get started shall we?”. I sat close to her, she moved away abit and I moved closer until I was sure she was at the edge so she stood up and went to sit on the other sofa.

“You’re really stubborn, you have to sit close to me to share a book” I sm-irked. She slowly got up and sat beside me “see isn’t this better” I tease her.

“So what are you going to teach me ma’am?”

“Ummm how about some calculus?” She said and opened her book.

“What happened to us?” I blurted out without even thinking. She looked at me shocked.


When he asked me that question I didn’t how to answer me. I don’t even know what happened to us everytime we’re together he finds a way to hurt me.

“We shouldn’t really be talking about that, I c@m£ here to work and not to chitchat with you”, I looked back at my book.

“Bella plea-se just tell me, I honestly don’t know why you hate me so much. What did I do?” I couldn’t glance at him, there was a long silence between us.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything, for leaving you, for saying things I didn’t mean to say, for denying you in front of the whole world, for putting you in trouble, loosing your job and scholarsh!pand ruining your life. But you know what I’m not sorry for?” He stared into my eyes with pain and regret.

“I’m not sorry that I love you, I’m not sorry that you’re still the one I nee-d and want. You’re the one that makes my heart beat, when I see you smile I smile too and when you’re dad I’m sad too that’s how much I love you”.

I didn’t know that I was crying until he wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. He brou-ght his hand to the back of my n£¢k and before I knew it he pu-ll-ed hisl-ips closet and k!$$£d me. It was a soft k!ssfilled with pas-sion and love.

He slowly pu-ll-ed away and rests his head on my forehead.

“I love you”, he whispered. I looked into his eyes trying to know if he was telling the truth.

“I have to go”, I pushed him away. He looked at me confused while I packed my things quic-kly into my bag. I made my way to the door but before I could open it he held me back.

“Why are you doing this? Why can’t you love me back? Why can’t you open your heart again for me? plea-se Bella, plea-se!” He begged


“Because what?”

“Because you’re engaged and I’m not getting in the way. I don’t want you to hurt her because of me, just plea-se let me be”.

I yanked his hands off and walked out the door.

Why are you doing this Logan? Why do you have to make my life complicated?
