Faceless demon episode 77 & 78

(A Life For A Life)
©️ Chidimma Christine


“Good Morning Dad….” I greeted with a smile.

He smiled back pointing at the chair close to him….. “Am glad you are here….” he said pouring some wine into the two glas-s cu-p infront of us.

“Cheers…..” He said raising his glas-s up to my face, “Cheers” I said and we clinked our cu-p together.

“Thanks so much Rocky, you discovered something I have been searching for, for the past fifteen years” Chief Varma said sipping his wine.

I smiled “Thank you very much Dad” I said dropping my wine on the tray…

After hearing Andris confession of Chief Varma trying to kill me, I made up my mind never to take anything from him again.

“Why aren’t you drinking…. This calls for celebr@tion” Chief Varma said urging me to drink.

“Am sorry dad but am having stomach pains so am just avoiding everything today” I lied.

he nodded and smiled after a while, “Just as promised son…. I will give you access to my secret chamber, you have proven to me that you are worthy of the task” Chief Varma said.

“Thank dad….” I said smiling, Everything is just working as planned… Perfectly well.
“uhm… I was wondering if you would….” I was saying when he cutted me short.

“Let’s get to the chamber first… Every decision comes after that… Am expecting some one” He said standing up, I nodded and followed him… Wondering whom he was actually expecting.


I didn’t say a single word to her… What’s there to say?, I can’t even denial it.

“Am waiting for your answer” She said, her head lowered to the book she was re-ading.

“I have none….” I said less concerned.

She scoffed and raised her head to stare at me “You know…. I wonder why the deity pardoned you… I wonder why? Because if he hadn’t pardoned you, you would have depreciated last night” Arch angel Deves£na said.

I gulbe-d….. I un-derstand perfectly what she was saying and am forever grateful with the deity for pardoning me.

“So… What next” I asked not sure if that was the right question to ask at that point.

“What’s next…. That’s for the deity to decide not me… But make sure Rocky doesn’t kill because if he does… That would be the end of everything” Arch angel Deves£na said.

I nodded, “But how do I make him not do that…. It seems he is bent on killing Chief Varma” I asked.

“You are all alone Shaina….” Arch angel Deves£na said.

I scoffed…. “I get that all the time” I thought looking around her office.

Well I haven’t had much time to access Arch angel Deves£na’s office, she always s£nd me out at any slightest given opportunity.

Her office isn’t much attrac-tive to say, its basically covered with the picture of Lord Ganpati the deity.

“If only I could become a human again” I thought, just then I noticed a book on her bookshelf.

“Can I borrow a book from you” I asked looking at the bookshelf.

“The last time I checked, you don’t seem to like re-ading” She said staring at me.

“What do you mean… People change all the time” I chuckled “So can I borrow it” I asked.

“Nothing inside this office can be borrowed” She said.

I scoffed, “Never mind… I will get them from the libr@ry” I said taking a second look at the book “The Angelic Human”.


I smiled as we walk out of chief Varma’s secret chamber…. Everything is almost re-ady.

My joy was cutted short when I saw Andris seated, she had a glas-s of jui-ce on her hand…

That wasn’t my problem… My problem was that her tummy was alre-ady out as if she was really pregnant.

“Did she do it so her father won’t expect anything” I thought.
“It better be…”.

“Oh… You are here alre-ady” chief Varma said seating close to Andris.

“Yes Dad….” Andris said smiling ru-bbing her stomach carelessly.

I smiled and sat down as well “So Rocky… You were saying something” Chief Varma reminded me.

“Was I??” I asked pretending as if I didn’t remember anything but I did….. I can’t possibly tell chief Varma anything while Andris is here.

“Okay… I shouldn’t have interrupted you if I knew you would forget…. Anyways am throwing a success p@rty” Chief Varma said smiling.

“But dad… Is that even necessary” Andris asked protesting against it.

“Offcourse its necessary…. I will be declaring Rocky my heir too” chief Varma said.

“Thanks dad…. Am honoured” I said with a bow.


Yeah Yeah… Look at him acting like a saint but he is just a green snake in a green gras-s.

Why won’t you be honoured… You c@m£ from no where just to take over my father’s property but trust me… It won’t last long, it won’t even last for a day because I would be sure to end it before it starts.

“You should be happy for your husband Andris right” Chief Varma snapped me out of my thought.

“Absolutely… Am so happy for him, extremely happy for him” I said faking a smile.

“Happy indeed… We shall see about this Rocky….”

“Rocky… Is his name even Rocky…. It Should be Shiva Phogat” I thought with so much hatred.

“The event would hold on Saturday…., the both of you should get re-ady” Chief Varma said.

“Saturday…. That’s three days from today, good its enough for me to mark out my plan” I thought smiling.

“You must be very happy… Its written all over you” Chief Varma said.

“Yeah… Very happy, I mean I should be right… For my darling husband” I said smiling.

“Okay…. I want to have a brief talk with Rocky so you are free to go” I heard him say.

“What!!!!….” I said suprised.

“What kind of brief talk are they having that they don’t want me to hear huh” I thought.

“Its just a man to man talk…. You can go now” Chief Varma said giving me ‘A get out’ kind of look.

“Okay…” I said smiling, I picked up my bag and left.

I wanted to eavesdrop on their decision but the security guards won’t just let me… I stomped out of the house angrily.


Chief Varma turned towards me immediately Andris left…

“So what were you saying” He asked again.

I gulbe-d ha-rd , I thought I alre-ady cleared that, why is he asking me that again.

“Uhm…. Uhm…” I stuttered.

“I know you were uncomfortable to speak before your wife so… Just tell me what you want” He said.

“About Sasha….. What are you going to do to her” I asked.

“What else…. s£nd her to her family Offcourse or do you have better plans for her” Chief Varma said.

“No… Not at all, s£nding her to her family is definitely the best thing to do, but can you do the honors” I said praying ha-rd he accepts.

“Offcourse…. You are my heir anyways… So do you want to do it now” He asked.

“No… Not at all ehm…after the p@rty, I will do it after the p@rty… But can I see her” I said.

“See her…” chief Varma asked staring at me superstitiously.

“Yeah… Nothing more” I said

“Okay…. My security will take you to her…. Is there any other thing you nee-d” He asked.

“No…. This would be all for now” I said smiling.


I st©pped by at the libr@ry to get the book I saw at Arch angel Deves£na’s office…. The Angelic human, it must contain secrets on how an angel can turn into a human.

“Sorry….. But we don’t have such book here” the Liberian said

“But do you know where I can find it” I asked and she shaked her head negatively.

“No but we have other interesting angels book…. What do you think about the Angelic World” she asked.

“Ehm… Do you have any book that tells the story of an angel becoming a human again” I whispered to her.

“yeah… That’s is in the tragedy Shelf” She said.

“Tragedy…. How” I asked confused.

“Why don’t you re-ad and find out… This is the best out of them all… “The Angels Love” She said handing over the book to me.

“Thanks….” I said still wondering what she meant by its in the tragedy shelf.


I sat down staring intensely at the cracked wall of the dark prison.

It has been two days since after I told Shiva how to get the treasure and I haven’t heard from him or even seen him.

I just hope I haven’t been betrayed.

The prison door cracked open and he walked in, in the company of one of chief Varma’s guard.

“You have just two minutes sir” the security guard said bowing slightly.

He nodded and the guard left. “So did you find it…” I asked looking at him.

“Thanks to you… I did” he said sitting close to her.

“So…. What are you going to do about me…. You can’t let him kill me” I said staring at him.

“Here….” he said handing over a pieces of note to me.

“Time up sir….” The security guard said.

I quic-kly collected the note from him and he left.

I sighed opening the note “There would be a p@rty on Saturday… That’s the day you would escape” I re-ad…..I smiled, it did better work.


I throw my bag f0rç£fully at the be-d…. “I will definitely make Saturday the worst day of Rocky’s life…. I will surely make it his worst nightmare” I said angrily.

I re-moved the teddy bear I had putted in my stomach sat down…. My whole b©dy was aching.

I reached for my phone and dialed a number.

It took till the fifth call before he answered it.

“Are you calling to check if the police has caught up with me…” He asked.

I scoffed… “Not Excately…. I can take you off the police web if you agree to help me” I said.

“Help you…. How” He asked.

“Let meet at the usual place….” I said and ended the call.

(A Life For A Life)
©️ Chidimma Christine


I yelled and quic-kly closed the novel…. Goosebu-mps appeared in my b©dy, I was sweating heavily, my heart pounding.

“yeah…. That’s in the tragedy shelf” I called the Liberian say.

“Those that mean… It always end in a tragic way whenever an angel want to transform into a human” I asked to no one in p@rticular.

“Omo… Was that why Arch angel Deves£na was against it and told me not to bother looking for a way” I thought.

“Come on Shaina….. You just started re-ading the book… Just calm down” I said weaving off the thoughts.

I fl!pthrou-gh six pictures and started a new chapter… Chapter three.

But it was even worst than the first chapter “A not believing a single thing from this book” I said throwing it towards the door.

“Who are you talking to” I heard someone say… The voice actually sounded like Ma’am Andris voice but I just don’t want to believe she is the one.

She isn’t the type that is in the habit of interfering in other peoples business.

I turned to confirm my guess but no…. She was actually the one standing infront of my door and the book right behind her foot.

“When did she come back….. Oh no, the book” I thought….. I began to think of the next available lie to give her if she ask questions regarding the book.

Ma’am Andris fli-pped throu-gh the pages of the book “Why are you re-ading this kind of stuff” her voice brou-ght me back to reality.

“We…ll, no…thing” I stuttered, I couldn’t think of any kid it seems as if they all ran away from me.

“Why are you suddenly stammering” She asked.

I opened my mouth but she cutted me short even before a sound was able to drop from my mouth.

“Never mind…..” She said and quic-kly closed my mouth, its not as if I knew what to say.

“Am going out to meet a business p@rtner…. Tell that to my husband when he comes back” She ordered and left.

I bowed in response since she was alre-ady very far away to hear me.

“Phew…. That was close” I said relieved.

I quic-kly reached for the book lying on the floor and hide it.

I would just have to look for other means to turn into a human, its certain I can’t get the answer from a book.

I sighed…. I really don’t have much time left, Should I visit a seer or a fortune teller… She might be able to see my future…. Hmm, I think that what I should do”.


I smiled as I drove out of the compound…. “Like seriously…. She is such a fool, how can she even think of that”.

“Trying to bring herself back to life after she died…. That’s greedy… Imagine if everyone that had died were this greedy to think of bringing themselves back to life then am sure some will die over a hundred times…. Especially my father’s enemies because he won’t fail to kill them all.

I scoffed, I guessed it didn’t turn out well judging from how she threw away the book as if it was some kind of plight.

“Shaina did better be careful… She should better get down with whatever she has to do and leave peacefully” I thought and that was when it hitted me.

“I can easily use one card to kill two” She thought parking her car at a corner.

“Rocky loves Shaina…. Shaina’s mission is to make sure Rocky doesn’t kill Chief Varma and Rocky hates chief Varma with pas-sion…. Adding to that Chief Varma is holding his sister Rhea hostage” I smiled at myself.

“What a wonderful puzzle and connection” I chuckled.

“There must be a punishment for Shaina if she doesn’t prevent Rocky from killing chief Varma… She sounded worried when she told Rocky about it” I said recalling how Shaina sounded.

“What if I set them all up, I will set chief Varma up to kill Rhea…. Rocky will get too angry… Very angry that he can’t control his anger, then he would kill Chief Varma…. Shaina would depreciate for her inability to perfect her mission and Rocky would become dejected and finally kills himself too” I bur-st into laughter as I imagined how perfectly my plan was going to work.

“Hmm… They haven’t seen the last of Andris Varma yet…. Saturday would surely be a day to remember” I said and zoomed off my car.


“Cheers…..” Siddarth said raising his cu-p to me, I did same and we clinked our cu-p together.

“Don’t celebr@te yet… There is still alot of work to be done” Mrs Blake said.

“Offcourse but we still nee-d to celebr@te in preparation for the great day” Siddarth said with a smile.

“Whatever….. I saw a job outline online from chief Varma, its actually for chefs for the preparation of his event…. I applied for it so I would be going for the interview tomorrow…. If I pas-s, we would be in charge of the food and it won’t be difficult to put the slee-ping pills and portion inside the guest and chief Varma’s food” Mrs Blake explained.

“And what if you don’t pas-s” I asked.

“We go ahead with our usual plan of putting Odeya as a servant, but I hope I do pas-s” She said.

I nodded, it would be much easier if she pas-s the interview but we can’t really predict now.

“We would be taking anyone as-sociated with chief Varma’s dark business down as well so we nee-d all the evidence… I believe he must have records of his drug dealers and p@rtners” Mrs Blake said

“ Anyways everything is re-ady…. The van and the people that would help get every evidence out of chief Varma’s secret chamber…. Hope you informed her” Mrs Blake asked.

“Yeah I did… But I think Andris is going to be a problem…” I said remembering her usual behavior at chief Varma’s house.

“How….” Mrs Blake asked.

“I think she is up to something…. She is working hand in hand with Vishnu Omar… The main as-sas-sin that as-sas-sinated my parents” I said.

“She must be preparing her own surprises the way we are preparing ours now” Siddarth said.

“Yeah… You are right but let’s just make sure her suprise doesn’t look more suprise to us than our suprise” Mrs Blake said.

“We are working as a team and she is just with a wanted as-sas-sin, she shouldn’t be our problem at all” Mrs Blake said.

I nodded, I just hope Mrs Blake is right…. If we miss the opportunity of getting my sister out on Saturday then I doubt if we would ever get her out alive

To Be Continued…….