Faceless demon episode 75 & 76

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
EPISODE 75đŸ”„…..




I ban-ged my hand on the table repeatedly “You got to be kidding me Omar…. Do you think am a fool huh” I yelled.

“I really don’t un-derstand you Andris…. You weren’t the first person have given that poison to so… I can’t really tell why it didn’t work for you” Omar said feeling less concerned, he took a little of his cigarette and puffed the air almost on my face.

I got really angry and landed a heavy sl@p on his face…. “You don’t smoke while taking to me you as-s-hole” I said.

Omar stared at me, I could see a burning anger in his eyes but I really don’t care, he raised his hands to sl@p me back but on a second thought he st©pped.

“Why??…. Just try it and I will call the police on you, trust me…. My father will sÂŁnd you to jail for a very long time” I said and chuckled.

“We are done with our business… I nee-d my money” He said.

“Done….. Hell no, you can’t say that…. We just started and you aren’t going anywhere until I get what I want” I said.

“Do you really want to pl@ythe ha-rd game on me” he scoffed “You will surely regret it Andris” he added.

“Do you worst Omar… Its not as if anyone would believe a word out of your mouth” I said.

“We shall see about that” he said and walked out on me.

I stared at him as he leaves our secret hideout…. I scoffed “Lets see who regrets it” I said dialing the police number…. For all I know, Omar is a wanted criminal and he would be on the run once I report him to the police.

“Hello…. This is Mumbai police emergency number…. How may we help you?”

“It should be…. How may I help you?” I said.

“I have a criminal you guys would be very interested in, I will forward everything you nee-d to know about him” I said and ended the call.



My angelic batch began to beep continuously, I knew it was a call from the deity regarding the step I was about to take.

I sighed as I continued with the food I was praying, Ma’am Andris had called in few minutes ago telling me to prepare some homemade sweets.

Well if there is any food in the universe that I can prepare, that would be homemade sweets and pasta.

The batch continued beeped and I felt my winds trying to come out but I kept fighting it, thank goodness no one was at home at that moment.

Arch angel DevesÂŁna wasn’t wrong when she said the deity was a very jealous god.

The kitchen bulbs began to blink and unseen wind began to b!ow inside the kitchen.

I quic-kly switched off the g@s cooker and focused on preventing my winds from coming out.


I drove home silently thinking about what Mrs Blake and Siddarth said.

I sighed, “What if things didn’t work out as planned.. Chief Varma is a very corny man” I thought.

I alighted from my car looking round the compound, Andris car wasn’t there…. I guess she must have gone to meet Omar.

I made to go up to my room but I began to see rays of light coming from the kitchen.

“What’s happening” I mumbled to myself walking gradually close to the kitchen just then I began to see smoke of fire coming out.

I quic-kly gr@bbÂŁd the fire extinguisher from the sitting room cabinet and ran into the kitchen.

I froze at the very sight of what I saw…. There was no fire but I saw a different version of Shaina.

I shaked my head and cleaned my eyes with the back of my balm… It was just like a dream to me and I wanted to wake up from it.

“How can a human have wings” I thought still staring at her, she seems to be fighting it as if she doesn’t want her wings to come out.

“Shaina…..” I called, she st©pped and turned towards my direction.

I guess she was suprise, it was written all over her.

I closed my eyes for some time hoping that when I open it her wings must have disappeared but it was still there even after I opened my eyes.


“Whats all this” he asked pointing at my wings.

I opened my mouth to talk but no words c@mÂŁ out of it, I suddenly lost my voice.

I tried using my hands to demonstrate what I wanted to say but I wasn’t very good at sign language.

“Don’t bother….” he said “I thoughts the kitchen was burning” he said raising the fire extinguisher up for me to see it.

“Am sorry…” I managed to say, he stared at me and shaked his head negatively before walking out of the kitchen.

I broke down in tears…. Everything st©pped automatically, the wind, blinking of light even my wings disappeared.

The deity must have done this so Rocky would know whom I was, “An Angel in Mission”.

“He loves you because he thinks you are a human, have you ever imagined how he would look at you if he realize you are an angel huh”.

More tears rush down my eyes as Arch angel DevesÂŁna’s words c@mÂŁ running into my memory…. “What if his feelings for me change now he saw my wings, what if he doesn’t even want to see me again” I cried.

“With your love I doubt if you would ever make it to paradise…. And trust me Shaina you would surely depreciate into thin air….out of everyone’s memory including Rocky….”.

My heart began to race, “Does this mean I failed and am going to depreciate” I thought.

I running after Rocky but its too late, he won’t even listen to me now.

I exhaled de-eply walking towards my room…. My job here is done.

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
EPISODE 76đŸ”„…..

I staggered into my room… I was very nervous and scared… What was that all about” I thought.

“How come Shaina has wings…. Is she an An…..gel” I thought, no way that can’t be true… I have been with her for a very long time and she has never acted suspiciously.

The door cracked open and Andris walked in… She was looking pale and from her facial expression she isn’t happy at all.

“Hey….” I said, she stared at me and eyed me before walking into the bathroom.

Well I wasn’t surprise at all… She must be regretting calling the police on Omar.

She c@mÂŁ out of the bathroom few minutes later and la-id down busy with her phone.

I opened my l@pt©p to check if chief Varma s£nt any mail regarding the message I s£nt him and Offcourse he did s£nt a mail.

I smiled to myself as I re-ad the content of the mail… Mrs Blake was right, Chief Varma would never find out that those diamonds are fake.

“Am free tomorrow…. Let’s say 12noon” I mailed him back.

I made to close my l@pt©p but shaina’s picture c@mÂŁ running into my memory, her wings everything about her.

I decided to Google about angels to confirm my thoughts of her being one.

There wasn’t much news about angels, I guess they made there existence pri-vate.

I signed feeling very dejected, I still love Shaina but I doubt if it would work, not after what I saw about her.


I packed my bags secretly hoping that no one sees me…. Thank God, Olly took a day off to visit her parents at the country side so I have nothing to worry about.

I signed repeatedly, “I shouldn’t have allowed myself fall inlove with Rocky” I thought.

“I can’t blame myself Shaina….. Don’t blame yourself, he too, he kept secrets from you didn’t he… He hide his true identity so…..” I said to myself so I could feel better but the more I think of it, the more painful it becomes.

“How can I really be this unfortunate….. I felt the world in a very painful way….. I was burnt to death, I wasn’t even given the chance to say goodbye to my family and here I am trying to leave without saying goodbye again”

“This really isn’t fair at all… It isn’t fair at all” I cried.

Cl@ps of thun-der and lightening were heard…. I sniffed trying to hold back my tears to avoid the unnecessary rain but it was very impossible for me to do.

I wore a fresh clothe, I didn’t even bother taking my bath, that would make my wings pop out again.

I gr@bbÂŁd my bag and walked out of the room, I looked round the house remember the beautiful memories I had…. I was alre-ady missing it although I wasn’t out yet.

“Off to somewhere….” I heard that Familar voice say.

I turned and just as I expected, it was looking, he was alre-ady on his nighties.

I lowered my head to avoid having any eye contact with him, having him around is far enough to make me nervous.

I heard footsteps coming towards my direction and before I knew it, he gr@bbÂŁd my hand and dragged me alone with him.

It was raining outside so we went the green pent house behind the garden.

“Were you trying to run away?” He asked, I looked up to him, he was staring de-ep into my eyes.

“I just felt my presÂŁnce isn’t nee-ded anymore” I managed to say.

“Says who?” he asked.

I gulbe-d ha-rd not knowing what to say “are we on a question and answer debate or something” I thought.

“Are you an angel Shaina….” he asked and I nodded.

“Am sorry…” I said….. “So what’s going to happen now” he asked.

I glared at him “I really don’t have the answers to that question” I said “Only the deity does” I added.


“Deity….” I scoffed, am really not a fan of the deity, I st©pped believing in him after I begged him for just one thing, to keep my family alive…. He couldn’t even answer that little prayer.

“So… You are my guardian angel or what?” I asked.

“Arch angel DevesÂŁna is the guardian angel of all humans and angels…. Am just an angel in mission” She said.

“Mission…. And what is your mission” I asked.

She stared at me, it was as if she didn’t want to answer the question but as it stands now…. She must, its confession time and I have made up my mind to tell her the truth about myself too.

“Love and Forgiveness”
“Mumbai Train Station, Train Number T207-B34….. 9:00am” she said showing me a green leaf.

I stared at the train number… It was the same number as the one I had arrived Mumbai with.

“Was that why we meet on my arrival day, the deity told you” I asked suprised.

“yes…. You are my mission” she said nodding.

“Love and forgiveness…. The deity told you to fell inlove with me” I asked still very confuse.

None of these made s-en-se at all, in as much as I have heard about Angels when I was still a little boy but I never thought I would meet one talk more of talking to one.

“Teach you how to love and forgive” She said.

“Who said I can’t do it by myself” I asked with a chuckle.

Her stare made me become suspicious…. “Did the deity by any chance tell her whom I was” I thought..

“Don’t you have something you want to say too Rocky” She asked.

“The deity definitely told her something about me” I thought.


We both stared at each other for a while… Since I alre-ady told him secrets about myself, he shouldn’t be hiding anything from me too.

“Rocky…..” I called when I noticed he wasn’t ma-king any attempt to say anything.

He blinked his eyes and looked around maybe to check if someone was around.

“You alre-ady know everything so… Why do you want me to say something” he said.

“So…. You are really Mr Phogat’s son” I asked.

“Why do you think am doing all these…. Am trying to get my revenge off course” he said.

“But can’t you just let go… Even if you kill Chief Varma, that won’t in any way bring your family back” I said.

“Is this about your mission Shaina” He asked.

I sighed “No…. My mission jeopardized the moment I feel inlove with you…. Rocky this is about your future” I said.

“No future without my family…. He destroyed my future and I would make sure I destroy his”

I opened my mouth to talk but he cutted me short “Don’t waste your energy convincing me Shaina… It won’t work, sÂŁnd my message across to your deity” he said and stood up to leave but I held him.

“I said I was going to give you my answers today…. Aren’t you eagered to hear it” I said standing up as well.

He opened his mouth to talk but I st©pped him with a k!ssgradually, bit by bit we both got into each other and it graduated into se-x.


I held my mouth trying so ha-rd to prevent myself from screaming….

This can’t be true, it can’t be happening at all.

I quic-kly left my hiding place to avoid being notice… Adding to that they nee-d some privacy.

I walked into the room still thinking of all I heard “Her real name is Shaina and not Preeti” I thought.

“That isn’t even the issue… She is an angel” I thought pacing round the room.

Hmmm… This is a complete change of Plan…. Rocky really did out smart me this time around.

He added a ch!pin my phone, that was how he found out about the poison and no doubt, I spilled all my plans to him un-der the effect of the poison.

I just nee-d to change my plans…. Since Angel Shaina’s mission is to make Rocky fell inlove…. Its certain the deity is against their love….

“He won’t be against I and Rocky’s Love right” I thought smiling at myself


To Be Continued……

🧐🧐🧐 Andris heard everything ooo đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±