Faceless demon episode 26 & 27

(A Life For A Life)
By Chidimma Christine✍️


A h0t sl@p landed on my face immediately I entered Sir Nas-ser’s office

“It took you 45minutes to get your lazy self here” he raved

“Am sorry… I… I had to trek” I said in tears, my head lowered to the ground

“Do I look like I care….” He said… I kept mute not knowing what to say

“Take your bath…. Chief Kumara Varma required your pres£nce” he announced after a few minutes of silence

I opened my mouth to talk but no words c@m£ out of it…. Tears dropped to my cheeks “Why me always”

“Am I speaking to a corpse now” he asked in a loud voice

“Am on my monthly….” I said

“Monthly…. You didn’t take the drugs” he asked “I ran out of my ….” a h0t sl@p landed on my cheeks

“You are meeting Varma, Tell him that yourself, now leave” he raved and I ran out of his office

I had a fresh bath and wore a new pair of cloth…. I sat on the be-d waiting for Chief Varma’s b©dyguards to arrival

I heard a knock on the door, no doubt they are the one “Come in” I said and the door cracked open

“I can see you are re-ady…” He said and left

I stood up exhaling de-eply, “Hang on Rhea…. This would soon be over” I said and left
The car pu-ll-ed in front of a very big house, the gate opened and it drove in majestically

“Wait here…. I nee-d to know if Chief Varma is still interested in seeing you” he said and alighted from the car

“Oh I wish he would just say No… I mean who wants to do this anyway”

After a few minutes, he c@m£ out with a lady I was kind of familiar to… Miss Ella the bit-ch…. *I pray she pays for her sin in double folds”

The back door opened “Come out” he ordered, I alighted from the car

My eyes meet with miss Ella’s eyes… It has been ten years or even more I saw her last…. She looked okey probably enjoying the wealth she got throu-gh betrayal

“You have really grown into a pretty girl” she said beaming

*like seriously, what was funny*

“Am sure Chief Varma would be plea-sed to have you around…. Come on, you don’t want to keep him waiting” she said and left

“I wish I could punch her real ha-rd on the face…. What a friend she is”

I followed suit, my first visit here wasn’t a good experience at all…. A memory I try so ha-rd to forget and cry all night whenever I am being reminded of it

Seeing Miss Ella brou-ght back those memories…. Well not all of it, but I know that when I see Chief Varma those memories would be back in me fully

Just like yesterday… A day I would never forget

We got to a beautiful door and st©pped, Miss Ella turned to have another look at me

She knocked on the door “She has arrived” she said

“Let her in… Alone” A de-ep voice said, no doubt that must be him Chief Varma…. *the world best friend*

Miss Ella glared at me…. I could see them in her eyes, a raising jealousy and hatred for me

I chuckled, I can’t believe she is actually jealous of me…. “But Why excately”

“Better behave if you want to leave here Alive” she said and eyed me before leaving

“As if you care” I muttered after her but she didn’t hear it…. If she had heard it, it would have been a different thing all together

I watched her as she leaves ma-king sure she was really our of sight, I exhaled de-eply holding the door handle

“Come on, you can do this… You can” I said to myself

I gradually opened the door and walked in

He was standing very close to the window with his two hands behind him

“Lock the door” his de-ep voice ran throu-gh my spin


I went throu-gh the files looking for any possible clue but I wasn’t seeing anything

The as-sas-sin’s must be very clever, the really did a clean job with no clue not even the slightest one

“You look busy” I heard a calm voice say…. I turned only to see a handsome man behind me smiling

“Yeah…” I replied turning to the files, but he sat down facing me

“I haven’t seen your face here before” he said sipping from his jui-ce

“Oh yeah… I arrived yester…. I mean a month ago” I said sharply

“A month ago.. That’s good… Am Siddarth” he said

“Rocky….” I replied, I wasn’t comfortable with him at all and I prayed silently for him to be done fast and leave

“Rocky… Nice name, Am a commander and you are a commander too I guess”

“Yes….” “I can see you are looking at Mr Phogat death files” he said

I raised my head and glanced at him for a while before bringing them down to the file without a single word

“Trust me Rocky… You won’t find anything there” he said

“How…. I don’t un-derstand”

“Do you think his killers are fools… No, they are much more dangerous than you think”

“Do…. Y….ou kn…ow hi…m” I stuttered

“Off course, I mean who doesn’t know a great hero like Mr Phogat… A General, A great teacher….” He said


“But…. Why are you looking into his death case, it has been fifteen years and reopening this case might cost you your life” Siddarth said

*My life…. Hmm, why do I have this feeling that this man knows the as-sas-sin’s, he must know them judging from the way he talks and if I pl@ymy card very well, I might get him to help me*

“My life… What do you mean by that”

He looked around for a while adjusting his seat more closer to me “This case has been opened three different time after the first court investigation and do you know the mystery p@rt of all this” he asked

I shakes my head negatively and he sm-irked “Everyone dies” he whispered

“Everyone…” I asked “yes… Everyone, the lawyers, judges … Everyone within the space of 72 hours” he said

“What… 72 hours” I g@sped “After the third trail, the case was permanently closed by the supreme judge herself and I heard she doesn’t just meet people” he said

*That’s makes this more difficult, how will I find them them*

“But…. Am curious, why are you looking into his death case, he is not your relative, is he”

“No…. Just that I wanted to know who wants a kind hearted man like Mr Phogat dead… Its so sad”

“Yeah… That’s true but you know the saying, the kind has more enemies than the wicked… Mr Phogat had alot of enemies but they are A-listed enemies”

“A-listed enemies… Who are they” I asked

(A Life For A Life)
By Chidimma Christine✍️
“What…..” I asked pretending not to hear him, he turned toward me and gave me a long stare

I gulped ha-rd sweating heavy “Should I repeat myself” he asked

“No…. No” I said and quic-kly locked the door..

He smiled and walked to the armchair, he sat down and poured himself some wine

“Seat and drink with me” he said

“I did rather stand” I said

“Trust me Rhea… You won’t like it if I repeat myself”

I sat down immediately not willing to go into further argument with him

He poured some wine for me “Drink” he said

Although I didn’t want to drink it but I had no choice… I really don’t want to die yet

“How old are you this year” he asked

I stared at him wondering why he was asking me my age all of a sudden “Is anything the matter”

“You have really grown wings…. using a question to answer my question” he said “Do you have a death wish” he asked

“Am Twenty Sir” I replied calmly I noticed a smiling curve on hisl-ips

“Good….You are twenty and I guess you are old enough too” he said staring at me

“Old enough for what….” I asked

“str!p….” He said

“What…..” I screamed

“Should I get help for you Rhea” he asked

h0t tears run down my cheeks *he is at it again….*

I began to undress myself and within a minute, I was alre-ady half before him

He stared at me for a while and smiled…. “You really look good” he said

“Now… re-move your undies” he said, I did as instructed removing my p@n-t and br@

“Go to the be-d”

I slumped into the be-d exhaling de-eply, very tired and exhausted…. It has really been a long day

I got up sitting on the be-d, I picked up the file I had received from the newspaper sto-re…. I stared de-eply at it as my mind raced back to the discussion I had with Siddarth
“I know you don’t believe me Rocky” he said sipping from his jui-ce

“Should I believe you…. I know Chief Varma, he can’t possibly be Mr Phogat murderer”

“You think…. Remember, the enemies within are the most dangerous, as far as I Siddarth is concerned Varma has questions to answer concern Mr Phogat’s death”

“So Chief Varma is the one behind his death”

“Mr phogat is a vampire, very difficult to kill and one man can’t possibly plan his death”

“Name the rest…”

“They are know as the four Knights”

“Four knights…. I don’t un-derstand” I said

“These men have chewed every piece of the national cake, everyone is afraid of them including the president…. They are above the law, the law subdue to them”

“You point excately”

“Chief Varma…. The leader….. Sir Prabhas, Sir Subba and Sir Nas-ser”

“More details….”

“Am not a fool Rocky.. You can’t extract informations from me”

“What do you mean by that” I asked,

“We are on the same shoe Rocky…. You hold a de-ep res£ntment inside, so do I…. Let’s help each0ther”

“Help each0ther…..” “You want to find the murderers of Mr Phogat, maybe for promotion in military….. Let’s both work together and kill all the Four Knights”

“All of them” I asked surprised

“Yeah…. You will have your victory, I will have mine” he said

“What if things go wrong” I asked

“Do we have a deal or not…..” He said ignoring my question

“What makes you think you are right” I asked

“Let’s strike a deal first…” He said
I exhaled de-eply…. Its clear Siddarth is a spy, he probably s£nt him to catch me in their nest but I won’t fall for his cheap lies

I know Chief Varma, he is more than a friend to my father… He was the only friend I know my father has

And am sure he would help me if we meet each other

He has no reason to want my father died, no reason at all….

I walked into the Angels convert boiling in anger, my whole b©dy was alre-ady aching especially my leg… It has gone weak from walking round the whole city looking for Rocky

“Where the hell did that fool go to… He’s new here so he doesn’t know his way round town yet” I said mas-saging my legs with warm water

“Seriously, I can’t believe I just lost another day, I just have one day, one day gosh this is freaking me out….. What will I do with one day” I said

“Oh my God Rocky, I will strangle you to death if I don’t make it to paradise…I will kill you Rocky, I would kill you” I lamented

“Who are you talking to” Bhvana asked, I didn’t say a word, my heart was burning with anger

“Did the plan work” she asked again “What Plan, the idiot wasn’t at home when we went there” I said and she g@sped

“Does that mean you just lost another day” she asked

“Obviously and trust me Bhvana I will strangle him to death” I said

“Killing humans is a sin and you know the punishment for that Shaina…. I think you should take it easy and consider Arch Angel Deves£na’s advice…. Or you can even ask Nelly for help”

“Never…. And I don’t care if I get punished” I snapped


To Be Continued