Elena’s journey episode 49 & 50

Elena’s journey episode 49


(At the hospital)

Cas-sandra: (holding her cheeks) You sl@pped me?

Vincent mother: Yes! And I’ll do it again!

(Vincent mom sl@ps Cas-sandra again)

Cas-sandra: Arrgggghhh!!!

(Cas-sandra attempts to fight her but Elena gets in the way and holds Cas-sandra ti-ghtly)

Elena: Hey! Hey! What do you think you’re about to do

Cas-sandra: Let go of me! I’ll kill this old shriveled woman!

(Elena f0rç£s Cas-sandra to sit on a chair)

Elena: Sit down!

(Cas-sandra stands up and heads towards Vincent mother but Elena restrains her one more time and f0rç£s her to sit in a chair)

Elena: I said sit down!

Cas-sandra: Don’t t©uçh me (she frees herself from Elena’s grip)

Elena: You’re pathetic, very pathetic Cas-sandra.

Cas-sandra: You are the pathetic one!

Elena: Listen to me, I’m only tolerating you because of your mental condition but that doesn’t mean you should try to attack her. If you try it again I won’t hesitate to do the nee-dful!

Cas-sandra: Fine! Keep protecting her, its not like she has up to 5 years to live. She’s getting closer to her grave fas-ter than you can imagine (she smiles devilishly before leaving the hospital)

Vincent mother: That woman is a beast! A demon in human form.

Elena: Look we have more important things to worry about and Cas-sandra shouldn’t be p@rt of them. Let’s just keep hoping Vincent gets better quic-kly

Vincent mother: I hope so

(Cas-sandra meets with Harrison)

Harrison: You took too long. Where have you been?

Cas-sandra: At the hospital. Vincent got into an accident and I went to see him

Harrison: Well I caused that accident

Cas-sandra: (shocked) What? Why?

Harrison: To get Vincent away from Elena. That was the only way I could do that

Cas-sandra: But if he recovers, he’ll get you arrested. Aren’t you worried?

Harrison: Well I’ll be in Metroville with Elena by the time he recovers

Cas-sandra: Okay. So what next

Harrison: Meet me back here by 5pm today.

Cas-sandra: Ok.But wow, you’re a criminal master mind, i couldn’t even have thought of this plan

Harrison: It takes a lot of practice. After my fight with Vincent at Chuks restaurant. I had to devise a way to get rid of him

Cas-sandra: Same way I felt after my fight with Elena at MARCOPOLO

Harrison: You should leave now. Be back by 5pm

Cas-sandra: Sure.

(LATER, By 5pm)

Cas-sandra: I’m back.

Harrison: Good!

Cas-sandra: So what’s the next phase of our plan?

Harrison: Well its the phase where the real fun begins

Cas-sandra: Oh (notices a small box and a vial of a strange liquid) What’s in that box? And what’s that?

Harrison: Inside this box is a coral snake and this is its antidote (he hands the box and the vial to Cas-sandra)

Cas-sandra: Ok now i’m scared. What am I gonna do with the snake?

Harrison: Put it somewhere near Elena and makes sure it bites her. The symptoms of its poison include fatigue, muscle paralysis, loss of memory and even death. But after like a minute or two, Give her the antidote and it’ll reverse the effects except from loss of memory

Cas-sandra: (amazed) Wow! You are one smart guy. How do you know all these?

Harrison: I went to college. And not everyone has br@in disorders like you.

Cas-sandra: Did you just insult me?

Harrison: its a compliment

Cas-sandra: Oh, Thanks

Harrison: You should go now, I should get Elena out of Mexico by tomorrow morning

Cas-sandra: Okay.

(That night)
(Cas-sandra sneaks into Elena’s room and carefully drops the snake on Elena’s be-d)

Cas-sandra: (thinks) One step closer to getting rid of this fisherwoman!

(She drops the snake and leaves the room)
(Unfortunately, Elena turns and the snake bites her immediately)

Elena: (wakes up) What the…. (She sees the snake and screams) Ahhhhhh! A snake! Oh no! And it bit me!!!!

(Elena runs out of the room screaming and sees Cas-sandra in the hallway)

Cas-sandra: (pretentiously) What’s wrong?

Elena: Cas-sandra where is the first aid box?

Cas-sandra: Why do you nee-d it?

Elena: i was bitten by a snake in my room (Shows her the bite marks)

Cas-sandra: The antidote is in the first aid box. In the kitchen.

(Elena hurriedly goes to get the antidote)

Cas-sandra: Just take it and don’t ask any questions! (Hands her a syringe)

Elena: Is it sterilized?

Cas-sandra: Yes. You can inject the antidote into your bloodstream if you if you like.

(Elena injects the antidote into her bloodstream)

Elena: (sighs) thank you so much

(Elena surprisingly hvgs Cas-sandra)

Cas-sandra: Its fine. I hate you but I don’t want you dead

Elena: Fair enough.But how did a snake get into my room and you surprisingly had the antidote?

Cas-sandra: This house is surrounded by bushes

Elena: But there isn’t any bush around

Cas-sandra: Well it was. And the snakes inhab!tt!g the bushes still slither around and sometimes enter the house that’s why I always have anti venom

Elena: Thank you very much. I really…. (she becomes dizzy) Uh, what’s wrong with me

Cas-sandra: Well its a sign that the antidote is working. You should feel weak and dizzy

Elena: (dizzy) Ohhhhh. But wait a…

(Cas-sandra hits Elena f0rç£fully and Elena blacks out totally)

Cas-sandra: (to herself) And by the time you wake up, you won’t remember anything! I can’t wait for morning so that Harrison can get you away from here!

(Next morning)
(Harrison goes to Vincent house very early)

Cas-sandra: Harrison! Our plan worked! She’s still unconscious!

Harrison: And she’ll remain unconscious for the next 2 – 3 hours. That’s enough time for me to take her away from here

Cas-sandra: But how about her family? Won’t they suspect anything

Harrison: Don’t worry about that. I alre-ady thought this plan throu-gh. I know what to tell them

Cas-sandra: Ok

Harrison: Now do me a favor, watch out for his mom or his nerdy as-sistant while I carry Elena out of the house

Cas-sandra: No problem

( Harrison takes Elena out of Vincent house and away from Mexico City to his home in Metroville)


Elena’s journey episode 50

(Harrison takes Elena to his house)

Harrison mother: Harry, who’s this woman

Harrison: (carrying Elena) She’s my girlfriend mom, she got ill while in Mexico city and I had to bring her here to Metroville

Harrison mother: But there are hospitals in Mexico City, why then did you bring her to the house?

Harrison: I’ll answer your questions later mom. I have to take her to my room

(Harrison takes Elena to his room)

(In Seattle)
(Helen and Martin watches the news)

News reporter:…. And just in,the serial ra-pist wanted in Seattle has just been arrested. He was caught ra-ping an old woman who later kicked the bucket

Martin: They don’t even report good news on TV anymore

Helen: (smiles) Well there isn’t any football match today.

Martin: I know, that’s why I’m going to be-d.

Helen: I’ll join you in the room soon

Martin: Okay, Goodnight (he k!sses Helen on her forehead)

Helen: Goodnight dear

(Martin goes to his room while Helen continues watching the news)

News reporter: The serial ra-pist has pleaded not guilty despite the allegations against I’m and evidence of his crimes….

Helen: Hmm.. This man looks very familiar. There’s something I nee-d to do.

(At Harrison house)

Harrison mother: So, who is that woman?

Harrison: She’s my girlfriend mom

Harrison mother: Your girlfriend? What about Felicia?

Harrison: Mom, Felicia and I broke up a year ago

Harrison mother: Ohhh, she didn’t tell me that. Besides she says she still loves you

Harrison: Mom, she cheated on me with my best friend. I had to end things with her.

Harrison mother: Anyways, she usually comes here to keep me company while you were in Mexico City and wouldn’t be happy if she sees that woman in our house because she’s coming back here in two days time to stay with me

Harrison: Well I’ve severed ties with her. The woman I brou-ght here is the one I’m in love with, her name is Elena and she’s really cool. Get to know her and see.

(At Mr Gilbert house)

Caitlin: Gilbert, what’s the matter

Mr Gilbert: Its Vincent Manuel, he got involved in an accident.

Caitlin: (shocked) Oh my God.

Mr Gilbert: Luckily, he’s case isn’t critical. We nee-d to go check on him at the hospital

Caitlin: Have you called Elena?

Mr Gilbert: Yes. But she never told me about his accident. It was Vincent mother that told me about it.

Caitlin: Something’s wrong somewhere, Elena would have told us the moment she herself heard about the accident. I’m worried

(At Vincent house)

Vincent mother: Adrian, I’m going to see Vincent at the hospital

Adrian: OK Mrs Manuel

Vincent mother: Where’s Elena?

Adrian: Well she s£nt a message that she traveled to Canada early this morning

Vincent mother: What? Canada? She never mentioned traveling, what’s going on

Adrian: Well she s£nt a message throu-gh her own phone

Vincent mother: Something’s not right, Hold on, I’ll call her

(Vincent mother calls Elena and Harrison, who’s with Elena’s phone, picks the call)

Vincent mother: Hello, who is this?

Harrison: Its Elena’s Gilbert as-sistant

Vincent mother: Give her the phone plea-se

Harrison: I’m sorry but she can’t answer your call because she’s in a business meeting.. Goodbye

Vincent mother: Wait….

(Harrison cuts the call immediately)

Vincent mother: Something’s not right. How would Elena travel when she knows Vincent is in the hospital and she never mentioned traveling, the Elena I know would never do that. She puts family first before any other thing. Something’s wrong somewhere.


Harrison mother: Harry, that woman is still unconscious

Harrison: I know

Harrison mother: Are you sure she’s not dead?

Harrison: No mom, she’ll wake up soon. Don’t worry

Harrison mother: I’m scared.

Harrison: Mom. Trust me, She’ll be fine. She took some supplements that made her unconscious for a long time. Don’t worry, she’ll wake up soon.

(At Harrison house)
(In his room)

Harrison: (stares at an unconscious Elena) Damn! This woman is so pretty, but why isn’t she waking up, I just hope Cas-sandra gave her the antidote on time, she’s supposed to wake anytime soon

(Just then, Elena wakes up and yawns)

Elena: (stretches) Uhh!

Harrison: How’re you feeling?

Elena: Huh? Who are you? And where am I?