Doctor cutie Episode 25 & 26

[Love cures All]
Episode 25.
Rated: 🔞🔞🔞{ matured content}
By: Racheal Dennis|
|| Brittany ||
I scoff as I look around, I shake my head and stare at Javier feeling somehow surprised.
“Nice, but I thought you’d bring me to a place of extravagance, where they’d drain my bank account!”
He laugh briefly.
“Hmm, though I’m rich, I don’t like everything too fancy. I prefer this place to any of those 5 stars, I hope you don’t mind?!”
“Nope, I like it here”
He smiles brightly, staring at me as he does. Just then a waiter c@m£, a notepad in his hand.
“Hello, good evening” he smiled at us.
Javier just waved him off and I scorn at him,,,, rude.
I turn to the waiter with a polite smile.
“Good evening”
“Welcome to Ronny’s, how may we be of service this evening?”
“Oh, I’d like to have some salad, fries and chicken,,, ooh, with soda too” I told him.
He nods and jot it down on his note, he turns to Javier.
“What about you, sir?”
Javier didn’t answer him, he just continue staring at my face. I involuntarily t©uçh my face, checking if I have something on it.
“Do I have something on my face, Javier?” I asked him.
He shakes his head no, I frown.
“Then why are you staring at me like that?”
“You look different this evening, I’m kinda mesmerized”
I blus-h. I point at the waiter who is patiently waiting for Javier to place his order.
“Well, he’s waiting for you to order something”
He glance at the waiter briefly before turning back to me, staring into my eyes he said.
“I’ll have same thing as her”
“Ok, sir!”
The waiter left, I sma-ck his hand on the table.
“Do you even know what I ordered?”
“I don’t care, as long as you like it and can eat it, so can I”
Awwwn, that’s so sweet of him.
We continue in silence, until finally our foods arrived.
“Enjoy, sir, ma’am”
“Thank you!” He smiles and left.
Javier look at the food and back to me.
“What a weird combination!”
I laugh.
“That’s because I’m weird,, let’s dig in” he nods and we start eating.
“So, you are the real doctor huh?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you were the one that was supposed to come to our mansion,, not Aurora, right?”
I paused,, I raised my head slowly.
“You knew she’s a fake doctor?”
“Yeah, my brother knows too!”
I g@sp and drop my fork,, I shift in my chair uncomfortably. What’s gonna happen to Aurora now? Is the General gonna punish her?.
“Javier, what should I do now,,, I can’t let the General punish her, plea-se take me to your mansion I must make the General un-derstand that it was my fault,, I don’t want Rora to get punished”
Javier laugh looking at my face.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“You worry too much, my brother can never punish Aurora,,, in fact I should be the one fearing for my brother”
“I mean, my brother won’t punish her,,, he has known about her being a fake doctor for some time now but he haven’t mention it to her,, not once”
I close my eyes and exhale in relief. I mean, I don’t wanna imagine how the General punish people that lie or cheated him.
“Let’s forget about Aurora and Ian, let’s talk about you,,,, how come you are a doctor at such a young age, you seem to be around 21 or 22,, so tell me about your great achievement”
I nod.
“Well, I’m not a paying doctor yet, I mean, I’m an intern at the hospital”
“That’s nice though”
“And I’m not 21 or 22, I’m 23!”
“Really,, we are of the same age, I like it”
“So,,,, tell me about you”
He sighs.
“Well, I studied business and I’m a car dealer,, I sell cars, but I’m not as rich as my brother, I’m praying to be richer than him though”
I laugh.
“You have a decent job though”
There’s a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
“Who was that guy back at the club that day?”
Oh God, I didn’t expect he’d ask.
“My ex!”
He huffed.
“He’s a douchebag!”
“He wasn’t like that,,,he used to be so sweet but I don’t know what happened and he drastically changed”
“I don’t care what happened, no man should ever f0rç£ a woman” he said angrily, his grip on his fork ti-ght£ñs…
“Well, I will try to forget him soon”
“Yeah,, consider someone else”
“Who? You?”
He laughs.
“What do you mean by that? Am I not your spec?”
I roll my eyes.
“What if I say no”
“Ouch! You just broke my heart”
We continue chatting away,, laughing and teasing each other.
“Ok, thank you for having this dinner with me!” He said.
“Hmm, I must show my gratitude”
He nods. I reach for my purse, just as I was about taking out money he st©pped me and placed his money on the table.
“Yo, I thought I was supposed to pay the bill”
He laughs.
“I change my mind, let’s go, I will drop you off!”
I nod and got up, and we head to his car.
|| Aurora/Phoebe ||
Dean c@m£ into the room looking angry, he frowns de-eply and walk towards me in his be-d.
I wonder what happened,, he was fine when he went to his study.
“My Phoebe, I’m tired!” He gro-an s loudly.
He falls on his be-d and pu-ll me onto him. I try to get off him but he held me ti-ght and impossibly close to him.
“I’m so frustrated, just let me hold you”
I sigh but nod.
“Did something happen?”
He nod.
“Something bad happened!” He grumbled.
“What happened? Can you tell me?”
He pressed a k!sson my collarbone.
“Someone is raising false allegations against my company,,, he said we stole his project”
“Yeah, I will go to the office tomorrow and we will sort everything out”
“Don’t worry, Dean, everything will be alright! You can handle it”
“I hope so”
“I know so!”
He smiles and pe-cks myl-ips softly.
“Will you come with me to my company tomorrow?”
I frown at his request..
“Your company? To do what?”
“To keep me company, with you there I can control my temper”
“Nope, I’m not coming”
“I will be bored there,,, y’all will just be talking about business”
“I will try to make it short, plea-se come with me”
I think about it, I will be bored if I stay back in the mansion, why not just go with him instead.
“Are you gonna pay me?”
He frown.
“Pay you?”
I nod.
“Why should I pay you? You are my girlfriend”
I huffed.
“Maybe you forgot, well, here’s a quic-k reminder, I don’t do nothing for free”
“Are you paying me or not?”
He sighs.
“Fine, I will pay you”
“Ok, I will come with you,,, but I don’t have a dress here”
He scoffs.
“Why not buy a dress from the money I’ll pay you”
I hit his che-st.
He laughs.
“I was joking. Don’t worry, Angel, I’ve got you!”
I nod and yawn sleepily. I’m feeling tired, not that I did anything.
“Let’s go to be-d then”
|| Brittany ||
“Thanks for the ride, Javier”
“It’s nothing, I think that’s what a gentleman should do, right?”
I nod.
We are currently standing outside my door,,, ok, I’m alre-ady in and Javier is standing outside.
“Alright, I guess you should start going!”
“Yeah” he turns to leave but suddenly turns back to me with a frown.
“What?” I asked.
“Aurora isn’t here, right?”
I nod.
“So, you are gonna stay here alone tonight?”
“I guess yes!”
He nods and stands silently in front of me. We both keep looking at each other in silence and I suddenly realized how handsome he actually is.
My eyes move from his perfectly arched brows, to his pointed nose and finally my eyes settle on hisl-ips.
I realize how k!ssable hisl-ips are and I can hear them calling my name.
It’s just like another person possessed my b©dy, I find myself reaching out, I gr-ab his collar and pu-ll-ed him closer to me.
Just like that, I smashed myl-ips on his, at first I move myl-ips slowly against his, fearing he’d push me away. But he surprised me when he reciprocated the k!ss.
We k!$$£d, first lightly, then more urgently, his ton-gue in my mouth, my h!ps tilted against his, my brea-sts against his che-st as my whole b©dy is s£nding a message that was undeniable.
“You want me to come in?” He asked breathlessly.
I nod anxiously and pu-ll him inside and slam the door behind us.
As soon as the door shut we started k!ss!ngagain. My ton-gue fluttered against his, his hands were de-ep in the softness of my hair and it was like time was unspooled.
Taking his hand I led him quic-kly to my be-droom. I sl!pdown the be-d, I unfasten his p@n-ts, eased his brief over his h!ps, and brush the length of his c0ckin my palm before taking him in my mouth.
He sighed, eyes shut.
“Oh, yeah, t-that feel so goooood!” He m0@n s.
I myself, I have a throaty m0@n , then rolled my mouth from base to ti-p and whisper.
“Look at me”
Like seriously, I have never done this before, in fact, I’m supposed to be a novice but looking at him made me an instant expert.
Why? I guess it’s because I had too much wine,,,but I don’t care!
“Shh!” He whispers back.
He pu-ll-ed me up so we were face to face again. He slides his hand between my legs, positioning f!ngersand thumb just like an expert,,,, well, he must be an expert, I know I’m not his first after all.
He nuzzles against me, hisl-ips on my n£¢k, nibbing and k!ss!nghis way up to my ear-lobe, where I’d always been ticklish.
“Ooh” I whisper. “Ooh! Oh, oh” I sighed, as he worked his f!ngersagainst the sli-ck seam,,,,, and then I forgot to pose, forgot about trying to look good and lost myself in my own plea-sure.
I squee-zed my eyes shut as I clamped my th!ghs against his wrist, and snapped my h!ps up, once, twice, thrice before I freeze, all the muscles in my th!ghs and belly and bo-ttomtensed and quivering, and I felt myself contract against his f!ngers.
Before I could recover, he’d rolled me onto my back and sli-pped inside me and I cry out in pain.
After the first thrû-st he had to hold still and look at me in surprise.
“fv¢k! You didn’t tell me you are a vir-gin!” He said in a panicked tone.
I smile softly and shake my head.
“It’s fine”
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you? Should I st©p? You know I can st©p if you want”
I know it’s painful,, it hurts like bit-ch,,, but something in me want Javier to have me, all of me.
“Don’t st©p, continue”
“A-are you sure?”
He smiles, he leans down and k!sses my forehead softly.
“I will try to be gentle” he said and I nod.
I swivel my h!pin a way I knew would s£nd him right over the edge and then Javier couldn’t hold back anymore.
He plunged inside me, de-ep into that maddening clutch, that heat.
I m0@n , my hands locked onto his shoulders, my breath against his face, my voice in his ear, urging him to go on.
“Oh, baby” he g@sped as I put myl-ips against his ear, whispering his name over and over, like a chant, or a song, or a prayer.
He continues thrû-sting fas-ter and dee-per into me, he hits my G-sp©t and I feel myself wra-p ti-ghtly around him as I ¢v-m,, but that didn’t st©p him.
Continue for a few more minutes and soon, I hear him scream my name as I feel something warm pour inside me.
I suddenly feel weak and my eyes roll back as I sl!pinto darkness.
The next morning,,,,
My eyes snap open as I feel a strong urge to use the bathroom. I tried to get up but something keeps pu-lling me down.
I frown and look down, I see an arm strongly wra-p around my w@!st. My eyes follow the arm and they land on,,,,, Javier?
I g@sp quietly,,,, Javier on my be-d? How? What happened?
Then it all c@m£ crashing down in my memory,,,, dinner last night, dropping me off and me pu-lling him in for a k!ss,,,,, finally, be-d!
Oh, no! This is bad,,,, we didn’t use c0nd0m!
What if he thinks I’m cheap because of my actions last night? I’m done!
“Good morning, beautiful”
“Ahhhh!” I scream and push myself away from him.
I turn away from him,,,, I can’t face him now, he’s gonna think I’m a slut.
“Are you being shy?” He chuckled.
I said it,,, now he’s laughing at me. He’s laughing at my foolishness.
“Leave!” I said.
He tries to turn me back to face him but I didn’t let him.
“There’s no nee-d to be shy, Brittany, we are adults after all”
I look down at myself and realized I’m n-ked, I gather the blanket in my hands and cover myself.
“Leave now!” I said.
“Are you kicking me out alre-ady?”
“Yes, leave!”
“But why? I was hoping we’d cudd-lea little”
I kept silent.
“Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat”
“I’m not hungry, I just want you to leave!”
“Hmm, ok, how about we eat out?” He suggests.
“Javier, plea-se just leave. I alre-ady had dinner with you, I’ve shown my gratitude and I don’t owe you anymore, plea-se leave now”
“Beautiful, we,,,, ”
“I hope we won’t cross paths again”
“Wait, I don’t un-derstand,,, did I do something wrong? Can’t we talk about it?”
“JUST LEAVE ALre-adY, I DON’T WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN, EVER!!” I screamed and bur-st into tears.
“plea-se, don’t cry, tell me what I did wrong so I can apologize!”
“You did nothing wrong but leave before I do something bad and regretful!”
He quic-kly got off the be-d, I avoid looking at him as he’s still n-ked.
“Ok, fine, I will leave”
I hear shuffling and I know he’s wearing his clothes.
“I’m leaving now” he said.
I still didn’t look at him, I hear him sigh. I hear the door slams shut and I know he’s out of my room.
How could I be so foolish?
Why did I gave my vir-ginity to him without thinking twice?
I’m such a fool…..
I’d better avoid him,,,I shouldn’t see him again.
I hope nothing ever make us cross paths in this lifetime.
|| Javier ||
I enter my car and look towards Brittany’s ap@rtment, I frown as I wonder what went wrong.
Why did she got angry and chase me out?
Last night we were ok, I had never felt so happy like I was last night. She made me feel so alive and seeing her this morning made my heart skip.
Am I having feelings for her?
I sigh, I guess I will check up on her later,,,,I pray she’d alre-ady calm down by then
Episode 26.
|| Aurora/Phoebe||
I wra-p Dean’s towel ti-ghtly around my che-st and step out of his bathroom. I saw him sitting on a sofa in the small sitting area in his room, he’s fully dressed in a business suit.
This is the first time I’m seeing him on a suit, and he actually is undeniably S-xy.
He had to go and look up, breaking out in that boyish grin that I’m certain is solely reserved for me,,,, ma-king him even more irresistible.
I feel myself heating up a little, I clear my throat to st©p me from blu-shing.
He got off the sofa and walk towards me with a dress in his hand.
“Here you go, your dress”
“Thanks” I collect it.
My phone beeped and I reach for it,,, I smile wi-dely when I saw an alert but my smile falters at the amount.
I glare at Dean.
“What do you mean ‘yeah’ $1000 is not enough,,,do you know how much I will make if I’m doing this for someone else?”
“How much?”
“Maybe $3000 or $4000! And besides I’m saving up for my dream car!”
He rolls his eyes.
“I can buy you your dream car and besides I don’t have to pay you, my money is yours too”
“I don’t nee-d your money, General”
“Oh? Does that mean I don’t have to pay? Because I’m paying you with my money too!”
I throw the dress on his be-d, I huffed and sulkily sits down.
“I,, I,, this is different,,,, whatever! I change my mind, I’m not coming with you”
He chuckles lightly and squat to my level, he tries to pe-ck myl-ips but I turn my face.
“Fine, don’t get angry, I’m sorry”
He reaches for his phone and starts typing, less than 40seconds I hear my phone beep. I reach for it and I suddenly begin to grin from ear to ear.
My eyes almost bulge out,,,,$5000 extra, ma-king it $6000 in total he transferred into my account.
“Are you coming with me now?”
“Of course, Dean!”
“Can I get a k!ssfor that?” He gestures to my phone, referring to the money.
“I can’t see why not!”
I gr-ab his face, I first k!$$£d hisl-ips before showering k!sses all over his face.
Dean laughs briefly.
“I love you, Phoebe”
“Oh, I love you more!” I blurt out.
Wait,,,is that me speaking or the money? Well, I don’t care who is talking, I’m so happy right now.
“I should go get dressed!”
I quic-kly got up and dashed back in the bathroom.
“General, breakfast is re-ady!” I hear br@ndon reporting as I step back in the room.
“We will be there soon” Dean replies.
br@ndon nods and leaves, Dean turns his attention to me. His eyes trail my outfit,, it’s a short ti-ght go-wn that hvgs me ti-ghtly,,showing all my curves and it st©ps at my mid th!gh.
He clears his throat as if it suddenly ran dry.
“You are gorgeous but,,,,” he trails off.
“I think it’s a bit too short and too ti-ght, how about changing it?”
“Into what? I don’t have clothes here, remember. And besides, you bought this dress yourself”
He sighs.
“Fine, but you aren’t gonna leave my side!!” He said firmly.
“Yes, sir!”
He wra-p his arm around my w@!st.
“Come on, let’s have breakfast”
I nod and we both head downstairs.
“Finally, you two are down!” Javier said.
Dean ignores him and pu-ll out a chair for me, I sat down and he sat next to me.
“Good morning, Mom” Dean greets his Mom.
“Good morning, son”
“Good morning, Mom” I greet too.
She looks at me for a few seconds,,,I saw an emotion flash in her eyes, but it’s just for a split second and I might not be correct.
But I think she looked sad and,,,, guilty? She quic-kly put on a smile.
“Good morning, my darling, how was your night, dear?”
“It was fine, ma!” I replied.
She nods and stare at me for a few seconds before turning back to her food.
Javier hits the table gently, as if calling for my attention, and I face him.
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“You haven’t greeted me yet”
I eyed him and scoffed.
“That’s because I’m still angry at you!”
“Really? What can I do to make you forgive me, then?”
“Hmmm” I put my hand un-der my chin and did some thinking.
Then I come to a conclusion.
“You can transfer money into my account and I guarantee you, I will forgive you!”
I nod. He scoff.
“I guess your Dean haven’t told you yet, I’m saving my money for my future kids”
“Oh, I see, then be prepared for your punishment!”
“I’m well prepared!”
“Don’t worry, when I get back we will know ourselves”
He simply sm-irk and wi-nk at me.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,,, let’s eat” Mrs Morgan said.
We nod. Just when I was about to dig in, my phone ringtone blares in the air. I quic-kly end the call and say a quic-k sorry.
But I guess the caller doesn’t want me to rest, my phone keeps ringing non-st©p.
“Phoebe, I think you should answer your phone” Mrs Morgan told me.
“You wouldn’t mind?”
She shakes her head, I smiled and check the caller ID, it’s Britt.
I press the answer bu-tton and bring it closer to my ear.
“Hey, Britt”
Instead of replying, I hear her sobbing. I frown, why is she crying? Did something happen in our ap@rtment? I got off the chair.
“plea-se excuse me” I whisper and rush to a quiet corner in the living room.
“Britt, are you crying?”
She didn’t say a word, she just continue sobbing and louder this time.
“Talk to me, Britt, what happened?”
She still doesn’t say a word. Wait,,,, I hope it’s not what I’m thinking.
“Is it our landlord? Did he pack us out and lock the door? What did I tell you,,, I said you should hide and don’t let him see you when he comes”
We are owing three months rent,, it’s not as if we don’t wanna pay, it’s just we haven’t got the money.
Ok, fine, Brittany have her half of the rent re-ady but me, let’s just say I’m saving for my dream car.
“R-rora,, I’m a s-slut now” she cries.
“A what?! Why would you say that? What happened?”
“C-can we meet?”
“Right now?”
“I’m afraid we can’t, I wanna accompany Dean to his company”
“But I really nee-d you now”
“Don’t stress it, I promise I will make it back in time,, I can’t tell him I won’t go with him”
“Money, he’s alre-ady paid me”
I hear her sigh.
“Ok, call me when you are coming back”
I hang up and walk back to the dinning room. Mrs Morgan and Javier are done eating and has left, only Dean sat there waiting for me.
He studies my expression and frown.
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah” I guess I subconsciously wore a sad face.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes” I smile.
He nods. “Let’s eat then”
“No, let’s go, so we can come back early”
“Let’s eat, I don’t want you to get hungry later”
“Dean, I’m fine, come on”
He narrows his eyes at me, but got up anyway.
“I can just order some food later in the office”
He takes my hand and we head out.
“br@ndon, start the car!”
br@ndon st©p the car in front of a building.
“We are here, General” br@ndon said, Dean simply nod.
br@ndon steps out and held the door for us. Dean and I step out, while br@ndon drives the car off somewhere.
“Wow!” I g@sp out at the sight that befall me.
In front of us is a magnificent building, with Morgan’s enterprise boldly written in front of it.
“Let’s go inside” Dean said.
I nod, he puts his hands on the small of my back and leads me in.
I was rendered speechless when we got in, if I said the outside was beautiful, then words can’t describe what the inside look like,,,, it’s beyond beautiful.
It’s glas-s everywhere,, sparkling as if they wash the building everyday.
Though it was silent before we c@m£ in,but after they notice our pres£nce,,I feel as if the silence increase.
Tension everywhere and I frown wondering why?
I see all of them bowing their heads or avoiding to make eye contact with me,,,,or Dean?
I look at him and see his expression has changed, he had a blank expression on. His expression tells you to beware from him or you might get hurt.
Right from the entrance, I notice a girl glaring daggers at me,,, I guess she is the receptionist.
“Good morning, General” the receptionist greet him with an overly sweet smile.
Dean didn’t reply and I sm-irk, she scoffs angrily and glares at me. I just ignore her.
“Good morning, General” the workers greets as Dean and I walk by.
Dean didn’t acknowledge their greetings, not even with a nod or wave of hand. He just walks silently.
We made it to an elevator, pri-vate elevator written on it. I guess only Dean is allowed to use it. He press the open bu-tton and the elevator open, we step in.
He tap no.19.
“Why didn’t you reply to their greetings?”
“I don’t have to”
“What? Why? I remembered you did the same thing to me the first day I c@m£ to the mansion”
“None of them is greeting me sincerely,, they’re either doing it to look good or they are scared of me”
I roll my eyes,, scared it you? Tell me something I don’t know.
The elevator ding, it st©p and open. We step out into a long hallway, he takes my hand and we start walking down the hallway.
I noticed there’s only one office on this floor and that’s we st©p in front of, it has a big glas-s door, with Dean’s name written in bold letters. “GENERAL IAN DEAN MORGAN; CEO!!”
Dean push the door and it open. We step in and saw two men dressed in suit sitting on different couches.
“Good morning, General” they both stand up and shakes hands with Dean.
“Good morning, Barr Dede” Dean replied.
Barr Dede turns to me with a smile.
“And this is….?”
“My girlfriend, Phoebe,,, Phoebe meet my lawyer, Barr Dede”
I frown as this is the first time I’m hearing such name.
“Dede?” I asked.
“Oh, he’s a Nigerian but has lived here in New York all his life” Dean explained.
I smile and quic-kly shake hands with him.
“Nice to meet you”
“Same here!”
“plea-se have a sit” he tells Barr Dede.
“Thank you”
Dean sit on a couch and made me sit next to him. He turns to the other man.
“Josh, get the conferrence room re-ady!”
“Yes, sir!” Josh leaves immediately.
Dean turns his attention back to Barr Dede.
“So, Josh called me late last night and briefed me on what happened” Barr Dede said.
“Has he shown you the sketch?”
Barr Dede check throu-gh his briefcase and brings out a file.
Seeing as they are about to get do in business, I stand up to excuse myself.
“Where are you going?” Dean asked.
“I wanna look around, and also see if I can get a cu-p of coffee”
“Wait here, I will have br@ndon or Josh bring you a cu-p of coffee”
I shake my head,,,I don’t wanna stay here and die of boredom.
“I can get it myself,, I will be right back”
He reluctantly agrees, I quic-kly step out of his office and head for the elevator. I punch on the first floor bu-tton and wait patiently as the elevator ride down.
Bing! I step out and bu-mped into someone.
“Ouch!” I exclaimed as I ru-b my forehead.
“Watch where you are going, girl” a voice growled at me.
I raised my head and see a man standing in front of me, he seems to be in his forties.
Since he’s an elderly man, I should show some respect and apologise to him.
“Sorry, sir, I was too excited and didn’t watch where I was going”
He glares at me in pure disgust and,,,,,, hatred? and pushes me out of his way.
“Sorry for your pathetic life!!” He said and stomped into Dean’s pri-vate elevator.
I scoff unbelievably,,,,he behaved as if I’m his long time enemy, someone I haven’t seen once.
Well, that’s his problem, my mission right now is getting coffee.
|| Ian/Dean||
“I gone throu-gh your sketch and also compare it with that of Mr Rogers, and I must say they are the same” Dede said.
I lean back on the couch.
“How can they be the same? I personally c@m£ up with the idea of building a honeymoon resort in france Georgia”
“I think somehow Mr Rogers got hold of your sketch,,, cause one is obviously copied from the other”
He’s right, there must be a spy in my company.
“So, we will,,,,,”
The door opening cuts me off. I turn and see someone I haven’t seen in a long time walk in.
“Hello, Ian!” He said.
“Uncle!” I nod in respect.
He strode in as if he owns the place and help himself to s couch.
“Uncle,, what are you doing here?” I asked.
“Oh, I heard your company is in a bit of crisis, so I thought I should swing by and see how you are handling things”
I narrowed my eyes. He heard?
If I remember correctly, I just got to know about this last night, how come he alre-ady knows about it too….
Unless,,,,, he knows something?
“Don’t worry, uncle, everything is un-der control”
“Oh, that’s good”
He turns and see Dede, he reaches out and shake hands with Dede.
“I’m Jeremy Ian’s uncle,,,, well, I love to see myself as his dad though. And you are,,,,,?”
“I’m Babatunde Oyedele Williams, I’m the General’s lawyer!”
All these while I keep studying my uncle, his sudden visit and him knowing about what goes on in my office doesn’t sit well with me.
I have a nagging feeling that he’s got something to do with this.
Don’t blame me that I’m suspecting my own uncle,,, I have never liked him,, and I don’t know why.
“Well, don’t mind my pres£nce, you should carry on with your work!” Uncle Jeremy said.
“We’re done here, Dede, let’s wait until Mr Rogers arrive with his lawyer!” I said.
“Yes, General”
T. B. C