Diamond in the rou-gh episode 10 – 13

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 11 – 13💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“And then I give the ladies the signature wi-nk and of course their legs go Jello”Ken said and I laughed at his craziness
“You mean girls that are stupid enough to gawk at your disgusting wi-nk and BTW you look stupid when you wi-nk”Crystal said and Ken sm-irked
“He doesn’t look stupid Crystal he looks dumb”Bianca added and i couldn’t st©p laughing
“You guys…its my bestie you’re insulting”Romeo said in between laughs
“Well,truth to be told your wi-nk doesn’t make you look stupid or dumb,it fits you and it makes you look handsome by the way”I said and he bowed pla-yfully
“Thank you s£norita”he said and I purred
“But…”I said with a raised f!nger
“Ohhh really?..there’s a but
“Yeah..and here’s the but,your wi-nk doesn’t make all girls go jello,I personally don’t see your wi-nk as anything its normal”I said and he scoffed
“I said girls not creatures from another dimension”
He sat down and placed his legs on Romeo’s l@p
“Dude,what the hell?”Romeo said
“Shhhhhh….let me enjoy”
Romeo pushed his legs away from his l@ps f0rç£fully causing Ken to fall on his bu-tt
“You know we were supposed to be talking about the up coming competition right?”Crystal said
“Who cares…I’m tired”Bianca yawned and placed her head on my shoulder..I didn’t expect that
“Isn’t school supposed to be closed alre-ady?”Bianca whined
“Its just 1.30pm”
The door ban-ged open and Tiana cat walked in,Crystal gro-an ed at her sight and Bianca looked at her with a huff
“What are you doing here”Bianca asked
“Well,this is a food lab right,and anyb©dy can come to the food lab”she said with a fake smile and pu-ll-ed a stool closer,she sat beside Romeo and ca-ressed his hair with her hands
“Yes its a food lab but as you can see,this place is occu-pied by the team of the competition and humans and you’re non of those two people”Crystal said and Tiana threw her a glare
“Baby,are you gonna seat here and watch them insult me?”she asked in a very irritating babyish tone
“Sorry about that but they are right,we are talking about the competition here and you’re not p@rt of the team so plea-se just go wait for me in clas-s”Romeo said stro-king her hair
“Me being here doesn’t disturb you tho,I’ll just seat here and you guys continue with your talk..no biggie,just carry on with your stuff..I’ll wait here”she sat down with her legs crossed and Crystal kept looking at her disdainfully..I looked at Crystal and she scoffed with a shrug,we were just staring at each other’s face without saying anything
“That’s it…I’m out”Bianca said as she stood up and made for the door
“Me too..this atmosphere makes me sick”Crystal
She went out too leaving Ken,Romeo,Tiana and I in the lab
I cleared my throat and stood up slowly..
“I’ll be going now”I said lowly and turned to leave
“Abby let me go with you”Ken said and I nodded,we both left the lab and I breathed out as soon as I got to the clas-s,I sighted Crystal and Bianca at a corner and I went to them
“Thank your ancestors,Bianca was about to barge into the lab and drag you out”Crystal said and I chuckled
“She c@m£ and spoiled the fun we were having,she’s such a tension builder”Bianca said and I nodded…
“Her attitude makes me sick,sticking to Romeo like a magnet,if I were Alexa,I would ban Tiana from seeing Romeo.Like what the fv¢k..can’t you just give your bf a breathing space for once?I don’t know how Romeo is keeping up with her stupid face”Crystal said
“Its pretty obvious Romeo doesn’t love her”Bianca said
“What do you mean?”I asked
“I know Romeo,he doesn’t love her..I think he’s mistaking he being attra-cted to her to love..well,its their problem,they shouldn’t just do their love $h!t near me”Bianca said ma-king air quotes in the “love” p@rt
“Girls and gossiping..”Ken said as he walked into our midst
“What does this one want”Bianca said
“Calm down tigress..I just wanna seat”he sat beside me and he stretched his b©dy letting out a loud annoying sound as he stretched
“Let’s pl@yrock paper scissors”he suggested and Bianca glanced at him and rolled her eyes
“I’ll pla-y”I ch!pped in ma-king him to smile
“Fine..let’s pl@ypaper rock whatever”Bianca said and Ken win-ked at her..I glanced at Crystal and she gro-an ed
“Fine”she said and i squealed
“Whoever loses will receive a knock each time he\she loses..got it”Ken said and we nodded
The four of us started the game and believe me it was really fun..Bianca and Crystal has to back out because they were receiving a lot of knocks..as in a lot..they svçkat this game but me,I’m an expert and turns out Ken is also an expert and a heated game is going on right now between the two of us..no one wants to give up no matter the amount of knocks
“See you guys tomorrow…bye”I waved at Crystal and Bianca as they stepped into their respective cars…Crystal brou-ght her car to school today..its a pink Lamborghini but I’ll prefer black,its beautiful anyways
Oh..Mr.Max is here
I walked to him and I entered before he c@m£ out and bow…I hate that
He chuckled as I hurriedly entered the car and I think he got message
I looked out the car to check who called me but I didn’t see anyone..or was I hallucinating?
💕Romeo’s POV💕
“Your team mates have some kind of attitude Romeo”Tania said and I just gave a brisk nod..she seems to chase everyone away with her pres£nce,I’m starting to think shes the reason Crystal and Bianca left our squad.
I stood up and proceeded to the lab door
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to clas-s”I replied
“Well,wait for me”
I waited till she walked up to me and she wra-pped her hands round my arm
“Let’s go”
I nodded and we both walked out of the lab..we got to clas-s and I slumped on my seat..I placed my head on my table and Tiana went to seat with her squad-Clarie and Lily-two spoilt [email protected] wander why she’s hanging out with them
I turned to my left and I saw Ken and Abby in a heated game of rock paper scissors..Bianca and Crystal are cheering for her
Seems Abby is really enjoying the game because she’s laughing every now and then..how I wish I was the one in Ken’s position,how I wish I was the one ma-king her to laugh wholeheartedly..what kind of charm is Ken using?
Why can’t I make her be free around me?..what nee-ds to be done?
“Hey…hey dude”I felt someone tapping me and I opened my eyes and I saw Ken’s stupid face
“What do you want”I asked as I ru-bbe-d my eyes
“Well,its closing dummy”
My eyes opened wi-dely and I glanced round the clas-s..its just Ken and I in here
“Where’s Abby and the others”I asked
“Probably still in the hallway”
I stood up and exited the clas-s..I don’t know why but I feel like I have to tell Abby goodbye
I hastened my steps down the hallway,gosh don’t tell me she has gone
I got out of the building and I saw someone’s back view which I recognized to be Abby’s
“Abby”I called but I couldn’t see her again…then my eyes went to a car driving out..that looks like..is that Mum’s car,my eyes can’t be deceiving me that’s mum car but what’s she doing here?I’ll ask her later.Gosh I couldn’t tell her goodbye,how I wish to know where she lives..oh..I’ll just ask the principal,he keeps all students’ record right?Yeah..i’ll ask him
💕Madison’s POV💕
“And..and then she said I’m cute..”Mitch said and I couldn’t help but feel amused..He’s been telling me about everything that happened while he was at school and right now he’s telling about that Natalie girl..he’s happy because she said he’s cute..what does a two year old girl knows about cuteness
“That’s good Mitchell and did you say thank you?”
“Mmm mm..and she..uh..she said welcome”
“Good,she must be a very respectful girl”I said and he nodded..I poured syrup on the pancake and I li-cked the one that spilled on my hands
“That’s your food..eat up”I pushed a plate of pancakes to him and he digged in..I re-moved my apron and walked to the be-d room..gosh I’m tired
I took my phone from my pocket and switched on my data..in no time,messages c@m£ flowing in
One from Romeo,two from Crystal and several from the group chat
Crystal is offline,I’ll reply her when she comes online
I cli-cked on Romeo’s text and he’s online
📱Been waiting for you📱
Been waiting for me?..why has he been waiting for me
📱i donno…so i could talk to you📱
📱i wanted to bid you goodbye but i fell asleep..i has to run down the hallway but i didn’t see you..well,i saw a person’s back view which i recognise to yours so i was like “Abby!!”📱
Oh so he was the one that called me
📱😅😅..i actually heard someone call my name but i didn’t see the person that called📱
📱lol..how are you📱
📱i’m fine wbt you📱
📱i’m sleepy😴😴📱
📱Curse you sleep😤📱
📱lol…we’ll talk later..bye📱
I switched off my data and I couldn’t st©p laughing..He’s such a character..I’m really sleepy
💕Romeo’s POV💕
Why did she have to sleep..I really wanted to talk to her all evening
“I see you’re smiling…what’s the secret”Mum asked and I smiled at her
“When did you get home”
“Not quite long,you would have noticed me but you were too engrossed,smiling like you won a lottery”
I grinned and went towards her
“Tell me what’s the secret..who were you talking to?”
“The girl”I replied sitting beside her with my back resting on the wall
“What girl?”she eyed me suspiciously
“Hmm..I see,she’s ma-king my baby smile like this?plea-se keep talking to her”
“I just like her..she’s funny sweet and so beautiful”
“Are you sure you aren’t falling for her”she wiggled her brow at me and I bur-sted into laughter
“No no…mum..why would you think that jeez”I threw a pillow at her and she caught it
“I’m just saying you know…your smile says it all”
“What I’m sure of is that I’m not falling for her..I just like her friendsh!p”
“Hmm…we’ll see about that”
“Muuuum”I whined and she chuckled
“I’m telling you,you’re falling for her”
“Okay…I’m outta her”
I stood up and went towards the stairs
“Lover boy”she screamed and I covered my face with my eyes as I took the stairs..mum is so unbelievable,I even wanted to ask her if she c@m£ to school today..well,I’ll ask her tomorrow because I can’t go to her now..she’ll taunt me till death
💎Episode 13💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“What about Ava and Alexis babysit Mitch when his back from school”I asked Mrs.Russ
“Hmm…that’s a great idea but who will pick Mitch from school..you’re gonna be late from school,I’m a nurse so I’m definitely gonna be late from work so who would pick him up?”
Mrs Russ has agreed to let her two kids-Ava and Alexis babysit Mitch…Ava is 14 while Alexis is 16 so they are old enough to take care of a two year old and besides Mitch loves them both,but the problem here is that there’s no one to pick Mitch from school
“I don’t know…that’s the problem”
I heard my phone ring and I reached for it in my bag and checked the caller…Its Alexa
📞”Good morning ma’am
📞”Abigail morning my dear..how are you
📞”I’m fine and you
📞”I’m doing great…I heard about you being on the team is that right?
📞”yes ma’am
📞”wow…congratulations my dear,that’s really good..I’m proud of you
📞”thank you ma’am
📞”its a really good step..I know you might be having problems because you know…you’ll be leaving school at a late time
📞”Um yeah…I don’t know who will pick Mitchell from school
📞”how about this…Maximus would pick him from school and I’ll s£nd a nanny to babysit him for you till you come back
📞”Thank you so much ma’am but I alre-ady have someone that would take care of him for me till I come back
📞”okay then,Maximus would pick him up from school is that okay?
📞”its perfect ma’am..thank you so much
📞”No nee-d to thank me…congratulations again
📞”I appreciate ma’am
📞”yeah..let me leave you to prepare for school,Maximus will soon be at your place to pick you up
📞”okay bye ma’am
📞”Bye dear..take care of yourself
📞”you too
I placed my phone back into my bag and I squealed…Alexa is really God s£nt,she’s always there anytime I’m troubled or I nee-d help with something..its always like she alre-ady knows the exact time I’m in nee-d of something..Awwwn,she said she’s proud of me,I’ll even make her more proud.
“So its settled?”Mrs Russ asked
“Yeah…Mr.Max will pick him from school”she nodded and i faced Mitch who is pla-ying game on his phone
“Hey Mitch,its time for School”he gro-an ed and whined..its like he doesn’t feel like going to school today
I went to him and carried him,he had a sober face on
“What’s wrong baby”
“I want mama to pick me up”he said with a frown and I sighed
“Look baby,mama is gonna be late today okay,sorry but mama can’t pick you up”
He bur-sted into a loud cry and I chuckled…I cleaned his face with my palms and hvgged him
“Don’t worry,I’ll but you popsicles when I’m coming back okay”
He didn’t say anything but to sob,this is what I didn’t want to happen,I knew he would throw a fit
“Its okay…don’t cry”
He sniffed and wra-pped his hands round my n£¢k and buried his face in it
“I think you should follow him to school today”Mrs Russ said and I nodded
“I’ll take you to school today,would that make you happy?”I asked her raised his head up from my n£¢k
“Just teeny weeny”he said and I laughed
I had to take Mitchell to school and that made me to keep Mr.Max waiting,not that he complained tho..I got out of the car and took quic-k steps to the main door
I glanced at my wrist watch at its 9am…its unlike me to get to school 9am,all because I had to take Mitch to school,jeez being a mother isn’t easy
I walked to my locker to drop some books inside but i got frightened by a person
I screamed and turned abruptly only to find Romeo laughing at me
“You get scared easily”he said still laughing
“Heeey,I almost got an heart attack”I whined and he stuck his ton-gue out tea-singly
“Almost,but you didn’t”
I rolled my eyes and shut my locker
“Your smile is exceptionally wi-de today,what’s the secret”I asked
“Well,for starters,I got to school before you today”he replied with a grin and I gave a little smile…
“That’s why you’re happy?”
“Yup…I’ve always wanted to beat you to school but you’re always in school before me..I’m like,how do you do that..but today,I made”he screamed at the last p@rt and I shook my head
“You’re unbelievable”I said as I entered the clas-s with him beside me
“Well,thank you Miss.Maxwell”he said in a British accent
I rolled my eyes and walked to my seat which is being punished by Bianca’s bu-tt…why is she sitting on my seat
I got to them and Crystal gave me a wi-nk and tilted her head to Romeo’s direction..I glared at her and she laughed
“Hey Bianca…”I greeted and she smiled
She got up from my seat and sat beside Crystal
“I see you and Rommy are getting kinda close lately”Bianca said with furrowed brows and I cleared my throat
“🎶Love is the moment🎶”Crystal sang in a loud voice and I sma-cked her head..
“Jeez Crystal st©p..”I said with a pla-yful frown and she squealed
“You know I really wish you two could become a thing”Bianca added
“I know right…they would be so cute”Crystal cooed and I placed my head on my table
“You guys,there is no us becoming a thing”
I did air quotes in the thing p@rt
“Whatever,just know we gat your back..when you start crushing we’re there to give you big time support”Crystal said with a wi-nk and I gro-an ed in frustration
“You guys are sick…so sick”
I turned my direction to Romeo and he’s being fed oreos by Tiana..Just look at how big that smile is..see how big his smiling as he’s been fed,why I’m I even bothered,I just wish I find a guy like him someday but what guy would want to d@t£ a girl that alre-ady has a child..what guy would want to move close me when he finds out about my past,this thought makes me to wander if Romeo would still be my friend if he discovers I have a child or worst still about my ugly past..I bet he’ll never talk to me again,he’ll definite cease covering my eyes from behind and scaring me on purpose..*sigh*my life is messed up
First lesson was kinda boring,it was theory not practical,Crystal literally sle-pt throu-ghout the clas-s,Bianca was just looking lost..and I,I was just sitting and thinking about random things..Surprisingly,Ken didn’t disturb Crystal today,Romeo kept yawning every now and then..I’m everyb©dy didn’t get anything throu-ghout the first period..we were just looking like 3 days old spaghetti
“I almost died of boredom”Bianca said
“Tell me about it”Crystal added
We got to the food lab and Bianca did a triple backfl!pas soon as she entered
“What was that”I asked astonished
“That was crazy,where did you learn that”Crystal asked as she wore a lab coat
“Let’s just say I do crazy stuff”she said with a wi-nk and I shook my head
The door ban-ged open and Ken and Romeo cat walked in
“Sorry we are late”Romeo said ma-king a bubble with the gum he is chewing
“So..let’s start shall we”Romeo said and we nodded,Bianca brou-ght out a MP from her bag and I raised my brow at her.She connected her phone and Nicki Minaj’s anaconda c@m£ blasting from the MP..it was so loud,how can a MP be this loud
“You’ll disturb the school with this noise”I screamed
“Calm down,this place is completely sound proof”Ken said and I breathe out..
“Now..let’s set to work”Crystal screamed and I laughed…this is gonna be a long day
The five of us spent an hour in the lab,researching about delicacies and ma-king recipes for the upcoming competition..my recipe book c@m£ in handy,they were all surprised at the amount of recipes I’ve created.There were all surprised,its not big deal
Right now I’m on the way to the toilet,I’m really pressed.
I got to the toilet and held the door handle but I st©pped when I heard little sounds from the toilet..I opened the door quietly and ti-ptoed quietly into the toilet..the sounds bec@m£ louder,more like m0@n ing,what the hell is going on in there,the sound is coming from one of the toilets,I placed my ear on the door of the toilet where the sound is coming from and what I heard shocked me to the bone
“fv¢k…Tiana fas-ter”
What the hell!!??.Why is Tiana there and what is she doing,the voice is definitely the voice of a lady,it sounded feminine
“svçkme”I heard Tiana’s voice say and I covered my mouth with my palms in shock,let it not be what I’m thinking
“You taste good”the feminine voice m0@n ed out again and I almost fainted…is Tiana a..a lesbian?Why the hell are they m0@n ing and what are they tasting and su-cking,okay I nee-d to get out here or else I’ll puke
I hurried out of the bathroom and I gagged as soon as I c@m£ out..that was insane,the urine i wanted to pas-s is even no longer there. Join us on our telegram page to re-ad more stories from there throu-gh ome on+233544142683. would Romeo react if his so called girlfriend is a lesbian..I’m not even sure she is
Should I tell Crystal?..no I can’t do that,I’ll just erase all that happened from my head,yeah..that’s what I’ll do
Oh gosh I’m sweating
I couldn’t concentrate again,throu-ghout the day all that was on my mind was “What exactly is Tiana”its su-cks…its 5pm and yeah everyone except I and the others have gone home..we’ve done all we had to do and now,we are all staring into space..nothing to do
“Guys I’m bored”Ken whined
“Me too,let’s do something”Romeo said
“Hmm…truth or dare?”Bianca suggested
“Sure..we are all in”Crystal said and I wi-de-ned my eyes at her
“Okay I’ll go first..Abby truth or dare”Bianca asked me and I gulped before answering
“Okay…what do you feel about the person on your right”she asked with a sm-irked..oh plea-se don’t let the person on my right be who I think it is..I turned and Jesus..its Romeo
“You bail out,you pay 500dollars”Crystal said and I mentally cursed for her
Romeo himself was staring at me intensely,there was eagerness clearly written in his eyes..does he wanna know what I feel about him that bad?
“Well,for starters,I see him as a really great guy,worth to be with,funny,jovial,a really good friend,he’s amazing,Handsome,I really like him-as a friend-sometimes annoying and creepy”I said and Romeo gave me a smile..a really bright smile
“Awwwnnn…that’s so sweet,Romeo is blu-shing right now”Bianca said and I glared at her…I’m surely gonna kill her for asking me that question
“But..why do you see me as creepy”Romeo asked and I scoffed unbelievably
“Seriously?..you sneak up on me like a ghost and scare the hell out of me..isn’t that creepy?”I asked and he nodded
“Hmm..checks out”Ken said
“Okay I’m next,Crystal truth or dare”Ken asked and Crystal rolled her eyes
“Dare”she said
“I dare you to k!ssme”he said and we all “oohed”
“What???..there’s is no fv¢king way I’m doing that”She screamed and I bur-sted into laughter
“Do it”I screamed
“Yeah k!sshim”Romeo screamed
We kept chanting “k!sshim”..I really wanna see how this ends..Crystal is surely gonna skin him alive
And now,the moment we’ve been waiting for,there she goes,taking slow steps with her eyes filled with rage,she moved close to the devil himself who had a sm-irk plastered on his face,she gave him one deadly glare before she slowly brou-ght her head closer,and closer,and closer..theirl-ips are inches ap@rt,any moment from now,the k!ssof a lifetime would be sealed..and closer,and closer…baam!!!theirl-ips are sealed..
For a reason Ken opened his mouth and de-epened the k!ss..when I say de-epened,I mean de-epENED!!!
Crystal is trying so ha-rd to break the k!ssbut Mr.Ken hasn’t got enough of herl-ips yet
We were all screaming and skrie-king as we watched the k!ss!ngscene..Ken is surely gonna get a kick in the ba-lls
Crystal pushed him away with all her might and kicked him right where I said she would-THE ba-lls.
We all laughed our breaths out as we watched Ken gr0@nin pain…Crystal cleaned her mouth with the back of her palms vigorously with heavy breathes
I laughed so ha-rd that I fell from my chair..these two are such a character
💕Unknowns POV💕
She threw her head back as she m0@n s in plea-sure,the guy surely knows how to make her scream his name..she has missed his t©uçh,she has been craving for his ton-gue over her cl-it for a long time..
With every thrû-st,she m0@n s..he loved how his d*ick slide in her hitting the right places..he didn’t want to st©p,not now not ever..
“fv¢k..ha-rder”she screamed in ecstacy and he obeyed,increasing his pace,ban-ging her with full f0rç£,they are surely in cloud nine
“Ooh God I’m gonna ¢v-m..$h!t”
He gro-an ed,gripping ti-ght to her th!ghs and pu-lling her close to meet his pace,he pu-ll-ed out..emptying all on her l@ps,coll@psing on the be-d beside her with a smug smile plastered on his face
She turned and faced him trailing her hands down his abs
“I’ve missed you Jackson”she said
“I’ve missed you more”he pu-ll-ed her close and k!$$£d her on thel-ips
“Why did you go for that long?..”she asked
“Sorry baby..I’m here now aren’t I”
“Yeah you are”
“Is she still in NewYork”he asked
“I don’t know…didn’t see her in town for about two years”
“Hmm…Madison,so stupid”he spat
“I know right,I hate her guts”
“How about we go one more time”
She bit herl-ips and he pu-ll-ed her un-der the sheets and in no time,there m0@n s filled the room