Diamond in the rou-gh episode 8 & 9

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 8💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“Are you done?”Crystal asked from outside the bathroom and I hummed
I c@m£ out with my hair we-t and she pas-sed me a towel to dry my hair..my hair,due to the water that I poured on it,bec@m£ a messy bushy mess..how I’m I supposed to comb this?
“Jeez your hair is so full”she gawked and I chuckled
“And also a lot of work..how I’m I supposed to comb this and get to clas-s on time?”I asked in frustration
“Leave that to me”she grinned as she took out a hair dryer and a comb from her bag..does she carry those everywhere she goes?
“Seat”she said pu-lling a bathroom stool closer..I sat down and she started to work her magic on my hair
She applied a type of hair gel that made my hair to be incredibly soft..as in very soft that my hand can go inside my hair and back out without any complication
She helped me br@id it into two all backs leaving two curly strands in front..she applied two cli-ps by the side of the br@id and applied glitter by the ti-p of the br@id
I look completely different now
“Now you look much more better”she said and I smiled at my reflection in the mirror
“Now let’s get to clas-s,we don’t wanna be late”I said and she quic-kly put all the equipment in her bag and we exited the bathroom
We took quic-k steps to clas-s and the bell rang as soon as we stepped into the clas-s
“That was close”I breath out and she nodded in approval
My eyes landed on Romeo and coincidentally his eyes were also on me,I quic-kly averted my gaze back to Crystal and I walked to my seat
I sat down and I pu-ll-ed the tail of my br@id forward.
“Everyone settled in?”A not so fair tall man said as he walked in.I’m guessing this is another teacher
“In case you’re wondering,that’s the teacher that is in charge of dessert lessons”Crystal said and I nodded
One hour of super interesting lesson later,the school closed..Mr.Brown,the man in charge of dessert lessons,is a really funny man,he has a great s-en-se of humor..he made everyone-well,I think everyone-laugh
The lesson was taught in the food lab-well,that’s what Crystal called it
Just like a science lab where experiments are carried out,the food lab is where new recipes are invented,great delicacies are tested,practicals are carried out-you get what I mean
Crystal said there are almost 20 labs in the school,well,why wouldn’t there be..the students in this school are almost 3000
“Who’s picking you up?”Crystal asked
“Um..my mom’s chauffeur”I lied
“Okay..my mum is coming to pick me and..
Her phone dinged-seems she got a text
“Oops,my mum is here”she said as she tucked her phone in her pocket
“You wanna meet her?”she asked
“Um..no,its not necessary”I said hoping she’ll close the chapter
“Come on I insist”she persisted
“I don’t like meeting people”I said and she shrugged
“Whatever,bye then”she said and walked away..I must have hurt her but no,I can’t meet anyone,who knows if her mum will recognize me as Madison Campbell
I was almost stepping out of school when I felt as if I’m missing something,something very important..I racked my br@in and…
“My book”I screamed and raced back into the the hallway…I can’t believe I left my book in clas-s,not just any book my recipe book..I hope no one has seen it because the things inside that book are gold
I rushed into the clas-s and walked straight to my seat..I looked in my locker and..phew!its still there..what a relief
I walked out of the clas-s with a broad smile
I proceeded down the hallway and I hummed a song to myself
I heard my phone beep and I checked it..oh its Mr.Maximus and he’s…alre-ady here?
Jeez I gotta hurry,I hastened my steps..no,I ran down the hallway to the entrance of the school and I sighted him
“Hey Mr.Max”I greeted as I approached him breathing heavily
“Good afternoon Madison”he greeted back and opened the door for me
I stepped into the pas-s£nger seat and fastened my seat belt
“Why are you breathing so heavily?”he asked as he drove out
“I ran”
“Because I didn’t want to keep you waiting”
“Its my job to wait”he said and I smiled at his dedication…He’s really committed
I glanced at my wrist watch and I’m sure Michelle is alre-ady home because its 3pm alre-ady..he must be missing me by now
I finally got home and I bid Mr.Max goodbye as he drove away…I walked to Mrs.Russ’ ap@rtment and rang the door bell
The door creaked open revea-ling Mrs.Russ with Michelle in her arms
“Mama”he squealed and I carried him
“Hey baby…missed me?”he nodded with a smile and i pinched his cheeks pla-yfully
“Had a great day at school?”Mrs Russ asked and I nodded..I mentally hissed when I remembered what happened with Romeo
“You must be so hungry”I said
“No…he’s not,he just ate two plates of macaroni”Mrs Russ said
“Two plates?”I exclaimed and Mitch nodded
“Wow..that’s much..well,Mrs Russ,I’ll be going now”I said and she nodded
I left her place to my place and gave a de-ep sigh as I entered my room
I dropped my bag on the be-d and slumped on it..Michelle climbe-d on t©p of me and sat on my belly
He la-id his head on my che-st and gave a giggle
“What’s funny?”I asked
He took his head up from my che-st and giggled again as he put it back
“What’s funny”I asked again
“Its sounding”he said and I sat upright placing him on my l@ps
“What’s sounding?”I asked and the pointed to my che-st
I placed my hand on my che-st and…oh,its my heart beating,is this what is ma-king him to giggle?He must find it amusing
“Yours is sounding too”I said and he g@sped
“Yeah..look”I took his hands and placed it on the left side of his che-st
“Its sounding too mama”he said in amusement and I nodded
“Its your heart”
“Hmm heart…so…I and mama have heart?”he asked
“Everyb©dy has one”
“Woooow”he squealed
“Amazing right?”
“Hmm hmm”
“Mama has a lot of work to do so don’t disturb her okay,you can pl@ywith your pear pad got it?”
“Okay mama”
“Promise you won’t disturb?”
“Yup”he said popping the “p”
“Good boy”I ruffled his hair and he gave a little laugh before getting down from my [email protected] to the sitting room..oh well,I have as-signments and a lot of studying to do but first,I think I’ll have to call Alexa
I dialed her number and she picked almost immediately
📞”Hey Madison
📞”Good evening ma’am
📞”Good evening dear,how was school
📞”very fine ma’am
📞”had a good time?
📞”good,just face what you’re to do and don’t get distracted okay
📞”okay ma’am
📞”Okay,take care dear
📞”you too ma’am
The line went dead and I breath out..that wasn’t so bad,now time for as-signments
I changed my clothes to a more comfortable one-a baggy shi-t and loose p@n-ts before settling to study
I reached for my l@pt©p,switched it on and went to google..time to find out new Russian recipes,I think I have some in my recipe book.. join us to re-ad more of these story from our WhatsApp and telegram page throu-gh ome on+233544142683. yeah
I took out my recipe book and opened it and yeah I have some,but…if I can remember well,I had like 30 so why are there only 15 here..wait a sec..
This looks like it..it has been torn off..how did it tear off,has it torn off before?Jeez where I’m I supposed to find it.God this is frustrating like a hell
I ransacked the whole room but I couldn’t find it..or did someone tear it out on purpose?or it fell out?
I don’t even know what to think..no qualms,I’ll just research new ones and besides I still remember all of them-well,almost all of them
1hour later,I was done with my as-signment,I haven’t seen Mitch anywhere,maybe he’s in the sitting room..I stretched my back before standing up from the be-d to the sitting room.I was almost getting to the sitting room when something made me st©p on my tracks-Mitchell-with something I as-sume to be powdered milk-all over his b©dy,including his hair,face and hands..powdered milk everywhere,on the floor,in his shoe and with the look of things,some are in his mouth
“Mitchell”I exclaimed
“I didn’t t©uçh the milk”he said with milk in his mouth and I stared at him in disbelief…he didn’t t©uçh it?isn’t all these enough evidence?
“What did you do”I asked as I went towards him
“Huh…mama is pretty”he said awkwardly and I face palmed myself
I bent to his height with a frowned face and he sobered up
“Mama is so disappointed”I said and he pouted with tears almost falling from his eyes
I carried him and made for the bathroom to clean him up..I str!pped him off his milk filled cloths and placed him in the bathtub still with a frowned face
“Mama..sorry”he said and i sighed without answering him..i’m gonna tease him a little..but I’m also mad at him,now I have to clean that mess up
I scru-bbe-d off all the powder from his b©dy and rinsed him with clean water I wra-pped his w@!st with a towel and carried him to the be-droom..I placed him on the be-d and walked to the wardrobe to pick him clothes to wear..I took a brown short and white T shi-t
I went back to his be-d and I almost laughed at Mitch who was fiddling with his f!ngersnervously..he looks so sorry
I got to where he was and I wore him the shorts and the shi-t..I wanted to stand up but his little adorable hands gr!pp£dti-ght at the hem of my shi-t
“Mama..sorry..”he said with his eyes glistening with tears..🤣🤣 is he really crying?
“Why did you do that?..now I have to clean your mess up and buy another glas-s of milk
He bowed his head with a pout and I saw prickles of tears role down his cheek..awwn,my baby is crying
“Come here”I spre-ad my hands for a hvg and he snuggled up to me
“You know mama doesn’t like seeing you cry right?”i asked and he nodded against my che-st
“But you made mama mad..”
“Sorry mama..Won’t t©uçh it again”
He raised his head from my che-st and stretched his pinky f!nger to me
“Pinky promise”he said and we intertwined our pinkies
“So…mama not mad anymore?”
“No I’m not”he squealed and hvgged me again
“Thanks mama”he said and I hummed
“I have to go clean the mess up”
“I’ll help”he said and I chuckled
“Let’s go”I took him by the hands
I and Mitchell…sorry,I cleaned the whole milk mess for almost 30mins-Mitch didn’t do anything but li-ck the milk on the floor
It was really stressful..hmm,its 6.30pm alre-ady and I’m in the sitting room watching a really boring program on TV..Its damn boring
Mitch is watching his nursery rhymes on his phone,he seems to be having fun because his singing along with a bright smile
Oh well,its time to make dinner
💕Alexa’s POV💕
I’m really exhausted..work was kinda hectic today and jeez I really nee-d a good rest
“Is Romeo home?’i asked a maid
“No ma’am”she replied and I nodded.I took the stairs to my room and I slumped on my be-d,I wander why he’s not home yet
I took off my shoes and changed my clothes to a more comfortable one
I got on the be-d and I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep
“Mummy bear”
I felt someone tapping me and I opened my eyes.I sat up and I stretched my b©dy
“Had a nice rest”I heard Romeo ask and I opened my eyes fully
“You’re back?..when did you arrive?”
“About an hour ago”
“Its pretty late right?”
“Yeah…seven thirty pm”
I hummed and got down from be-d and wore my fl!pflops
“How was work mum”
“Hectic like hell”
He walked to the sofa in my room and slumped on it taking a de-ep breath..he reached for his pocket and brou-ght out something,like a folded paper
“What’s that?”I asked as I sat on the be-d
“Its a piece of paper..it fell from a girl’s book”
“What girl?”
“Well,this new girl at school,I don’t even know her name but this afternoon after closing she was running down the hallway with a book in her hands and this sheet sli-pped off it”he said and I hummed…is Abigail the girl he’s talking about?
“I saw it and picked it up but I didn’t get the chance to give her she was very fast..”
“Don’t worry,you’ll see her tomorrow and give her”I said and he nodded
“The girl must be a very good cook”he said and I raised my brow
“Why’d you say that?”
“Well,with what I’m seeing in this sheet..I mean,this sheet contains bunch of Russian recipes and recipes that I’m guessing she made herself”he said and I mentally smiled..He’s definitely talking about Abigail
“Well,we can’t say,just give her the sheet tomorrow okay”I said and he nodded
“Well,I gotta go to my room”he stood up from the sofa
“Sure..there’s dinner if you’re hungry”
“Okay..good night”
“Good night”
He left my room and I fell on my be-d with a smile…I really wish Romeo can be close with Abigail,but too bad he’s with Tania😒..that br@t,gosh I dislike that girl
🌞.🌟 🌞
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🌞. 🌟🌞
🌞. 🌟 🌞
💕Madison’s POV💕
“Bye mama”
I waved at Mrs Russ as she drove out…I really miss taking Mitchell to school
“Let’s go Mr.Max”I said as I entered the car.I can’t wait to get to school,I have to find the missing sheet of my recipe book..I have a feeling its in school,I just hope no one saw it and took it
“Bye Mr.Maxwell”I waved and he bowed..I’ve told him times without number not to bow to me but..he still didn’t heed
I’ll first check my locker maybe the sheet is there..
I walked to my locker to check for the sheet..I got to my locker but turned abruptly when I heard someone scream behind me
“Jeez Crystal I almost died”I said with my hands on my che-st
“Almost,but you didn’t”
“If that’s your way of saying good morning then good morning to you too”I said and she chuckled
“How was your night”she asked and I shrugged
“As always”
I opened my locker and I checked everywhere but…it wasn’t there.Where could it be?
“Looking for something?”
“No”I replied and she nodded
“Let’s get to clas-s”she pu-ll-ed me by my arm and we walked to clas-s
We got to clas-s and we walked to our seats
“Heeeey Crystal”The blonde..sorry,Ken said as he sighted us from his seat
“Hey Ken..as crazy as always”Crystal said and I chuckled
Ken walked to our seat and sat on Crystal’s table
“Hey Abby”he greeted and I smiled
“Hey Ken”
“You look down..your b©yfri£nddumped you?..oh wait you can never have a b©yfri£ndbecause you’re boring”Ken said and Crystal scoffed
“You’re so unbelievable”she said and he laughed
“I know I’m handsome you don’t nee-d to tell me”
Hmm,handsome?..yeah he is but not as Romeo..gosh why did I compare him with Romeo
I think Ken is the most handsome after Romeo because I don’t see any guy that is more handsome than Ken aside Romeo
“Hmm Abby,I see you’re Crystal’s friend..a piece of advice,she’s a maniac”he said and I chuckled at that
“Really?”I asked and he nodded
Crystal scoffed and hit his head with a book
“Ouch..what was that for?”he whined
“That is for calling me a maniac j£rk”she spat and i smiled at their cuteness…I have a feeling they kinda like each other
“You know you two would make a great couple”I said and Ken gagged dramatically with his hands clutching ti-ght to his stomach
“Eww www….like…gross..I’ll rather k!ssa frog than to d@t£ this j£rk”Crystal said
“Oh..you think I wanna d@t£ you?..well guess what?..the feeling is mutual,you’re not even my type..you’re all skinny and boring and ugly”Ken said and Crystal hit him with the book again..ha-rder this time
“j£rk”Crystal spat and he sm-irked
“Abby,plea-se don’t as-sociate with this girl..she’ll infect you with uglyfungus”he said and I raised my brow
“Yeah..its a disease that’ll make you ugly..”
This Ken guy is really funny..uglyfungus?
“I’ll give you two seconds to get the hell back to your seat”Crystal said with gritted teeth
“Fine fine I’m going”he raised his hand in surrender and stood up from the table
“Ugly”he whispered but we heard anyways
“I heard that punk”Crystal said and he rolled his eyes and went back to his seat
“You guys are really cute”I said and she glared pla-yfully at me
“I’m sorry mademoiselle”I said in a French accent and she laughed
“Cool accent”
“Is the teacher late or…
“Nope…we’re kinda early today”she said and I nodded
The familiar silence took over the clas-s and I raised my head up from the book I was re-ading and of course..the “almighty”Romeo Grande is entering the clas-s…I still don’t get how he has the same surname as Alexa..I guess I’ll ask Crystal later
His eyes roamed round the clas-s like he was looking for something and he st©pped when his eyes landed on mine..why is he looking at me?He smiled and..wait he smiled at me?
Our eyes were still glued to each other before I looked away..why was he looking at me anyways
I looked back up and thank God is alre-ady in his seat and as expected,his girlfriend is cudd-ling with him
They really look good together
“let’s go for lunch”Crystal said as we walked out of the clas-s
“Go ahead I’ll meet you,I wanna drop these books in my locker”
“Okay…don’t take long”
I nodded and I walked down the hallways to my locker.I got to my locker and I dropped the books carefully in it.I closed the locker and turned to go to the cafeteria but st©pped on my tracks when I saw Romeo resting on one of the lockers looking at me.Why is this guy looking at me?
I turned to go but he st©pped me
I turned slowly to face him and he walked to me..this guy wants to get me into trouble. I just hope Tania isn’t around because I can’t deal with her over possessive attitude
He finally st©pped inches away from me and I gave a nervous smile
“Sorry for st©pping you”he said and I couldn’t st©p staring at his beautiful eyes..snap out of it Madison,use your medulla
“No problem”I replied and he smiled out his dimples
“I just wanna give you this”he said as he stretched a folded paper to me which I took slowly and shyly
I opened the paper and…
“OMG its the sheet from my book”I squealed and he laughed at my childishness…but how did he find it and how did he know its for me
“I figured out you might be looking for it”
“Um..where did you find it”
“Well,yesterday when you were running down the hallway it sli-pped from the book..I wanted to give you but you were alre-ady gone”
“Thank you so much,you’re a life saver..I’ve been looking for this sheet since yesterday,I thought I lost it”
“Well,you didn’t because I kept it”he said and I smiled appreciatively
“Thanks again”
“You’re welcome….”he trailed off like he wanted to say something..like my name?
“Um..Abigail”I said and I nodded
“You’re welcome Abigail…”he said with a stretched hand and I took it
“You know me?”he asked and I raised my eyebrow..is that really a question?
“Yeah..who wouldn’t know the almighty Romeo Grande”he chuckled at that and I cracked…our hands are still in each other and its getting awkward
“Almighty?”he asked and I nodded removing my hands from his
“Yeah..you’re all popular and you know…almighty”he laughed shaking his head
“I don’t really like that…the almighty thing”he said and I shrugged
I looked around and the “audience” are here again with their eyes on us but they didn’t gather this time
“Um..Abigail,I wanna apologize”he said
“For what?”
“Well,for the way Tania behaved yesterday”he said and i couldn’t help but admire his humbleness..
I gave a smile and nodded
“Its nothing..I un-derstand her,she’s just protective of you”
“Yeah..and that’s why I love her..she cares about me a lot”
Hmm he must love his girlfriend a lot…I just wish I can find a guy like him someday..I don’t even have time for guys now
“Awwwn..that’s so sweet of you”I said and he laughed softly
I hummed and we both went silent before I finally broke it
“Okay..um…I gotta go”I said
“Oh..to the cafeteria?”
“Let’s go together”he said
Go to the cafeteria with Romeo?..so that his girlfriend can skin me alive?..I don’t think so
“Um..Romeo maybe….
“Romeo…I’ve been waiting for you”I heard the witch’s voice that I’ve been trying to avoid
“You left me for her”she asked pointing at me with a glare…this girl should thank her stars that my Madison craziness died the very day I stepped in Texas if not..she would have seen some craziness
“No..I just c@m£ to give her something”Romeo said taking her hands in his
“What something?”she asked
“Its a book”he said and she hummed
“Well,you’re done now can we go?she said
“Um..I gotta go,thanks again”
With that I turned away from them and made for the cafeteria..that girl won’t die in the name of possessiveness
I got to the cafeteria and I sighted Crystal alre-ady eating
I walked to the table she is and I sat down
“Sorry I’m late”
“I just ordered,had to go to the toilet”she said and I hummed
And lest I forget..I wanna ask Crystal about Romeo
“Um..Crystal”I called and she raised her head from her phone
“Yeah?”she asked and took a bite out of her hamburger
“Um..is Romeo in anyway related to…Alexa Grande”I asked in a low tone and she gave me a quizzical look
“Wait…you didn’t know?”
“Know what”I asked
“He’s her son”she said and I arched my brow
“Romeo is Alexa Grande’s son”she said and I wi-de-ned my eyes
.💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 9💎
💕Madison’s POV💕
“What?”I screamed
“Yeah he is…wait so you didn’t know?”she asked and I shook my head
“Like..what?..its pretty obvious in the name..Alexa Grande and Romeo Grande”she said as a matter of fact and I nodded..so my good Samaritan’s son is coming to my school and I’m admiring him like an idiot..way to go Madi..way to go
“Why’d you ask and why are you so tensed about it?”
“Um..nothing,I was just curious”I shrugged and I brou-ght my glas-s of jui-ce to myl-ips..I glanced at the popular seat and I saw Romeo and..is that Ken?
“Ken seats there too?”I asked
“Yeah…he’s Romeo’s best friend and he’s really famous,his dad owns the best airline in USA,his mum owns a really big and super cool boutique,Fashion Palace..that place is the best and of course super expensive..I buy some of my clothes there and he himself is successful on his own”
“Yeah..he was on this reality show,Cooking fever,he really made a lot of cash doing that TV show and also,some big cooking ~agencies use his face for banners and sometimes for their commercials and if you ask me,that’s a lot of money”she took a French fry and stuck it in her mouth using it a~ s a cigar
“After all that,Romeo is still richer than him?”
“Yeah..really really richer”
I hummed and faced Romeo’s seat again..He’s really lucky,he has a rich mum,He’s rich on his own and most importantly and I’m pretty sure his mum would really love him because he’s an angel
“You know its kinda weird you’re asking me these questions”she said
“Why?..everyb©dy in this school knows about Romeo and Ken well…everyone except you.don’t you have a phone or TV or something?”she asked
“Well,I don’t really have time for researching about stuff like this
“Its not about researching,they are like the most famous people on earth,and by that I mean,everyb©dy knows them”
“Well,..”I shrugged and she sighed
“You’re one weird girl”
I chuckled and another question c@m£ to my mind
“If Ken is that popular and he’s seating in the popular seat and you guys kinda close each other,why aren’t you seating with them?”I asked
“Well,you see…I and Ken aren’t close”she made air quotes with the close
“Well,that’s not what I think”I said eyeing her tea-singly
“St©p it”she threw a tissue at me and I laughed
“I’m serious”
“Well,I wouldn’t say we’re friends and I wouldn’t say we’re enemies..you see,Ken and I went to the same highschool along side with Romeo..and I and Ken don’t really get along,we’re always at each others throat..he kinda bullied me when we were in the 8th grade and since then,I’ve really disliked him..with time,he st©pped bullying me but that didn’t st©p using from throwing insults at each other every now and then”she said and I hummed
“So..you’re not sitting with them because…
“Because I don’t want a special treatment or attention..I wanna be me not some popular girl and stuff..I was once seating with them but I didn’t like bow people treated us like gods”
Hmm,Romeo said the same thing..he said he doesn’t like the word “almighty”
“Wow..that’s..that’s really amazing”
“And also I didn’t seat with them because of a bit-ch that her name starts with a T”she said and I’m pretty sure she’s talking about Tania
“And by T you mean..
“The T for Tania”she whispered
“Oh…you’re beefing?”
“I wouldn’t say beefing,I just don’t like her $h!tty Attitude..’Romeo don’t talk to other girls..Romeo hold my hand….Romeo this Romeo that…Romeo Romeo Romeo”she mimicked Tania in a very silly voice which is really funny..she’s lucky Tania’s seat is kinda far from ours
“She’s just too clingy”
“Come on they look good together”I said and she rolled her eyes
“Whatever”I chuckled softly at that
“What do have for next period”
“I think we’re kinda free”
“Free…thank God”
“Yeah..i wanna sleep,I’m going to the dormitory..wanna come?”she asked as she stood up
“No..um I’ll just look around see if I see anything to do”I stood up with her and we emptied our used plates in the sink
“Okay..see you later”she said as she walked away
I sighed as I walked out of the cafeteria..where to go exactly?I don’t know..I guess I’ll go to the food lab
I walked to the food lab and peeked my head inside to check if anyone is in there and luckily for me no one is in
Okay Madi,go explore…luckily I bought my recipe book
Okay..let’s see what I can make in here..I wore a l@p apron and cap
I took out spices and different ingredients..I opened my recipe book and I roamed my eyes for the recipe to cook,I finally settled on one-Caprese Chicken..its like normal spicy chicken but instead of cooking it in only tomatoes I changed the recipe by cooking the tomatoes in balsamic vinegar to make a perfect sweet tart compliment
And I also added cheese to it to give it a cheesy flavour,I haven’t cooked it before and now I’m about to..but..where can I find chicken?I think there’ll be some in the cold room
I walked to the cold room and entered and whoa,this place is like 0°C
Let me gr-ab the chicken before I freeze oh..there it is,I picked a full chicken and I excited the room
I got to the counter and placed the chicken on ,I placed the chicken in the microwave and set it to 100 degrees
In twenty minutes,it was unfrozen..time to cook
🎶You don’t hit my line no more..oh oh🎶
🎶You don’t make it ring ring ring 🎶
🎶I can keep it on the low..i want🎶
🎶You don’t make it ring ring ring ring🎶
I kept singing along to Ring by Khelani featuring Cardi b as i chopped the chicken into pieces
I really love songs by Cardi B and I like Cardi B herself..she’s a Diva in ra-pping,she’s a bad bit-ch and I like her flow
“Whoa this is fire”I screamed as i shook my head to the rhythm of the song
“Having fun I see”I heard a voice behind *me ma-king me to turn abruptly in shock thereby tripping on my legs..I was expecting myself with a thud on the ground but I felt myself hanging..I opened m* y closed eye and I saw the familiar gorgeous eye
“You okay?”he asked and I gulped,he pu-ll-ed me up ma-king me to stand properly..I spoke up when I finally found my voice
“Ro…Romeo..you scared me”
“I’m sorry..I uh…I didn’t mean to”
“Its okay”I said adjusting me chef’s cap
“So…um..what are you doing?”he asked pointing to the chopped chicken
“I’m just..doing stuff”I turned to face the counter and he c@m£ beside me
“You know you’re kinda funny”
“What do you mean”I asked as I resumed my chopping
“Well,we are free and most..scratch that all other people are either slee-ping or pla-ying or doing something that does not involve work but you’re here..doing work”
“I guess I’m not like everyb©dy and besides you’re also here aren’t you?”I asked eyeing him and he nodded with a smile as he leaned on the counter facing me
“I guess so”he said and I nodded as I picked a bottle of rum from the shelf
“So..Abigail”I began and I faced him
“What dish are you ma-king?”
I’m having a feeling that wasn’t what he wanted to say
“My own recipe..Caprese Chicken..its like chicken cas-serole,only more delicious and more..”I trailed off looking for the right word to use
“Beautiful”I said sounding like a question
“Hmm..makes me wanna taste alre-ady”he said and I laughed
“What can I help you with?”he asked
“Oh..you don’t nee-d to help me with anything I’m fine..
“I insist..let me help you..I’m bored and I don’t have anything to do and besides..”he paused and stared at me for a while
“Its an opportunity to help a pretty damsel once in a while and as they say,opportunity comes but once”he said and I stared at him speechless
“Well,um..if you insist,you can help me with the ingredients”I said and he nodded with a smile
“Aye aye captain”he said with a pla-yful salute and I laughed,he wore an apron and cap and brushed his hair backwards.
“Let’s get it”he said cl@pping his hands together
“Wait are you serious”I said in between laughter
“I am..its ha-rd to believe right?”he asked and I nodded
Romeo and I have been talking about different things has we cooked..he talked about how he was in highschool,turns out he was a pla-yboy before he started d@t!ngTania
He told me about a girl named Cherry that he d@t£d or rather,that he pla-yed..he said the girl was so obsessed with him that one day at school,during lunch break,she str!pped n-ked shouting
“Romeo Grande I love you!!”
Does that even make s-en-se?..its funny and at the same time unbelievable..he said they had to take the girl to an asylum
“They really took her to an asylum..like..for reals?”
“Yup,why won’t they?..that was a crazy act”he said and I laughed
“Yeah it is”I said and he chuckled
“So..what about you?”he asked
“What about me?”
“Yeah..how was your highschool life”
“Hmm..it was great”I stated simply and he gave me a quizzical look
“Just great?”he asked and I nodded
“Oh..”he mouthed as I stirred the chicken that was de-ep frying
“Something tells me that you had a bad experience at highschool which you don’t wanna talk about”he said and I sighed de-eply
“But..its okay,I un-derstand”he said and he took my hand in his ru-bbing it soothingly
I took my hands from his and I’m sure he noticed my awkwardness
“You’re welcome and Abby…”he called
“We’re gonna burn the chicken”he said and I quic-kly switched off the g@s
“You could have just switched it off”I said and he laughed
“I know..I just didn’t feel like switching it off”he win-ked at me and I glared at him pla-yfully
“Okay let’s mix it”he said and I nodded
I mixed the tart compliment with the chicken and I added cheese and the spices with it..I add the fried onions and sliced tomatoes in it too..I hope this comes out as I hope
I dished it out in two plates and we settled to eat
“I’ll go first”he said and I nodded
He took his spoon and took a spoon full of the dish..in slow motion-well,I imagined it to be in slow motion..so in slow motion,he took the spoon into his mouth..I actually had my f!ngerscrossed un-der the table
So as I was saying,he took the spoon into his mouth and munched on it slowly in a pout..he finally swallowed it and he looked up from his food
“So…how is it?”I asked
“Its….”he took another spoon full into his mouth and smiled as he ate it
“Its more than what I expected”he said and a smile curled up to myl-ips
“By that you mean…
“Its the best..its..its just…”he trailed off looking for the right words to use
“Honestly,I’m speechless..I don’t know what to say,its more than the best,this food is amazing”he said stuffing his mouth with another spoon full and I smiled out tears of joy
“Are you crying”he asked taking his spoon from his mouth
“Um..no..I’m just..
I bur-sted into another round of tears and he stood up from his seat to mine..
“Jeez,you’re crying for real”he said as he hvgged me to himself
“I’m just…I just feel so fulfilled..like,this is the first time I’m cooking my own recipe and Romeo Grande liked it.. You can re-ad more stories from our various story platform such as unlimited story platform, sweet and nice story room, fresh stories kingdom, house of story room throu-gh kwaku ome on+233544142683.its just so ha-rd to believe”I said in between sobs and he chuckled
“You’re really funny,st©p crying okay..seriously,your food is more than that”he said and I smiled
I pu-ll-ed out of his arms and I cleaned my tears with the back of my hands
“Thank you Romeo..you really made me happy”I said in sincerity and he nodded with a smug sm-irk..I feel so happy..so happy than I normally am
We finally finished our meal and we cleared the kitchen,we walked to the school garden and we settled un-der a tree
“You know,I find all these funny”he said and I turned to him
“What is funny”
“Well,its just I find it weird…after our colliding accident,I uh..I just find myself drawing to you..like,I find myself wanting to talk to you and be with you..I don’t un-derstand myself..its kinda abnormal”he said and I stared at him not knowing what to do or say
“Um..you think its abnormal?”I asked
“Yeah..I’ve never felt that way to anyone before..I don’t really like the feeling”
“So you mean..you don’t like how we’re talking right now?..how we’re getting along..you find it abnormal..you find it weird you’re talking to me?”I asked in disbelief
“No..no..that’s not what I meant..
“So what did you mean?”
“No..its just..I..
“Its fine..you don’t nee-d to talk,I completely un-derstand”I said as I stood up
“No Abby wait..
“Would you look at the time,next lesson would be starting any minute from now..I gotta go..bye”
“No..Abby wait..come back”
He called but I didn’t wait..he finds talking to me abnormal?..like what?I don’t know why I’m even affected by his words..I shouldn’t be hurt by that..
How could he say that ~huh?When I thought we would make good friends..I guess I asked for too much~ from him
“Abby”Crystal called as soon as I entered the clas-s
“Hey Crystal,had a good sleep”I asked as I sat down on my seat
“Hey Abby”Ken said and I waved at him
“Hey mister Ken what’s up”
“Nothing much..I’m just here”he said and I nodded..
“What did you do during the free time?”Crystal asked
“I just went to the lab…explored it and I rested at the school garden”
“Hmm…its 1 30..thank God,school will soon be over”
Well,school ended and luckily we closed early so I was able to pick up Mitchell from school..he was so happy to see me,he told me about his new friend..a cutie named Natalie,she’s a very beautiful girl..even my boy knows good things😏😏
And I couldn’t st©p thinking at what Romeo said..I’m I too ugly for him to be talking to me or what?Pfft!..why do I care anyways
💕Alexa’s POV💕
“Romeo you’ve been broody since you c@m£ back from school are you okay?”I asked Romeo who was lying flat on the be-d staring at the ceiling sighing every now and then
“I did something bad today mum”he said and I stood up to go meet him
“What did you do”I asked taking a seat beside him
“Its the new girl again”
“The one you talked about yesterday?”
“Yeah..I found out her name..Abigail”he said and I mentally squealed
“So..what happened”
“Well,I got to talk to her today..like for a very long time,during a free period,I met her in the food lab..actually,I followed her there and that’s the problem..for some reason I always wanna follow her to wherever she goes,I just find myself yearning to talk to her..to see her smile..I don’t know what’s wrong with me mum…I’m I going crazy?”
I smiled and held his hand
“You’re not baby..you’re not,the only thing I’m gonna tell you is that what you’re feeling is normal,you want her as a friend don’t ya”I asked and he nodded
“Then talk to her,apologise for whatever you did to her and trust me she’ll forgive you”
“You sure mum?”
“I’m very sure..”
“Thanks mum”he said circling me in a hvg…I hvgged him back and patted his back…I just can’t help but wish Madison and Romeo love each other..it’ll be a dream come true for me and Tania would finally leave his life.