Crazy couple Episode 33 & 34

{She’s stubborn 🎊 He’s arrogant}
Episode 33
I stood by the balcony holding onto the railings. I stared into space almost breaking down.
Two weeks gone and Stella’s still missing.
I really don’t want to believe that I’ll never see her again.
She’s my wife.
I am nob©dy without her.
Who could do this??
I’ve done everything I could. The waiter never saw the person who hired her but I had her locked up though.
The CCTV c@m£ra at the resturant didn’t get the face of the nan cause he wore a mask.
No trace at all!
I wonder who’s got her and what they’re doing to her right now?
“Sir…sir” I heard a faint voice behind me and I turned to see Ava, the maid mom hired to cook for me.
She’s a super shy lady and is always looking down.
“What?” I asked coldly.
“Your parents and a man is at the living room.. They want to see you” she said and I sighed.
Mom’s here?
She’s problem herself.
I followed the maid and went downstairs. I met them.
Stella’s dad – mr Anderson was there two.
“Jeremy, how have you been doing son?” He asked and I went to him.
“Bad sir. I don’t know what else to do” I said feeling terrible that I lost her daughter.
“Calm down son, we can only pray and hope on God now. Stella’s a strong girl. She’ll stay strong for us” he said.
Mom and dad nodded.
I avoided looking at mom before she’d ask me to meet her outside where she would disturb me about the wealth.
Grandfather can take the wealth away from me. I don’t care, I just want Stella…
I sat on the couch watching Stella sleep throu-gh my iPad. There’s an CCTV c@m£ra in the room she’s at.
It’s not what you’re thinking.
Am not injecting her with ab-ortion pills.
I don’t care if she’s pregnant or not, I just want her dead.
I ordered the doctor to keep injecting her with ‘br@in poison’.
It would cause her utmost br@in break down and soon, she’ll go insane.
She’ll go mad, literally.
That’s the plan I have for her.
She can’t even move or speak now.
But then..she should be dead by now. It’s been two weeks but the doctor said her b©dy’s too strong and immune for the poison but I told him to continue and double the dosage.
I want to see her sit in a room and laugh though she’s alone.
I want to see Jeremy cry out blood cause he’s wife is a lunatic.
The door opened and Yvonne walked in.
The bi*ch is here.
I turned off my iPad and focused on her.
She wore a nightie that got her b©dy ba-re.
Her h!ps were in view and that triggered something in me though.
But she’s not as curvy Stella.
She got where I was and k!$$£d me.
“Tristan, can I have you tonight?” She whispered and li-cked my ear-lobe.
I can’t deny this.
I stood up and pu-ll-ed her close but then I felt uncomfortable cause I hadn’t taken my bath yet.
I k!$$£d her pas-sionately before staring into her face.
“I nee-d to shower first” I said and squee-zed her bu-tt.
She closed her eyes enjoying the feeling.
Now, am turned on.
“Be fast babe, I really want you” she pouted and i win-ked.
I left the room rushing to the be-droom.
I sm-irked as the fool ran off.
I’ll surely have my revenge on him for beating me up.
he thought I was helpless…
I’ll show him for sure but then…I don’t know why he’s been so secretive.
I took his iPad and turned it on.
I know his pas-sword like the back off my hand but he doesn’t know.
I watched what was pla-ying at the screen.
She’ve been lost for weeks now!
Tristan has her?
I quic-kly copied the location backing up the c@m£ra.
What do I do with the address anyway?
Stella humiliated me.
She’s the person who caused why Tristan beat me up for the first time ever.
She’s an enemy.
But then…
If I tell Jeremy and he gets Tristan bur-sted.
That would be a good revenge.
I was about to drop the iPad when Tristan walked in.
He was in his towel.
Oh God….
Am busted
Episode 34
I smiled wryly as he approached me.
“Babe, what are you doing with that?” He asked looking around.
I wanted to stammer not knowing what to say. He drew near and circled his hands around my w@!st, his dark eyes piercing into mine.
“I just wanted to guess your pas-sword. I really nee-d to see the ph0tos I took yesterday” I lied and he grinned.
“Come here” he pu-ll-ed me to his b©dy before carrying me up.
I giggled as he took me to our be-droom and dropped me on the be-d.
He didn’t waste time in pu-lling off my clothes..
He was so fast that in no time, we were both unclad having a great time.
I opened my weak eyes and sat up feeling so much pains and heaviness.
I felt something strong beside me..
I reached for it but slowly cause I was weak.
A small phone.
Oh my!..
Who could have kept this here???
I couldn’t think far cause my head was heavy and hurts like hell.
I dialed Jeremy’s phone number hoping he’d answer the call.
I’m so weak and the feeling is more like death. So much pains around my organs and my head pounded like hell.
The phone rang twice and he answered.
I was awake on my be-d thinking nonst©p about Stella.
Her frown…
Her smile…
Her voice…
Everything about her. A tear slid down from my weak tired eyes and I quic-kly wiped it off.
My phone began ringing. I took it and picked the call from a strange number.
“Hello…” I breathed into the phone but I heard silence.
Oh gosh!
Am seriously not re-ady for pranks.
“Jer…Jeremy” I heard and my heart left my che-st.
The universe paused for a second.
It’s Stella’s voice – no doubt.
“Babe, where are you? I love you so much. Who has you Stella..? Tell me love” I paused when I heard her cough.
Oh lord.
I never knew I could miss her this much. Even her cough.
I jumped off the be-d taking my other phone.
“Talk to me Stella!” I rasped but I didn’t hear her voice again.
She hung up.
No. No. No.
I called back but it wasn’t going throu-gh. I called Jeffrey.
“It’s 1 in the morning you per-verted moron” he grouse immediately he picked up.
“Yeah…track this number for me. Right now!” I yelled calling out the number Stella called me with.
I was trying my best to speak but then the door opened and a guard walked in. He wore a mask though. He took the phone from me and smashed it immediately.
He picked up pieces and sneered at me.
“If boss finds out you called someone, you’ll be so dead. But I’ll pity you” he said and left the room.
i cussed un-der my breath.
I shouldn’t have coughed .
I couldn’t help but worry. Very soon, Tristan will realize that I’ve actually been giving Stella just a pinch of the dose.
If I don’t give her the poison completely, he’ll know she’s still normal so I just added a little dose.
I dropped a little phone beside the girl before leaving. I hope she’s able to contact someone when she wakes up.
If Tristan finds out am helping the girl in anyway, he’ll have my wife and son killed.
I sighed at the thought of informing the police nudged me.
No way.
I better pl@ysafe or I loose everything.
“…We were so close bro. We could have gotten the address…she sounded helpless and scared” Jeremy said crying.
We were about to decode the address before suddenly, the line went dead.
I feel his pain.
We’ve been up all night looking for a means to track her down.
“Am so sorry bro. I’m doing everything I can. Just pu-ll yourself together bro…plea-se…” I pleaded and he sniffed.
The door bell rang and I looked at it.
I glanced at Jeremy but he just looked scared staring at Stella’s ph0to hanging at the wall.
I moved over to the door before opening it.
It was Yvonne,
What’s she doing here so early??
She barged immediately and shut the door.
“Do you want me to be sp©tted here??!!” She barked at me and I scoffed..
She took her eyes to Jeremy..
She sighed
“I know where Stella is” she voiced out and we stared at her dumbfounded.
Is she being truthful??
“Where?” I asked.
“Oh… I’ll tell you but on one condition…” She said with an evil smile.