Crazy couple episode 35 & 36

{She’s stubborn 🎊 He’s arrogant}
Episode 35
I sprang up to my feet the moment she mentioned Stella.
“What’s your condition?” I asked glaring at her.
She twirled like a little girl st©pped.
“I want you to deal with Tristan the way he’ll never forget for laying his hands on me” she replied.
“That won’t be a problem” Jeffrey said sm-irking.
“I want that more than anything. Here’s the location. I’ll go to my mother’s place and l@ylow for a while so Tristan doesn’t suspect a thing. Involve the police cause am sure Tristan is prepared”.
Jeffrey collected the paper from her while I stood quite shocked that Tristan had a hand in this. I never thought it could be him cause we haven’t seen each other for a long time.
Jeffrey took the car keys and we left afterwards.
I was wi-de awake unable to rest. What if Jeremy wasn’t able to track me?..
I have no hope of escape then.
I watched the doctor helplessly as he brou-ght the syringe near and injected me.
I don’t know what they’re giving me but…it’s killing and hurts so much.
It makes my br@in rotated and become heavier each pas-sing minute.
I felt like it would explode soon.
“Don’t worry girl, just hold on till you’re rescued” he whispered and I could only gaze at him.
Don’t worry???
When I alre-ady feel like giving up the ghost right this minute..
The door opened and a man wearing a mask walked in with two men with him.
“I’ve given her the dosage for today sir” the doctor said closing his bag.
“Yeah…I know. Give her another one” he said and my heart skipped.
Not again.
I wish I could scream and curse him but I was motionless.
The man behind him brou-ght out his gun and the doctor quic-kly opened his bag again.
He brou-ght out a filled syringe and injected me.
My whole br@in shuffled and I remained lifeless.
I feel dead.
My br@in is done for.
A hint of me just wanted to make sure the doctor is not framing me.
I have plans for Stella.
Special plans….
I sm-irked coming close to her.
Time to taste what Jeremy has been eating all alone.
I motioned everyone to leave and they did. I pu-ll-ed off my belt watching her l@yhalf dead.
I spre-ad her legs ap@rt and began climbing on t©p of her.
Suddenly, I heard a gunsh0t.
What the fu×k is going on???.
I got off her and soon my guard barged into the room.
“We have to move boss. They’re many and their guns are loaded!” He rasped.
What on earth!?
“Carry her” I ordered leaving the room.
“We can’t leave with her. She’ll slow ya down for sure and if we’re caught…we’re doom—” he didn’t complete his statement and a bullet landed on his head.
I g@sped as I hid behind the wall.
I glanced at her.
“Stella baby, we’ll meet again and I’ll destroy you for sure” I swore and jumped out of the room throu-gh the window.
That bi*ch.
She betrayed me. Who else could have done this but her!
I took a cab headed straight to her house.
Am going to show her.
Suddenly, the doors of the car locked and the driver turned. He handcuffed my hands before parking.
What’s going on?.
He pu-ll-ed me out of the car and different policemen surrounded us.
Oh no…
It’s a set up. They knew I would escape…
Am doomed. 😨
Jeffrey and I headed up the stairs following the dog that was moving with the scent of Stella’s dress.
Jeffrey was busy shooting any guy that comes his way. He loves violence.
We got to a room and we walked in.
….oh heavens!.
I saw my Stella lying on the be-d lifeless.
She can’t be dead.
I ran to her and checked her pulse. She’s breathing. I carried her into my arms and we left the place.
Am never going to let her out of my sight again no matter what.
{She’s stubborn 🎊 He’s arrogant}
Episode 36
I stood close to the doctor in the be-droom who took a look at Stella. There were nurses too and they brou-ght with them – a big machine and other props.
I had the door locked cause there were many people downstairs eager to see her.
Her dad, my parents and three of our relatives.
I just don’t want them to hurt my wife again.
My own flesh and blood could do this to me. Am done trusting people.
I don’t even trust my mom anymore.
I heard a knock on the door and I went to it. I opened the door to meet Jeffrey there.
“Bro…your mom just wants you to come down. plea-se…she’s your mother. I don’t have one but I know they’re damn important” he said and I took a de-ep breath.
I left the room and shut the door.
I followed him downstairs.
Mom rushed to me.
“How is she doing? Has she woken up…?” She asked and I moved away from her.
“Y’all are wasting your time here. Am not letting any of you see her so I suggest you go now” I said coldly.
“Jeremy, she’s my daughter!” Mr Anderson yelled standing on his feet.
I scoffed.
“At this point, I don’t care. She’s pregnant with my baby and I don’t want her to be expo-sed to danger again. So plea-se leave and come back some other time” I said and left the living room ignoring mom’s call..
The doctor was done and he was alre-ady packing his stuff. And the nurses were running around too.
“How is she? Anything wrong with my baby?” I asked and he exhaled.
“The baby is safe but Stella herself isn’t. The poison is still in her system. It’s clouded at a p@rticular sp©t but would dissolve soon and began spre-ading around her b©dy.
We have to prepare her for surgery in two days. We nee-d to act fast and operate on her. For the mean time, you’ll have to be with her and help her with anything she nee-ds. She won’t be so fluent in speaking cause of the effect of the poison. Keep her safe till the hospital is re-ady to conduct such surgery”..
I sighed.
That’s too much to take in but I won’t give up on Stella no matter what.
I opened my eyes slowly with my head hurting a lot.
It doesn’t feel heavy like before. I ru-bbe-d my eyes and sat up on the be-d though I felt weak.
I turned to see a man sitting beside me.
I panicked.
Who is he.??
I tried to leave the be-d but he st©pped me holding my wrist.
“Stella, it’s me” he rasped and knelt before me on the be-d holding me close.
“It’s Jeremy love. It’s me” he muttered ru-bbing my hair.
I moved away from him and curled my legs just staring at him. He c@m£ closer.
“No! Leave me alone” I yelled and threw a pillow at him.
He pushed the pillow off and gazed at me.
“Stella…don’t you remember me? Am your husband. I’ll never hurt you” he said trying to t©uçh me once more.
I shook my head in disbelieve.
He f0rç£d himself on me and k!$$£d me.
He was so slow and yet fast. The k!ssseemed to make me see more images of the strange man.
I stared into his face as h0t tears trailed down my cheeks.
“Jeremy?” I wavered and he smiled.
I hvgged him ti-ghtly and he held me to himself.
After having dinner with Jeremy. He took the empty plates downstairs while I tried pu-lling off my clothes. I feel so tired and weak.
Am lucky Jeremy offered to feed me since I didn’t even have the strength to lift a spoon.
His phone began ringing and I took it.
I froze at the sight of the caller.
Who’s this lady?
She’s been calling Jeremy alot before.
I watched the phone ring till it st©pped.
I took a de-ep breath.
Am going to ask Jeremy tonight.
He have to tell me who Nina is to him.
The door opened and he entered the room.
“What do you think you’re doing?” He asked and c@m£ to me.
He helped me pu-ll off my shi-t and un-hooked my br@.
He’s seeing too much.
He helped me up and re-moved shorts before carrying me into the bathroom.
He dropped me gently in the bathtub and just like he knew, the water was warm.
I was sitting at the balcony getting myself drun!kand looking up at the stars.
Am so happy for Jeremy.
He found his wife who happens to be driving him crazy all this while and he still acts like he doesn’t love her.
I scoffed.

The maid walked in with her head bowed.

“What’s it now Lucille?” I grouse.
“Um…A lady’s here to see you. Her name’s Nina. She said it’s urgent” she replied.
I sat up.
Nina is one of the girl’s Jeremy scre-wed before he got married.
What does she want now,??