Coincidence episode 66

*CHAPTER 66* part 1


For the first time in her life, she wanted
something more, something real, something
physical, a man.
Today, at this very moment, a man didn’t signify
fear, didn’t signify pain, didn’t signify all the
horrible things she had known, been for-ced to
be accustomed to and having to live her life that
way because of what had happened to her.
For the first time, she didn’t cringe when a man
tou-ched her, she didn’t nee-d to squee-zeher
eyes and then pretend, she didn’t pray in her
heart that his li-ps shouldn’t touch hers or wish
she can die from the touch to her skin.
For the first time, she wanted all of him, this
man, this man called Jaime Lockswire. She
yearned and desi-red his ki-sses, she squirmed
when he ki-ssed her ne-ck, trailing her jaw line
with his tongue.
She however, closes her eyes and squee-zes
them, not because she didn’t want to see him,
but because all at once the feelings were
rushing into her head.
For the first time, she was feeling things she
never knew she could feel. For the first time,
she wanted to explore this feeling, without fear,
without shame…she wanted to explore it with
He loves her, he said he did.
Dear Lord!!She feels ..she feels…so many
things, things she doesn’t even know how to
explain. Here was a man she couldn’t stand,
she literally wanted to bite hid head off, no
scratch that -here was a man she wanted to
smash his head in with her teo-shoe for being
so annoying, here was a man who made her
want to scream her lungs out for being him,
here was a man who didn’t let a day go by and
they are at each other’s throats…that same
man, that she hated and he obviously hated
Here he was, professing his love to her, wanting
and desiring her in ways that aren’t known to
her…and by God, she loved it, she loved all the
things he was making her feel.
He wanted to know how she felt about him?
She didn’t know, she was being honest when
she told him she didn’t know how she felt..other
than feeling as though her heart wants to
explode from pounding, other than her nee-d to
be ki-ssed by him and how….oh she didn’t know
how to explain what she feels.
Oh, but she did know that she felt tingling
between her thi-ghs because of his ki-sses, his
sweet sweet ki-sses from her li-ps, cheeks, ne-ck
and collarbone..
For the first time she wanted something so bad
she wasn’t ashamed to say it.
Yes! She meant it when she said she wanted
him to make love to her, she really did.
She wants to be loved by him physically, she
wants to be tou-ched , caressed and ki-ssed. She
wanted to feel him inside of her, and know for
real what it feels like to be made loved to by a
man who loves her. She wants to be loved the
way a man loves a woman. The way he says
he loves her.
Now she un-derstands what Tinny-B meant
when she said, ”When you eventually like
someone or maybe love him, everything is going
to feel right, every ki-ss, touch, would be so
thrilling that it would feel like heaven’
Indeed, his ki-sses were electrifying, it made the
hairs on her hands stand as though someone
had tou-ched he with ice. When he trailed his
tongue down her ne-ck, she ached. And then
when he had his hands, or finger, yes finger,
trail her shoulders..she felt like she couldn’t stay
By God, she felt like screaming, but she didn’t
want to scream, she felt like doing so many
things at once, but couldn’t think of what to do.
Infact, her toes tickles, her insides were acting
funny, infact..she was in a state of
euphoria.Whatever euphoria means at the
moment to her she didn’t give a shit.
She was flying. Yes, that’s it, she was in bliss.
Wonderful fluffy bliss.
Yes, Jaime Lockswire was a man who she had
never thought anything about, was a man she
wouldn’t have dared looked at because ..well, he
wasn’t the most handsome man that had
crossed her path, but just because of her father,
because of the men..who had wanted her
body…who had taken plea-sure in what she can
give them, she had hated the lot of them, she
had hated all men and only tolerated them
because, well, a girl has to survive in the street.
But never had she thought that one day, one
man, one co-cky annoying man could make her
feel what she is feeling right now, feelings she
had no name to, feelings she could not even
begin to comprehend,just this man..was
breaking down her resolves…her walls, her ha-rd
imaginary walls and her…
She bites her li-ps ,
Her walls between her thi-ghs, at her core, ..she
could feel it, she could feel it…her w£tness,
gathering at her core. Something she had never
felt before. She new her pa-nty was w£t, ..
oh dear Lord, …she ached so bad she could
How the hell did this happen? The possibility of
it was still baffling, by by god there was no way
she was not going to let this happen..whatever
it was. This feeling was going to be explored if
not she might just die from this thrilling
electrifying excitement.
He loves her, he loves her…he said he did, and
if all she is feeling and all he is feeling isn’t
heaven right now, then nothing can compare to
It is very girl’s dream to be loved, though she
had never lived in their teenage fantasy, didn’t
indulge nor did she care for it, because she
knew that it was useless. Maybe, she shouldn’t
have been too fast to throw it all away, because
right now, right here, this moment with this
beautiful man had her feeling like she was on
the verge of living a fantasy, one she had no
intention of stopping.
Right her right now, for every moment she had
missed, for every joy she had not been able to
get, for very happiness that had eluded her, right
here…right this moment, Jaime Lockswire was
making her feel like she was flying, and that,
that is all she fly, even higher she
would go. And he would take her, he would go
with her..all the way.
She doesn’t know what love is, but if what he
says is true, that he loves her, and he is
showing her just how much he does..then, she
wants to love this way to and be able to love
him right back..
She touches his face, and then caresses it.
They are still ki-ssing, as he continuous to
tease her li-ps, ne-ck, jaw..
He is trying to control his ranging emotions, it
was getting ha-rder by the minute. He goes
back to ki-ssing her li-ps, slowly he pauses,
staring down at her…he touches his hands to
her hand on his face.., he removes it and then
ki-sses it, ki-ssing the inside of her palm.
”I want to make love to you” he whispers
against her li-ps

There’s part 2 for this chapter

*CHAPTER 66* part 2


I want to make love to you” he whispers
against her li-ps
She smiles ”I think i already requested that
already” she whispers back
He nods ki-ssing her ”In the heat of the
moment, you forget that you are still healing?”
She doesn’t follow his eyes ”You are not going
to make me feel this way and then let me go”
she pulls him by the hair, he smiles laughing
”You gonna ra-pe me?”
”If i have to” she says. She releases his hair
and runs her finger throu-ghit, she leans
upward to ki-ss him.
”We are getting bold aren’t we?” he observes
with a smile
”I am a good student, am i not teacher?”
”Yes, yes you are” he ki-sses her nose again,
and then her jawline, he Gr0-ns and hides his
head against her shoulders
She laughs ”What?”
”I don’t want to hurt you?”
”Doctor said i am healing fast, i don’t think a
little..erm..” she trails off as her cheeks burns.
Look at her acting like a little slut, surely
Tinny-B would be ashamed. But she bet she
could visual Tinny-B right now telling her ”G irl
if you don’t crab that dxxk and show him
whose’s boss, am a slap your face back to
Jerusalem and ask baby Jesus to mercy for
pas-sing up a good dxxk! ..
She blus-hes at her thoughts.
He chuckles ”Why are you blus-hing?”
She thins her li-ps ”Nothing, just silly random
thoughts” she bites her li-ps
”Argh! You nee-d to stop bi-ting your li-ps like
that” he Gr0-ns
”Er, it’s a turn on”
”So when i bite my li-ps like this it turn your
on?” she bites her li-ps
His eyes dims ”yes”
”Hmm, many bites should get you to
lose it?”
”Alexander?” he warns
”Come many, i mean..this girl right begging, i mean, you can’t just advice
yourself to tell me you love me, no how did
you put it..’ ‘I am crazily inlove with you
Alexander’ ‘ You can’t just pull that stuff on me,
ki-ss me like heaven, have me feeling like…like
if i don’t know how to explain it, like making
me feel all tingling all over ..and then you let
me Darlene, i am going to turn you on
till all you want to do is get on with me” she
laughs mischievously
He shakes his head in laughter ”You are the
worst i swear” he smiles down at her as she
laughs ”You have a beautiful laugh” he
observes ”And i like the sound of Darlene”
”And your ki-sses are divine, literally” she bites
her li-ps again, ”and i really really want you..”
she whispers ”Like i have never wanted anyone
before..” she whispers ”And maybe if you are
nice and make me keep feeling what i am
feeling right now, i can call you darlyne all day
every day” she winks
”If you think i don’t want to make love to you
right now then you shouldn’t have that thought.
i am literally controlling myself. In as much as
i want to, i nee-d to think about you, you are
still healing and i won’t you to exert yourself”
he tells her, she Gr0-ns, he laughs
He rolls off her body, and then carefully pulled
her up on his body. She laid on his ba-red
che-st, he still had the towel wrapped around
his wai-st. Her head is rested on his che-st, his
hand over her back as he runs his fingers up
and down her shoulders, smelling her hair. She
could feel him smile.
”What?” she pushes,
”Do you know what this means now?”
”What what means now?”
”Tonight, this moment, us?”
”It means that you are my girlfriend”
She laughs ”Eh, eh Mr…i didn’t realize i signed
another contract”
she felt him frown , ”Speaking off” he ki-sses
her forehead, and then moves her away from
his body, he goes to the drawer and pulls out
the docu-ment and then turns to her ”We do not
nee-d this anymore” he says bringing it to her
”You want to do the honors or i should?”
”Break- a-leg!” she mutters watching him as
she sat up on the bed, pushing her legs un-der
her. He nods, he rips off the docu-ments and
then tosses it into his bin. He turns to face
her, folding his arms he leans on the table .
”Why the serious face?” she observes
”I want to take care of you Alexander, i want to
protect you, i want to fight the goddamn world
for you, I do not want to see you in this pain,
ever, nor in danger..right now, right this
moment, my family, you and then every other
person fellows. I love you, ”
”You already told me you love me, remember”
she smiles loving the way he said it with his
voice thick with emotion.
”No! i do not think you un-derstand how much,
because i do not , but..i literally want to
protect you.”
”Now you scaring me”
”For has long as i can remember and be able
to love and un-derstand, i have had things and
people i love leave me..they always leave, the
only people i have close to perfect is my
parents and then…there was Christine and-” he
trails off, she blinks..
”Do you still care or love her’?” A tint of
jealously grips up her shoulders
He shakes his head ”Not even the slightest”
”You are scared i would leave?”
”I am more scared that they would take you
away from me, that’s why this..” he points at
her tummy ”Scares the shit out of me, i do not
want anything else to happen to you Alexander,
i wont be able to bear it”
”Nothing will!” she whispers
”You have got to listen to me, what
i nee-d you to do, stay when i ask you to stay,
go when i ask you to go”
”I am not leaving the city” her voice is firm, a
tiny bout of anger shows.
He shakes his head coming to her, ”Relax miss
fiery hot temper! You do not realize that now
that i know i love you, you aren’t leaving my
sight ” he whispers to her ”I just want to
protect you and keep you safe, that is all, can
you un-derstand that?” he caresses her cheeks.
She nods
””So, can we talk about you not returning to
your job?”
”What would i do?’
”Anything else…i won’t let my girlfriend be
doing that..ever again”
She laughs ”I did mention that i still didn’t
realize i signed a new contract, did you miss
that?” She inquired.
”Nope” he smiles ”You didn’t get the memo?”
”Er…Which is?” she raises an eyebrow
”Invisible memo?”
”When a guy says he loves a girl,and they have
a little make out session,that’s an official seal
to dating”
”Oh,i must have missed the memo, sorry, i
don’t date stray dogs”
”Ohh!!!! Touch down, knock down, Alexander
one, Jaime nil” he holds his che-st and then
je-rks, and je-rks ‘Mayday! Mayday!…man down!
I repeat, man down!…..” he falls to the bed,
Alexander roars in laughter.
”You are such a clown” she joked hitting him,
he plops sideways on the bed and then stares
at her
”See, that laughter?, that is what i want to hear
always, this..this right here, is what i want to
have on a daily…this crazy as-s woman who
got me riled up when i met her is what i
want…see how this makes sense, all of this…
”Hmm, ”
”You know all what i am saying is just so you
realize that you are my girlfriend now” he
smiles slyly ”How do they say it ”you are my
official girl !” he sang.
”You know if you ask nicely, i might just
oblige” she turns up her nose
”Oh, is that it huh?”
‘Yes sir”
He gets up lying on the bed, and then leans
towards her ”Alexander Beckington, first of her
name, destroyer of Jaime’s world, fighter of
battles not her own” she chuckles, he
continues ”br@ver of storms, the one true
beauty by definition ” She is smiling from hear
to ear ”Will you..will you be my…. clown” he
smiles showing his 32.
”Argh!!” she gasps with wide eyes
”Gotcha!!!” he roars with laughter.
She reaches for a pillow and then hits it with
him, he is laughing as he held it, pulling her
closer, she had begun laughing as well.
”I always knew you were a je-rk”
”A cute je-rk!” he teases, he is falling back to
lay on his back, pulling her along with him
slowly, tosses the pillow away.
”Yes, that too” she is back to leaning on his
”Will you be girlfriend, i promise to sweep your
off your feet, literally!!!”
She smiles un-der his chin ”You know, that is
the nicest thing i have been asked for a long
time…” She turns to look at him ”I must warn
you, i am a pain in the as-s, and i..well..i really
do not know how this thing works so i guess
you nee-d to indulge me when i become
He smiles in return ”Say yes, and you do not
nee-d to know how what is done, just let me
love you…and baby i am gonna blow your
mind” he spreads his hand as though he was
about to show her something midair
she roars with laughter ”Really, i nee-d to make
sure that this is the same Jaime i met a few
weeks ago. My God! you are hilarious! I could
pas-s you for an impostor, true story!””
He tugs a hair behind her ear”That would be
nice. The good and then bad Jaime”
She nods
”You didn’t say a yes, don’t keep a guy
She stares up at him,”Yes Lockswire,
I would be your girlfriend”
”Home run, and it’s a win, yes!” he fisted and
throws it up, she laughs. ”I have a confession
to make”’ he whispers
”I think i ranted about my feelings to you while
you were unconscious in the hospital”
”Oh right, about that, i think i heard that, you
know i figured that i was dreaming and stuff. ”
”Damn!” he chuckles ” i thought this dude was
slic-k” he laughs, she joins him and she adds
”And i think i mentioned it to Tinny-B”
‘What! Oh, that explains her questions of love
and what not, damn she is a case, how do you
cope with her? She followed me like a fly
yesterday, i had to bundle her away with the
help of Adam. She seemed happy to bug the
poor guy”
”She probably has a thing for him, maybe”
”Poor Adam!” Jaime smiles. He loves the feel
of her body close to him, he loved the way her
hair smelled of strawberry shampoo. He liked
the way she smiled at him. He loved as she
placed her fingers on his che-st and the shy
way she finger-walked on his che-st.
There was something peaceful, perfect about
this moment. ”Where have you been all my life
”Here, probably waiting to be you”
she smiled shyly
”Glad i did, now you gonna be stuck to me like
”I don’t want to be glued to you” she pouts
”We would see about that pretty
beautiful lady”
She blus-hes. He ki-sses her fingers, and then
slowly he ki-sses her forehead, nose , and then
It was intoxicating, her li-ps, pulling him,
causing him to want more.
She ached to him, pulling herself she is ontop
of him, face to face, li-ps glued to li-ps, his
hands; one to her back, caressing her, going to
her ne-ck and then touching her face, the other
rested right on her wai-st..caressing her there.
He felt like squeezing her to him, but he had to
be mindful of her injury. Slowly, he rolled her
off his body without breaking the ki-ss, leaning
sideways , putting his weight on his legs than
on her, he whispers over her li-ps, ”You are
killing me Alexander”, he breaths, his heart is
back to pounding, she felt it, she placed her
palm to his che-st, then she took his to hers.
Their eyes lock.
”I can’t make it stop either” she whispers. Their
eyes linger on each other, their nee-d and
desi-re for each other rises..the intensity of it
becoming unbearable.
He leans in, taking her li-ps slowly, he ki-sses
her as she ki-sses him back. The pas-sion
behind each ki-ss was breathtaking.
He leaves her li-ps and then ki-sses her
shoulders, he traces his finger over her nightie,
tentatively down the path her brxxst divides to
her novel. He leaves her shoulders and then
ki-sses between that path, till her got to where
his finger laid, then he repeated the process,
down to where her thi-ghs divide, he hovers,
without touching..he moves, away from her
area, he traces a line sideways, down her
wai-st, to her thi-ghs, he finger-treks to her knee,
then he comes back up, taking her nightie
back up..causing cold air to ki-ss her thi-ghs.
She gasps, closing her eyes.
Now she could feel the air rising, as her
nightie is lifted higher, ki-ssing her ba-re tummy
and stopping just below her bosom.
Jaime pulls himself lower, to where her thi-ghs
are, one by one he ki-sses them, one thi-gh to
the other, he goes to her knee, lifting her legs
slowly up he ki-sses behind her knee.
she gasps again, bi-ting her li-ps. She had no
idea how sen-sitive that sp-ot was.
Slowly, he trails and ki-sses back up her thi-ghs,
inside and out till he is right where he intended
to be. He spares her a look, her eyes are
closed, he smiles..
Pouting his li-ps, he leans close, so close to
where her core is, hidden by the white fabric of
her pa-nty, he blows hot air right there, he
doesn’t stop. She was w£t, he could tell, but
he intends to make her rain. He blows more
hot air.
Now she M0-ns, opening her eyes and stares
down at him in shock. ”Jaime!” she breaths.
She lays her head back, and closed her eyes,
her teeth digging into her lower li-ps.
He places both hands to her wai-st, and slowly
runs down her pa-nty, revealing clean shaven
area. He rolled it off her legs, away from the
bed. He returns to his position, right at the
middle, his eyes staring at her, her lower her.
A beautiful lower her.
He felt himself ha-rden, throbbing at his thi-ghs,
he ignores him.
Making himself comfortable, he trails her
thi-ghs again with his li-ps, teasing her and felt
her squirm, at every moment nearing her core
but not touching her there, dancing around her
middle , causing her nee-d to intensify, he
continues to ki-ss her, feeling her ache, hearing
her M0-n, each ki-sses eliciting gasps from her
Slowly, he places his finger, one of it at her
middle. He does nothing, just allowing it to
”It’s cold” she gasps squeezing the bed sheet.
”How about this?” he whispers right before he
places his li-ps there,and without any warning,
he sticks his tongue, diving her labia. And as
he would ki-ss her li-ps, he skillfully does so,
ki-ssing her labia majora, her minora, driving
electrifying s-ns¶tions throu-ghher body, going
to her toes and shooting to her head…sinking
his tongue de-eper, he flic-ks her cl-it s with his
tongue. ki-ssing, teasing, exploring..
”Oh dear lord!” Alexander screams, she places
her hand over her li-ps, her eyes opening and
closing, her body aching to his ki-sses down
there, unable to stay still, wanting everything,
desiring everything…she can’t, she can’t.. she
”Oh lord!” she finds herself screaming again,
this time reaches for his head, unable to stay
still. Her M0-ning coming in a few seconds
interval, music to his ears.
He intensifies the ki-sses to her core, teasing,
ki-ssing, and then he li-ps his finger, caressing
her fleshy folds, sli-pping him, he lets his finger
flic-k her consistently…
She cries out again in plea-sure, turning her
head side to side..he doesn’t stop, no he
doesn’t stop, he watches her as he plea-sures
her, enjoying every moment she made, every
sound, every ache he saw and how her body
responded to what he did to her.
He was tempted, tempted to take her, but he
would wait, his desi-re was to please her,
please her all the way and watch her explode.
It wasn’t long, he replaced his finger with his
li-ps, making more consistent movement as
one skilled in the act of cunnilingus a
man who knew how to not plea-sure women but
his woman.
And Alexander was his woman, today,
tomorrow..always. Her taste, was imprinted in
his tongue, the way her hips moved was a sight
for saw hers, her body looked like that of a
goddess, his goddess..her name was probably
written already in his heart..what more does he
want? Nothing, nothing else other than her.
Then he heard her, as he continued to give her
un-explainable plea-sure..
”Jaime!” she calls out, she was quaking, her
eyes shoots open ”What is..oh….oh..Oh oh
my god something is happening, Jaime oh…i
feel..i feel..oh oH OHHHHHHH!!” she cries out
He doesn’t stop, he knew she was coming, he
doesn’t stop, not even when he felt her
pulsating, not even when he felt her, with his
tongue inside her and her walls
constricting..he felt her, he heard her..and he
pushed her, stro-king her with his tongue
She cried out, reaching for him, squeezing her
legs, with his head between her thi-ghs. Her
breathing coming in loud feats, her che-st
heaving up and down, her eyes closed, her cry
rose and then slowly, slowly she fell shattering,
all the way up to ecstasy, then slowly, she is
falling, all the way down. All the way down…he
lets the process happen, loving the process.
By the time she got to the ground, he was
there to catch her, bringing her back to earth.
She releases her thi-ghs, releases the bed sheet
she sque-ezed with one hand and then her other
hand to is hair.
He ki-sses her at her core again, feeling her
throbbing within. He ki-sses her both thi-ghs,
one more time and then stares at her..
”Should i call 911?” he teases, his voice thick
with desi-re, ”That cu-m with such intensity
deserves a check, do you nee-d a doctor?”
It takes a few seconds before she could
register what he was saying, then it takes a
minute for her to calm down..
”Shut up” she whispers in a half smile
He laughs ki-ssing her one more time between
her legs, then he pulls himself trailing his
tongue from her tummy, to between her bosom
where he nightie still lays, shielding them from
him, he hovers over them, sighting the
unashamed n¡pp|es saying a very arousing
hello, begging to be nibb-led. He Gr0-ns
staring at her, she had both hands now
covering her face, he chuckled leaning towards
her face and ki-ssing both hands and then
removing them… ”Shy are well?”
She nods replacing them back, he removes
them and then pins them above her head
”Because..because i have’t felt that way before
or ever had that….rush like i want to pee but i
don’t want to pee and that like as if i am on a
swing and they are pushing me high and high
and high and High and that feeling keeps going
up and up and i want to pee and i …i couldn’t
hold it and i…did i pee?”
He is laughing ha-rd, she covers her face ”Oh i
did, oh so embarras-sing and right close to
your face and…whaaaaaaaahahahaha” she
His tummy hurt from laughing , he ki-sses her
faces away, and then plastered ki-sses all over
her face ”You are so fxxking adorable
Alexander Beckington, my own personnel
corrupter..” he laughs ki-ssing her loudly on the
li-ps and then ki-sses her again and again ”You
didn’t pee silly…you just had a
cu-m..something i am beginning to think you
haven’t ever had?”
She shakes her head
”Damn Jaime, you bad!”
She hits him, he laughs ki-ssing her again ”You
know what? I am happy!”
”Because i am the first guy to make you feel
this good, it’s pleasing to know” he says
caressing her ne-ck and then between her
brxxst, he tentatively takes his hands to her
n¡pp|es, using his thumb he draws circle over
it, consistently as he stares at her ”And it was
wonderfully exciting to see you go all the way
and then drop…that is what is called, pleasing
a woman Alexander, and i am glad i was able
to please you, immensely”
She closes and then opens her eyes , his
hands to her n¡pp|es had her feeling tingling all
over again ”How does a woman please a man
she likes?” she whispers
He smiles before he takes his head to her
che-st, ”I’ll leave that to you”, he sli-ps the
nightie un-der her and then carefully takes it
above her head, now she laid beneath him,
nak-ed.. her eyes doesn’t leave his. ”Hello
beauties” he whispers right before he took a
n¡pp|e in his mouth, twirling over it with his
tongue, while his finger played with the other
She M0-ned, feeling the buildup between her
thi-ghs again..
Dear lord!
Jaime imprinted his li-ps all over her che-st,
ha-rdening her n¡pp|es by every ki-ss, lic-k, and
tinny bites to send s-ns¶tions down to her
core, she reaches for him, running a hand
throu-ghhis hair, aching towards him.
Jaime runs a hand down her che-st, her tummy,
carefully avoiding her bandaged area, he sli-ps
his hands behind and below her, squeezing her
bottom, getting so ha-rd he can ha-rdly think.
From one n¡pp|es to the other, he ki-sses her
and then finds his way back to her li-ps.
Much bolder now, she has her hands, one to
his back and the other caressing his che-st, his
n¡pp|e, she breaks away from his ki-sses,
bending her ne-ck upwards she ki-sses his
che-st, realizing that when he trailed his tongue
over her body she felt excited..she does
thesame to him, his che-st even as he laid
above her. She has her li-ps to his che-st,
ki-ssing, trailing, repeating his movement with
her, she aims for his n¡pp|es too, as soon as
she had her tongue to it.
He throws his head back and then Gr0-ns, she
smiles..she goes for the other one, one after
the other she ki-sses, teases him, and then sent
tinny bites as he did her..
”Damn!” he Gr0-ns holding onto her, leaning
away from her his weight is on his leg, but he
wishes to sink into her, right into her. He leans
lower, Alexander opens her legs and pull him
lower. She breaks away from his che-st, she
ki-sses his jaw, and then his li-ps, lingering, she
runs her hands over his back, trailing down
with her fingers the way he did her. Reaching
his wai-st, she tugs at the towel he still tied
and pull it away. His brief…damn his brief.
As though he could read her thoughts, He
helps her, smiling , she smiles back against
his li-ps.
There, she felt him, as he leaned in even closer
to her. She felt him erect, ha-rd..ready. She
touches him, encircled him..
He Gr0-ns again, she gasps…today, she held a
man by his member, and she liked it, she liked
it alot.
She felt it again, that w£tness, tricking down
her core, staining her thi-ghs..she burned, in
nee-d, in want , in be filled by this
man who felt right being here with her.
She sque-ezed him gently, and used her thumb
to caresses his cap slowly, feeling him
glistening. She ached towards him as he ached
towards her, his breath hot on her li-ps, his
heart pounding fast against her equally
pounding heart. li-ps against li-ps, skin to skin,
desi-re matching desi-re, she opens her legs
wider for him, ready for him..
Jaime knew at this moment, he couldn’t even
be able to hold himself back, and he didn’t
want to..he stares at her, longing for her,
hungry for her..
She is staring back at him, her eyes pulling
him in, sinking him..willing him to take her all
the way to where his eyes promises her. She
mas-sages him lovingly, feeling him grow
bigger in her hand..she yearned to be filled bu
him, entirely, totally…all of him.
”Oh fxxk!” he M0-ns out , staring at her one
last time, he whispers, capturing her li-ps ”I
love you Alexander” right before he slowly
enters her, going de-ep, reaching her core sp-ot,
hitting it and lingering.
Alexander breaks away from his ki-ss to M0-n
out,grabbing him ti-ght, and then holding him
Jaime stills for a few more seconds, then he
began to move, slowly, slowly..he tilts her face
to stare at him, he ki-sses her as she bites her
li-ps, listening to her M0-ning, like a beautiful
music to his ears. One he would never tire off.
Alexander closes her eyes to savor the
moment, to explore the new feelings rising
inside her as he moved inside her,…it was was slow, – this right here was a
different and new feeling…and she loved it,
every second of it.
Jaime took her slow, making love to her
pas-sionately, causing her to meet him steadily
at every rhythm, moving in and out, making her
M0-n and bite her li-ps and the dig her nails
into his back, he took her over the heels, over
the mountain top of ecstasy and the pushed
her over the cliff, steadily until all she wanted
to do was to scream out his name..
he lets her as he cries out holding on to him,
he felt her walls ti-ghten, her felt her pulsating
walls..squeezing his member, causing more
sensitivity to his cap..
Jaime closes his eyes and the M0-ns, ki-ssing
her, caressing and teasing her, going in and
out, letting her hand roam his member, her nails
dig into his back and listening to her songs of
sweetness that was pushing him over the
cliff..right behind her.
”oh God Jaime, i am..i am..oh god i
am…cu-mi-ohhh ohh aHHHHHHHH!!” she
quakes, she je-rks, turning her head to the side,
her eyes goes inside as she screams out in
resounding plea-sure
”Oh damn Alexander” He lets go, exploding
right into her, watching her shatter. Over the
cliff, they both fall, leaving the euphoria of
bliss, back down to earth. Satiated. At peace.
He ki-sses her as his fast heart slowed back to
normalcy. He ki-sses her till he was out of
air..slowly he pulls away from her, pulling her
with him, laying her on his che-st.
”Are you okay, do you feel hurt anywhere?” he
”Better than i have ever been ” she replies in a
whisper ”No, don’t worry, i won’t tell doctor i
had the best night of my life when i should be
doing anything other than having the best night
of my life”
He laughs, she turns to him ”Really, this was
the best life of my life”
”Because we made love?” he tugs a hair behind
her ear, she shakes her head
”Because i am with you..Jaime Lockswire,
because i am with you” she leans in and then
ki-sses him, resting back on his che-st, he
smiles, his heart bursting with love for this
He knew right there and then, that she would be
the woman he wants to spend the rest of his
life with, why is too short, and he has
no intention of letting life’s rare chances ever
sli-pping away from him.
Some people spend a life time looking for the
one who is meant for them, he..he found her,
and he was going to make her his…well, after
what they just did ..she was his already but,
before his parents, friends and loved ones, he
would make her his, officially. They say, when
you find the woman of your dreams, flaunt it,
laud it. He would do more than that,he would
scream it at the mountain top….damn, he was
happy, so happy he can ha-rdly contain himself.
He smiles, deciding his next task for Adam.
”Go to sleep beautiful” he ki-sses her, ru-b-bing
her back like he would a child to put to sleep
”There are so many things i want to share with
you, but one day at a time” he ki-sses her
He heard her yawn, he felt her body shut down
to sleep, he listens as she breaths peaceful.
Long after she slept, he didn’t.
He was planning …planning on how to make
her his wife.