City mermaid episode 37 & 38

Sea Tales Pres£nts :
City Mermaid
Dahlia could be seen walking down the stairs in her lengthy blue go-wn when she paused on seeing Roxy who climbe-d up.
“Rox, you haven’t left for Spain yet?”.
“Do you want me out of America so badly?”. She asked.
Dahlia scoffed and took few more steps back.
“I got my eyes on you, be mindful of the way you move with Candy cos I’m dangerous”.
“And viscous, I’ve heard about you Dahlia but I should remind you I’m your distant relative, Lovely is like a brother to me”. Roxy said.
“Then keep it the brother way because he’s the only thing that matters to me in the world, no one else does”.
“Find something better to do with your life maybe finding your step mom, Ops! I forgot she’s dead or maybe I can find something for you, how good are you at singing?”.
“Ask how my bad”. Roxy said walking away.
“Awwn did I hurt you”. Dahlia asked and scoffed.
Roxy was full of fury as she moved down the hallway.
She paused abruptly on seeing two guards in front of her.
She made to walk past them but they blocked her way.
“Are you nut?”. She cursed and made to move to the left but they blocked it as well.
It was at that moment she knew something was wrong.
Roxy moved back but bu-mped into something big behind.
She turned slowly to see the Chubby man in her front.
She screamed out but it was short lived as the man behind covered her nose.
The other f0rç£d a syringe into her n£¢k and she drop unconscious into his arm.
“We’re done ma’am, permission to move her from the building”. One of them said into his telecom device.
Lovely could be seen walking toward his room when two men walked past him with a big black
He stared blankly at them as they bowed.
“Boss asked to bring it, she forgot it”.
“And what could be in there?”. He asked.
“Clas-sified weapons boss”.
Lovely scoffed as he opened the door of his room.
“Hish! Taking hunter carrier to Spain, why do I care, just vanish”. Lovely said and closed his door.
He exhaled heavily and picked the remote as he coll@psed into his be-d.
His phone buzzed and he took the video call from Mrs. Arrowood.
“Yo”. He said jo-lting up on seeing that it was a group call that include his sibling except Dahlia.
“I can see the joy in your face because I’m out of the Country”. She said.
Ashley had that quiet face this time around.
“What’s up?”. He asked.
“You all are joining the esc-rt team”.
“We’re transporting the Mermaids as you alre-ady know to Valencia, we have reasons to believe that the Mermaids would attack”.
“There are workers to volunteer as esc-rts”.
“I nee-d professionals not workers, I’ve been training you all since birth and whoever I nee-d volunteers, who else has a problem with that?”. She asked and Lovely raised his hand up.
“Anyone else”.
There was no response as they stared blankly at her.
“Alright then, suit up, we’re changing the time to this afternoon, Mermaids have a greater chance at night, they see in dark “. Mrs. Arrowood said.
” I’m not going “. Lovely said.
” You love things the ha-rd way son, your siblings have learnt their lessons alre-ady but you’re the stubborn one, have you forgotten what I am, I’m the cobr@, don’t step on my tail or I bite “.
” I’ve made myself clear alre-ady “.
” You want me to come down from Valencia but nope I’ve taken care of things alre-ady, you’ll receive a package soon and then you can decide “. She said and ended the call.
Lovely exhaled heavily as his heart pound heavily.
Mrs. Arrowood was full of heart breaking surprises.
There was a knock on the door and be moved to open it.
The guard handed over a smartphone to him and left.
He closed the door slowly and his heart almost explode as it boozed.
He took the video call and could see some masked men in a vehicle recording themselves.
They turned the c@m£ra to someone whoose face was covered with a mask.
One of them pu-ll-ed it and he saw her face.
It was unconscious Roxy.
His eyes popped as sweat formed on his fore head.
“If you dare…..”.
They disconnected the call and he smashed the phone on the wall.
He moved angrily to his ringing phone and took the call.
“How dare you?”. He roared.
“The thing is you have guts to speak at me because of Dahlia but that’s gonna be changing, you want things the ha-rd way, I’ll give it to you”.
“If you dare hurt Roxy”.
“You should learn to st©p ma-king threats on me son”.
“She’s your niece, you won’t do anything to her”.
“Aha even Danny will be glad that I did this, there’s something you don’t know about Danny, Lovely and I’m not willing to say but you want to know, don’t join the excort, I’ll kill the girl myself and then I’ll reveal it to you or on the other hand, Join the excort and you get to see Roxy again, it’s your choice and you know I keep to my word”. She said and disconnect the call.
Lovely was furious as he punched the wall angrily.
Dahlia turned as the door opened to see little Steve who stared blankly at her.
“Hello little”. She said.
“I’m Steve”. He snapped.
“Oh Steve, how are you doing?”.
“Are you here for Kapella?”.
“Yeah, how did you know?”.
He shrugged and raised his head up.
“So is she in?”.
“No she’s not back from school yet”.
“Wow! Can I wait?”.
“She might not be back soon”.
“Oh, alright then, Inform her whenever she returns, tell her Miss D, st©pped by”.
“Yep, alright off I go”. She said moving toward her Ecosse ES1 Spirit motorcycle.
Steve g@sped as he fixed his gaze on the expensive bike.
“Who does ra-punzel move with rich people?”. He whispered and closed the door.
“Hello mother, I think I changed my mind, I got nothing to do so let’s say, I join the esc-rt”. Dahlia said and rode off speedily.
Kapella and Lady Benita helped Madison to climb up to the rock and she gro-an ed.
“Madison you should have stayed back”.
“I swore to rescue them K, I’m healing, I’ll be fine”. She said.
“Are you sure?”.
“Trust me, I am”.
Kapella collect the binocular from Lady Benita and direct it to the warehouse looking throu-gh.
She could see workers moving gagged and chained up women into trucks.
“Wouldn’t now be the best time to attack?”. She asked.
“Look carefully, Sniper”. Madison said.
Kapella turned to the buildings far away and could see men with long rifle patrolling on the roof.
“They go straight for your head, deposit a bullet in your skull, this isn’t the first time we try to rescue the captured”. Lady Benita said.
“How did it go?”.
“Disastrous, The Hunter Woman showed up and instead of rescue, more of us were captured”.
“Hunter Woman again?”.
“She’s really dangerous, have all the technology in the world against us, now that it’s land, they have advantage over us but with you we do”.
“I don’t think she’ll be joining them”. Kapella said.
“This are her captives”.
“We still nee-d to rescue them, this might be our only choice”.
“If things go wrong, run Kapella, your mother is still no where to be found, we can’t lose more Arctic”. Madison said.
“Mother is dead”.
“She’s gone, I’m the last”.
Tears filled Lady Benita’s eyes as Madison consoled her.
“She was a good person, always re-ady to die for us”.
“Do you hear what they’re saying?”. Madison asked as the men gathered together.
Kapella connect her hearing to the river behind the warehouse thereby tapping from the voice transmission that was getting to the water.
“Boss says we’re moving them right away”.
“I thought it was at night “.
” The Day is the perfect time, no one can st©p us not even cops, we’re moving “.
” Alright…. We’re moving! “. Another man roared.
” They’re moving “.
” Moving? “.
” Yes… We nee-d to contact the rest, we’re hijacking and attacking “.
Lovely, Diaz, Finn and Ashley could be seen marching out of the building toward a Lamborghini in similar outfit.
They were dressed in Red Jacket and black trou-ser that had a holsters.
Behind was a sheath that had a large sword.
They connect their telecom piece to their ear and entered into the vehicle as the door closed slowly.
“re-ady to move Mother”. Diaz said as he starts the ignition.
“You know the rule, you’re a team and when you’re done, you can return to your enemy lives, is that un-derstood? “. They could hear her voice in their telecom.
“Noted”. They replied.
“And Candy, I’ve my eyes on you, Just in case you’re just going for Roxy’s case, you’re going to protect and fight else.. I choose not to say what I do”. She said and his sibling turned to him in surprise.
“Just drive and let’s get done with this”. He said.
Diaz exhaled and drives out of the mansion speedily.
Kapella could be seen standing far away on the edge of a bridge as the fresh wind blew throu-gh her.
“All the Mermaids have taken their position according to the plan”.
Madison said from behind.
“Good, what’s the transport situation?”.
“They just left the warehouse now, are you sure about this K, they must not find out that another Arctic is alive else they’ll seize searching for your Mother and come for you “. Lady Benita said.
” That’s why we go with the singing “.
” With lot of Mermaids singing, it gets to appear like it’s joint work but I’ll be the one performing the magic, they don’t find out what I am “. Kapella said.
“All things re-ady then, we should prepare the stage for their arrival “.
“Of course we will”. Kapella replied wearing a clown mask.
A monster truck could be seen moving down the highway with lot of SUV beside and behind it.
Above were Choppers following as well including motorcycles on land.
Inside the truck were chained up Mermaids who were mind communicating.
“Can you feel that?”.
“It’s the rest”.
“They’re here for us”.
The Truck st©pped by the bridge on seeing the barricade.
A worker in site outfit walked up to the truck with an helmet as the driver got down.
“Who the fu-ck are you?”. The Driver cursed.
“Mr. Smith, Phoenix Construction Company, I’m the Supervisor”.
“And what’s with with the barricade and blocade? “.
“We’re starting with soon”.
“Are you nuts? The Arrowood have bought this road for today, do you see any fu-cking vehicle pas-sing by?”.
“I bet you’re the nut one here whereas what’s arrow steel or wood?”. He asked.
The Driver made to gr-ab him but his as-sistant dropped down.
“Hey”. He said approaching them.
He t©uçhed the man’s face but he stared blankly at him.
“He’s charmed”.
“Mermaids… Everyone, heads up, Mermaids!”. He said removing the pistol behind him.
“What’s going on, I said…”. The Driver hits him on the head with a pistol and he dropped.
Men in black vest alighted from the SUV looking around with their M4A1 Rifles pointed out forward.
“Marcus what’s the situation?”. Mrs. Arrowood’s voice rang from the other man’s telecom.
“We have reasons to believe the Mermaids are around, we just found a Charmed Man at the bridge probably to distract us”.
“Did you say bridge, where the hell are you?”.
“Houston Bridge Ma’am”.
“What? I asked you to go throu-gh St. Kenneth’s Path you idiot”.
“The road is flooded ma’am this was the closest”.
“Idiot! Idiot! I told you to fu-cking switch on your GPS so I can track your movement, it’s a damn tra-p”.
Charming Sailors
Come Down To Us
Fermanine voices could be heard un-der the bridge.
The Driver looked down with the rest of the Gunmen and they could see Ladies emerging from the water beneath the sea.
“Open fire!”. He roared.
“You idiot get out of there now!”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“Don’t fire, fall back with immediate effect “. He commanded.
“I promise to cut your ton-gue and feed you with it, Marcus”.
“Apologizes ma’am”.
The Men hurried back to their vehicle but the heavy vibr@tion on the bridge caused them to fall down.
As the Mermaids sang, Kapella could be seen controlling shark’s to hit the Pillars of the bridge furiously.
It began to crack up slowly due to the f0rç£ from the creatures.
“Get re-ady”. Kapella thought as the pillars continued cracking up.
The men staggered up to get in but then everything happened at once.
The entire bridge coll@psed into the water including the truck and the esc-rts.
The Lamborghini that was about getting to the bridge st©pped abruptly as Lovely got down with his sibling.
They took masks from the seat of the vehicle and wore it.
“It’s an attack, they have the truck”. Finn said.
“Inform the Choppers to re-lease the salt”. Lovely said.
“What’s the situation?”. Mrs. Arrowood’s voice rang from Ashley’s telecom.
“Both the truck and esc-rts have coll@psed into the sea with the Bridge, we’re re-leasing salt”.
“What do you mean by that?”.
“Dahlia says the Chopper should be loaded with the salt and Lovely agreed too”.
“Good, Get re-ady to attack”.
The men drowned with the vehicles as the Mermaids pounced on them pu-lling them down to the sea.
They opened fire but since it was un-derwater the bullets had little or no effect on the Mermaids.
“Get the truck”. Kapella mind instructed as her charmed shark attacked the man with an axe.
The Mermaids swam toward the truck as their tails fl@pped.
They got the truck when a bullet out of nowhere sink into the che-st of one.
Kapella scoffed in shock as her br@in connects speedily to the bullet in water and traced the connection to something above.
“Spre-ad out!”. She ordered as bullets rained down the water.
It was a Machine Gun mounted on the helicopter.
“Take cover”.
The Mermaid took refuge in the sinking vehicles as Kapella’s Sea creatures took care of the gun men.
Kapella watched as the Mermaids still strived to take the b©dy of the dead one despite the shooting.
She was dead.
At that moment she felt weak and heartbroken that she losed concentration until Madison gr@bb£d her out of knowing escaping the bullets that c@m£ down.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”.
“She’s dead Maddy”.
“We know and then set her as low priority, after the fight, we can mourn, alright, do it”.
Kapella closed her eyes and opening it she was normal again.
She instructed Electric Eels to follow after her as he swam to the surface of the water despite the bullets.
She s£nt them to where the bullets were coming from and they sh0t up with that speed of bullets.
The shooter scream letting go of the Machine Gun as the creatures re-leased electric charges into his b©dy.
He fell off the helicopter into the sea where he was gladly welcome by the Mermaids.
That was when Dahlia arrived in her bike.
“Smart Mermaids that I get to wonder who’s the master planner of this”. Dahlia said moving toward them.
“You showed up”. Lovely said.
“I want to have fun, re-lease the salt”. She roared.
The helicopters around st©pped and men in it began to pour bags of a certain substance into the sea.
The Mermaid submerged into the sea as the temperature increa-sed.
“Salt”. Kapella could hear the voices of the Mermaids in her head but the thing was she had no plan for a situation like this.
She looked around and could see the Mermaids trying to escape from the salt
It was at this moment she had no choice but to do it.
“re-ady! Their coming up soon”. Dahlia said removing the pistol behind.
Kapella’s colour of eyes changed and she raised her hand up causing the water level to raise.
She connects to the p@rts of the water that had an Impurity, salt, and pushed her hand all up.
A large amount of water bur-st up into the sky and then rain down.
Dahlia stick out her ton-gue and let it t©uçh it.
“Salt! Someone is separating it”.
“I think they have a special Mermaid, a normal can’t do this”.
“They talked about a Kraken but this isn’t a Kraken’s doing, they ain’t singing”. They heard Mrs. Arrowood’s voice from their telecom piece.
“How did you know?”. Lovely asked.
“I’m unpredictable son, Just like you and your siblings should take a step back and be re-ady to attack”.
“I still don’t get her”. Diaz said.
Dahlia slowly raised her head and could see a fighter Jet far away.
“You used my trick Mother, fall back”. She instructed and they moved back wondering what was happening.
Kapella waited for the Mermaids to swim back up and they all head for the truck when the unexpected happened.
The Fighter Jet c@m£ out from the cloud in the sky and re-leased missiles into the water.
They exploded dangerously s£nding everyone in the water into confusion as it threw off everything within it range of explosion.
“She’s using the same trick we used three years ago”.Lovely said.
“Which is?”.
“The next set of missiles coming in are charged with tons of electric current, the sea which will conduct it and the Mermaids will have no option but to come up or die “.
” Did you hear that? “. Madison mind asked as they could hear from un-derwater.
” We nee-d to go before it happens? “.
” No we don’t, we initiate Plan B”.
“But there’s something more to be worried about”. Dahlia said and the door of the Fighter Jet in air opened up.
Something jumped out of it and they looked with keen interest as the parachute spre-ad out.
Madison looked from un-derwater and could see the face of the woman coming down with a parachute.
“What’s it?”. Kapella asked.
“It’s the Hunter Woman”.
*⛲🚄Sea Tales Pres£nts :* ⛲🚄
*City Mermaid* 🧜‍♀️
“Just in case things tries to go off our hands, we might nee-d land fighters”. Kapella said as she drew a circle on the ground with a stick.
“You know Mermaids are weak on land, your plan is coll@psing the bridge into the water, that gives us all the advantages”.
“Yeah but this people might have backup, there might not be enough time to flood them again because they’ll be careful”.
“So what do you suggest?”.
“Who’s volunteering to go to an Army’s Camp?”.
“To charm them, we don’t have enough time”. A Mermaid said.
“It’s better to be on the safer side, we get this trained soldiers un-der our control, that’s a fu-cking land stronghold against the hunters”. She announced.
“Just pick Arctic, they’ll go”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“We haven’t spoken about the main p@rt of this extraction”. Madison said.
“Which is?”. Kapella asked.
“Rescuing the Mermaids”.
Kapella placed the stick on the center of the circle and drew a line out.
“The main priority Maddy is escaping, it’s one thing to rescue but can be escape because the Hunters will be waiting on land with Snipers all around”. Kapella said.
“What if they s£nt divers in, like years ago, they’re accurate shooters”.
“They’re going by land so they’re not expecting a coll@psing bridge, we are quic-k with whatever we do”.
“So how do we escape if not swim out?”.
“Tunnels… Like we escaped from the warehouse “. Lady Benita said.
” She’s right, tunnels but our effective tool is distraction “.
Helicopters appeared from different direction in the air and the Soldiers in uniform who were in it opened fire on the fighter Jet.
” We un-derestimate the Mermaids, seems they upd@t!ngtheir memories during their captivity “. Dahlia said bringing out a Walkie-talkie.
“Take them down”.
Mrs. Arrowood lands gently taking off the parachute.
Missiles from different direction hits the helicopter scattering them to pieces.
Kapella gr@bb£d the lock of the truck and broke it with one pu-ll.
She raised her head up and could see the Fighters Jet turning to the water.
She nee-ded no one to tell her what was up as she she sh0t up the sharks she had connection to in their numbers.
The incoming missiles from the Jet hits them and scattered into pieces.
“Impossible!”. Mrs. Arrowood exclaimed as she took off her eye patch.
The Mermaids opened the doors of the truck and swam in to truck to free the mermaids.
Mrs. Arrowood let out an evil smile as she brou-ght a detonator behind them.
“What do you see?”. She whispered.
A Man could be seen viewing the ocean from the fighter Jet with a Binocular whoose lens enabled him to see un-derwater.
“Creatures swimming into the van”.
Kapella paused abruptly on hearing Mrs. Arrowood’s voice from un-derwater.
Since her shadow was casted on the waters, Kapella connects to it and linked it back to her.
She could see Mrs. Arrowood with a detonator “.
” No! “. Kapella screamed as she used the water in the van to push the Mermaids out but not all got out as the bomb un-derneath it explodes.
Kapella’s heart pound as she watched the b©dy of two Mermaids sink down.
They were tricked, the truck had a bomb.
The Fighter Jets fired missiles at the sea again but as Kapella wasn’t emotional re-ady.
They exploded un-derwater re-leasing great deal of electrical currents that shocked the Mermaids including Kapella who gro-an ed.
Mrs. Arrowood pu-ll-ed two UMP SMG from the from a crate and wore her g@s mask as she turned to her children.
“You won’t stand there, will you?”.
“They won’t be foolish to wait for you”. Lovely said.
“They’ll take the tunnels”. Dahlia added.
Kapella connects to the sea absorbing all the electric current into herself.
“What the fu-ck are your doing!”.
“Go, Maddy get the mermaids and go”.
Mrs. Arrowood s submerged opening fire at them as the Mermaids scampered for safety.
Kapella connects to one of the sharks and charmed it to attacker her but she was quic-k escape out of the water.
Dahlia helped her out as she fired repeated into the shark’s head as it tried to move at them on land.
“Mermaids controlling sharks without singing, There’s an Arctic”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
” Anita is dead”.
“What if she’s not?”.
“Candy knows the end of the tunnels, they’ll secure it”.
“re-lease….”. Mrs. Arrowood didn’t finish her statement as the water level rose up and pushed forward hitting her and Dahlia away.
The waters spre-ad out speedily and the end of the radius rise up straight into the sky putting the center in darkness.
The scene was like water in cylinder form with the Mermaids and two hunters enclosed in.
“Ma’am we’ve lost visual”. The Sniper men informed Mrs. Arrowood via telecom piece as their scope couldn’t see throu-gh the ris£n water.
Mrs. Arrowood rose slowly with Dahlia and they maintained their balance so the water don’t take them.
“It’s truely an Arctic, Anita you were better off dead”. She roared.
A crocodile un-derwater moved to bite her but Dahlia blew off it’s head.
The Fighter Jet could re-lease missile again and they had also lost sight of her “.
” I’ve always admired your smartness Anita but this is the bext to far, don’t be a scared Cat, anny”.Mrs. Arrowood said and Kapella arou-se slowly from the water.
Mrs. Arrowood pu-ll-ed the gun behind her but the ris£n water behind poured down heavily on her.
She bur-st out of the water as Dahlia sh0t repeatedly at her.
A crocodile crawled out of the water but she was fast to roll away dodging it.
She pressed a bu-tton on her shoulder and the knife attach to her shoe sprang out.
Dahlia pushed it straight into the creatures n£¢k as Mrs. Arrowood fired at Kapella who was moving throu-gh the ris£n water.
She swiftly pressed the bu-tton on her wrist and the metal around it turned into an automatic gun which targets Kapella automatically and fired her.
Mrs. Arrowood bouced on the ground with her Sneakers that propelled her forward and she fired at Kapella who dodged swiftly.
She gr@bb£d her and the both submerged down as Kapella hits the gun from her hand.
She gr@bb£d Mrs. Arrowood’s arm swiftly wanting to break her bone with one twist but that was she saw her roundedl-ips and a pin pointing out.
Mrs. Arrowood sh0t out the pin straight from herl-ips into Kapella’s fore head.
The pin pierced into her blood stream thereby containing it.
Kapella’s b©dy seized at once as she couldn’t move a f!nger.
She f0rç£d a dagger into her side and Kapella gro-an ed as she kicked her away.
As Kapella drown with the dagger stuck in her side she connect to the closest sharks and s£nt them at Mrs. Arrowood but to her ultermost shock the creatures on getting ran off like something scared them.
That was when she saw Dahlia firing a certain gun at the creature.
It was a gun that re-leased dangerous waves with high frequency at the creatures thereby forcing them to retreat.
Kapella lands softly on the sea be-d and closed her eyes as she went unconscious.
Dahlia swam to her returning the wave gun to her stealth gr@bb£d Kapella’s mask but it she was re-ady as she had faked unconsciousness.
She gr@bb£d the sharp stone and stabbe-d it into her n£¢k but Dahlia f0rç£d her artificial nails which were made of steel into her side. JOIN us on our telegram page for more exciting stories throu-gh Ohene ome on+233544142683.
Kapella kicked her away and swam but almost bu-mped into Mrs. Arrowood who was pointing the wave gun at her.
A hvge tail hit Mrs. Arrowood from behind and Madison gr@bb£d Kapella’s hand away.
“I told you all to go “. Kapella thought.
” They’re gone but I can’t leave you, The Hunters are dangerous “.
” I didn’t un-derstand what you meant by they have every technology against us, I think i do now “. Kapella thought asking she channeled all the creatures in the sea at Mrs. Arrowood and masked Dahlia who fired the wave gun endlessly at the creatures of which bought time for the two Mermaids to escape.
Kapella climbe-d the ladder that went up the tunnel and helped Madison who was below.
“You’re injured”. Madison said as they no longer un-derwater.
“Yes, weapons coated with salt but salt has no effect on me”.
“You’re lucky, a normal Mermaid can’t survive such”.
“Where are the others?”. Kapella asked.
“They’re up ahead, we have a long way to go”. Madison said.
“Then let’s hurry, I thought of something now”.
“Which is?”.
“You all used tunnel to escape the first time, the hunters might have known”.
“Oh my God”.
The Mermaids climed up one after the other out the tunnel helping each other.
They were all out when Lovely, Diaz, Finn and Ashley who were masked appeared from different direction pointing an M4A1 rifle at them.
“You’re surrounded and even before you think of singing, I’ll put a fu-cking bullet into your mouth”. Lovely threatened and they stood still knowing fully well that their only weapon was voice and water.
Suddenly and without warning water bur-st out of the tunnel straight up prompting them to raise their guns up.
It c@m£ down furiously evading the Mermaids and sl@pping the hunters away.
“Run!”. Kapella roared as she and Madison sh0t out of the tunnel with a wave of water.
She landed perfectly hitting off the rest of the Hunters with the water.
“Go I’ll cover you all”. She said to Madison as the Mermaids took off.
“No, let’s go”. Madison said pu-lling her along.
Lovely swam out of the flood speedily as he dropped his rifle and carrying a gun harpoon went after them.
He pu-ll-ed the pistol behind him and fired at them as they ran into the building forcing them to split.
He went after Kapella while the other gun men went after Madison.
Lovely jumped over a chair as he aimed the harpoon at her and fired straight.
It sh0t out with it rope connected to it from the gun and thrû-st into her leg.
He pu-ll-ed the gun and Kapella crashed to the ground.
She sl@pped the ground causing a rise of dust but he are-ady let go of the harpoon and pu-lling the wave gun fired straight.
The wave cleared off the dust and hit Kapella to the wall as she tried to run.
He dropped the Gun and simultaneously pu-ll-ed the pistol behind him and fired into her leg.
Kapella screamed loudly as he moved toward her pointing his Gun.
“I’m sorry I don’t want this but you have to die”. He said and c0cked the gun.
That was when she saw his ring.
Kapella g@sped as she raised her head up to his masked face.
“Lovely?”. She whispered and his eyes popped.
“Who the fu-ck are you?”. He roared and saw her shaky eyes.
He tried ha-rd to remember were he had seen the eyes but no there was only one person who called the name Lovely in the most charming way.
Two gun raced there but paused seeing that he had an gun pointed at her.
“Gamma 064, Ma’am one Mermaid…”.
Lovely turned back swiftly as fired into their che-st.
He turned back to her and breath heavily as he point the gun to her face.
“Kapella”. He whispered with shaky hands.