City mermaid episode 33 & 34

⛲🚄Sea Tales Pres£nts :
City Mermaid 🏤 🧜‍♀️
Kapella got to the deck and paused as she saw Madison who was looking on from the height.
“How did you find me?”. She asked turning back.
“We all have a connection to water, all I have to do is is trace where a p@rticular connection is coming from when I connect to the water”. Kapella said stepping forward.
“So much of an Arctic, seems you know what you can do”. Madison asked.
“I do now, what are you doing here?”. Kapella asked as she leaned against a wooden pillar.
“I come here to feel the ocean breeze, it’s mind b!owing”.
“Have you been able to father the rest of the Mermaids?”. Kapella asked.
“Greta is on it”.
“Greta, that’s her name”. Kapella asked.
“It is.. The Mermaids are scattered all over the city for the fear of El Voleuse”.
“The Stealer?”.
“You should un-derstand Italian by now”.
“Maybe The Stealers sound more cool”.
“But for the fact that we have an Arctic they’ll come”. Madison said.
“You’re so sure”.
“Of course I am, we’ve seen things that Anita could do, she took on the hunters that fateful night in a way no Mermaid can even though we got caught i am glad she did a good damage to the eye of the hunter woman”. Madison said.
“My mother did”.
“Yes she did, Have you met her?”.
“Then how did The Elijah find you?”.
“I don’t want to talk about it Madison”.
“Alright then”. She said turning to the sea wind.
“I nee-d to clear my head”. Kapella whispered.
“You’re a Mermaid, make it a low priority and then focus on something else”.
“I don’t want to, I want to try another way, maybe catching fun”.
“Or maybe helping to find the other Mermaids with your Articulated Connection to water”. Madison said and she turned slowly to her.
They took few steps back as Kapella took off her Jacket.
She inhaled heavily as they stood at stance.
With one swift speed they jumped off the deck di-ving straight into the Ocean.
Kapella finished re-ading the book as she closed it with tears in her eyes.
She slowly turned to the IPhone 13 on the be-d as it buzzed.
Steve had given it to her with the say that it was a gift from her b©yfri£nd.
That was no other person than Lovely but that wasn’t it alone but a box as well.
As much as she should avoid him for being the Hunter Family who killed her Mother and would do same to her.
She can’t just imagine Lovely as a bad person who would hurt.
There was a flash of memory of the Mermaid who was stabbe-d.
The blood flowing down the stairs and her racing heartbeat.
She flin-ched as she felt a slight head ache and took the phone.
She had several missed calls from Lovely but she could see the last message he dropped.
“plea-se pick my call, we nee-d to talk”.
She exhaled and rose to her feet.
“The Kapella you’re trying at the moment is unavailable, she just finished setting you as a low priority but a factory reset would do, not now though, I have your Family to deal with “. She whispered and rose slowly to her feet as she took off her dress.
She opened the box staring at the outfit he had bought for her.
“It looks charming though”.
Lovely could be seen ru-bbing his hand together as he paced left and right in front of Kapella’s home.
The door soon pu-ll-ed open and he turned back swiftly.
“Oh my… I was so worried, I’m glad you’re fine”. He said laughing.
She stared blankly at him like he was a stranger.
When Mermaids make people a low priority in their hearts, they care less about them and focus only on their mindset.
“What are you doing here?”. She asked.
“You didn’t pick my calls”. He said and she scoffed.
“I’ve something to attend to Lovely if you would excuse me”. She said walking past him.
“Is it because of what my mother did?”. He asked and she paused.
“She’s getting old Kapella, she probably couldn’t hold the salt properly”.
“Getting old, she poured it right into my eyes, who does that?”. Kapella asked.
“Is that enough reason to be angry at me, Did I do it?”.He asked.
“Something bad happened to someone close to me and that’s my priority right now so fu-cking excuse me, don’t you get it, just don’t pester me because…of whatever happened in that restroom”. She said and walked away leaving him in shock.
She got into a Cab and it drove off.
You Only Wanna Be With Me
You Call Me Your Fool
But That’s What You Are
You’re My Fool
We’re Gonna Have A Nice d@t£
Francis could hear the soft echoing voice in his ear as his eyes blinked open.
He felt pain around his n£¢k and heaviness in his head as his vision was blurry.
“What do you see Francis?”. He could hear Ashley’s voice as his vision cleared.
He could see her seated upside down.
That was when he realized his legs were tied up to the ceiling.
“Ashley I’m begging you”. He cried.
“Oh my gosh, are you breaking so soon honey, I thought you wanted us to have a nice time?”. Ashley asked as she rose to her feet.
“I’ll delete the video every single one”.
He could see her upside down as she held his face and brou-ght herl-ips close to his.
“Too late”. She whispered and pu-ll-ed back.
“Tell me what do you want from me?”. She asked moving toward a furnace with red h0t rocks.
“I wanted to blackmaik you, I’m sorry”.
“Story for tik tok”. She said taking one of the red h0t rock with a thong.
“I swear!”.
“Damn! I nee-d to hear the pitch of your scream”. She said and placed it on his unclad che-st causing his to scream in pain as it burn.
She re-moved in and dropped the stone.
“I was raised in a way that was we unleash our pain on other people, that’s the only way I feel better”. She said and bit her lowerl-ips as she turned back.
“One last chance or the next one goes into your mouth”. She said.
“I swear I wanted to blackmail you”.
She used the thong to take another red h0t rock and moved at him.
“plea-se Ashley I’m begging you!”. He screamed out.
“plea-se Francis the mucus from your nose is graagh! “. She said moving it close to his mouth.
” I wanted you! “. He screamed out.
She paused and scoffed.
” Lier “. She said moving the ton-g back.
” I’m a damn pl@yboy “. He cried.
” That’s right “. She said dropping the thong.
” I guess you haven’t heard of Ashley, I’m a Pl@yGirl, Pl@yboy meets Pl@ygirl, so ro-mantic”. She said and and loosed the rope tied to the pillar.
He crashed r0ûghly to the ground as he gro-an ed.
“Thanks for helping me relieve my anger, Mr. Francis, have a nice day”. She said walking toward the door.
She paused and turned back.
“You can call 911 as well, you were kidnapped”. She said and shook her head.
“Looking forward to our new friendsh!p, Francis from this moment I become the pest in your life, I’ve picked you and your dear Sister is next, If I can’t have an Elijah, Two Petrova would do “. She whispered and vanished out of sight.
Mrs. Elijah walked into her office as the secretary followed after her.
” You’re back Mrs. Elijah “.
” Yes, Has Vincent’s article been published yet? “. She asked.
” No, still un-der verification”.
“It’s a perfect piece”. She said sitting down.
“Boss what’s going to see you?”.
“Oh alright then”.
“And I hope you haven’t forgotten your appointment with Phoenix Daily”. The Secretary asked.
“Tomorrow, 9am”. She replied.
“Thanks for the reminder, Alex”.
“I’ll take my leave at once”. She said and left.
Mrs. Elijah placed some file on the table and rose to her feet when the cu-p of water slide and dropped from the table.
She squat to pick the cu-p as the water flowed on the glas-s floor.
Mrs. Elijah screamed as she saw the reflection on the flowing water.
It was a scary woman with fish scales all over face.
Mrs. Elijah crawled back as a hand sprout out of the water followed by the full b©dy revea-ling the woman.
It was the Leader of The Stealers.
“Look at who we have here?”. The Stealer said.
She staggered to her feet as raced for the door but almost bu-mped into another one at the door.
She turned back and three more had joined her.
“Even if I don’t remember anyone, I remember you as Jane’s closest friend and I seeing you at the Island today, what’s the bond between you and the Arctics?”. The Stealer asked stepping forward.
“I’m not a Mermaid, you don’t steal human face”. Mrs. Elijah said.
“That’s right, we use them as bait, you should watch were you place your feet, Jane Petrova”. She said.
Mrs. Elijah looked down and the flowing water had gotten to were she stood.
She made to move but it enlarge like a portal and she vanished into it.
The Stealer took the marker on the table and wrote on the glas-s wall.
“El Voleuse was here”.
She di-pped her f!ngersinto the glas-s of water on the table and vanished into tin air.
Sea Tales Pres£nts :
City 🧜‍♀️ Mermaid
Kapella and Madison emerged from the ocean with unclad legs as they had only a T shi-t on.
“I once saw your mother transform without her dress tearing off”. She said and Kapella paused.
“That isn’t possible”.
“Lot of things are possible for an Arctic, the dress merge into the tail and when she becomes human it spre-ad out again”. Madison said.
“Wow! I guess that’s the next thing to learn”. Kapella said as they approached a thatched house at the shore.
“Are you sure about this?”. Madison asked.
“I felt the connection”. Kapella said and knocked but there was no response.
“Kapella?”. Madison called out but she was engrossed in knocking.
“Watch out!”. She screamed gr-abbing Kapella down as a wave of water from the sea hit the door.
They staggered to their feet to see a woman standing close to the sea.
“Congratulations, we found one”. Madison said but they dived into different direction as the woman direct a deal of water from the sea at them.
“What the fu-ck is wrong with her?”. Kapella screamed.
“I don’t know!”. The Woman marched toward them with a wave of water following her behind.
She launched it at them Kapella was fast as fly over it as it sweep Madison off her feet.
Kapella pushed her fist forward and the wave returned straight for the woman but she bur-st it into droplet of water.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”. Madison screamed at the woman.
The woman twist her her hand in the air causing a bur-st of water like a tornado from the ocean.
“What the fu-ck!”. Kapella cursed as she took her her heels.
She kept running as it gained on her but then she suddenly remembered one of the words of her Mother from the book.
“You have a greater authority over the sea then other Mermaids”.
Kapella p@n-t as her sprint caused a heavy dust.
Her eyes suddenly flashed blue as she bouced on the stone in front of her and turned straight way in the air facing in incoming water in form of tornado.
She dived straight into it scattering it into droplet of rain.
She landed perfectly as her foot hit the soft shore sand.
Madison g@sped with mouth open as Kapella raced her head up.
She raced speedily at the woman as she moved her hand randomly shooting water at Kapella who was dodging them swiftly.
She kicked her and she crashed down.
Kapella moved at her but she sh0t her hand forward causing a bur-st of water from the sea that hit Kapella up
She crashed to the ground and gro-an ed.
She rolled quic-kly escaping the incoming wave of water.
Kapella jumped back to her feet and ran at the woman.
The woman raised her hand up causing the waters behind her to rise but unannounced Kapella paused her hand up.
The shore sand bur-st into the eyes of the woman causing her to gr0@nas she let go of the water trying to clean it but Kapella who was in front of her alre-ady kicked her and she crashed down.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”. Kapella asked
as she gr@bb£d her n£¢k.
“Not my idea”. The woman gro-an ed as tears got down her eyes as a result of the sand.
“What are you talking about?”.
A wave of water suddenly rose of the sea and sl@pped Kapella away.
She crashed down and could hear Madison’s singing voice.
She gro-an ed and rolled to see Madison.
“You should cover those enticing legs of yours”. Madison said stretching her hand.
“This was all you!”. She asked gr-abbing the hand.
“We nee-ded to see that you’re truely re-ady, Kapella Elijah”. Madison said as she raised her up.
“Is this some sort of test or what?”.
“You should know Kapella this people we’re going against have been a threat for centuries”.
“Are they immortal?”.
“Don’t be dumb, it’s said to be a legacy thing, from generation to generation, they have more than enough technology against us Kapella”.
“That’s why you have me, an Arctic”.
“More than one Arctic have been said to die in the hands of this family in time past”.
“What’s so special about this family?”. Kapella asked.
“The blood of a hunter flows down their vein but that isn’t enough, they have damn weapons, we’re literally powerless on earth, going after then on land is suicidal”. The Woman said as she successfully got the sand from her eyes.
“You’re not just an Arctic, you’re a Hybrid”. She added.
“I also thought of it, Danny was human, Kapella meet Lady Benita, One of the special Mermaids with control over the sea without having to sing “. Madison said.
“We finally meet Kapella Elijah, I’ve heard alot about you “. Lady Benita said.
” Alot? “.
” Madison says you’re a stubborn br@t “.
“You didn’t have to say that but well I’m right Mmm hmm”. Madison said.
“I feel like summoning a shark to eat you up right now”. Kapella said.
“I can see you’ve learnt a lot alre-ady”. Lady Benita said.
“Have I?”.
“Yes. It took me a decade to learn the art of controlling water without the regular music, seems you learnt in Nano seconds”.
“She’s an Arctic, Lady Benita”.
“That’s right, have you learnt the art of teleportation?”. Lady Benita asked.
“What’s that?”.
“A special ability only few Mermaids have, right now El Voleuse is the only one we’ve seen do it, both on land and water”.
“This El El Vol….Voleus….e…. Are they Hybrids, they have control over the land as well”.
“Do you know why they’re called Stealers?”.
“Oh my… They stole the ability”.
“They’ve been existing for centuries Kapella, hunting Artics, they don’t steal faces alone”. Madison said.
“But….”. Kapella wanted to say she’s the first Arctic but didn’t.
“Of course, there are land Mermaids, they don’t transformed in water but earth p@rticle like the dust of the earth”. Madison said.
“What are you not telling me?”. Kapella asked.
“Some decades ago The Stealers went hunting Pregnant Arctics, they drain all their Mermaid powers ma-king them human, the feotus growing as an Mermaid switch to human growth “. Lady Benita said.
“ma-king them Hybrids”.
“Yep but not true, they are weak as humans, The Stealers are only strong because they’ve ac¢v-mulated overdose of magic “.
” That doesn’t still explain how The Stealers control the dust of the earth “.
” It’s simple, they then stole the powers of the Hybrids as soon as they were given birth to “. Madison said and she g@sped.
” C’mon come in, would you mind if I make if cu-p of coffee? “. She asked moving toward the bungalow.
” I don’t move with strangers anymore “. Kapella said.
” Momma’s girl “. Madison said tapping her shoulder.
” What? “.
” Isn’t that what human mother’s tell their kids? “. She asked and Kapella smiled.
They got into the small building and Madison put on the TV as they coll@psed to the be-d.
“Confusion In Phoenix Media As Mrs. Jane Elijah Vanishes Mysteriously From Her Office”. Was the headline of the news.
“Mrs. Elijah’s secretary testified that she had returned to office this afternoon only for her to hear screams, she rushed in and there was nothing except the broken glas-s of water on the ground but there’s something more terrifying, the writing on the wall “. The news caster said and a picture appeared on the screen.
“El Voleuse was here”. could be seen bodly written on the wall.
“Is this some sort of Ghost, we’re still searching for answers as the meaning of El Voleuse turns out to be The Stealer in Italian, stay tuned to Phoenix News as we’ll bring you more upd@t£, once again I’m Amada Bruce”.
Kapella rose up slowly as tears filled her eyes.
“They’re using her as a bait Ella”. Madison said.
“I know but there’s something they don’t know “. Kapella said and they turned slowly to her.
“They just provoked the wrong Arctic “.
Phoenix Broadcast
The entrance of the building was filled with a hvge crowd mainly reporters who the cops tried their possible best to st©p.
Kapella got down from a cab trying to hold her tears.
She had made everyone a priority again in her head and could now feel the pain of losing a Mother.
“Miss Kapella Elijah!”. She could hear several voices as she walked throu-gh the crowd.
She got into the building to see Lovely speaking with the cops.
Her phone buzzed and she took the call.
“Hey Cindy”.
“Hey baby girl are you alright, I saw the news”.
“You don’t expect me to be alright Cindy”.
“I know, Just tell me were you are”.
“Relax Cin, you don’t have to bother yourself about everything”. She said and disconnect the call.
Lovely turned to the left and saw her.
She looked down as he approached her and hvgged her.
“It’s gonna be alright Bek, If it means emptying the police dep@rtment to find her, I’ll see to it”. He whispered c@r£ss!ngher hair.
“Thank you”. She whispered as she raised her head to see Mr. Elijah.
She quic-kly let go of Lovely and cleaned the tears that tried to come out.
“Hey”. She said and hvgged him ti-ghtly.
“It’s The Stealers”. He whispered.
“I know Dad, we’re going for them”.
“They’re dangerous, you saw what they did the last time”. He said.
“Just have Faith”. She said and walked away.
Lovely and Mrs. Elijah’s eyes met and he bowed as a form of greeting but he walked away as well.
Kapella got to her Mother’s office and could see the cops putting a barricade around the table.
She looked back to be sure Lovely wasn’t following her and began to hum slowly.
Herl-ips slowly p@rted as she began to sing in a low tone.
Their eyes dilated and they turned to her.
“Leave”. She commanded.
She moved toward the broken glas-s and she could hear a Madison’s in her head.
“If they didn’t gain entrance throu-gh the door then they teleported”.
“How?”. Kapella remembered asking.
“The water teleportation Lady Benita talked about, some mermaids can use it as a medium to connect to a larger sea, ocean or smaller b©dy, the connection creates a pathway one can travel throu-gh”.
Kapella squat low and t©uçhed the water on the ground with her f!ngers.
She felt a vibr@tion as she closed her eyes trying to access the place where the liquid was linked to.
She felt that terrible pain in her head as she kept seeing the faces of the stealers but then she hit the point.
She could see the stealers bur-st out of the water taking Mrs. Elijah along.
“What are you doing?”. She heard a voice that jo-lt her.
She turned to see Lovely with his hand in pocket.
“Oh this is my mom’s favorite cu-p, hish”. She said looking down.
“Where are the cops?”.
“I told them to excuse me and I’ll be glad if you do, I actually nee-d some air”.She said walking for the door.
“Kapella”. He said and she paused.
“I don’t know what’s going with you lately but always remember I’ll be there for you and that I love you “. He said.
” Thank you”. She replied and walked away.
She could see Madison in the ground as she moved around like a stranger.
“I know where they are”. She thought as she connect her mind to that of Madison.
“And where could that be?”.
“It’s a junkyard”.
“Hish! I hate the smell of junks, let’s move”. Kapella heard her voice in her head and turned but didn’t see her.
She walked out of the building and a rolls royce st©pped in front of her.
She got in and Madison drove away.
“Your little b©yfri£ndis tailing us”. She said.
Kapella turned back and saw Lovely’s Limousine behind.
“He was watching”.
“I got it handled alre-ady”. Madison said and a truck lose it way going throu-gh the wrong lane.
The Limousine had no option but to st©p as every other vehicle c@m£ to halt to avoid an accident.
“That’s one of the advantage of family”.
“We help ourselves”. She said.
“Just drive fas-ter”.
Mrs. Elijah gro-an ed as they tied her to a chair.
“Am I do dangerous that you have to tie me up”.
“We never can say”. One of the Stealers said.
“So tell us Jane, what connection do you have with the Artics?”. Another asked.
Madison drove speedily unto the junkyard as armed men on the roof of a Bungalow opened fire at the vehicle.
“$h!t! They charmed an army”. Madison screamed as she turned the steering speedily.
“Get re-ady we’re moving out”. She announced.
Madison drift the car around a crane hitting off two off the gun men.
She hit the br@ke wanting to reverse but paused seeing the incoming grenade from an RPG.
They pushed open the door and dived out just as the vehicle went aflame.
“You found us so quic-k, I’m indeed surprise”. The Leader of the Stealers said as she stepped out from behind a container.
The men had seized fire as Madison staggered to her feet.
“Where’s the woman?”. Madison asked.
“It’s so fearless of you don’t walk into the habitat of El Voleuse”. She said.
“Hiring gun men, that shows how weak you are”. Madison said.
Lady Benita and some other Ladies walked out from different point and stood at ease.
“Bringing Sea mermaids against The Stealers on land, how dumb of you”. She said and they heard the scream of men.
They turned to roof of the bungalows and could see the gun men struggling with sea turtles that stuck to their faces.
They c@m£ crashing down the roof as the numbers of turtle increa-sed.
The Stealer turned slowly as she noticed Kapella wasn’t there the entire time.
“Where’s the Arctic?”.
“The question you should have asked instead of muttering ru-bbish”. Madison said.
A loud rumbling sound like that of a flood could he heard and everyone turned to see Kapella in the air with an entire sea ris£n up behind her.
“I think you found her”. Madison said and Kapella unleashed it all on the junkyard as her eyes flashed blue.