City mermaid episode 31 & 32

🚄⛲Sea Tales Pres£nts 🚄❤️⛲:
City 🧜‍♀️ 🏠 Mermaid 🧜‍♀️
Kapella’s heart pound heavily but to her shock the salt didn’t burn her.
She raised her head to Mrs. Arrowood tou-ching the salt on her face.
“I’m totally sorry Miss Kapella, that was a mistake, I didn’t hold the salt properly, my mistake”. She said forcing a fake smile.
“You literally poured a salt to my face Mrs. Arrowood, as much as I respect you, how can do such? What if you had blinded me?”.
“Do you realize you’re speaking to me that way?”.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have come here to get bath with salt, what the fu-ck?”.
“Kapella!”. Cindy said and Kapella turned to her.
“Mom had an accident, we have to go now!”. She announced.
“What!”. Kapella exclaimed as she rose to her feet.
Kapella hurried out with Cindy as Mrs. Arrowood watched them leave.
“What the hell was that for!”. Diaz roared and she sl@pped his ha-rd across the face.
“You don’t talk to your Mother that way, have some result”. She snapped.
“Kapella Elijah, If you’re not a Mermaid how can you be this beautiful?”. Mrs. Arrowood whispered.
Cindy held Kapella ti-ghtly so she don’t get hit by a vehicle as she ran blindly toward the road.
“Kapella calm!”. She warned loudly holding her.
She st©pped a Cab and they got in.
Kapella was breathing heartlessly as everything that happened flashed back throu-gh her memory.
“Mother, My mother is she fine, is Mom okay?”. Kapella said pu-lling Cindy’s shoulder.
“It’s all a lie, it’s a lie Kapella, Your Mom is Fine, I said that to get you away from there”. She said.
“Oh my God!”. She exclaimed.
“Breath Kapella, Breath!”. Cindy whispered.
“I can’t, I can’t, my head is spinning”. Kapella said shaking her head.
“Drive!”. Cindy screamed at the Cabman.
“Where to ma’am?”.
“Washington Street, Just drive”. Cindy said.
He starts the ignition and drove away.
“Take!”. Cindy said as she took a bottled water from her bag.
Kapella collects it and in a second she gulped in everything.
“Another”. She said hurriedly.
Cindy gave her another and she did same.
“Cindy, I nee-d to s£nd an electric pinch my face”. She said.
“You’re seriously crazy”. Cindy said.
“I literally walked right straight into the lions den”. She said.
“We were fools to have gone with her, Cindy, fools”. Kapella added.
“Shut up and don’t blame yourself for once, Bill Gate or Elon Musk ask you for a dinner with his family will you miss that opportunity, talk less of the riche-st woman, hush! We were really destined to fall into troubles”. Cindy said placing her palm on her face.
“The salt didn’t burn me Cindy, it fu-cking didn’t”. Kapella said shaking Cindy’s shoulder.
“What do you mean? Why did she pour salt on you?”.
“Salt burns, it dry our skin like it does to a fish just that it reaction is fas-ter on us, it can literally kill us”. Kapella said.
“Did you say it didn’t work on you?”. Cindy asked.
“Yeah. I was so frightened, I scream out my lungs out of fear”.
“Are you girls discussing about a fairy tale or myth “. The Cabman asked ma-king them realize he was listening to them the entire time.
Cindy turned to with mouth opened in shocked.
” I’ll take care of him “. She said closing Cindy’s mouth with her f!nger.
” My kids raising up against me for some kid, that’s impressive”. Mrs. Arrowood said staring at Diaz, Finn and Ashley who were on their feet.
“Do you have anything more to say?”. She asked.
“You know we can’t speak against you so don’t act like we’re rising up against you”. Ashley said.
“Your hearts are, I can see it on your faces”.
“Seriously Mom you didn’t have to do something like that”. Finn said.
“Even the little weakling now speaks, I get to wonder what’s special about this one girl”. She said.
“What are you talking about?”. They heard a voice and turned to see Dahlia as she walked in.
“My kids and I are having some conversation, you could excuse us”. Mrs. Arrowood said.
“What’s going on here, something doesn’t feel right”. Dahlia said looking around.
Her sight paused at the table that had p@rticle of salt.
“Start speaking Ashley before I result to the Beretta 45′ behind me”. Dahlia said.
“Leave immediately Dahlia, you’re not invited here”.
“Of course I am”.
She pu-ll-ed the pistol behind her and fired close to Ashley’s leg.
“Speak!”. She roared.
“Mom invited Kapella here and poured salt on her thinking she was a Mermaid but she wasn’t”. Ashley cried.
Dahlia scoffed as she turned back slowly.
“You ruined it, I told you not to come into this”. She said and Mrs. Arrowood sl@pped her across the face.
“The next time you disrespect me, a bullet in your leg, I promise you”. She threatened and walked out.
Dahlia bit her lowerl-ips and walked out as well as she slide the Beretta behind her.
She almost bu-mped into Lovely who wondered what was going on.
She didn’t look him in the face as she walked away.
“Dahlia!”. He called out but she didn’t reply.
He entered into the dinning room and Diaz walked past him brushing his shoulder with his.
Lovely scoffed and turned to Finn who left as well leaving crying Ashley who had her hand on her face.
“Hey what’s on going?”. He asked.
“Just go away”. She cried.
“I’ll get mom to unfreeze your account now tell me”. He said.
“Do you think everything is about money or the goodies I want”. She roared raising her head.
“All you care is what you get, you think about the emotions of your siblings, Mom invites Ella here and pored salt on her thinking she was a Mermaid, Dahlia is furious and f0rç£ me to speak!”. She roared and point to the bullet hole on the glas-s floor.
“Isn’t that what you want to hear, fu-ck off!”. She said pushing him off the way as she walked out.
“Ella? Oh my God Kapella”. He said and rushed out swiftly.
Ashley sniffed as she entered into her room.
She bent low un-der the be-d and drew out a briefcase.
Ashley sniffed again and dialed the number on a piece of paper with her phone.
“You took long to call”. Francis voice rang from the speaker.
“Apologizes love, Can we meet somewhere, I’ll text you the location”. She said and disconnect the call.
She opened the briefcase and in it was a coiled rope.
Knives of different shape, pins and a plier.
“The old way will do”. She whispered.
Kapella and Cindy got down from the Cab and it drove off.
“You have to leave the country K, This is literally a family of hunters and you’re in love with one, same thing happened to your mother”. Cindy said trying to catch up with Kapella.
“We’re talking about me not my mother, I’m not some runaway cat Cindy, I’m Kapella Elijah, The Last Of The Artic Mermaid”.
“Are you done giving yourself an impressive title or you think it’s one of Lovely’s April fool again?”. Cindy asked.
“Don’t mention his name again, Just let me think”. She said.
She hit the door bell and shortly it opened revea-ling Steve.
“Welcome back ra-punzel, I thought you weren’t returning”. He said with his little voice.
“Will you move before I move you to ceiling”. She said and entered.
Kapella paused seeing Madison and the other woman.
She gr@bb£d Steve’s arm and dragged him back.
“What the hell are you looking for?”. She asked.
“Your ra-punzel sisters said they nee-ded to see you”. Steve said.
“How can you let them in?”. Kapella roared.
“Don’t speak like the kid can st©p us”. Madison said and st©pped in front of her.
“We nee-d your help”.
“Hish! I don’t help people”.
“It’s for a problem you caused, Mermaids watch each other’s back, a reason José face got stolen while fighting for you “. Madison said.
” What do want? “.
” We nee-d to get the face back from the Stealer “. Madison said.
” How do we do that? “.
” The only one who knows how to go about it, is still a captive of the Hunter Woman”. The other woman said.
“Tell me, that day we meet who attacked you?”. Kapella asked as her memory flashed back to Lovely gr-abbing her n£¢k as she c@m£ out of the fire exit of the boutique.
“It was a hunter”.
“I know, a man?”.
“No, It was this boy, I can’t ignore the detail that he was really cute”. The other woman said.
“Lovely”. Kapella whispered as she remembered how uneasy he was that say.
“No one was chasing him, no, he was chasing someone”. She whispered.
“Kapella what are you talking about?”. Cindy asked.
“Gather the rest of the Mermaid, we’re going to rescue the others”. She announced.
⛲🚄Sea Tales Pres£nts :⛲
City Mermaid
“Kapella what are you doing?”. Cindy said.
“Fighting for my people”. She said.
“You just almost got caught by the woman and now you want to walk right straight to her”. Cindy said.
“What is she talking about?”. Madison asked.
“It doesn’t matter, gather the Mermaids, we move by dark”.
“Alright, we’ve always waited for this and it’s a honour to be p@rt of us Kapella Elijah”. The Woman said.
“Do you have any idea where they’re kept?”. Kapella asked.
“The Hunter Woman must have moved them”. Madison said.
“If not then she’s using them to set a tra-p since you know the location “. Kapella said.
“That’s right”. Madison said.
“We’ll be on our way”.The Woman said and they left.
“I’m re-ady for your ranting”. Kapella said as she turned to Cindy.
“Do you think that low of me?”. Cindy asked as they entered.
“I know I’m not thinking straight, Cindy”.
“Listen”. Cindy said holding her shoulder.
“Maybe I’m wrong trying to st©p you, they nee-d your help and I respect the fact that you guys are a family, Go!”.
“But let me come with you”. She added.
“No, This is something dangerous Cindy and not some Faceless mission”.
“Fine”. Cindy said.
“There’s no fine on your face Cindy”. Kapella said.
“Steve get me a chilled drink”. Cindy said as she coll@psed into the couch.
“Seriously Cindy”.
“I said alright I’m just trying to comprehend how you worry less that Lovely might be p@rt of this as well”. Cindy said.
“Fine, I don’t nee-d your reply”. She added and collect the bottled drink from Steve.
“I’m a Mermaid, Cin”.
“I’ve told you to st©p calling me that or am gonna break your tail”.
“Whenever I’m determined to do something, I worry less about everything else, everything and b©dy around becomes a low priority”. She said.
“Like me?”.
“Don’t get me wrong Cindy”.
“I totally un-derstand, You’re a Mermaid so I nee-d to st©p acting like you’re fully a human”. Cindy said.
“What can I do without you?”. Kapella said as she blew a k!ssfor her.
“Oh you’re reserving that for your… I totally get”. She said rising to her feet.
“Are crazy talks p@rt of being a Mermaid now?”. Cindy asked.
“Maybe”. She replied and the door pushed open revea-ling Mrs. Elijah who rushed in speedily and hvgged her.
“Oh my girl, I was so scared”.
“I’m so sorry Mom”. Kapella said as she placed her hand behind her Mother.
“Are you alright?”. Mrs. Elijah asked placing her hand on her face.
“I’m Mom, I’m fine, totally “.”Thank you Cindy”. She said and she nodded.
“What did she do?”.
“Nothing Mom, she only wanted dinner with her family and then Cindy c@m£ in that something c@m£ up and we have to leave so we did”. Kapella lied.
Mrs. Elijah exhaied heavily and hvgged her again.
“Have you eaten something?”. She asked.
“I’m not hungry mom, I’m fine”.
“Alright then”.
“Mom we nee-d to talk”. Kapella said as she bit as lowerl-ips.
“Um.. Alright”.
“I know you’ve said I don’t nee-d your opinion to do things that I’m a Mermaid but I don’t agree with that, I’m p@rt of human as well and so human natures follow, to want the love and care of a Mother, you saved me today and I can’t neglect the fact that you’ll always be p@rt of my life, I can’t push that away “. Kapella said and she nodded.
” That’s why I’m telling you mother, that….. “.
” I’m going for a fight “. She announced and Mrs. Elijah raised her head up.
” Don’t say I don’t nee-d your opinion Just speak your mind, I’m begging you “.
” What fight? “.
” To free the rest of the Mermaids in captivity, I can’t rescue them without a fight but now I’m re-ady to face it, I saw how they fought for me at the ~Island and realized they are truely one family, one of them lost her face to the stealers in place of me and I have to get someone who knows how to get~ it back but she’s p@rt of the captives…. “.Kapella said and paused.
” I’m not _fighting for her alone, I’m fighting for the Mermaids, I’m fighting for my people “. She added.
” You finally grew up “. Mrs. Elijah said full of smiles and Kapella_ raised her head up wondering what she meant.
” I nee-ded to be sure you were re-ady, that your drive wasn’t just anger and vengeance but something better, now I can see you’re truely re-ady”.
“re-ady for what?”. Kapella asked.
“A minute”. Mrs. Elijah said and left for her room.
“Is she cool with it?”. Cindy asked.
“I don’t know yet”.
They seized speaking as Mrs. Elijah arrived in with an Ancient Box.
“She’s fine , we’re home now, you don’t nee-d to come Elijah she’s fine, we’ll talk later, Love ya”. She said to her phone and disconnected the call.
“Hope Dad isn’t angry with me?”. Kapella asked.
“You know your Dad is cool tempered”.
“But Steve didn’t take after him, Are you sure you’re his son? Hish!”. She said pointing to Steve.
Kapella and Cindy stared at her in awe.
“Ops! Did I say something wrong, yes I did, stupid girl”. She said sl@pping her cheek.
“You’re neither”. Steve said and ran up the stairs.
“Can you hear that little thing?”. Kapella cursed and Cindy laughed as Mrs. Elijah dropped the box on the table.
“A gift from your Mother to you before she died”. Mrs. Elijah said as open it.
There was a well folded blue cloth that had the Inscription ‘Kapella’ with grinded pearl of different colours.
“She named you when before she gave birth to you, She was re-ady to have a life with you”. Mrs. Elijah said.
Kapella’s eyes filled up with tears as she held the cloth and sniffed it in.
Cindy placed her hand on her shoulder as she bit her lower l!ptrying not to let hers out. Hi omeano on+233544142683 to be added to story headquarters room for more stories.
“I’m not saying this so as to awake a vengeance in you, I say this because the time is here for you to embr@ce your Mermaid side”. Mrs. Elijah said.
Kapella slowly retreated the cloth and saw the book in the box.
The ha-rd cover had a drawing of a Mermaid and her little daughter.
She dropped the cloth and took the big book.
“She says all this contains all you nee-d to know about an Mermaid and an Artic especially but I only give you when you’re re-ady, she pointed that you’re very dangerous and not until you’re not driven by anger I shouldn’t but now I can see you’re re-ady, so have it “. Mrs. Elijah said.
” Kapella took the book and ca-ressed it “.
” I don’t know what is in it but she says it’s a story written by her as a pres£nt when you grow up, a story but filled with everything you nee-d to know about your ability “. Mrs. Elijah said.
Francis turned to Ashley as he leaned against the bartender’s table.
“You’re late”. Ashley said pouring Tequila into her a glas-s cu-p.
She gulped in the content and he smiled.
“I guess I nee-ded to dress well”. He said.
“Do you drink?”. She asked raising another bottle of Tequila up.
“Of course”.
“Would you love to watch a movie?”. He asked as he collect the bottle from her.
“How about we go to my pent house?”. She asked.
“Sure”. He said and gulped it in.
He felt a sharp pain in his head as he tried to hold the bottle.
His vision bec@m£ dim as he tried to concentrate.
He tried to speak but hisl-ips only vibr@ted.
The bottle dropped from his hand as his bones weaken causing him to drop to the ground.
His entire b©dy was weakened as he couldn’t move a f!nger except his moving eye ball.
She squat low and let out an evil smile.
“You wanted fun Francis, you’re just gonna have a lot of it, the thing you and every other fool don’t know is The Arrowood Family is above the law”. Ashley said as everyone in the bar stared at her.
“You’re free to call 911 cos I’m about to murder some Dude”. She announced.
Fast Forward
Kapella could be seen walking toward a sh!pin a port alone.
She was dressed in a purple and black overall jacket and a black leather Jacket.
All the workers around turned to see her as her beautiful skin blend with the ray of sun.
Her Sneakers hit the concrete gently accompanied with soft rhythmic echo.
As she climbe-d the stairs to deck of the sh!pprevious memories flashed throu-gh her thought.
Kapella opened the next page of the book as she sniffed.
She cleaned her tears and continued re-ading.
“Mom we should go fishing today”. Kapella asked Jane pu-lling her hand.
“Mermaid hunting fishes, what do you call that daughter?”. Jane asked.
“Why do we eat sea food when we’re creatures of the sea?”. Kapella asked.
“Answering questions with questions, so intriguing of you K pop”.
“K pop?”.
“Mmm hmm, you got the voice of a pop singer”.
“Tell me Mother, Do I really have control over the creatures of the sea?”. Kapella asked.
Jane paused walking and squat to hold little Kapella’s face.
“You’re the first Half human, Half Arctic, You don’t rule the sea alone but the land also, you’re the First Hybrid Arctic”.