Blood and wine episode 22

🍷Blood And Wine 🍷


Chapter 22


😎Sebastian’s point of view😎

She was still asleep.

Not really by choice, no but because her b©dy was too weak to be awake, to process anything.

But even as she layed there with her eyes closed, she was still the most beautiful person ever, her hair layer softly against the pillow, her lashes resting on her round cheeks. And those eyes closed,

not to be seen and admired.

It’s been two days, and she still hadn’t moved, not even an inch but the doctor said she’ll be fine, but they weren’t sure of the baby yet.

And even though the child wasn’t mine, I didn’t want her to loose it. She would be hurt and devastated, no one deserved to loose their child. Even though the person had caused so much pain to others.

I blinked back the tears gathering in my eyes, I was hurt, I was hurting inside, bleeding from the pain Amaya had caused in my heart.

She had lied to me and betrayed me, but I still couldn’t find it in my to hate her. And damnit! I wanted to hate her for the pain she was putting me throu-gh, the pain that lacerated my heart was burning and I closed my eyes in pain.

And worst of all was she wasn’t awake to explain to me why she had done this. Why she ran away from Pedro, because as much as I hated the guy, he loved her.

The way he had looked at her when she ran to my arms instead, and when he found out he had sh0t her, but he was broken, he was devastated. He loved Amaya, he looked at her the exact way

I looked at her, like she was the only thing that existed at that moment.

But that didn’t make me hate the bastard less, I still hated him, especially for what he had done to Amaya, he almost killed her because of his stupid rage.

I almost lost the only person that mattered to me. I looked back at Amaya to see her still asleep, I picked her hand, locking her f!ngerswith mine. They felt so soft and slender.

I brou-ght her hand to myl-ips and k!$$£d it softly.

The door opened and I turned to see the other maids walk in with Rosa in front of them.

“Hey brother” Rosa walked up to me, wra-pping me in her arms, I stood up hvgging her ti-ghtly.

If there was anything I nee-ded right now it was my sister, my beautiful sister who was always there for me. I savoured her hvgs and she pressed into me further before letting me go. Only to cu-p my

face and place a small k!sson my nose.

“We heard about that happened” She said, before turning to Amaya, her eyes bec@m£ ha-rd but she glanced back at me. “Daniel told us”

I knew Rosa didn’t like Amaya right from the day she met her, but even I saw the sympathy behind those green eyes. “How’s she? Come inside” She turned to the girls who were standing solemnly

behind her with sad eyes.

For the first time I noticed how quiet they were, all six of them, Cara, Elena, Diana, Isabel, Maria and Brenda. They were usually talking about Daniel, or the twins, or me. The things that say. But today they were so quiet.

“She’s fine. The doctor said she’s responding to treatments, but they aren’t yet sure of the condition of the baby” I sighed, slumping down on the chair.

Rosa c@m£ behind me to ru-b my shoulders and I felt a little relaxed. “It’s ok, brother, she’ll be fine, she and the baby. I always knew something was off with her. I can’t imagine she was Pedro’s wife”

“She was married to him, even the child is his. I don’t know what to do Rosa, I love her so much And it hurts to see her carrying the child of another, especially Pedro. I don’t know what to feel. Whether sad or happy”

Rosa c@m£ to my side, running her hand down my face. “You’re smart brother, you’ve been throu-gh a lot. Think about this before ma-king decisions. You deserve happiness, let her explain to you first, then you guys should sort it out. All would be well”

The door opened to reveal Andres and Daniel, looking peeved.

I noticed the way Diana rose to her feet, looking at Andres admirably. Even Cara was sneaking glances at Daniel, being careful for Rosa’s watching stare.

“What is it?” I noticed the way Daniel shoulders were tensed and even Andres looked worried.

Rosa stepped away from me as I rose to my feet.

“One of the clubs downtown was burnt to the ground, and a few of our men are missing” Daniel opened his mouth to speak first.


My mind first went to Pedro, but could it really be him? After everything he had put Amaya throu-gh, it was like he had given up. It couldn’t be him right?

“And my brother had been captured!” Andres screamed, glaring daggers at me.

Few days ago, before we found out who Amaya was, we had s£nt Andres twin. Rafael, un-dercover to find out more about Pedro’s wife, not knowing she was right un-der our noses.

“How do you know that?” I asked.

“One of the guys we s£nt along with him reported back to us, he could only tell us he was captured by Pedro and he’s torturing the $h!t out of him, he couldn’t tell us any more because they killed him, he’s dead Seb, and Rafael would too if we don’t do anything!”

“We can’t step foot into Pedro’s territory, we have to think about this before ma-king any move, we still don’t know who attacked our clubs. I doubt if it’s Pedro” I said, we couldn’t just run in like that

to save Rafael, as much as I loved the guy and wanted him safe, we had to plan this and think it throu-gh.

“What the fv¢k are you talking about?” Andres roared. “We have to save my brother now! Pedro’s going to kill him eventually!”

“Don’t you think I know that! You better watch your tone before I cut off your ton-gue. Call a meeting with the gang. We have to plan this before we do anything. Because if we just jump right into it, We would all be dead. Including Rafael”

Andres glared at me, I’m sure he was planning of various ways to kill me, but he glanced briefly at Amaya before walking away, slamming the door shut.

“I’ll talk to him. He’s just angry” Daniel said, walking away, not before smiling at Rosa. I saw Cara frown a little at the lack of attention.

“Get the girls out of here, I want you all back at the mansion. I don’t know if this is Pedro’s handwork or someone else just trying to piss me off because it’s working” I said to Rosa, and she k!$$£d my cheeks before walking away with the girls.

I sighed, moving to Amaya, bending down to k!ssher forehead. She still didn’t move.

“I’ll be back, I nee-d to clear up somethings. I don’t know if it’s Pedro coming back for you, but whatever it is, I’m never letting you out of my sight” I k!$$£d herl-ips before walking out of the



💋Amaya’s point of view💋

The moment I opened my eyes, I was immediately blinded by the bright white lights, and I had to close them.

My head and whole b©dy hurt as I tried to seat up only for my stomach to sting in pain ma-king me drop back to the be-d.

Everywhere hurts.

I opened my eyes once more, slowly this time to adjust to the light, the images were blurry before coming to focus. White celling, bright lights, white walls, and machines surrounding me.

My hearing c@m£ next and the constant beeping of the heart monitor sounded in my ears. I turned slightly, the room was empty, no one was in just me, sitting in the hospital.

How did I get here?

My memories c@m£ rushing in almost giving me a headache. Dinner with Seb, seeing Pedro, Seb finding the truth, fight, hit, faints, gets up, tries to separate the fight again, and gunsh0t.

I g@sped, reaching for my stomach to feel the bu-mp there. My baby!

It was there. I sighed in relief as I ru-bbe-d my hand over my stomach, the swelling was a little and bigger and just at the thought of my baby, bile rose to my throat.

Morning sickness.

I took de-ep breaths, before relaxing again.

Where was Sebastian? My mind wandered to him, and my heart fell. Had he left me?

Was he angry with me and didn’t want to talk to me anymore?

No, because I saw the way he held me when Pedro had sh0t me.

The bastard! He had done it on purpose all because he was too selfish to let me go.

If I felt any remorse for Pedro it was gone, I hated him even more than I did. He was a selfish Bastard who couldn’t help his pride and ego. If he wanted something he was going to get it

irrespective of the person’s decision.

He was a monster, and to think he loved me.

Loved me my as-s. If he really did feel any emotion for me he would have respected my choice to let me stay with Seb but no he had to fight him and shoot me. Probably because since he couldn’t get me then no one else could.

I hated Pedro, more than anything else in this world.

But where was Seb? My heart ached and I rose my hand to ru-b at my che-st as if to ease the pain.

But it only wors£ned.

Did he not want to see me?

Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t know the door opened to reveal one of the twins I figured was Andres.

His black hair fell across his face half hazardly as if he hadn’t brushed it, but he still managed to look incredibly h0t with it. His face was ever emotionless, he didn’t smile, didn’t frown, nothing.

Void of emotions. He was like a statue. Nothing showed on his face. But his eyes gave it away, de-ep blue eyes, that screamed with hatred. He hated me no doubt, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t

ask about Seb, because he was all that mattered.

“Hey” I chocked out, my throat hurt a little as I spoke.

Andres ba-rely blinked as he stood there watching me intensely with de-ep hatred and anger.

“How long have I been here?” I asked.

No reply.

“Where is Seb?” I asked again.

This time something flashed in his eyes and I couldn’t get it. “Away from you” He replied.

Away from me? What did he mean?

“I don’t un-derstand” He glanced at his watch as if waiting for something.

“He doesn’t want to see you, what don’t you un-derstand in that” His eyes flashed with pure anger.

“You’ve caused him so much pain”

But…he held me, he held me when I’ve been sh0t. He even cried.

“I want to talk to him”

“What more do you want to say to him. Ever since you showed up you’ve caused nothing but trouble, harm to everyone of us. You lied your way to Seb’s heart. It’s all your fault my brother was taken!”

I didn’t know that, no wonder I hadn’t seen him. The two were inseparable.

“Taken by who?” I managed to ask trying to ignore the way he shouted at me.

“Taken by Pedro you bit-ch! He went there looking for you, not knowing you were here all this while. You’re selfish, the most self centered bit-ch in the world. And Seb sees all of this”


“What are you talking about?” My eyes brimmed with tears.

“That’s true” Andres sm-irked, taking a step closer to me and I tried to scoot away only for him to gr-ab my arms and pin me to the be-d. “Seb knows all about this, and he’s tired of this. He doesn’t

want to deal with this anymore. He’s tired of your lies, your deceit, and worst of all you’re married to Pedro and carrying his bastard child. Seb can’t take it anymore”

What was he talking about? What does he mean by all this? Seb was tired of this?

“He doesn’t love you anymore Amaya, he’s tired of you”

“You’re lying!” I shouted at him, struggling away from his grip.

“Then why isn’t he here? If he loved you as much as you think he’ll be here waiting for you to open your eyes isn’t it? But he’s not here, he’s probably found someone else and moved on” Andres smiled dangerously at me, bringing his face closer to mine until I was feeling his breath on my skin.

He was lying. Seb loved me. He said so. He would never leave me. He held me, he accepted everything Pedro said, he fought for me, he didn’t want me to go with Pedro, he fought!

“I know what’s running throu-gh that mind of yours. You’re thinking ‘oh no he loves me, he fought for me’ and all that bull$h!t. But that was all an act Amaya, he did all that to give you hope that he still loved you, so that he could throw you back to him”


I didn’t have the time to process anything when Andres yanked me from the be-d, causing the room to tilt in my vision and I tried to catch myself from falling to the floor but failed miserably landing on

my stomach.

I screamed in pain, tears blinding my vision. But Andres wasted no time holing my hand and dragging me to my feet.

“He’s not here to do this by himself. So I’ll do him the honor” He laughed, before sm-irking devishly at me.

“What are you doing? St©p, get off me!” I shouted, but Andres laughed ha-rder, dragging me out of the hospital room.

Fear restricted my breathing and my heart pounded in my che-st.

What was going on?

“He was waiting for you to wake up. He hates you Amaya. He really does!”

“No! St©p! Leave me alone!” I shouted having, trying to free myself but Andres only ti-ght£ñed his grip on me, then holding me on my shoulders.

“You deserve all the pain in the world. You deserve hate, you deserve nothing but hatred” He glared at me hatefully before resuming dragging me out of the hospital.

The sun was bright above us, but that wasn’t what caught my attention. No, it was the black SUV just outside the hospital, about three of them.

Something about the cars looked familiar.

“Seb wanted me to give you back to him. Say hello to your husband” Andres said.

And stepping out of the car was the tall man, dark hair, eyes blue as the sky above us, he wore a suit, black as usual. And there was a small smile on his face.

Pedro Amador.