Blood and wine episode 23

šŸ·Blood And Wine šŸ·


Chapter 23


šŸ˜ŽSebastian’s point of viewšŸ˜Ž

“Where the fvĀ¢k is she?” I asked.

I had just finished talking to my men about the club and stationed security all around the boarders, only for me to go back to meet Amaya and notice she wasn’t in the hospital room anymore.

Rosa had alre-ady gone with the girls, and Daniel was organizing the security, so it was only me and Andres.

“She was just here. Where did she go?” I asked Andred who was looking anywhere but me.

“She left”


“What do you mean she left? She was still asleep when I left her, she’s not ok, she suffered internal Injuries”

“When I got here, she was alre-ady awake, and decided to leave. She didn’t want to cause you more pain”

What the hell?

She left? She was in a fvĀ¢king coma! She was badly injured! She couldn’t just stand up and decide to leave. Leave me? She loved me, she couldn’t do that? Amaya would never do that!

“That’s impossible, Amaya would never leave. I’m going yo check the security c@mĀ£ras here” I said, and started to leave when Andres Drew me back.

“I fvĀ¢king took her back to Pedro!” He shouted, anger flashed in his eyes.

“What?!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew Andres hated Amaya but I hadn’t expected him to take her back and for what?

“She deceived you Seb, she lied to you! She has caused nothing but trouble, and it’s all her fault Rafael was captured by Pedro!”

I wasted no time in slamming my fist to his cheeks and he stumbled to the floor.

“That’s my cross to carry, it’s none of your business! How could you do this to me? I trusted you, you stupid bastard!” I landed another solid punch to his face and his nose bleed, staining my fist.


I loved Amaya! After everything, the lies I still loved her, she was my world, my light, my everything. And when Pedro had sh0t her I thought I had lost her forever, I was waiting for her to wake up, only for me to learn she was back to Pedro! That slimy motherfvĀ¢ker!

“She was distracting you Seb, several of our men are alre-ady killed, our women taken away and our clubs burnt to the ground, we both know Pedro would never have stĀ©pped until he had her back in his arms? If anything, I did you a favor throwing that bit-ch back to him!”

fvĀ¢k! I was pissed, my blood boiled in my veins leaving a trail of smoke. My heart clenched.

Amaya was back with Pedro! No!

“Why would you do this to me Andres? I fvĀ¢king trusted you! I fvĀ¢king picked you up from the gutter Pedro threw you in, and this is how you repay me? And for what? What did Pedro promise you that you had to sacrifice the only woman I loved”

“Rafael, he said he was going to re-lease him. I couldn’t say no to that, I love my brother more than a self centered bit-ch!”

“I fvĀ¢king love her! If you even cared about me you would have thought of that before you handed her over to him. She’s injured! She’s still in pains, how the fvĀ¢k could you do this!” I screamed at

Andres before getting off him and pacing round the room.

I couldn’t think straight, I was confused, angry, sad and at the same time I un-derstood why Andres has done it, he loved his brother with his life, he was the only person he loved. But still…that was

selfish, you don’t hurt someone else at the expense of your happiness.

“She’s gone Seb, there are other women out there who aren’t married to the enemy and pregnant for him. You’ll eventually get ove-”

“Shut the fvĀ¢k up! You’ve betrayed me and I’ll never forgive you for this. I trusted you with Amaya and just a few hours I was away, you threw all the years of brotherhood. Now tell me, the club that

was attacked, it was you wasn’t it?”

“Yes, and I’m not going to lie about it because I’m not a liar. I nee-ded to distract you for a while and Pedro said I had to give him Amaya before the end of the day. Seb something is wrong with you, you used to be so powerful and strong, and it all comes crumbling down because of one dancing bit-ch. Your empire is falling ap@rt, you’re loosing your men, you’re getting weak, your people don’t even trust you anymore. Tell me was it really worth it. Loosing everything because of her?”

Loosing everything? I’ll gladly give everything I had for a chance at Amaya, and the fact that I loved her, I was willing to l@ydown my life.

“I didn’t loose anything, she only opened my eyes to what was important. And she’s all that matters, not my empire, sure I care about other things but none can be compared to Amaya, I’ll give everything to get her back”

“Are you fvĀ¢king crazy? You managed to get her once, Pedro would tear you ap@rt if you even go near his territory! And if he sees you as a threat he’ll kill Rafael. I can’t loose him because of her!”

“You should have thought of that before you handed her over, I’m calling Daniel. Get the fvĀ¢k away from me and my territory Andres, the only reason I’m not pu-lling a trigger between your eyes

I’d because you’ve alre-ady lost so much. I don’t wish for Rafael to die but if he does, I want you to leave with the guilt that it was all your fault, that’s enough punishment. Now get out before I

change my mind and end your miserably, pathetic life right now”

Andres looked at me sadly and I was almost torn ap@rt by the fact that he was showing emotions now. “There was a time I badly wanted to be like you, so powerful, you didn’t sucĀ¢v-mb to whatever

love is, you cared about everyone equally, you brou-ght fear into the eyes of people just at a glance at them, you were everything I wanted to be. But if I knew you were going to fall in that stupid pit of

emotion called love, I’ll never have followed you, because you were the one that taught me love cause nothing but distraction and distraction caused death. So for all it’s worth, thank you for

showing me that love is nothing but a blindfold that causes great men to fall” He walked out before I even had the chance to reply.

Yes, once I had taught Andres that love was nothing but a stupid emotion. But the moment I met Amaya my whole mind set changed. She taught me that love was real. She drove away my nightmares and she made me stronger, it made me want to fight, even if I had to get to the end of

the world to get her back.

I would, because I loved her. I loved her with all my heart and nothing would stĀ©p me from getting her back. But I just hoped I got her back in one piece, not broken from Pedro.


šŸ’‹Amaya’s point of viewšŸ’‹

Two months, sixty-one days, one thousand, four hundred and sixty four hours, and I was alre-ady loosing my mind. I was going crazy, I was sick, I was dying. And I didn’t mind.

When Andres had given me to Pedro, he had taken me back home. The same house I dre-aded for six years, the same house I spent years trying to escape, the same house that held memories of the past I tried so ha-rd to forget.

But it was all fruitless effort, I was back. I was back in the arms of the man I hated more than anything in the world.

But that wasn’t the most painful p@rt, the painful p@rt was knowing that the person who had given me back to Pedro was the man I loved. I tried getting angry with him, but I couldn’t. I had alre-ady caused him a lot of pain, betrayal and heart ache.

So instead of angry, I only from sad, not sad, because it was more than that. I was depressed, for days I had locked myself inside me and Pedro’s room, I wouldn’t come out.

I sat there, when it rained, when the sun was up I sat on the chair, looking at the window and remembering all the moments I spent in Seb’s arms, those hours I spent dancing for him, watching

him smile at me and savoring sitting on his l@ps, my head resting on his che-st.

It hurts! I ru-bbe-d at my che-st and a tear fell from my cheeks.

In the end, he had given me back to Pedro, and I wasn’t angry, I couldn’t Blame him that he couldn’t forgive me, I wouldn’t even forgive myself. But it didn’t lessĀ£n the pain.

Pedro hadn’t disturbe-d me, he never c@mĀ£ to the room, except at night when he thought I was slee-ping, I would feel his gaze on me. But I wouldn’t open my eyes, just l@ystill there. And even when his knuckles brushed against my cheeks, I didn’t react. I was too sad to do anything. And he respected my wanting to be alone.

He even tried once to cook, but from the clattering of pots and pans I heard, it didn’t go well. So he hired a maid, who cooked for me and brou-ght it to the room every day.

I didn’t even tĀ©uƧh it. Sometimes I took little bite. Not for myself, but for the child growing in me.

My baby. My stomach was alre-ady getting bigger and noticable. I couldn’t hide it anymore, not that I even tried. The baby was there, alive but I wasn’t sure it was healthy.

I stood up from my be-d and walked up to the mirror very slowly, I was tired. My reflection was horrible. My eyes were sunken with eye bags un-derneath it, my whole bĀ©dy skinny, hair battered and dirty. And blood stains were on my stomach, the bullet would had healed but it still hurt.. I hadn’t taken my bath in days. My bĀ©dy was dirty and tired. My stomach was the only swollen p@rt

of my bĀ©dy, it even made me appear more skinny. I looked like Bella from Twilight when she was pregnant for Edward. Even worse.

A knock c@mĀ£ from the door, and I snapped my eyes to it. The handle twisted and Pedro walked in. As handsome as ever, he wore a grey suit and he even appeared tired. Not that I cared. I ignored him and started walking to the be-d when a Sharp pain attacked my stomach and I stumbled.

Pedro was at my side Immediately, holding unto me. I gr!ppĀ£dhis arm.

“Amaya, you’re hurting yourself, you nee-d to eat, you’re not healthy” He said, his eyes pained.

The pain hit me again and I gr!ppĀ£dunto him ti-ghtly. “It hurts everywhere” I whispered.

“Where?” Pedro asked, eyes searching throu-gh my bĀ©dy for any injury.

I couldn’t speak. The pain was from inside, it was like someone was tearing me from the Inside. I screamed when I felt the pain again. And took de-ep frantic breath.

Pedro started panicking, and swept my hair from my face.

“What’s going on Amaya,? Where hurts? Talk to me! Damn it!

“My stomach, it hurts so much Pedro. It hurts” I cried ha-rder, holding unto me.

He picked me up from the floor, carrying me bridal style and moving out of the room.

“We’re going to the hospital. Just hold on”

The pains bec@mĀ£ unbearable and I couldn’t scream anymore but hold until Pedro as we got to his car, he adjusted me on his left hand before fishing out his keys from his pockets and open in the


He gently placed me at the back seat and I screamed in pain. And before I knew it I was bleeding all over the seats.

Pedro started the car and drove out the estate, he kept glancing at me from the mirror.

“Hold on Amaya, we’re almost at the hospital. Just hold on. plea-se!” He shouted, his eyes brimmed with tears that didn’t fall. He drove very fast, causing me nausea, I gr!ppĀ£dunto the seat and screamed again, blood staining the seat… Pedro glabes at me. And from the mirror, I saw a car coming at us.


“fvĀ¢k!” He snapped his eyes back to the road and swerved left narrowly missing the car.

The drive to the hospital was fast, scary and sickening. Pedro opened the door to the backseat and hauled me out with ease. Not I couldn’t even keep my eyes opened anymore and I shut them.

I heard voices, I felt myself being carried around by different people, then placed on a be-d. I heard Pedro shout at different people, and I heard the doctor’s orders.

The pains c@mĀ£ in Next, my heart clenched and it felt like my inside was splitting into pieces, I clinged the be-dsheets and tears ran down my face, I tried opening my eyes. But I screamed again, $h!tting them.

My stomach hurt, and my legs left heavy, I couldn’t keep them up. My bĀ©dy started jĀ£rking and I couldn’t control it. I heard the doctors shout at each other, I heard Pedro raining curses at them.

Soon I felt something coming out of me, causing me more pain.

Pains upon pain, screams upon screams. And soon it was over. The pain stĀ©pped and i felt someone l@ysomething in my arms.

I opened my eyes.

It was my baby, a beautiful boy, identical to Pedro, same hair, same face, same cheekbones, but it was very small, blood stained all over his bĀ©dy.

I smiled. My baby. My baby was in my arms. So tiny, so small.

But I couldn’t see his eyes, why wasn’t his eyes opened.

I looked around the room, the doctors, nurses all looking gloomy and sad, they couldn’t even look me in the eye.

I turned to Pedro, but he was too busy looking at the little baby in my arms.

I tried getting his attention, but he didn’t look at my eyes. I turned back to the child. .

There it layed in my arms, emotionless, not moving, not a spark of life in him.