Billionaire’s bride episode 7 & 8



Aiden POV?

“I’m scared, I saw monsters in the dark place, sleep with me tonight…”

I can’t believe it was coming out of her mouth, my eyes grew wi-de in shock and my b©dy froze instantly.

*************A week earlier**************

I walked towards gold’s door and st©pped heaving de-ep breaths as I pondered whether to go in, suddenly I don’t want to do this, I can’t believe me Aiden knight is afraid of this situation when I’ve sh0t countless number of persons with my eyes closed.

I took another breath and tapped on the door lightly.
“Can I come in..”I said in a gentle voice

I heard noice in her room like she was trying to arrange something before I could see it.

“Come in..” she said p@n-ting. I twist the door knob and entered to see her wearing a short fitted dress I gave her I almost loose focus by staring too long she looked like a doll.

“Good morning..” she said breaking the awkward silence, bringing me back to reality. Gosh does she really have to look this pretty. I used my hand to ru-b my face as I went into her closet.

“Aiden what are you my closet” I ignored her and kept in scanning her closet.

“Take wear this they are more decent” I said handing her an oversized t-shi-t and p@n-ts.

“What is wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Everything no g change” I yelled. She took the clothes furiously and went to change.

“Is there a p@rticular reason why you’re here” she said coming out of the closet.

“Yes since you’re here and living in my house there are some rules you nee-d to follow. No more junk food, no caffeine, no wearing of ti-ght or revea-ling clothes, no staying up late in the night and most importantly…” I choked as I tried to say the last word ma-king me cough badly.”

“Are you okay?” She c@m£ forward and tried to t©uçh me but I took a step back

“Don’t t©uçh me..” I hissed rudely

“Why?” She asked pouting

After I regained myself I continued.
“Look there are many rules to follow if we nee-d to get along..

No staying in close places together.

No form of physical contact.

No strings attached.”

*******Pres£nt time********

I can’t stay , I can’t break any rules.

“I can’t stay…..”

“plea-se stay” she pouted

“Only for some time, when you’re asleep I’ll leave” she nods in agreement as I slid into the be-d.

“Goodnight..”she yawned and shut her eyes.i waited for her to sleep de-eply before putting pillows between us for barriers.

She kept turning and twisting until she broke the barrier between us. I scope away but she still found her way and unexpected she threw her hands over me and pu-ll-ed me ti-ghtly to her, her breath kept fanning my n£¢k ma-king me have goosebu-mps.

No physical contact.

I tried to push her away violently and tried standing up.

“Just stay okay” she whispered as the moonlight Shone on her face, she looked peaceful. After some time I doze back to sleep.

Gold POV ?

I woke up with my head buried in my pillow and drooling. I ru-bbe-d my eyes still trying to make out where I was and noticed a pair of arms encircled round my h!ps.

Aiden is going to kill me I broke the no contact rule. I tried to unlock his grasp but he held onto me ti-ghtly. His eyes opened sluggishly as he yawned.

I’m so dead

“Good you’re awake” he said calmly

“I’m sorry for…”

“You don’t have to be sorry, I’m the one that locked you in the basement and overreacted” he said ruffling my hair.

I think I must have died and now I’m in a parallel universe or is Aiden sick cause this seemed so unreal.

He sighed briefly as he unlocked his hold with me and gets up walking towards the door. I watched him as he cli-cked the doorknob.

“Gold..” he sighs

“We broke one rule and I’ll let that pas-s because it’s my fault”.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what c@m£ over me..” he still glued his eyes on my door not sparing me a single look.

“No nee-d to be sorry but we can never do that again so that we won’t br@ke another rule” he said. I looked down on my sheets and squee-ze my eyes ti-ghtly to st©p myself from crying.
But he shut the door and stayed in the room.

“They say rules are meant to be broken, good or bad it doesn’t matter how far you go..” he turned to face me. I got up from my be-d looking at him confused, he had a mischievous smile as he walked slowly to me.

I backed back slowly until he cornered me, my back slammed against the wall, he slowly took my hands with his aandd slammed them against the wall and leaned closely still tra-pping me. Our eyes linked again, his breathe was ha-rd on me, I bit my lower l!pas he smiled to himself and push his face closer to mine.

“What do you think gold??” He breathe ha-rd against me

“What do you mean?” I asked back

“How far do you think we can go, how many rules do you think we can break so far..” my eyes wi-de-ned in shock.

“Aiden…” He pressed my hands ti-ghter to the wall.

Hisl-ips trailed up my n£¢k up to my ear, I choked on the air as his ton-gue tickled my n£¢ks, he st©pped with a wicked grin, my heart kept racing.

In a husky voice he struck me with a question.

“What do you want gold, a k!ssor Hi-ckey…”



Gold POV ?

“What do you want gold a k!ssor Hi-ckey..” my heart beat like never before. I don’t know what to do as his weight tra-ps me against the wall, his breath on my face waiting for a reply as we both breathe on each other, he slowly leans closer to me.

This is my first k!ssso I don’t know how to k!ssor what to do, I closed my eyes waiting for hisl-ips to connect to mine.

“Aiden..” Joan barged in kicking down the door, she sp©ts us both in our awkward position and grinned, she gave me a wi-nk. Aiden let’s go of my hands freeing me from his barricade.

“I’m sorry I interrupted your h0t make out session”, she said grinning. Aiden placed his hands in his pockets, he used one of his hands and combe-d his hair nervously in an attempt to hide it but me and Joan know he was nervous.

“It wasn’t a h0t make out session it was a coincidence” Aiden said

“So pinning her to the wall and k!ss!ngher is just a coincidence”

“We didn’t k!ss..” he blurted out

“So you admit that you pinned her to the wall” she said victoriously

“What are you doing here” Aiden asked changing the t©pic

“It’s Richa-rd ’s engagement tonight and as much as I’ll like to shoot him for what he did we’re still going” she said in a serious tone.
That Richa-rd name sounds familiar, I’ve heard it before but I can’t actually remember anything well.

“When is the engagement again” Aiden asked uninterested.

“9:00pm sharp” Joan said


“Ross family h0tel, it’s at the t©p of the damn building and Mom is going to be there, so will his fiancee or should I say his toy.”

“It’s settled then, you and gold will go shopping and arrive 5:00pm, it’s an hour drive to the h0tel” Aiden said and exited the room leaving Joan who dragged me to the be-d.

“So did you two k!ss, tell me everything..” my cheeks flu-shed with embarras-sment.

“No we didn’t k!ss” I pouted


“I think bits because he doesn’t want to break the rules..” I said ru-bbing my hands

“What rules??”

“The no physical contact rule” I said and Joan hissed

“Gold listen to me ears wi-de you have to break that rule.”

“Are you crazy” I yelled

“Didn’t you see the way he looked at you when he pinned you down, we both know he wants you”

“How can you be sure” I asked

“Leave that to me” she said as she wore a devilish smile.

Aiden POV ?

Joan and gold left a couple of hours ago leaving me alone in the house and to my thoughts. What the fv¢k c@m£ over me, I couldn’t even speak properly to her, Everytime I get to close her I can’t control myself.

I took a deal breath to calm myself as my phone rings, I pick it up without looking at the caller

“Will I be seeing you and Joan?” The idiot asked

“That depends will mother be there” I asked

“It’s my engagement , of course she would be there”

“We’ll be available Richa-rd ”

“Oh I can’t wait to see who you’ll be bringing for the engagement, I hope she’s good in be-d”

“fv¢k you!”

“Call me all you want, I may be getting engagement but your plus one will be in my be-d tonight” he said and hung up the call.

This bastard always finds a way to piss me off, he not getting gold, if he as much lays a hand on her hair I’ll kill him.

Gold POV ?

Me and Joan we’re back from shopping, she did the shopping p@rt while I just watched her pick the clothes.

We c@m£ back before the deadline as Joan insisted that we try out the go-wns which were up to fifty.
She’s a freak when it come to fashion. She choosed a black short go-wn and black heels to match then parked her hair in a bun.

“How do I look?” She asked

“Beautiful, I wish a dress could fit me perfectly like yours” I’ve tried out ten dresses so far and they look horrible on me.

“Don’t worry the fashion goddess is here” she picked up a red go-wn and handed it to me
” I bought this for you,.go try it on and hide in the kitchen let me go get Aiden and when I say your name come out to the living room..” she said and I nodded

The side of the go-wn went up to my th!gh ex-posing my upper th!gh while the other leg was covered to my knee.

It was a sleeveless v n£¢k and my bo-ob s were p@rtially expo-sed, I felt uncomfortable.

My goodness Joan! What was she thinking? I’m so not wearing this to the engagement.

Joan bur-st in before I could pu-ll it off
“What are you doing?” She asked

“I can’t wear this Joan it’s revea-ling too much” I yelped.

“But Jayden and Aiden are waiting you can’t keep them waiting..” she said as she pushed me towards the door.

“But Aiden will see me..”

“That’s what I’m counting on by the way he’s favorite color is red” she whispered and pushed me past the door to the living room, I stood in front of Aiden and Joan b©yfri£nd.

They both g@sped as Aiden’s eye grew wi-de in shock and ended up coughing, he couldn’t take his eyes off me.

“I’m re-ady we can go for the engagement now” Joan grinned noticing Aiden who couldn’t hide his expression.

“So how does she look Aiden?” Joan asked

“She looks beautiful, come in red go, I mean let’s go before we red, I mean late to the p@rty..” he said and hurriedly left the room.

Joan gave me a high five as we both giggled.

*******At the h0tel**********

We finally arrived at the h0tel as we took the elevator to the t©p floor, this whole time Aiden hasn’t talk to me or even spare me a glance like he’s ignoring me.

We got to the t©p floor and I was beyond amazed, the place looked amazing, I let myself explore the building until I bu-mped into someone.

“I’m sorry..”I apologized

“You!! What are you doing at my engagement..” I looked up to see Charlotte clad in a gold go-wn putting on heavy make-up.

“Your engagement..” it all makes s-en-se now, Richa-rd is the same idiot that tried to r@p£ me, and I’m at his engagement that means Richa-rd and Aiden are brothers.

“What’s the commotion?” Nana said ma-king her way to us. “Gold what are you doing here?”

“Trying to snatch my fiancee on the day of my engagement..”Charlotte accused ma-king everyone to turn their attention towards me.

“Excuse me” I g@sped

“Don’t pu-ll that innocent face on me, this girl here tried to s£dûç£my fiancee, security!!” She yelled and everyone began murmuring among themselves.

“What is the commotion Charlotte?” Richa-rd asked

“Gold…” Richa-rd said as his eyes went straight to my brea-st, Charlotte noticed it and c@m£ straight to me and sl@pped the hell out of me.

“Who are you to sl@p her???” Aiden said out of nowhere and immediately c@m£ to my aid

“How is that your business?” Charlotte spat

“It’s my business because she’s my d@t£” Aiden growled

“How pathetic a pr©st!tût£In a relationsh!pwith a gambler..” Charlotte said as everyone in the room glared with me in shock and shook their head in disgust including Nana.
“I told you Nana she’s a pr©st!tût£she’s even dressed as one..” that’s it I took the folds of my dress and ran out of the room.

“Gold wait..” Aiden yelled, but I ignored him and kept on running as tears flowed down my eyes. I ran straight to the elevator and pressed the bu-tton

“Gold st©p…” He yelled but I pushed the bu-tton and got in but he was fast enough to get in before the door shut

“Leave me alone” I yelled as more tears kept flowing

“I can’t…” He said p@n-ting

“Oh so now you can’t, the entire evening you ignored me and won’t talk to me so get out”

“I’m sorry…”

“I said get out!!”

“No” he pushed me against the wall and had my back pressed to the wall gripping on my upper arm.

My face blu-shed red, I didn’t know how to react but i still yelled “you’re breaking the no tou-ching rule..”

“fv¢k the rules, you alre-ady broke it when you wore this dress…” My heart dropped at his words

“Well fv¢k off, I don’t want you…” I spat bitterly, all he did was sm-irk devilishly.

“fv¢k it gold, I want you…” He said as he crashed hisl-ips against mine.
