Billionaire’s bride episode 5 & 6



Aiden POV ♚

I got up from my seat and ringed the bell signalling three of the casino bouncers to come into my office.

“You called sir?”

“Yes dispose this man”, I signalled to them

“Sir plea-se take pity on me I lost my wife to death and none of my relatives keep contact with me, I just can’t loose my daughter”, I took another sh0t of fun and walked up to the old man and slightly brushed his collar and collided my head with his leaving him confused and shaky. I got a hold of his collar and used my left hand to sl@p him ha-rd that it would leave a print there and kicked him in the curb as he fell to the floor with blood rushing out of his head.

“You are adding coal to fire you fool, you see this, this is everything about your daughter gold profile and it shows that you have been gambling away all the money she had been saving and planning to use to clear your debts and it says your mentally disordered?? But you’re just drun!k, hopeless and useless, you disgust me and you dare lie to me that your wife died when it’s clear that she left you.” I walked towards him, he was in tears and tried to stand up, I picked him up and three him across the office still furious.

“The ambulance will be here soon and I will be responsible for your treatment and when you fully recover you will do as I say and cut all connections with your daughter starting from now” he g@sped and held his che-st ti-ghtly like he was about to die.

“Sir, sir plea-se I know I’m a fool for betting over my daughter but I can’t do that” he said about to cry.

“Now you know what you lost is valuable and if I ever see you even looking at her I’ll track you down and kill you”, I threatened him, the pupil of his eyes went un-derneath and he started convulsing there just then Joan bur-st in with some medical wardens and a nurse went close to attend to him.

“He’s convulsing, get the other wardens to bring the strecher, Mr Aiden what happened
” She injected him as he la-id down his pupil was still un-der his eyes as blood c@m£ gushing out of his mouth and all eyes were on me, all of them looking at me suspicious and afraid.

I sh0t the nurse a mischievous grin as the other wardens c@mÂŁ and carried him out of my office.

I walked out of the office and made my way to Jayden who was drinking.

“Care for a drink” Jayden offered and I took two sh0ts of vodka.

“Enough drinking go get the black SUV” I said as Jayden gave me a confused look.

“Who’s the victim?” He asked

“You’ll see for yourself. Track this number immediately, that’s our target,” I said handling him gold’s number.

Gold POV 🌟

I called penny and told her I was going to stay over after narrating all that happened to her.
I had no cash on me and the casino I work was at the other side of town and it was alre-ady 10pm. I have to walk there. I decided to call penny and Inform her about my movement.

I noticed a black SUV parked at the side of the road and I felt someone was following me. I hastened my footsteps while waiting for penny to pick up the call. The person also increa-sed their pase and then I began running, penny wasn’t picking up and it was really ha-rd running while phoning so I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran into an empty building and dialled her number again.

“Should I come and pick you” she answered the call, just then a metal object collided against my head and I dropped my phone as I fell to the floor.

The stranger took my phone and smashed it to pices and pu-lls out a syringe and injects my shoulder ma-king me unconscious.

Writer POV đŸ’„

Gold sat down blindfolded and tied up having no clue on where she was.

“Hello” she yells loudly but all that c@m£ back was echoes

“Hello Kitty”.

Her blindfold was slowly re-moved revea-ling the handsome devil of a man before her, Aiden.

“You???” She said in shock

“Your one and only baby, you miss me” he said wi-nking at her

“Don’t call me baby, you kidnapped me. What do you want from me, I don’t owe you anything”. She cries out

“You see , you don’t owe me but your old man does”.

“plea-se don’t hurt him
” She sobs as he holds her chin pu-lling her closer

“I won’t hurt him besides he owes me a bet”.

“He lost didn’t he? But my father doesn’t have any property so how did I get involved?”

He explained the entire bet to her and she couldn’t believe her father could do such a thing.

“And if I don’t, what will you do?”

He brou-ght out his gun and pointed it to her head.
“Wear this” he said giving her a dress

“I have a question, this bet what am I to you a maid or S-x slave?” She asked as tears flowed down her cheeks.

He leaned close to her as their faces almost t©uçhed and his breath on her shoulders.

“I get to have you as my bride”

Gold POV 🌟

“I get to have you as my bride”

The words ranged throu-gh my head, my breath ceased this has to be some kind of nightmare.

He got closer to me as ourl-ips were almost tou-ching. Our eyes locked and I could see lvst in his eyes as he used his hands to cu-p my fave bringing it closer to his. My eyes were on hisl-ips and for some strange reason i wanted him to k!ssme and found myself leaning forward. He also leaned forward too but st©pped as ourl-ips brushed and pu-ll-ed back.

“I can’t” he said with hurt in his eyes

“So I’m just your entertainment? You think keeping me here will break me and make me fall at your feet? But I won’t and I will never fall for you bastard”, I yelled at the t©p of my lungs.

He turned and looked at me with a mischievous grin. “Just a look at my eyes and you almost fell for me, silly girl the reason you’re here is to be my bride and I don’t nee-d your love
” He leans by the side of ear again and breathes against it.

“I don’t want to make the same mistake I made with Ava” he whispered to himself but I heard it and pretended not to.

I saw a hint of pity in his eyes as they showed sorrow. I walked up to him and spre-ad my arms around him and surprisingly he locked me ti-ghtly in his grasps and I breathe in his cologne.

“Did I miss something?”a girl said waking in.

We quic-kly disÂŁngaged from our awkward hvg and Aiden walked up to her .

“How long have you been standing there” he asked her.

“Long enough to kill you, you left me at the p@rty you host just to be with this bit-ch”.

“Is that all” Aiden said not concerned

“No you nee-d to st©p acting like your actions don’t have consequences, the doctor said you let that man slide into a coma” she yelled.

“He deserves it” he turns to my direction. “This is gold, she’s our new guest put her down as my plus one to Richa-rd s engagement p@rty and show her room and make sure to keep it locked at all time”, Aiden said and left the room.

“If he weren’t my brother I would have stab him to death. Follow me
” She said

“Sorry about my brother asking you to str!p at the cafe, I saw the video” she sighed in frustration

“Do you like my brother”.

“I don’t even dream of having a future with him”.

“Too bad
.I think he likes you” she whispered

“What do you mean?” I asked as she opened the room door revea-ling the exact replica of my room but instead the things were twice bigger than my actual room.

“How is this possible, how did all this get here?” I asked Joan as she walked to the balcony

“Before my brother kidnapped you he did a little research on you and arranged all this before your arrival.

“Wait he did all this by himself?” I asked surprised by everything

“When you get to know the real him promise me you won’t hurt him like Ava”. What is she taking about I wondered

.” She said and left before i could ask her any questions and kicked me in.

Richa-rd POV

I threw my phone angrily as I cut the call on the contractors who said they won’t demolish the casino until I have the deed to the casino.

I requested to buy it because when I reck it I would finally expand my business and since it’s a business area I would get more customers. Mother and Charlotte are alre-ady asleep, speaking of Charlotte I plan to break off the engagement after I’m able to set her up for cheating that way mother will support me and I can’t st©p thinking about that girl, mother said her name was gold, I li-cked myl-ips in lvst as I imagined how good she would be on be-d.

“After I get the deed and demolish that building, you will be mine gold”.



Gold POV 🌟

It’s been a week now I’ve been locked in this room, I feel like a prisoner, I couldn’t leave my room talk less of the house, Aiden had the best chef prepare the best meal for me I couldn’t eat junk food, Aiden forbin it. I wasn’t even granted a phone and I haven’t even set my eyes on Aiden for the past week.

It was alre-ady dark as I la-id down on the be-d until my door creaked open slowly revea-ling Joan, her hair was br@ided down into two br@ids ma-king her look like a American teen girl.

She entered and closed the door. On her right hand she held a plate. She pinned the door locks and signalled me to keep quite as she sat down at the edge of the be-d.

“Hello” she said like a 10 years old girl with a hvge grin on her face.
“Aiden will kill me if he knew I was here so finish up” she said as she pushed the plate towards me.

I slowly opened the plate revea-ling six ju-icy wings as I immediately started devouring the meat.

Joan watched me and giggled.
“You eat like a pig” she said and I giggled loudly but she quic-kly used her hands to cover myl-ips.

“Keep it down Aiden might hear us” she said in a whisper.

“Sorry I haven’t eaten anything like this in a while” I giggled

“Wow your hair is pretty, where did you get I from?” She asked as she t©uçhed my hair.

“Umm it’s my natural hair”,

“Wow can I weave it”, she asked and I nodded

I sat down as she began weaving my hair in God knows what style.

“So do you have a b©yfriÂŁnd?” She asked

“Hmmm no”, I replied shyly

“Good cause Aiden would kill him. So that means you’re a vir-gin”. I looked at her surprised.

“How so you know?”

“Well you have no love marks, bites, Hi-ckey’s and all and I’m sure you haven’t had your first k!ss, maybe Aiden would be your first”.

She finished br@iding my hair and picked up the plate.

“Wait what do you mean that my first k!sswould be from Aiden?”

She was about speaking up when we heard Aiden voice.
“Joan are you in there?” I heard Aiden yell ad we both locked at each other wi-de eyed.

He opened the door and stared at me. He looks like he had just woken up from sleep.
“Is Joan in here” the door was half open as Joan shoved her head out and soon his sleepy face turned into an angry one.

“What are you doing in her room?” He spat out

“Chill Aiden we were just having girl time”she wanted to close the door but he used his leg to st©p the door

“Are those bones? You bought her chicken wings?” He asked angrily

“Get out of her room now” she quic-kly exit the room leaving me with this monster.

He dragged me out of the room and led me to a dark room and threw me in.

“You’ll stay in here until you learn your lesson” he growls and slam the door shut.

“You are not my father, let me out you bastard, get me out of here” I cried as I slammed my feet and hands on the door. I leaned my back on the door as tears flowed down my cheeks.

Aiden POV ♚

I la-id against the door as her screams died down eventually. I got up from my position and held the door knob wanting to open it but I couldn’t without hitting her.

I went to my room as her screams filled my head, until Joan barged in furiously.

“Get out
” I yelled

“Dad’s dead and mum thinks your an as-s-hole leaving me as the only one around so you can’t boss me around”.

“If you’re here to change my mind about re-leasing her then I’m not ” I Said

“I’m not here to beg you, so get your as-s up and go from the room it’s an order”,she threatened but I ignore her, she walked up to me and gave me a dirty sl@p.

“What the hell Joan


“I’ve had enough of your attitude, she’s not a lab rat, she can eat whatever she wants and she’s not Ava, she’s gold and just because she looks like Ava doesn’t mean you’ll have to punish her for what Ava did. Ava Simons is your ex, she’s the one who ran away from the altar before you two were joined not poor gold so don’t make her life a living a hell. Now get the fv±k up and go re-lease her before I drown you in pool of blood.”

She left my room and I got from my be-d sluggishly and walked to the basement and unlocked it. I found gold slee-ping on the floor, I felt bad because I’m the reason she cried herself to sleep. I carried her in bridal style and took her to her room.

I was about walking out when she held my hands, her eyes were half opened.
“Why did you lock me in that dark place i was scared..” she said like a two year old.

“I have to go..” but she held my hand ti-ghtly

“I’m scared, I saw monsters in the dark place plea-se sleep with me tonight
