Billionaire’s bride episode 11 & 12

Billionaires Bride


Episode 11



As the podium comes crashing down blocking the only exit, the Fire grew more wi-de spre-ad as nothing but Black smoke Obstructs my View, Like a Vacuum my Lungs inhale the thick black harsh smoke as my Throat dries up and cuts off the circulation of oxygen as I let out a Violent cough, the Fire Grew more ablaze burning everything in sight to ash, my eyes Darted To the Elevator, I Sigh to myself it was risky and dangerous, the Fire might have alre-ady breached to Elevator, one step in I’ll Roast like Joan’s Thanksgiving dinner in a microwave, my eyes darted to the stairs, the carpet was alre-ady melting without thinking I ran throu-gh the Small confined Space as the Rail of the Stairs breaks down and burns and drops in the middle of the Stairs, the Confined space tra-pped the Heat in the stairs as my violent cough continues and I took off my the outer Jacket beating down the little spark of Fire as it died down and I resumed my mission running up the Stairs, I had one of those Life Flashing moments as my life literally before my eyes flashed the event of about how I met Gold and how I hated her, how she Spilled coffee on me and our Awkward encounters together, how we both sle-pt on our be-d, it’s just being more than a week but it feels just like yesterday, our first k!ssin the Elevator, How she Confessed, I don’t know what I feel, but when I’m around her, I feel possessive around her, I want to hold her in my arms forever and k!ssher till we pas-s out and sleep with her forgetting her worries, all that will come crashing down if Gold Dies in this Fire She won’t Die, no I won’t let her Die, not when I’m still breathing, my breath hitched as I hastened my steps all I could think about was Gold.


RICha-rd POV

I slowly got up Coughing, that bit-ch just burnt The Building, this is going to cost me a Fortune, Some People were coughing tra-pped in the other side if the Room as the Fire Barricade them.

“He’s Awake Richa-rd Help Us!!!! ” I traced my Mother’s voice to the Other end of the room she was Tra-pped with the Set of People tra-pped in the A barricade of fire as I raced to the Other side of the Room, the Fire was Blazing h0t as a chandelier c@m£ crashing down and I jumped to the other side of the Room before it comes crashing down on me as I got up on my Feet as Gold out of nowhere Made her way in the room and ran to where Nana was tra-pped.

“Nana…. Richa-rd …?? ” She spat sp©tting me.

“Richa-rd Help… ” Nana Yelped my eyes darted to the exit and back to Nana, I can’t risk my life as I got up and ran to the exit.

“Richa-rd where are running to.. ” Nana yelped in Disappointment

“Sorry Mother, if you Die it makes no Difference you’ve lived a long Life, I still have a Company to run… ” I Said not looking back

“Bastard…” Gold Yelled at the t©p of her voice as I ran throu-gh the stairs.



Battling throu-gh the stairs as my steps hastened I was almost to the first floor as I saw a Figure trying to run down the Stairs, I looked up hoping it’s Gold but the was the Devil himself as he made his way down to the bo-ttomof The Flames of the pit of Hell literally, our eyes made Contact as we both st©pped.

“You’ve come to Die didn’t you??.. ” He Grinned

“Get out of my Way, you Bastard… ” I yelled as I try to ignore him

“And why should l, she’s just an object” He said

“Gold isn’t an object” I spat angrily

“Love is Stupid, you are Risking your life to save her go ahead I won’t st©p you, but just know, she’ll die with the rest of them… ” He said as my eyes grew wi-de in Shock as I clenched and ti-ght£ñed my Fist and punched him on his face.

He grinned as Blood started dripping from his Distorted nose.

“Keep Throwing your little b!ows, like a Bastard you are she’ll die fas-ter…. ” I looked at my Hands burnt he isn’t worth it, Gold is more important as I shouldered past him to the t©p Floor as The t©p starts crashing down


“Gold….. ” I yelled at the t©p of my Voice as her eyes darted back to me as she Ran towards me.

“Aiden… ” She jumped on me as my arms as i welcomed her in a bear hvg.

“Let’s get out if here… ” I said as I took her by her hand

“No, Nana and some people are still in here the Fire is keeping them barricade from escaping… ” She points at my Mother and some other people as the place starts coming down.

“Gold listen to me we have to get out of here..” I warned as she shook her head

“And let Nana and these innocent people die..” She yelped.

“Gold the place is coming down.. And The exit is being blocked just come with me.. ”

“She’s your mother, I don’t know why She hates you or what beef you guys have, Richa-rd just ran leaving Nana, she nee-ds you now Aiden….” She was right she is still my Mother as I took Gold my the Hands and ran towards Nana and the others barricade, my eyes ran across the room as I sp©t a Fire Extinguisher on a stand as I picked it up and re-moved the pin and darted it to The Fire Barricading mother as the Fire Died down.


“Everyone, there is a Hatch at the Stairs leading to the t©p of the building, that is our only exit the Firemen set up an Air bag so we could jump to safety, now go… ” I said as they All ran to the Stairs opening the Hatch, as Gold went to Nana who was Stunned.


“I’m sorry, Aiden For everything, and you too Gold, I brou-ght this all on You both,…. ”

“Nana, don’t say that it isn’t your Fault we forgive you… ” Gold said in an attempt to hvg her but Nana Stepped Back Stranding Gold.

“But I don’t forgive myself, I’m sorry, Aiden if You don’t get her out here alive I’ll never forgive you….. ” She said as she took off her rings from both f!nger and pushes it past me and Gold’s f!nger as she Brou-ght my Hand in contact with Gold.

“They say Blessings from an Elder to Support Love Lasts Forever, I’m not coming with you, no matter How Far you are your love will never break and your love will Last till the End, I give you both my Blessings… ” Mother said as steps back.

“Nana…. ” Gold Screamed as I pu-ll-ed her back as the t©p of the Building crashes down on her, burning her ablaze.

“Nana…. ” Gold Screams as Nana went Limb and burnt slowly before our very eyes as I tried pu-lling her back.

“She’s still alive Aiden, we nee-d to save her… ” Gold said as I pu-ll-ed her back.

“She’s Dead… She would want you to get out of here… ” She said as I gr!pp£dti-ghtly to her Hand as we went to the stairs, climbing the hatch that led to the t©p as we both went to the edge as I waved violently indicating we are still up and re-ady to Jump.

“I’m not re-ady.. ” Gold ch!pped in backing up.

“Why not?? ”

“I’m afraid of Heights” She cried as I pushed strands of her hair back

“Close your eyes…. ” I said hoping it would work

“I can’t Nana’s Dead, all I’m thinking about is her, it’s my Fault she’s dead, I’ll never be able to live… ” She blames herself as she steps back and I Took a step forward and pu-ll-ed her close as she Rest her head on my Shoulder.

“Nana won’t forgive you if you die, and if you die we both die… ” I said as she gr!pp£dti-ghtly to my Hand.

“Let’s jump… ” She said faintly as we weigh at the End of the Building and took a Leap as She Screamed the entire time we went down as we Safely land on the Air Bag as we were handed towels.

We both safely made our way down to the Floor as Ambulances surrounded the place and trying to put out the Fire.

Joan ran To us as she hvg the cra-p out of us as We both cough.

Gold on the other hand was Quiet and Calm.

“What’s up with her…. ” Joan asked

“Mom’s Dead…. ” Joan as as she choked and tears start racing down her cheeks as she surrenders into Jayden’s arms as he hvgged her.

Soon we heard Yelling which stole our attention as me and Gold Held Hands as we made our way to the front to see Richa-rd who’s face was Half Burned he Looked like the Exact definition of Fire Lord Zuko from Avatar.

“My Face.. ” Richa-rd Cried as I Felt Gold re-lease her Grip on my hand as she head to Richa-rd and held him by the collar with tears coming down her Cheeks.

“You Bastard you are nothing but a Coward, You Left Nana to burn to Death, Your own Mother, you never deserve her, you are the reason For all this, Nana always said you were dear to her heart she could die for you and instead of you Saving her you let her Die, karma didn’t pay you enough you arrogant fool, you should have burnt too…. ” She sobbe-d as she started Coughing.

Everyone eyes were stuck on the Drama as Gold Coughed until blood started Coming out of her mouth.

“Gold…. ” Joan yelled at the t©p of her voice as she escapes Jayden’s grip and pu-ll-ed Gold to her.

“Nana is Dead… ” Gold breath heavily as she Gaps heavily and Went limb and Pas-s out in Joan’s arm.

I raced to Joan, and Lift up Gold and Carried her in Bridal style as a nurse asked me to place her in a Stretcher in the Ambulance as they put her on Oxygen.

“She isn’t Breathing….. ”


Billionaires Bride


Episode 12




“She isn’t Breathing…. ” The nurse said as I pushed her away and made my way to Gold, who wasn’t Breathing, I held her palm, checking her Pulse, her Pulse went Cold, I tried to Check if Her heart is Beating but I was pu-ll-ed our of the Ambulance by Two Police officers.

“Stand by Citizen don’t you see they are trying to do their Job…. ” One of the Police men said as the Back of The Ambulance Shuts and Started Driving.

“Gold… ” I yelled as I Raced to Jayden and Haras-sed him.

“Aiden Calm Down.. ” Jayden said.

“How can I calm down, My Mother’s Dead and Gold Isn’t Breathing.. ”

“That Doesn’t mean we don’t care for Gold Too, we are worried too OK….. ” Joan Said

“Then give me the Keys… ” I yelled

“Aiden… ” Jayden Half yelled

“Give him the Keys Jayden, if She Dies don’t come home… ” Joan said giving me a cold stare, a Stare she Looks at her Victim before she does away with them, Jayden may look like a str!pper and she is but she’s a killer too and she’s not afraid to pu-ll out her gun and Shoot the Hell out of you.

I nod as she slightly smiled as She Usher Jayden to the other side of the Scene, I swiftly ran to the Parking Lot and Scanned it For the Car.

attra-cted to The Car’s unending Beeping as I traced it to a Section Five, I Cli-cked the Handle and the Door opens and jumped into the Car as I Drive the Key down the Hole and Tilt it to it’s Left side as the Engine Coughed and Died, it went on like this For twenty minutes until out of Frustration I Slammed my Hands on the Horn as I let out a Sigh.

“$h!t Batteries Run down” I crashed my head on the Horn as I pushed my head back, as Hope was my only friend now

“Okay plea-se Work.. ” I Said in a whisper as I drive the key down to the Left side as the Engines Kicked Violently and the Car started as I Rotate my Wrist in Oscillatory motion as I reverse the Car and Drove the same way The Ambulance went throu-gh.



Like Flash, I got to the Hospital just in time as they Placed Gold on another Stretcher taking her to the Operation Room as I Race to meet her but The Nurses St©pped me.

“Sorry Sir This p@rt of the Hospital is off Limits, if you are anyway related to the patient fill out the Form at the Reception Office at the Entrance… ” She Blurted out

“fv¢k That, I want to see Gold now… ” I cursed.

“Sir this Is a Hospital not your Home where you can speak all sort of Profanity, if you’ll really like to See her Fill out a Form and we’ll get to you as Fast as possible… ” She said

“Do you know who I am, I could Make your life a Living Hell, So How are we going to Do This lady, you Let me in or You Die……. ” The Nurse g@sps as her breath Hitched as she Gulps as her Eyes Darted to my Gun at my reach.

“Sir plea-se, I can’t do this I might Get Fired….. ” She Stammered as my Hand Dug in my Pockets.

“Nurse can you plea-se borrow me a Pen, you left it at the Supply Closet, let me Usher you There… ” I Blurted out as I Signalled the nurse to pl@yalong.

“Yes Sir if you kindly Follow me… ” She said as we left leaving out any Witnesses as u like pushed her against the wall.

“Listen closely, You have the Files on Gold and know what room she is in, you better start talking, because it’s better to be fired than Dead.. ” I said.

“Sir I can’t give you the Files but I can tell you what’s going on with her, Her Breathing paused due to overwhelming shock and the over inhalation of smoke, at this Point the Smoke is eating up her Veins,

Her heart is still beating

if the Serum we gave to her does not work it’ll dry up her lungs and if it gets to Heart She’ll Die in her Sleep… ” She sang like a Canary, Gold is going to Die, my hands went weak as my eyes Darted back to the Nurse as Anger Streamed my Veins.

“Where is She??? ” I spat.

“She’s in Room 203 on the third Floor… ”

“If anyone finds out, you won’t be Different from all those Patients that died in your Care…” I threatened as I made my way to Gold’s Room leaving the nurse Behind.


RICha-rd ’S POV

My Face is Ruined as the Nurse tried to apply ointment and Bandage the Burnt p@rt as everyone looked at me in Disgust, I was esc-rted to my Limo with my Entourage as we all drove out of the Scene.

“Prepare a Trip to Australia… ” I said as they all looked at me in shock.

“Why Australia… ”

“That Engagement cost me a Fortune and that bit-ch just Burnt the Building down, Her life isn’t a well enough trade, after what she did to my face Her Relatives will have a share in her Punishment by Joining her in Hell, book my pri-vate Jet to Australia, And Load on Gunpowder, and Petrol they will die the same way she did…”

“As you wish Sir… ”



I took an Elevator to the Third Floor as my Heart Dropped on the Thought Gold will Die any Moment from now she Can’t die, she won’t Die. I kept that Mantra on repeat that was my only Hope for now, the only thing I could hold on to.

I got to the Third Floor as I Ran throu-gh the Hall like a Marathoner as I quic-kly Glanced at each door until I got to her Door and quietly snuck in.

I closed the Door against me, Gold was on Life support to Show how serious it was my heart aches every time I Felt she wasn’t breathing the Monitor Scanned her br@in as it moves upward showing her heart is beating but she wasn’t breathing.

I took a seat next to her As I held Hands with Her and I k!$$£d it.

I got up as I put my Head against her che-st, her Heart was beating but she wasn’t breathing it puts the Chills In Bone Chilling as I locked hands with Her.

“Let me Tell you a Story, There once was A Boy named Aiden he met a girl named Ava, Aiden was Going throu-gh Teenage issues so he rebelled against his Mother as his Mother always plea-sed Richa-rd , Joan was His only Friend then, who un-derstands him, but everything changed when Ava c@m£, Aiden was then Close to Richa-rd and far away From Joan, Joan hated Ava, but Aiden didn’t care until one Day Aiden caught Ava Cheating on Him with Richa-rd and went to Australia without explaining what relationsh!pshe had with Him, Aiden was Heart broken he bec@m£ cold, he Hated women and wanted to make their life miserable looking at them with one view, except Joan who always stuck to Aiden with his new pal Jayden until A Girl c@m£ and change everything, she turned his Heart Anew and made him love again, that Girl is you, if after this story you die then may we both meet in the Heavens Gate…. ” I sniffed but her pulse was Cold as the Machine still Showed she was alive and her heart was beating as the lines slowly went up but then went straight…

“Gold, Gold… ” I yelled but she’s gone, she just died as the Nurse of Earlier walks in and taps my shoulder.

“I’m sorry… ” She said faintly

“Without her I’m nothing…. ” I said as I pu-ll-ed out my phone and gave them to the Nurse without looking back and head out of the Ward.


The moment Aiden Left the Ward Gold f!nger tapped as the Nurse looked in awe as the Lines started going up again and she started Breathing gently but her eyes weren’t opened yet, she was still unconscious as she Ran out of the room to Call Aiden but he was Gone, she then looks at His Phone as she heard Screams down as she took the Elevator as she saw every one outside the Hospital screaming.

“He’s Lost it… ”

“Someone call the Police… ”

“Don’t Jump… ”

The Nurse Ran out to See Aiden Dangling at the Edge of the t©p of the Hospital building.



Aiden took the Car as me and Jayden decided to Take a Taxi as my phone buzzed in my pocket as I saw Aiden’s name on it.

“She better be alive… ” I Growled.

“Is this Joan… ??” The Female voice asked.

“Wait, is Aiden fv¢king with another Lady, why… ” I spat bitterly

“Gross no, I’m a Nurse at Cambridge Hospital, down town.. “She explained

“What the fv¢k are you doing with my Brothers phone… ” I growled

“Well your Brother is Dangling at the Edge of the Hospital right now about to die… “She said

“Wait what, is Gold Dead… ” I g@sped

“I as-sume that is the name of the Girl that just woke up after just almost Dying, I can’t explain it right now he’s about to Jump… ” I cut the call before I could hear the rest.

“Step on it Bastard… ” I brou-ght out my Gun as I point it over his head.

“But we can’t go past the Speed limit, the cops could arrest me… ”

“Joan what are you doing, he’s right it’s night time he can’t break the Speed limit… ” Jayden interrupted

“How much for the Taxi… ” I asked

“I don’t know, $750” He said faintly

“Jayden pay him and meet me at the hospital downtown… ” I said as I kicked them both out and drove to the hospital, stepping on the speed br@ke.


RICha-rd POV

All of Charlotte relatives lined Up Orderly as all of them were tied up as I sh0t a wicked grin.

“Why are you doing this… ”


“I Told you I wanted your House but you refused so me and your Daughter eloped, I thought she would convince you to sell your house to me but She didn’t, now she burnt a building costing me a Fortune and marked a permanent damage on my Face, now you Will die in your house with your Family light it up Boys… ” I said as I exit the House as they Threw a Lighter and the House explode with everyone and everything in it, Now all remains is Aiden and I’ll destroy what he Values most Gold.


I drove to the hospital seeing Aiden Dangling over the end of Building as a Nurse comes running to me.

“Are you Joan.. ” She asked.

“Where is Gold…??” I asked

“She’s in her room but she’s unconscious… ”

“Take me to the t©p Floor… ” The nurse nods as she took me by my hand and show me to the Elevator.

“You go Stall him I have a plan.. ” She I took the Elevator to the t©p Floor meeting Aiden who was about to Jump.

“Aiden…. ” I yelled but he paid deaf ears.

“She’s Gone Joan, there is no point… ” He said almost in tears.

“She’s always in your heart just know that… ” I said as I kept stalling ma-king my way to him.

“Without Gold I don’t have one… ” He said softly

“Aiden don’t Jump… ” I yelled

“Why not, why do I always get Hurt she’s gone like Eva… ” He sobbe-d

“She’s Alive Aiden… ” I said trying to convince him

“Then where is She… ” Aiden Cried our

“Aiden I’m here… ”

