Betrayer in disguise episode 15 & 16

Episode 15.

āœšŸ¼ Miriam Edem

We got to the woman place and the gate opened for us with just a horn from my dad.
We drove in and saw her waiting for us and we parked and c@mĀ£ out,
“Hey Cynthia so sorry for the stress, she said hvgging my mom first and drew me close.

“How are you Joan? I’m so happy to see you after Steve told us what the kidnappers said, the woman said.
“I didn’t even notice I gave Steve number out, I was so in pains that I didn’t realize, I said.

“Its okay plea-se come in, it’s been a long night for you all, She said and we slowly went in.
“I alre-ady arranged a spare room where you will spend the night, the woman said when we arrived at the sitting room.

“Thank you so much, I couldn’t think of anyone to call at a short notice, my dad said to her.
“We are So sorry for the troubles, my mom added.

“No no no not a problem, besides I think I dragged your family into this mess, she said.
“Your husband did, my brother angrily said and we looked at him.

“yea he’s right, he brou-ght this mess to us, the woman said and i yawned.
“plea-se let me show you to the room, the woman said leading the way.

“First can I plea-se have a h0t water? My mom asked.
“Sure, for a warm bath? She asked.

“No for Joan, she’s hurt, my mom replied and i rolled my eyes.
“Mom we can do that in the morning….. Its almost morning alre-ady and my eyes are d, I said.

“Its okay to sleep while i mas-sage the spĀ©t for you, you’re in pains Joan, my mom said.
“What did they do to her? The woman asked.

“Favour cousin angrily hit me on my spine when she found out I gave Steve number when she requested for my dad, i replied.
“She found out from the betrayer we had right? The woman asked and opened up the preserved room for us and my brother walked in straight and la-id on the extra foam he saw without wasting time.

“Yes, and i think there’s still more corrupted people in the system. Sometimes i wonder how safe we are when the people who were meant to protect us are soiled this much, my dad replied.
“I’ll look into it in the morning and know how far the intelligence dep@rtment has gone with the tracking of that number. Don’t worry Joan they will all be brou-ght to book and I’ll take you to the hospital for checkup, the woman said.

“Thanks ma, i said.
“You’re welcome, I’ll go bring the h0t water, she said.

“I’ll go with you, but before i return have a shower okay, you look like a forest duck, my mom said.
“Wow mom that was consoling enough thank you, I said and she smiled and left.

“How have you been dad? I asked my father who tiredly bowed his head but he only gave a weak smile.
“Go take a shower before your mom returns, he replied and i nodded and got into the bathroom………..

I woke up feeling so hungry and my mom walked in almost immediately,
“I think i sle-pt too Long, I said cleaning my eyes.
“its okay you nee-d it, your food is re-ady come eat it h0t, my mom said and i slowly got up from the be-d.

“I have to brush first mom, i said.
“Yea so i won’t perceive your mouth odour anymore, it smells like rotten egg, my mom said.

“First i looked like forest duck, now my mouth smells like rotten egg, Really mom? I asked and she laughed.
“Not too bad though, she replied and i went in with my toothbrush.

“sĀ£nior left for school? i asked while brushing.
“You know him nau, he cant miss it for anything even if the country is on fire, she replied.

“I miss mine so much, i can’t believe this is happening, i sadly said coming out.
“It will soon be over okay, now if your done taking out the egg flavour let’s go eat, she said and i smiled following her out.

“Any word from Steve? I asked.
“Yea he’s fine and they traced the number location, she replied.

“They did? Wow are they caught alre-ady? I asked.
“We are still hoping though, it wasn’t too long they left, she replied.

“Dad went with them? I asked.
“No no, he’s with Steve and the cops are interrogating the wounded idiot who attacked us. He was the one who confirmed the location of the criminals, she replied and we arrived at that dining.

“Oh God! I pray they get them plea-se and I think the wounded man can also point out the corrupted officers, who knows the betrayers there may give them a hint of escape. I wonder how much those people sl@p on their face that made them this shameless, i said and my mom smiled sitting me down.
“Joan forget about them and eat your food so you’ll take the pain relieves i bought for you, she said.

“I thought I’ll be going to the hospital today? I asked.
“Your dad said you wont be out except the criminals get caught, he’s scared, my mom replied and i nodded.

“But i hope you can manage right? She asked.
“Yea it’s okay, I replied and opened the plate to see the food before me.

“Oh i missed this! I exclaimed.
“I know right, enjoy your meal, my mom said tapping me and was about to leave.

“Oh Where’s madam? I asked.
“She’s following up the case you know, she replied and i nodded………..

I was in the room when my mom walked in ma-king a call,
“Yes she’s here, she said and handed the phone to me which i confusedly got it from her.
“Hello Joan, a male voice said on phone.

“Yes good morning….. Sorry good afternoon, I said.
“Its fine, can you remember the place you were last night? he asked.

“Wait! Don’t tell me you didn’t get them? I asked.
“Unfortunately it was a wrong location, if you can remember anywhere Close by it will help us, he replied.

“How I’m I to know? Why not squee-ze it out from the useless officer? I asked.
“Well he took his own life, he replied.

“What! I shouted……..

Episode 16.

I didn’t know when I dropped the call and my mom got the phone from me,
“How come? I thought Dad was with him? I asked my mom but she shook her head and dialed my dad number and he picked up.

“I know you’ve heard, my dad said when he picked up.
“But you said you were with him, what happened? My mom asked.

“Dear he was stubborn to speak and again weak with the wound on him. So we decided not to stress him and we left, he replied.
“Did he really killed himself or someone did? I asked.

“Joan he strangled himself with the drip, we found it wra-pped on his nĀ£Ā¢k, my dad replied.
“Could he have killed himself? I don’t want to believe that,someone must have done that so he won’t expo-se a lot of things about the gang, I said.

“Joan the whole situation is annoying, first the cops lost the criminals and only God knows what will happen next, no one has a clue, my dad said and i ru-bbe-d my head so worried.
“Its okay love, just come back safe alright, my mom said.

“Okay, call Peter and tell him to return home, he said.
“i will, she said and dropped the call looking at me as i paced round.

“Joan can you remember anything at all? Only you can help now you know, she said and i stĀ©pped.
“Mom it was dark and the road was lonely, how I’m i suppose to know when i was tired and and and…….. “Its okay Joan, my mom cut in when i was finding words.

“No its not okay, they will come after me again and that doesn’t make it okay to me, i said and sat down bowing my head.
“That will never happen okay, if they are s-en-sible enough they should be on a hideout and not coming after you, my mom said tou-ching me and i raised my head remembering something.

“You know mom, if dad Can call the driver number who helped me out. If he can remember where he picked me from, i think i can trace where Ebuka c@mĀ£ out from, I said.
“Oh Joan you’re a prodigy! My mom shouted and dialed my Dad number immediately.

“I know right, i said smiling.
“Don’t be too flattered, my mom said and my dad picked up.

“Yes, he said.
“Joan just said something now, do you still have the driver number who helped her last night? She asked.

“Yes yes why? He asked.
“that’s because……… “If he can remember where he picked me up, i think I can trace where i c@mĀ£ out from, i cut in.

“Great! Let me find out from him, my dad said and dropped the call and my brother walked in.
“You’re finally awake? He asked after greeting.

“You didn’t want her to be awake or what? Mom asked.
“Because i want to sleep mine now, she was just hitting me the whole night, Peter said.

“Night or morning? Oh i was hitting you now huh? Let’s talk about how you snore bad, i said.
“You wish. So what’s the turn up of events? Any good news? He asked.

“Not yet, mom replied.
“What! Why should it be difficult when we have someone in our custody to get what we want? he asked.

“Well he’s dead, i replied and Peter began to laugh.
“You’re joking right? I mean i want him dead too but not yet, how did he die? He asked.

“Probably killed by those who want him shut up for life, i replied.
“You must be kidding me, Peter said and my dad call c@mĀ£ on phone which my mom gave it to me.
“Hello dad, i picked up.

“Joan i just called him, and yes he can remember where he picked you, he said.
“Wow, that’s cool, i know my eyes were busy i can get something, i said.

“Yes but the police are asking if you’re fit to go now? He asked and my mom eyes bulged out.
“Wait, now? Like today? Common is it safe for Joan knowing the situation out there? My mom got the phone from me.

“Dear you know i cant risk Joan, the men i am with now, Steve trusts them, he said.
“Ya same way Steve trusted his p@rtner but got sh0t, Peter said.

“Peter, my dad called out.
“Yes dad, he replied.

“Shut up! my dad said and he nodded.
“Joan get prepared we are Coming to pick you, my dad said and dropped the call and it was my mom turn to get worried.

“I don’t get it, can’t the police do it without you? What if you didn’t come out of there? How did we even get to this point? My mom kept asking questions while Peter and I only watched saying nothing.

“Why are you two not saying something! Mom angrily asked after talking to herself for a while and Peter coughed.
“Well i wanted to but dad said i should shut up, Peter replied and i heaved.

“Mom, i thought you earlier said i was the only one to help? I asked.
“Yes, but not you going with them, is there no other way? What if there will be exchange of fire? She asked.

“Mommy i un-derstand you perfectly but just calm down okay and remember dad will be there with me, he wont put me in danger, i said.
“uhmmmm i think she’s right, just calm down, Peter added and my mom weakly looked at us and sat down still anxious………….
