Be mine batch 13

????Be mine ????
(Forever and ever)

Chapter thirty six ?

Claire’s POV

I woke up and it was alre-ady morning ?

I looked around but the be-d is empty

I rished to the dinning room but was not there

I slowly walked to the kitchen when I heard some sounds

Gently I opened the door and sae him dishing out food ?

I hvgged from behind

“Good morning darling ”

“Good morning wifey, how are you feeling now? ”

“A now okay ?, see I told you that am fine ”
I spunned around trying to let him know that am okay,
But still doesn’t look convinced

“We are still going to the hospital when am back from work ? ”

“By I hate going to the hospital, the scent is terrible ”

He turned and held me ti-ght

“I know dear but I just want to make sure that you are okay “he said and I gave up to defeat

“OK, bit why areyou the one cooking ??? ”

“I promised that I will cook for you yesterday but you sle-pt off, so am willing to fulfill my promise ”

“OK chef”

I watched as he carried the food to the dinning room

He pu-ll-ed the chair out and I at down

After eating he went to wprk AMD I closed the door

I checked the time and it was alre-ady 9 am
I yawned sleepily after disposing the plates

I la-id down on the be-d and dozed off


I was awoken by the sudden opening of the door

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Eric staring at me

“You c@m£ back early ”

“Early??? The time is 4pm, have you been slee-ping since I left? ”

“Maybe, I don’t know”

“We will some know because we are going to the hospital now ”

I dressed and followed him as we drove to the hospital

We entered inside the office of the doctor and she greeted us politely

“I want you to do a little check up on her doc”

“Ok mr Allen, plea-se stay outside for some minutes “she said and he went out side

After the checkup
She sat down on her seat.

“Mrs Allen congratulations ”

“Doc why are you congratulating me ”

“It is a good news so I will congratulate you first”

“OK whats the good news?? ”

“You are two months pregnant ma’am “she said and herl-ips curved in a smile ?

“Am pregnant?? Omg”

“Congratulations ma’am ”

“Thank you doc”

I thanked her and ran out of the office

I searched for Eric but I can’t find him

I ran to the car pack but he is not there

I stood there waiting for him

I rushed to tje restroom when I felt like puking
After vomiting everything i ate, I c@m£ out of the restroom but some one pushed me back to tje room

“Let me go “I said struggling to re-move the man’s hand

He turned me to face him

“I told you that I will get you claire “he said sm-irking ?

“Jeremy!?? ”

“That’s me baby ”

“Let me go you imbecile ”

“Too bad am not going to let you go, you will stay with me ”

“I rather die than to stay with you monster ”

“Why?? “He asked coming closer to me
“Is it because of that tiny thing in your stomach ”

“How did you know? ”

“I found out even before you noticed the changes in your b©dy
My spy was there to notify me ”

“Let me go, Eric will never spare you ”

“Oh you are still thinking about your hubby, well am sorry to break it to you
But he will have to find me first before killing me ”

“What do you mean?? ”

“Am going to take you away from this country, at least am free from that butch that I called wife, I will make you my new wife sand you will ab-ort that thing in your stomach ”

“You monster what did you do to Kira ”

“Don’t worry babe, you will soon meet your sister maybe im hell “he said and covered my nose with a handkerchief and I pas-sed out

????Be mine????
(Forever and ever)

Chapter thirty seven?

Eric’s POV

I waited a long time before entering the doctors office

I looked around but Claire was not there

“Where is my wife, doc? ”

“She left some minutes ago ”

“You allowed her to leave ”

“Yes I was alre-ady done with the test”

“I swear if anything happens to her
I will make sure that this hospital goes down”I threatened and rushed

I checked everywhere but she was nowhere to be found

Oh ? the CCTV!!

Without wasting much time I ran to the control room and repla-yed everything that happened

She was takes by a man in black

And his features reminds me of some one

Who is it? Who is it?
who is it?

Think Eric think!!

$h!t!!! Jeremy

Wtf Jeremy kidnapped her

Oh my god this is all my fault
I shouldn’t have left her alone with that doc

I called mom, dad, jace and they rushed to the hospital

“Eric what happened?? “Mom asked worriedly

“Jeremy kidnapped Claire ”

“How did it happen?? ”

“I don’t know, the doc told me to go outside and wait for her
I received a call from theo so I went outside the hospital to take the call ”

“You returned and you can’t find her”


“Did you check the CCTV? ”

“Yes, I checked and found out that it was Jeremy ”

“That as-s-hole have crossed his limit, no one messes with me ”

“Call her number “mom suggested and I dailed her number

?hello, Claire dear where are you?? “?

?nice to hear your voice Mr Eric ?

?huh, Jeremy!? ?

“?yep you guessed right, say good bye to your lover and child ? “?

?my child? She’s pregnant?? ?”

“?yep, too bad the innocent child will have to leave this world ?”

?dont you dare do anything to them Jeremy, you can never run any where
I will continue to hunt you bastard?”I said in rage and he chuckled

?you will have to catch me first Eric “he said and hanged up

Claire’s POV

I woke up with a severe headache and a weird kind of pain in my lower abd0m£n

I t©uçhed my stomach and head at the same time
And gro-an ed when I felt the pain increasing

“It is fine you will be alright ”

I almost jumped out in horror when I realized that I am lying on the same be-d with Jeremy

“What did you do to me?? “I asked clutching my stomach ti-ght

“I didn’t do anything, neither did I do any thing to your child, but if you drink this Medicine you will not feel any pain” he said and dropped a drug and a can of and water on the be-d

“What do you mean?? “I asked glaring at him

“This will help us to get rid of this unwanted baby then…… ”

“Shut up!!!!, who the fv¢k are you to talk about my baby like that??, who do you think you are, get the hell out of here and let me go””
I yelled but he shook his head

“I don’t want this baby Claire”

“Have you started taking drug or something like that?? Can you even hear yourself? This baby have nothing to so with you, this baby belong to my husband who is going to kill you anytime soon”

“Well by the time he find out where we are, it will be too late
I will make you mine and get rid of the baby before he comes here”he said sm-irking

I couldn’t help but laugh at his foolishness
This man is really boasting about his stupid plans

“You will not laugh for long Jeremy
My Knight is coming ”


Wow her knight is coming ooo