Be mine batch 12

???Be mine????
(Forever and ever)

Chapter thirty three ?

Eric’s POV

I smiled when I heard everything that Claire told Jeremy

She truly loves me
I don’t have to be afraid if Jeremy comes again
She just proved to me that Jeremy is now past

I was shocked to hear her say that I like it ha-rd and rou-gh

But like seriously am I really rou-gh in be-d???

She c@m£ inside and threw her purse ? on the couch
And leaned in me

“What happened?? ”

“Well nothing much, he just wanted to return the gifts ? that I gave to him on his birthday,
And also he asked me to forgive him and come back to him ” she said tiredly ?

. “only that!!” I asked stro-king her her with my f!nger

“Hmmm nothing else ”

“Was I really ha-rd and rou-gh yesterday?? “I asked and she wi-de-ned get eyes

“You were there!?? ”

“Not really, i was ❓ this room watching you both
Besides red ? cafe is Allen’s property, so it is mine””

“Oh! ”

“Thank you Claire ”

“For what? ”

“For loving me ”

“Mr Allen, ate a re-ady for the next round!? “She asked and k!$$£d my ear lobe

“Am always re-ady sweet heart ”
Taking off her cloth u k!$$£d her.

*********************(you know what happened next) ****

This is the best love ma-king ever

Although it was a little painful for her,

I looked at her

She really w@!sted alot of energy talking about that j£rk

I nee-d you be careful this time, I heard him saying that he will do anything to t©uçh her

Am going to kill him if he do anything to my Claire

I won’t hesitate to rip his heart

I Carried her and placed her on the bathtub filled out water

I bath her and changed her clothes before laying her back early the be-d

I left for some business matter matter without theo

“Hoe did the meeting go?? ”

“It was successful boss, we have succeeded in buying the shares of McCoy company ”

“Good, of there is nothing else I will be going now ”

In my way home i saw a woman selling flower

I smiled when I remembered that she love red ? rose

I bought it and went home

I entered our room and saw here re-ading

I walked closer to her,

she stood up and wanted to collect the flower

But I shifted my hand, she lost balance and fell on me
Ourl-ips made a sudden contact

Claire’s POV

I got bored while re-ading

I checked the time and it is was alre-ady 4pm

Why haven’t he come back?

Am missing him alre-ady

I heard the sound of his horn

I rushed over the window and saw him entering the living room

I rushed back to my seat pretending to be re-ading

He opened the door and entered

I raised my head slowly and saw him standing infront of me holding my favorite flower

I stood up happily to take the flower but he raised his hand

I lost balance and we fell on the floor

Ourl-ips made a sudden contact

I wanted to stand up but he held me with his arms smiling ?

“Let go of me per-vert ‘”

“Oh am i a per-vert!? ”

“Yes you are,
If you don’t want to be known as a per-vert then don’t act like one “”

I will show you how a real per-vert act like ‘”he said and crashed hisl-ips on mine

He trailed his left hand from my back to my th!gh, c@r£ss!ngit

This is how a real per-vert act darling ‘”

He carried out to the be-d and la-id beside me


“Hmm ”

“When are we going home, I miss mom ”

“We are going tomorrow ”

“OK, Eric ”


“Why do I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen ”

I raised my head to look at him

“Don’t worry Claire, nothing is going on happen, i heard what Jeremy said
I will increase our security ”

“?ok but…. ”

“But what?? ”

“But ever since the p@rty I’ve not seen Kira, I think something have happened to her”

“You are worried about her?? ”

“Yes she is my sister even if she did something terrible to me ”

“Ok we will check on her when we have time ”

???? Be mine ????
(Forever and ever)

Chapter thirty four

Claire’s POV

Everything happened so quic-kly

Days turned to weeks
And weeks to months

We’ve not heard anything from Jeremy, maybe he was bluffing

Even if he is serious about tou-ching me am not scared

Because I know that I have someone that will stand up for me

Someone that will protect me and make sure that I don’t get scratched

Someone who is scared of loosing me, he can’t be at ease if am not with him

He won’t even allow me to spend time with his mother

Someone who will rather stay all day with me than to go to work

Someone who gave all his work to his as-sistant just to cudd-leme day and night

With this kind of person with me, Jeremy cannot even toih the strand of my hair

Right now that person is laying on my l@ps forcing himself to sleep

“Eric you nee-d to sleep, you must go to the office tomorrow ”

“But I don’t want to go anywhere, I just want to stay with you ”

“If you don’t listen to me, I will go and stay with mom, so be a good hubby and sleep “‘

“OK fine I will go to work tomorrow, only if you promise to bath me or let me bath you”

“Are you not tired of bathing me? “”

“No I will never get tired of bathing you, not now not ever ”

OK just sleep okay? ”

“Yes ma’am ‘”

After some minutes of coaxing him
He sle-pt off

I went downstairs and saw mom.
I will never get tired of seeing this woman
Her beauty never fade even though she have aged
She is always elegant and sweet

“Mom, how are you?? ”

“Am fine my dear, where is your clingy husband? ”

“He is slee-ping ”
I sat beside her and hvgged her

“Phew ? thank God, at last I will have some time to talk with you
But seriously he is soooooo clingy and possessive, he doesn’t anyone to stay with you,
I wonder how he will manage when you have kids”
She said smiling cunningly

Omg ? plea-se not again
Why does she have to remind me of kids

Everytime kids kids kids
When will she get tired of saying this word every time we meet

I nee-d to change this t©pic

“Actually he doesn’t want to go anywhere, bit I succeeded in persuading him to go to the office tomorrow ”

She shifted me closer to her Ann blinked her eyes repeatedly

“How did you do it?? He is very ha-rd to persuade “she asked curiously

“Well I told him that if he don’t go to the office tomorrow I will stay with you,
I thought that he will allow me to go with you
But he instantly agreed to go to the office, only if I allow him to bath me”

My face turned red when I remember how he used to bath me every day
This man is really shameless

Noticing my red face she smiled and patted my head

“Awwwn my son is really ro-mantic
Too bad he is more ro-mantic than his father
I know the reason why he doesn’t want you to leave or come to our mansion,
He is still looking for Jeremy . ever since he met you at the red cafe nob©dy have seen him, Eric is just scared that he might be hiding somewhere looking for an opportunity, don’t be sad okay?? ”

OK mom”

“I think its time to leave, I don’t want your clingy hubby to throw a tantrum ”

“Goodbye mom”

“Good bye dear, and remember
I nee-d grand children, I will continue to tell you about it even If you change the t©pic repeatedly ”

“We’ll see about that mom”

Thinking ? of what she said, it makes s-en-se ever since we met at red cafe I’ve not heard from him
He may be he is hiding somewhere looking for an opportunity
He is really vicious

I wonder whats wrong, they just disappeared

Their house is empty and their company have coll@pse

No one knows their whereabouts

Am not supposed to be thinking about this

Am supposed to be thinking of how to wake this sleepy head up

I slowly opened the door but he is still slee-ping ?

I sat down beside him and tickled him but he didn’t bulge

I think I have a better idea???????????

“Eric if you don’t wake up, I will not allow you to k!ssme for two months “I threatened and he j£rked up

“Two months!!!!? Do you want to kill me? ”

“Will you die I you don’t k!ssme for two months?? ”

“Of course I will die if i don’t k!ssyou for a day talk less of two months!!! ”

I have a new way of punishing you if you do anything n@ûghty
He he he????????

????Be mine ????
(Forever and ever)

Chapter thirty five ?

Eric’s POV

I carried her to washroom and bath her
Why is she suddenly heavy

“Claire dear I think ? you are getting more fat”

“Huh ? I didn’t notice, but I do notice that I puke every morning ? ”

“Do you want to see the doctor?? ”

“No its nothing let’s just forget about it ”

“Are you sure you’re fine?? ”

“Yes am fine don’t worry ? ”

“Do…. You still.. Want me to go to work ??? “I said tugging her softly

“Ehhhmm maybe ”

“if you let me stay at home ? I will cook a delicious ? meal for you
plea-se ? let me stay plea-se plea-se plea-se “I begged blinking my puppy eyes

She sighed in retreat

“OK fine you can stay but you will surely go tomorrow,
those puppy eyes arent gonna work on me tomorrow so don’t even try to use it

“Yes lady boss, I will defi…………. “I couldn’t finish my s£ntence as she rushed to the bathroom to puke

I went to her patting her back slowly as she unleashed everything she ate

“Are you sure that you are okay? ”

“Yes am fine ”

“I don’t believe that you are okay, we are going to the hospital tomorrow
No more arguing “I said and carried her and la-id her on the be-d ?

I have been noticing some changes in her

She cries if you scold her or raise your voice while talking to her

She hate ice cream ? before but now she eats it as if it is her favorite

She pukes every morning ? and sleeps like 7 –8 hours before night time

Some thing must be wrong, I nee-d to take her to the hospital tomorrow
I just hope that its not what am thinking ?

“Claire do you want to have kids now?? “I asked lying down beside her with my hands around her w@!st

She opened her sleepy ? eye and looked at me

“Mom said that she wants kids but I don’t want to have kids now,
I want to spend more time with my hubby ”

Myl-ips curved in a smile ? as the word “spent more time with my hubby “rang in my head countless times

Where did I get this angel angel? from

“Which gender do you want first?? “I asked
She sat up and la-id her head on my che-st

Curled her b©dy like a frightened kitten looking for protec-tion

“Boys are troublesome, I want tk have girls first ”

I raised my eyebrow when I heard her

“What do you mean ?, boys are cute
They will be just like me ”

“Oh ? you are n@ûghty and I know that they will be n@ûghty too just like you ”

“Hey but am I good boy
Well except for the fact that am n@ûghty in be-d, like you said I like it sweet ? and rou-gh “I tea-sed and she blu-shed

“I think ? it will be better if you continue blus-h ☺️ at every word I say ?, you are acting like a newly wedded wife ”

“Don’t you like it Mr Allen? ”

“I don’t like it dear, I love it ”

“Am scared Eric ”

“Why? What happened, did you get hurt ?? Did you go to the kitchen? “I asked lifting her hand and leg to check if there is any wound or bruise but there wasn’t any

“Tell me why are you scared? ”

“Am scared because I feel like someone is watching us, I can feel it “sje said panicky

“Its okay Claire, nob©dy dares to come to this house
Nob©dy is following you “I said reas-suringly and hvgged

Phewwww ? thank God
I thought that she hurt herself but seriously I nee-d to increase our security
It is very possible for someone to come here

And I don’t trust the maids

If I ever find out that someone is spying on us

I will torture the intruder to death

I will pluck hi f!ngers? out one by one

Unknown POV ???

“Boss is cudd-ling his wife, he will go to the office tomorrow ”

“Tell me if anything strange happen okay? ”

“Yes sir, what about the money?? ”

“You will receive yiur reward when am done with them ”

“Yes sir “I said and hanged up

Am so sorry boss I have to do this

You are a good person but I have to take this offer because if money ?

I have a family to feedamd Mr McCoy is re-ady to pay me quite well

Am sorry Voss and lady boss.