Attitude meet arrogant episode 41

Episode 41

Jordan’s POV

I was ransacking the closet to try and find something she could wear when Jaxon stormed in .

“Jordan, the doctor is here….”
“Okay I will be there….”

I walked back to the room with one of my baggy T-shi-t on my hand and found everyone looking so worried surrounding the be-d…

“Doctor Leshan, is my wife going to be okay????” I asked, worry evident in my voice…

“Kindly excuse us so that we can do our job…” He requested and I nodded letting everyone out but not before I told the nurse to change her clothes and gave her the T-shi-t…

“Jordan, plea-se tell us what happened to my girl????” Granny asked as tears threatened to fall from her eyes…

“Someone tried to r*pe her….” I explained, anger seeping throu-gh me by the mere thought of what would have happened if I didn’t get there on time…
“I hope you killed that bastard!!!” Jaxon raged, palm fisting himself…

“I wish I did…..” I replied dryly…I was so worried that I hadn’t noticed that Mason was back from his art show in Paris…

“I am sorry bro, I didn’t see you there. I was so worried about Ciara…” I placed my hand on his shoulder.

“I un-derstand…I hope she gets better
. This house is boring without her…” He tried ma-king me feel better but it felt indifferent to me…

“What happened to you???? You nee-d to also get checked by the doctor…” Mum sobbe-d as she looked at my bloody bruised knuckles…

“It’s nothing…” I pu-ll-ed my hand from her, looked at it and just shook my head.
What was taking the doctor so long???? Is she in danger????

“Sir, the police are here for your statement…” Caro said.
“Tell them, I will be there…”

“Everyone should go to their room or even in the living room. I will tell you when my wife finally wakes up…” I ordered and they all refused to move an inch from there.

“How can you ask that of us when one of us is fighting for her life in there???” Sophie stuttered…

“We don’t mind standing here until the doctor comes out….” Mason added and I had no choice but to adhere..

“I will go and make some soup. She will be hungry when she wakes up….” Mother suggested and we were all surprised…

“What??? She is still my daughter in-law….” She rolled her eyes and we both headed downstairs…

“Excuse me si……”The constable walked to me the moment I got into the hallway..

“How dare you ask for a statement while my wife is still unconcious??? Get out of my house, I will come to write a statement when my wife is okay….” I snarled more than I spoke…


“But nothing….I will be polite and ask the maid to show you out. Don’t f0rƧĀ£ me to kick you out…” I warned, “Caro, show the gentlemen out…”

“No nee-d, we know our way out. We will be expecting you at the station soon…” The constable retorted and I just have him what looked like a smile before following my mother in the kitchen…

“Caro, a glas-s of water now!!!” I ordered as I shook in rage…I felt useless, my wife was in there with the doctors and I was here doing nothing…

“Here is the water sir…” She trembled, handing me the glas-s of water but on sipping it I smashed it on the wall and she screamed…

“When I said water, I didn’t mean warm water. How can you give me warm water on a h0t afternoon???” I slammed the counter and she flin-ched…

“Caro, leave. I will take it from here…” My mum bossed and the poor girl ran from the kitchen.

I didn’t want to yell at her but I couldn’t help it. I wanted to vent my pain out in form of anger…

Everytime I could see how helpless Ciara was and that bastard on tĀ©p of her.

What if I didn’t get there on time???? What if he r*ped her or killed her??? How would I have lived without her???

“Jordan, calm down!!!!” My mother spoke softly.

“Mum my wife is badly hurt and you want me to calm down?????” I yelled and sl@pped the bowl of fruits from the counter.

“Son, plea-se don’t beat yourself up….” She tried to tĀ©uƧh me but I pu-ll-ed back, “I don’t nee-d your pity…”

“I know how you feel, I also lost my husband but you don’t see me cause a mess in my kitchen….” When she mentioned dad, I calmed down. She lost the one she loved but I was lucky mine was still here with me….”

“I wish you saw how helpless she was. How could I live without her??? The thought of losing her, scares me….” I realised tears dripping from my eyes…

“You love her, don’t you???” She asked and I just nodded silently….

“Then be strong. Put yourself together because when she wakes up, she is going to nee-d her husband by her side not a violent angry man…”She walked to where I was and placed her hands on my shoulders…..

“What if I didn’t get there on time??? What if…….” She placed her f!nger on myl-ips, cutting me off.

“Enough with the what ifs…Our Ciara is home and that’s all that matters. We just have to be there for her when she wakes up…” She wiped the tears from my eyes before hvgging me,”She will be fine, she is not a normal girl…”

“Thank you mum….”

“Anytime, now go and look if the doctor is done. As I prepare the soup for her….”

I smiled and headed upstairs….Everyone was still restless and the doctor was still in there with my wife…

“Why are they not done yet????” I walked to the door when the knob shuffled and they both c@mĀ£ out…..

“Doctor, how is my wife????” I asked…

“We have cleaned the wounds and taken care of them. I have sed@tĀ£d her but she shouldn’t be left alone.

. She might experience a traumatic experience when she wakes up and throu-gh the night…”He explained and we all keenly listened to her.

“Doctor, she will be okay right???? My Ciara…I mean our Ciara will be fine soon, yes???” Jaxon stammered…He looked scared out of his wits for his love..

Wait did he just say my Ciara??? some nerve he has there…

“Yes Jaxon, luckily the wounds were not that de-ep….I will get going..” He replied but before he left, he handed me a list of medicine to help with pain…

When we got into the room, she was lying peacefully…Her wounds were all covered up and the torn up clothes were replaced with my T-shi-t..

“Ciara????” Jaxon cried out, re-ady to run to her but Ariana held him back…Indeed he loved my wife…

“I think you should all leave, my wife nee-ds to rest…” I said calmly…

“But what Sophie?? She is resting when she wakes up, I will let all of you know….” I snapped…

“plea-se leave…” I pushed them all out and locked the door…

I tried shaking the thoughts off but I couldn’t.

“I am sorry that you had to go throu-gh that…I promise never to let something like that happen to you again….” I brushed my hand over her forehead…

I k!$$Ā£d her on the forehead before going to the bathroom….I took off my bloody clothes and had an ice cold shower…Everytime I closed my eyes, I could just see that stupid bastard on tĀ©p of my wife…

He messed with the wrong woman. NobĀ©dy harms Jordan Marcias’ wife…..
After the shower, I changed into a pair of grey sweatp@n-ts and a white v-shi-t…

I called the office and told my PA to sĀ£nd the reports and files to my house…

I was seated on the sofa very busy trying to un-derstand what I was re-ading when I heard sharp screams… I threw the papers I was holding and ran to her…

“Love, wake up!!!It’s just a bad dream…” I lifted her off the be-d and into my arms…

” Leave me alone… StĀ©p!!! stĀ©p!!!! Don’t hurt me, plea-se…” She screamed, sl@pping me so ha-rd …

“Jordan help me!!!! Help me!!!!” She begun throwing kicks and I had to hold her so ti-ght so as she doesn’t get hurt.

“Love wake up!!!!I am here. It’s just a bad dream baby…..” I held her so ti-ght and she finally opened her eyes…

“Jordan is that you???” She stuttered, holding my T-shi-t so ti-ght…
“Yes, it is me my love…”

“Why did you leave me??? He was here, he c@mĀ£ back…” She was shaking and sobbing so ha-rd . Seeing her in that state, broke my heart…

I nee-ded that girl back. The one who causes havoc in my life…

“I will never let him hurt you again my love. I am here and will never leave you…” I soothed her and after a while she was relaxed….

“You promise, you won’t leave??”
“I will be here for you, I promise……”

She intertwined our hands and rested peacefully on my che-st…
“I know you are hungry, let me tell Mom to bring the soup she made you…”
“plea-se, don’t leave me…” She begun crying again…

“It’s okay love, I am going nowhere..I will just call her…”I wiped her tears away and rested my cheek on the upside on her head….

For the first time, I realised I called her love and she didn’t mind…

After some few minutes, the whole family was in the room.

“Uncle Jordan will Auntie Ciara be fine???” Pashmina asked.
“Yes darling, your aunt is a very strong woman…”

I placed some pillows and gently sat her upright so that I would feed her…

“Mum, where is the soup??? I want to feed her…”

“Don’t worry, I will feed her….” My mum beamed and sat beside her…

“I am glad you are okay, thank you for being a strong woman…”Mum cu-mpped her face and I could see Ciara fight her tears, “Thank you mum…”

Mum begun feeding her the soup, granny sat beside mum looking at her feed Ciara, Sophie was holding Pashmina and they were seating at the middle of the be-d, Mason was at the sofa teasing Ciara with Ariana and Jaxon beside him..

Chloe just c@mĀ£ in, checked on how my wife was doing and left…

I tried standing up from the be-d only for Ciara to squee-ze my hand so ti-ght, “You promised you won’t leave….”

“Okay, I will be here always and forever…..I promise…” I k!$$Ā£d her hand not caring about those people who were in the room…

“Awwwwww!!!! Atleast wait until she can feel better…” Mason tea-sed…

I looked away shyly only for granny to make it worse, “So when is Pashmina getting a cousin to pl@ywith????”

Ciara almost choked on her soup.

“Granny, do you want to kill my wife??? This is not the time to talk about this. Let her first get better….”
“Okay….” She lifted her hands up in surrender, “But I nee-d a grandson though..”
“We would name him after your dad….” Mum added…

When mum was done feeding her, everyone left the room.

I gave her some medicines before putting her to sleep. It was a real struggle but I managed finally…

“You promised you won’t leave….” She rested her head on my che-st, holding my hand so ti-ght before she asleep…

For once I was happy, she wanted me by her side. I felt like she trusted me and finally begun recognising me as her husband.

Jordan’s POV

There was faint traces of tears in her eyes but luckily she seemed better…

I slowly got out of be-d and placed a pillow on her head. I then one by one freed my f!ngersfrom her grip….

I ti-ptoed from the room only to bu-mp into my mother outside my room.

“Mum, what are you doing here???” I murmured.

“I c@mĀ£ to check up on Ciara and ask what she will have…”

“She is slee-ping peacefully. Lets go downstairs, I want to make her some chicken rice soup…” I explained to her and she nodded before we both went downstairs…

Everyone was in the dining table waiting for my wife and I.

“Where is Ciara???? We have been for ages for you guys…” Mason stated.

“I am sorry to disappoint but my wife is resting and if you don’t mind, I want to go and make some chicken soup for her…”

“Did you say make soup for her???” Sophie confirmed.
“Yes, is there a problem???” I asked and she just shook her head…

After I was done preparing the chicken rice soup, Mason just walked it when I was about to serve it in a bowl…

“This smells delicious…” He wafted

. He took the spoon wanting to scope some but I sl@pped his hand…

“This belongs to my wife…”

“She is very lucky to have you and you her…..”

“C’mon Mason, you of all people should know that she loves Jaxon like her life depends on it…” I chuckled to hide the sadness that was threatening to show on my face…

“Ariana is now in the picture and I have seen how she looks at Jaxon. Today in that room Ciara held your hand not Jaxon’s so brother I know they were lovers and you ruined that but life moves on…” He placed the bowl of soup on a tray and handed it to me, “She also loves you but hasn’t realised it yet…”

“I think you fell and hit your head…” I pushed him aside and walked away.

When I got to our room and opened the door, I heard soft sobs…I switched on the lights only to see Ciara in the middle of the be-d, with her knees pu-ll-ed up to her che-st…

She was sobbing profusely. I placed the tray on the table lamp and ran to her…

“I am sorry I left my love. I went to make you some soup..”

“You promised you won’t leave me….” She said in almost a whisper not looking at me..

“I am sorry,” I used my f!nger to lift up her cheek, “I will never leave you again. I will die by your side…” I pu-ll-ed my ears and I could something like a smile at the corner of herl-ips….

I wiped the tears from her eyes, I hated seeing them…
“Am I forgiven???”

“Jordan, do you think he will come back???? Do you…..” I placed my f!nger on herl-ips and looked de-ep inside her eyes, “He won’t come back and if he does I will be here to teach him a lesson…”

“Thank you Jordan, I really didn’t deserve your help…”She sobbe-d….

Why would she say that???Doesn’t she know that I would l@ymy life for her. She was my everything and the thought of anything happening to her drives me crazy…

I placed my hands on hers and smiled,”No woman should be mĀ©lĀ£stĀ£despecially anyone related to Jordan Marcias’ so smile for me and have some soup…”

I placed some pillows behind her back and helped her sit upright…

I reached for the bowl of soup and sat close to her…

I blew over the soup and gave her the first scope…
There was a comfortable silence between us as I diligently feed her…

Suddenly when I was about to give her another scope, she held my hand..

“I know you haven’t eaten anything. So here??” She takes the spoon from me and feeds me…
“You should also have a taste of your delicious soup Jordan…”
“You are not the one sick. I know you would say that. But you have taken care of me and now it’s my turn…..” She gives me another scope…

My heart was seriously pounding like madness…
I have never been so happy, these were the little moments I was going to cherish when she is gone…

After we were done eating, I took hold of her hand…
“Come, I nee-d to take you somewhere….”

“Where are you taking me???” She asked, putting on her fli-p-flops…
“It’s a surprise Miss Ciara….” I wiggled my eyebrows and walked her out of the room to the third floor…

“This place seemed isolated, does anyone even come here???” She asked as I walked her to the last room on the left…
“Its because the one who used to make this place lively, left…” I plainly told her…

I turned the knob, opened the door and switched on the lights….

“Oh my God!!! This place is so beautiful..Where is this place????” She asked excitedly, feeling the drawings on the wall..

“It’s my art room. When Beatrice left and dad died, I nee-ded something that would put my sanity in check. So I always c@mĀ£ here to paint my sorrows away and tonight I want you to paint your sorrows away…” I wra-pped my arms around her w@!st and rested my chin on her shoulder, “There is everything you nee-d:A white wall, acrylics and a brush. All you have to do is paint or draw…”

She lifted her hand to feel the drawing that was infront of her, “This is so beautiful, did you do this???”

I placed my hand on hers and moved her hand around the drawing so that she could feel it,” Red represĀ£nts blood and pain, black the darkness and white the p@rt of me that still hoped…But that changed after I me…..” On realising what I was about to say, I pu-ll-ed away…

I couldn’t mess things up after she gets better, I will keep a distance…I wont suffocate her anymore…

“Here are the brushes and acrylics…I will finish that drawing, it’s been months since I have been here. Actually since I f0rƧĀ£d you to marry me…”

“Don’t beat yourself up, only seven months remaining then you can free yourself from this guilt….” She took the brushes and acrylics from me and begun doing her work…

Once in a while, I would stare at her and smile. She was the best gift one could ever ask for…

Painting was more of a thera-py and art.
During her emotional difficulties, I wanted to to paint her pain away.

Atleast she had me but I had no one. I felt like no one un-derstood me..

When I was done with my painting, I walked to her to look at what she had painted..
It was red circles inside a big black circle…

“Can I ask what is this???” I asked behind her…

“Red represĀ£nts pain and black the darkness around my life right now. I wonder what would have happened to me if you didn’t come in time..”She begun sobbing again..

“Hey,”I twirled her around,dropped the brush from her hand and cu-mpped her face.

“Nothing happened to you and I would never allow something like that to happen to you again…”

“What if he R@pĀ£d me, killed me or even tortured me???I was very scared Jordan, I thought I wouldn’t get out of that place alive…”Tears were blinding her eyes, choking her voice..

I pu-ll-ed her closer to me and wra-pped my arms around her..
. I gave her that hvg of strong arms that told her she was my bĀ©dy, br@in and soul…

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you because it’s just wrong….” I ru-bbe-d her back soothingly.
I wanted to tell her she meant the world to me but stĀ©pped myself….

“But why did you come for me???” She pu-ll-ed back and wiped the tears from her eyes, “Why help me when I have hurt you??? Always ru-bbe-d in your face that I don’t love you???”

“Because even if it was Sophie,Chloe or Pashmina in the same situation I would have done the same.. ”

Why would she ask me that??? It was a privilege to have my heart broken by her..

“I know that I shouldn’t say this but I nee-d you right now. I want you to be there because I can’t do it alone…Every time I close my eyes I see him and I am scared…”

Her tears wouldn’t stĀ©p falling down her cheeks no matter what I did…

“I will be here for you always because that what should be done…So why don’t we paint something else??? This is so scary!!!”

“Okay, what do you suggest???” She asked curiously..
“Let’s allow our emotions to lead us…” I took the brush gave it to her and placed my hand on hers. I stood so close behind her that I could feel her as-s on my little Minnie..

As we were painting, she paused and looked into my eyes for a moment, “Thank you. It feels amazing doing this with you..” I moved closer and closer, ourl-ips brushing…

I tried to fight the urge to k!ssher but it was overpowering me. Just then when I wanted to k!ssher, a soft g@st escaped herl-ips..

“Wow!!! This rose looks amazing…And the sun I can feel it shining on my face…” She joked to ease the tensed atmosphere…

“That rose is you and the sun represĀ£nts new beginnings. The Ciara I know wouldn’t let anything bring her down…” I k!$$Ā£d her on the cheek and pu-ll-ed back…

I was busy looking at my hands, admiring the paint on them when I suddenly felt herl-ips on mine…

It was like she was giving me a punishing k!ss, she covered my mouth with hers in a fierce k!ss..

My br@in suddenly froze and I felt like the world around me melted away…

I held her on the w@!st and pushed her more closer to me that there was no even an inch between us.
She sn-ked her arms around my nĀ£Ā¢k as we shared a fiery pas-sionate k!ss…

I lifted her up and she wra-pped her legs around my w@!st. I walked to the wall and pinned her there when we were rudely interrupted…

“Jordan??? Ciara????” Jaxon slammed the door open and found us in that position …

I felt slightly embarras-sed while Ciara hid herself on my shoulder..

“Jaxon, is there a problem???” I asked and he shook his head in disapproval before slamming the door shut…He looked irritated…

“Jordan put me down!!!” She said almost in a loud voice and I just nodded.

When I placed her down, she k!$$Ā£d me once more and retreated….

Realising what she had done, she moved a step backward.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean this to happen…” She ran out of the room and left the door wi-de open.

All I could do is smile like a fool. I can’t believe she k!$$Ā£d me first. I don’t care if it was a mistake, unintentional all I know is I loved it.

Maybe Mason was right she is in love with me..
I shook my thoughts off, she doesn’t love me I bet she is just grateful…