Amaya’s destiny episode 11 & 12

Episode 11

The weary sound from the night wind could destabilize a frighten soul. It circulated the city of Ghene as a sign that a heavy night rain was about to cause a tortuous flood, even Rachael had no clue of what installed for her that night if actually the rain starts. Nevertheless, she couldn’t avert her eyes from Jimmy at the door, seeming very innocent, harmless and sorry because she wanted Jimmy to forgive her. However, the young boy had been lost in thought of what Rachael was doing at his door-step by that time of the night, admiring the continues flying of her hair by the wind.

“Uhm… won’t you tell me to come in?” Rachael interrupted the thought.

Jimmy saw in her eyes how sorry she was then accepted her like the father of a prodigal son. “Please, come in.” He opened the door wi-dely. Immediately Rachael entered into the house, electricity was interrupted thereby giving way for darkness.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess it’s because of the rain that wants to fall.” Jimmy quickly located a rechargeable lamp which he put on thereby eradicating the darkness. Rachael looked around in the sitting room to see it less equiped unlike theirs. She could see family pictures below the walls of the room. At a corner, located a dining room where Jimmy put another lamp on the table then returned to Rachael who had been standing in the living room. He could see her in that black ti-ght gown that exp-osed all her possible body pa-rts as a female.

“You may sit down.” Jimmy gestured to a cushion.

“What about your parents?” Rachael asked as she was going to rest her wa-ist on the cushion.

“My mother urgently travelled to the village.” Jimmy kept standing. As a smart girl, Rachael never bothered to ask him about his father coz since he didn’t mention him, it’s enough evidence that he had kicked the bucket. “What can i offer you?” he asked, feeling his heart pounding for both fear and love for her.

“No, thanks. It’s already late.” she crossed her legs that got Jimmy’s eyes glancing at her thi-ghs, making him have a different thought whether she was there to se-duce him. No, it’s odd to think like that. He swiftly rushed to the dining, placed a tea cu-p on the dining table, added a coffee and a hot water from a flask with two cubs of sugar. He rushed back to Rachael saying. “Come to the dining. I guess the hot coffee will be good for your body due to the cold weather.”

“But I told you…”

“Please” he interrupted her.

The young girl found his attitude not only R0m-ntic but also nice, wondering if it’s the same Jimmy that had her thrown in a refuse bin and pushed her down at school. “Alright” she smiled as she walked to the dining table, sat down and carried the cu-p of coffee. She could feel the hotness both in her hand and face as the vapour escapes from it. Jimmy sat down opposite her to see her staring at him and turning the coffee with a spoon without taking a sip of it. As the lamp reflected on their faces in the silence, so as their ear drums vibr-ated to the sound of the wind outside that had the roof making noise in an interval.

“Tell me why you’re here by this time, Rachael.” Jimmy broke the silence.

Rachael finally sipped the hot coffee into her throat then dropped the cu-p. “Sincerely, Jimmy, I don’t know why I’m here.”

“Do your parents…”

“No, they are not aware. Only Antonia is.” she interrupted him thereby bringing back the silence. Jimmy watched her take another sip of the coffee. “But what do you think that will make me come here?” she added.

“Whatever thing that had your hands knocking at my door is certainly not because you want my friendship or because you love me.”

“What if I say it is?”

“Then you must be lying.”

Rachael exhaled. “Fine, you got me.” she cleared her throat. “Today is my birthday and I heard a voice calling me ‘Amaya’ twice. It’s no more a joking matter, Jimmy. You and Mr Kim called me by that same name. I want you to be sincere to me, Jimmy, what do you know?”

The boy hesitated. Rachael could see one of his fingers on the table, vibr-ating out of fear and his breathing rate increasing spontaneously. Surprisingly, she asked with a concerned tone, “Why are you afraid?”

Thun-der struck at the moment.

Jimmy hurried up from his seat. “You have to start going, Rachael.” He said behind the chair without looking at her.

Rachael also stood up. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what I nee-d to know!”

Jimmy finally looked at her and pointing fingers at her. “Go ask your parents what you nee-d to know!” he shrieked. His voice simultaneously sounded with another thun-der from the stormy weather which indicated that the night rain wasn’t far from the cloud anymore. Rachael walked to him like a humble wife in a way she gazed at his eyes to see tears falling off from them. “Because of you Mr Kim died, because of you my life has been in terror and confusion, because of you Kris was attacked by a horrible shadow. What’s your destiny among us the humans, Amaya?” Jimmy cried.

Rachael found herself shedding tears too as she was listening but couldn’t tell why. Just then, the rain escalated heavily. Rachael’s eyes changed at the moment as if possessed by a marine spirit. Jimmy was gripped by fear, so he stepped back from her, watching as she surged towards the door. “Rachael!” he went after her, but before he could get close, Rachael had left to the night rain. Jimmy tried to open the door but found it stocked by nobody. Suddenly, the rechargeable lamp went off and a woman appeared from behind. Her presence illuminated the room, though just at a close range. Jimmy thought it was an angel.

“Who are you?” he asked her unabashedly.

“Amaya is my daughter. I’m sorry for the death of your friend. I choose both of you especially you to help save your people from Amaya. She’s been manipulated to awaken the Talibans, using human blood, and she must do that as a vir-ginthat’s why her life with men is unpleasant.” the woman replied.

“Manipulated by who? Why me?”

“Coz your spirit is stubborn and rude. You must save humanity and save Amaya coz she’ll die on the quest she doesn’t know.”

“How? Who’s manipulating her?”

“The Taliban among the humans. Be strong my son!” Her voice wavered then she disappeared thereby bringing back total darkness. Only then did Jimmy know he has an enemy to defeat. He saw a shadow on the wall which luckily disappeared and the light from the lamp came back. Quickly, he rushed outside to the rain to see Rachael dancing beside the road like a marine entity until two trailers from nowhere collided and fell on buildings. Explosion became the next scene on the rain, burning people alive. Rachael fell down with her eyes close but Jimmy caught her then carried her into his room, laid her on the bed.

“Rachael!” he called on her severally before she opened her eyes.

“Jimmy?” She stood up to see herself we-t. “What happened?”

Jimmy ignored her to the window where he saw fire blazing from the collision and people shouting. However the rain had stopped. Rachael joined him at the window, terrified by what she saw. “When did that happen? And why am I we-t?” she asked.

Jimmy turned to her. “I guess you’re the cause. Let’s just hope nobody saw your performance.” he replied as Rachael stared at him…


Episode 12
The roaring flame caused by the collision of two trailers reflected on Jimmy’s window, attra-cting people and fire rescue teams. Already, Rachael had been wondering how she suddenly become a devil that had the trailers colliding without knowing how she did it. So she left the window completely soaked by the rain.

“How could you accuse me of an accident I never knew how it happened?” she glared at Jimmy.

“Not knowing how it happened should convince you that you’re the cause!” Jimmy walked closer to her, glaring too. “Your name is Amaya. Do you know the meaning? It means Night Rain! While you were out there un-der the rain, a woman appeared and said she’s your mother and you’re being manipulated to awaken the Talibans. Open your eyes to see that you’re not who you think you are!”

Rachael watched as Jimmy hurriedly opened his drawer, brou-ght out the recording device and pla-yed it for her to listen. After listening to the whole thing, Rachael began to shed tears.

“So Mr Kim died because me” she said, walking to and fro. “If my parents are not my parents then how did they get me? And why have they been hiding it from me? Who am I? Did I fall from the sky?” she turned to Jimmy.

“Honestly, I don’t know, Amaya… I mean Rachael.” He spr-ead his hands. “First, we have to locate the yolk, I mean the entrance to the world of the Talibans. I guess anything that must be undone to save you is there.”

“Don’t you think the Taliban or Talibans among us are the one manipulating me?”

“I think so”

“But why me? I nee-d to talk to my parents about this.” Rachael surged towards the door, but Jimmy held her back saying, “That’s not a good idea”

She looked at him suspiciously. “Why?”

“Coz I suspect your parents to be the Talibans manipulating you to bring back their own kinds” Jimmy took a few steps to her with a lower voice. “I have not told you how they came to me to warn me not to say anything I know about you to anyone.”

Rachael amazingly looked at him. “They did?”


Both stared at each other, hearing the siren of fire service agents, shout of people and splashing of water to quench the fire.

“I’m sorry, Rachael” Jimmy broke the silence. “You must not mention this to your parents neither are you going back home tonight. We are both into this now and I promise you that I’ll not allow you die for what you don’t know.”

“What are we gonna do now?” she asked, still staring at him.

“Your mother said the act might kill you if you continue. She also said that you have to remain a vir-ginfor the act to be successful that’s why your life with men has been messed up probably by those who are manipulating you”

Hearing that, Rachael moved away from him. As a smart boy, Jimmy un-derstood what she was thinking, so he said immediately, “Rachael, don’t misun-derstand me.”

“That we nee-d to make love? In other words, you nee-d to have my V¡rginity in order to end whatever this is, right?” she frowned then continued. “Oh now I see why you’re the only one who is able to emotionally nee-d my friendship. Well, I’m sorry, i don’t love…”

“Don’t love me” Jimmy interrupted her, hiding the pains her words created in his heart coz he really loved her regardless her weird condition. “I know you rather have Kris than to have me. Even if you try to make love to him or me, I believe the shadow won’t let it happen. Follow me, i have an idea.”

Jimmy hung a bag behind him as Rachael followed him out of the house to see reporters, policemen, and fire service agencies surrounding the scene of the accident. The fire had been quenched but strangely the body of the dead people were nowhere to be found. They could also see a woman pointing fingers at them and the police looking at them. Rachael’s heart skipped then she held Jimmy’s hand ti-ghtly.

“Can you remind me what I was doing un-der the rain before the accident?” she asked.

“You were dancing” Jimmy replied. “Like one invoking a spirit” he added. Just then, they saw the policemen coming towards them thereby accelerating Rachael’s heartbeat.

“Do you think somebody saw me? Jimmy, I guess I’m a suspect.” she glanced at him.

Jimmy ti-ghtened his hand with hers as a way of giving her hope not to be afraid. “Just don’t say anything to anyone.” he told her, staring at the police until they approached with some reporters.

“Officer, I hope there is no problem” Jimmy asked them.

“A strange thing just happened tonight.” An officer began professionally, staring at Rachael instead of the person who asked him a question. “This young girl was reportedly seen by a woman from a window dacing un-der the rain when the accident happened and strangely the body of dead victims have just vanished.”

“They must have been burnt to ashes.” Jimmy suggested.

“Even their skulls and bones?” The office ignored him, still looking at Rachael to see the evidence on her w-etcloth. “What were you doing un-der the rain, miss…”

“Rachael” the girl helped him then swallowed harm. “I didn’t know when… I mean… I love night rain… like dancing in the rain.” she fumbled before the camera of GTV reporters.

“Officer, she even lost consciousness as a result of the accident. I was the one that saved her” Jimmy added, hoping he sounded convincing as the policeman was writing something on a jotter.

“Alright, thank you for the information” they left, but the GTV reporters never did. They wanted to get more information. Jimmy and Rachael ignored them, running out of the place like lovers un-der life race.

“Where are you taking me to, Jimmy?” Rachael whispered as they ran.

“To Ghene public libr-ary. If the Talibans are real, they must be a history record of it” he replied, stopped before a motorcycle parked beside their house, ignited it and they sped off.
The time was p@$$ eleven at night when Jimmy off the engine of the motorcycle in front of Ghene public libr-ary. Rachael surveyed the building to see it dark and surrounded by transparent fence made with led wire. Jimmy quickly surged towards the fence with a large plier from the bag that hung on his back. Rachael stopped him.

“Jimmy, I’m scared. Why don’t we come tomorrow?”

“There is no time, Rachael. Moreover tomorrow is Sunday so it won’t be functioning. We have to know the origin of your problem and stop it on time. As you can see, the police has started suspecting you already” he whispered.

“Will I be executed if they find out that I’m the cause?”

“Point of correction, you’re not the cause. The Taliban manipulating you is. That’s why we have to find him or her or them on time and stop this also, okay?” Jimmy placed a hand on her shoulder.

Rachael nodded her head. “Where do you think the dead bodies from the accident go to?” she asked.

“I don’t know but I think the shadow has a hand in it coz it appeared while you were un-der the rain but disappeared immediately the accident happened. I guess he’s using their blood to awaken his kind.”

Rachael remained quiet, watching as Jimmy cut the fence opened with the plier to p@$$ throu-gh. “Jimmy?” she called his attention again. The poor boy looked at her from the fence to state her purpose. “I’m cruel to you, I say things that hurt you, yet you strive to see that I’m safe. Why?”

“Because I’m rude and stubborn.” Jimmy finally p@$$ed throu-ghthe opened led, gesturing at Rachael to come. The young girl followed him, wondering what he meant by his response.

They broke into the libr-ary. One could see ray of torchlight paving everywhere in the darkness, bringing book shelves to pa-rtial visibility.
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..They traced the history shelf, searching for related book. Suddenly, Rachael screamed and grabbed Jimmy ti-ghtly at the sound of an object from a dark corner. Quickly, Jimmy shone a light there to see two rats.

“It’s just rats, Rachael” he said, looking at her face. Only then did she realize that she was holding him round the wa-ist. Therefore she hurriedly pulled away from him.

“I’m sorry.” She said.

Jimmy’s attention was drawn to a voluminous book titled ‘Folk of the Talibans’ he pulled it out of the shelf, located the nearest table where he placed it and opened it as Rachael watched beside him. Unexpectedly, pages of the book had torn out, remaing a few piece that didn’t give them a clue of what they wanted. In the process, a piece fell off but Rachael picked it up.

“What’s written there?” Jimmy asked her.

“I don’t know. It’s like some kind of poem.” she replied. “Titled the shadow.” she added. Jimmy shone the torchlight for her to read it aloud thus:

“Throu-ghthe darkest pa-rt of the valleys,
I see the creeping insects bleed to their alleys,
As the fiery creepy owl hoots,
fearless trees crumbling from roots.

Oh! The echoes of scary shadows roar to the skies,
As the stories of love cracks in rhymes,
I clug to my cringe soul in fright,
And i tumble unto the steeps of burning flames.

Wails of anxiety awaits,
As the ember eyes of a Taliban stare from the dark,
Awakening it’s kind from the dark,
As the silent siren awaits its baits,
And the world became a mere story of an abandon ark,
w-etby the night rain.”

Rachael and Jimmy stared at each other after reading the poem, trying to decode the hidden message in it.

“Did you feel that?” Rachael broke the silence. “The goose bumps while listening to the poem, I mean?” she added.

“Yes, I felt it” Jimmy replied.

“It’s very scary.”

Jimmy took the paper from her, shone a light at the poem, going throu-ghit silently over and over again until he turned to Rachael saying, “This is not just a poem.”

“What is it?” the girl became more enthusiastic.

“It’s a prophecy of what is about to come. The Talibans wants to use you to awaken their kinds and take over the world. It is your destiny and must be stopped.” Jimmy substantiated to Rachael amazement……