Alexandra season 2 episode 6

(The man who called me Bollitovah🤔)




I ran to Alex beaming with smiles, he held me as well walked into our new home.


We finally moved into the house after they showed us around in the morning, it’s a good place, not as good as home but it’s home now, the house is still strong unlike their own house, the water supply is amazing, and the environment is so welcoming thanks to the trees, the orcha-rd and vine yard opposite the house gave the environment refreshing scent.

“We would be on our way now” Mr Alfred stated as we got to the front porch after Moving into the house.

“There’s a basket I left on the dinning table inside, that’s your dinner, you can come around tomorrow morning for breakfast if you want” Halen added politely.

“Awwww, that’s so nice of you” Andra cooed and I nodded in affirmative.

“Do not hesitate to come to the house if you nee-d anything” Mr. Alfred said.
“Especially on Sunday” he added.

“Yea, make sure you come for sunday lunch” Halen backed up and Andra and I nodded.

“Take of her Alex, she nee-ds you now more than ever” Mr. Alfred instructed me and I nodded holding Andra to myself.

“There are times the pregnancy will make her unbearable to live with, just know that she’s not doing it on her own, be there for her all the time” I nodded, she turned to Andra “and Andra plea-se do not take advantage of his care and make it ha-rd for him” she advised, Andra bent her head and nodded.

“Take care of each other and never give up” Mr. Alfred said in his cowboy tone, we giggled but nodded anyway.

They entered their old buick and drove away, it felt as if my shield was just taken away from me, and that was when I started seeing what lies ahead of me, a mountain I don’t think I can climb, I’ve gotten so used to Mr. Alfred’s pres£nce as a father and Halen as a mother, now it all seems like I’m left alone again.

Fear gr!pp£dme and I felt like crying, where will I start from, how will I take care of Andra.

I felt her hand wra-p around me in comfort, I guess I’m not the only one who’s scared of the future.

“Looks like great responsibility lies ahead of me” I muttered.

“Mmmh” was all she could breath out.

I turned her to face me, I cu-mpped her left cheek with my right hand and whispered “I’m not re-ady”

She sighed de-eply. “For the first time, you’ve actually voiced out how you feel” she whispered back as a drop of tear slide down her cheeks, I cleaned them off and wished I never said anything.

“I’m sorry” I breathed out and leaned my forehead on hers.

“No, Alex it’s OK, you’ve bottled up a lot for me this past week. I know that de-ep down your heart you are scared but you’ve been trying to be br@ve for me and I appreciate it cause it worked so much” she sniffled and continued. “You don’t nee-d to apologize for anything, I’m glad you voiced out, I’m not re-ady either”

“Come here” I pu-ll-ed her in for a warm hvg cause she seems to be getting cold.
“We can do this ok, I’ll do everything I can to take care of you until we leave this place, alright” I as-sured her even though I’m scared of my own words but I know I meant them.

She took in a de-ep breath and breathed out, she pu-ll-ed away from the hvg and looked up at me, she blinked three times and I didn’t know what to expect, so unpredictable.

I just watched her ma-king her moves. She stood on her toes and before I could say jack she took myl-ips into another realm of peace and plea-sure with her warm we-tl-ips, she seems to be doing that more often these days.

“We are forgetting one thing Andra” I whispered to her when she finally re-leased me.

“Which is” she asked and bit her l-ips e-ductively.

“We are not actually in any type of relationsh!p” I breathed out as I thought about it.

“Our lives bec@m£ complicated the very first day we met Lex, I’m sure we will figure it out someday” she pe-cked my cheeks and looked towards the vineyard and orcha-rd .

“It’s alre-ady getting dark, you won’t see it clearly” I said to her and she nodded.

“Let’s go in and eat then, I’m starving and the baby too” she complained ca-ressed her tommy, I smiled at her and shrugged.

She turned to go in but turned back to me “just to be clear, you know that I’ll be eating for two right?” She asked in a serious tone but I kinda found it funny, so I laughed before replying.

“You can finish the food if you want Andra 😂” she beamed and then twirled around. I thought it was over but she turned to me again. What now 🤦‍♀️.

“You do know there’s no way I can finish the food right, it’s too much. I saw her packing it and I thought we were going for a picnic” she whispered to my ear as if she’s avoiding someone from hearing us, crazy girl.

“You are insane”I said to her, she win-ked at me and turned and finally went in, I turned back to take in the fresh environment before joining her inside, I realized that not a soul lives anywhere close to us, their son must have been a very pri-vate person.

I heard Andra fli-pping light switch followed by her complaint “Alex the power is out”

“I’ll go check the power switch, I think I saw it behind the house” I replied.

“OK, pls be fast, I’m scared of the dark especially if I’m alone” she whined.

“Dracula will come and carry you” I tea-sed as I walked down the two stairs on the porch.

“Alex st©p” she screamed and I chuckled.

I went to the back of the building and I was right, the power switched was there, I opened the lid and as I suspected the switch was on “off”, I fli-pped it to “on” and the whole house bec@m£ bright with light.

“Yepeeee, no more darkness” I heard Andra scream as I got to the front porch, n@ûghty girl.

I walked inside and saw her lying on the couch, curled up like a scared cat.

“Umh, why are you..”

“I told you I’m scared of the dark especially when I’m alone, I was about getting up when you c@m£ in” she whimpered as she stood up.

I couldn’t hold the laughter, I fell on the opposite couch while laughing.

She frowned her face at me, stared at me for a while and when she realized the laughter is not st©pping any time soon, she walked away towards the dining.

She opened the basket and nodded with her eyes closed, probably taking in the aroma of the food.

“Smells nice” she commented. “Join me when you are done laughing” she added, and sat down on one of the chairs.

She stared at the food for a while and I watched her curiosly wondering why she she was staring at It as if she will break into tears in the next minute.

“Alex” she called and turned to me.

“What’s up” I asked her.

“I forgot to get some plates from the kitchen” she whined.

“Is that why you want to cry” I asked her as I began another round of laughter.

“I hate you Lex” she whined.

“I love it when you call me that” I tea-sed and she smiled. I Don’t think I’ll ever get used to that smile, so cute.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to get the plate, this people definitely stocked up this kitchen for us With a lot of food stuff, they didn’t even tell us, how will I ever repay them, I don’t think I can pay up this debt until I die even if I start now.

I picked two plates, two spoons and two glas-ses for water.

“Here” I gave Andra everything. She collected it and served us each a plate of well made spaghetti With oiled vegetables and baked turkey wra-p. Can this night get any better 😋.

Of course Andra’s plate was over filled and she kept stealing glances at me to know if I’ll say anything about it. Tra-p. A pregnancy Tra-p, God will never allow me fall into it 🙄. Wicked girl.

I ignored her and tried to pick a spoon but i st©pped, spaghetti and a spoon, cra-p.

“Alex you brou-ght spoons instead of fork” Andra complained, I guess I won’t succeed in running away from trouble tonight.

“Well if only you had told me the type of food we were about to eat, maybe I would have chos£n the cutleries well.” I complained as I stood up to go get forks.

“So it’s my fault now” she whined, I palmed my face.

“No” I replied just to avoid trouble.

“Good”she replied, I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen and picked the forks.

I gave her one and took mine.

“You just got for the two of us” she whined again.

“What now Andi, there’s only two of us or has your Queen Bollitovah come again, she’s even a spirit who doesn’t eat, so who else should I bring fork for?” I asked her and the crazy girl pointed at her stomach.

“Oh my God” I breathed out in frustration as I buried my face in my palms. “The baby?” I asked her and she nodded like a 5 year old girl. “Andra you want me to get a fork for the baby” she nodded again. I threw my hand up in surrender, I went to the kitchen to get another fork.

“Thank you” she said and collected it, she held two spoons in her two hands, each spoon In one hand, I watched her. She pray shortly and began to eat, I couldn’t hold my laughter, she will eat with the right hand and then change to the left, this girl Is insane.

“I remember when you used to be a j£rk” she voiced out.

“I was never a j£rk” I replied as I began to eat.

“Liar” she spat. “You were a j£rk to me the first day I got to your school” she complained with her whole attention on her food.

“That’s because I was shielding myself from falling in love with you” I confessed, she st©pped and raised her head up to look at me. She beamed with smile and I shyly smiled back.

“Really?, and now?” She asked.

“Huh?” I asked cause I didn’t un-derstand.

“You’ve st©pped being a j£rk to me which means you’ve st©pped trying to st©p yourself from falling in love with me, or have you fallen in love with me, or you Don’t want to fall in love with me anymore?” She asked.

“Complicated question, maybe I’ll have the answer someday” I replied, she stared at me for a while then shrugged and went back to her food.

The next morning 🏜

“Alex, Alex wake up” I heard Andra calling me, I sluggishly opened my eyes only for the rays of sun to attack my eyes ma-king me close them back. I slowly opened them again and looked up at her.

“What’s up” I asked her.

“Come, there’s man who was staring at me across the street” she complained in a whisper as she tried to drag me up.

“A man staring at you” I asked in confusion.

“Yes” she dragged me outside as I try to ru-b off the sleep in my eyes.

“Right across the street, that’s where he stood, I opened the door to come outside and take in the morning freshness of this place only for me to see him staring at the door, then he saw me and his expression changed as if he was scared to see someone here or something, he tried to walk close to me but then he st©pped” she explained in fear.

“Maybe it’s one of these refinary companies, probably he wasn’t expecting someone to be here, maybe he has planned to use this place as something” I tried to calm her down.

“That’s what I thought too cause he was dressed in a rich smart suit, but the crown he was wearing threw me off balance and when he wanted to walk closer, guess what he called me” she asked.

“What did he call you” I asked her in curiosity.

“Queen Bollitovah”
