Alexandra season 2 episode 7

(The vineyard: our ticket…..)



“Queen Bollitovah”

“That’s what he called me” Andra complained.

“But Bollitovah is the spirit girl who told you to help her pay her debt” I asked in confusion.

“Yes” she answered.

“And if i can remember correctly, her era was a thousand years ago and she said you are not her reincarnation, rather you are just a replica of her” I asked and she nodded.

“So if she lived a thousand years ago, how is it possible that someone from this generation knows her” I asked in confusion.

“And how did the man get here” she added.

“Or maybe, Bollitovah was recorded in history and people re-ad about her, maybe that’s how the man got to know her, from one of the books” I tried to as-sure her.

“Also, there might also be a painting of her that made people know her face, and cause we look alike the man though I was her” Andra stated, I’m glad she’s getting relaxed now.

“Yea, if only I have my phone I would have searched for her history online” I shrugged.

“So I guess the man is just an ordinary wine refinary manager who happens to have re-ad a history book about the spirit goddess and then mistook me to be her cause we both look alike” Andra Chuckled out.

“I love your intelligence” I said and pe-cked her cheek and she smiled.

“I still don’t know how I’m gonna help st©p this pregnancy law” she said with a worried look.

“Andra I’ve told you not to think about it, we will figure it out after you must have put to be-d OK?” I mas-saged her shoulders a little and she relaxed her b©dy.

“I still can’t explain how that man left so quic-kly, I just c@m£ to call you and then on coming back, he was gone” she asked in confusion.

“Ughrr, Andra can you stay a minute without worrying about something” I asked her in frustration.

“It was your fault 🙄, if you had woken up when I first called you, you would have seen the man and at least talk to him” she complained.

“OK now you are being crazy, how can I talk to a stranger just because he re-ad a history book about a dead and decayed mysterious queen and still have the nerve to see a woman in front of her porch and call her Bollitovah, the dude is clearly not even mentally stable if you ask me” I stated and made to walk away but I turned and said to her “you are beginning to nag to much these days, and getting all jumpy at every slightest thing that happened around you” she g@sped. that was supposed to be a tease but i knew she won’t take it lightly with me.

Well bring it on baby.

“Alex how dare you say that to me, I’m pregnant and I’m supposed to be jumpy cause I want my baby and I to be on safe grounds, also I’m not nagging” she fired.

“Umh yes you are” I tea-sed again and laughed inwardly 😂.

“I hate you Alex” she fired and brushed past me.

“Wait, I was kidding” I called out as I laughed and followed her.

“There are about 35 chickens in the poultry, 10 are male and 25 are female” Andra reported to me after checking the chickens in the poultry.

We went on our own personal house tour after having breakfast just to know the resources around us and how we can use them to build something for ourselves.

“10 c0cks marrying 25 hens, jeez, how many wives will each of them have” I tea-sed.

“2 each, and then the remaining five girls are side chicks of the five executives” Andra replied and I laughed.

“You are insane” I said amidst laughter.

“You asked a question and I and I answered” she shrugged with a smile.
“Some of the baby ma-king machines alre-ady dropped 44 eggs” she added and that got me rolling on the floor in laughter.

“Whaaaat, Andra plea-se st©p”

“What? I was just telling you how many babies they have” she chuckled out.

“Babies? That’s if we didn’t finish the eggs before they hatch” I laughed out but her face expression changed instantly, she squee-zed the face like she was gonna cry.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“You can’t eat the babies” she whined.

I palmed my face, no girl not today.

“Andra they are just eggs, they haven’t hatched yet”

“But they will” she cooked.

“Andra plea-se don’t do this”.

“I don’t care what you think but dude I’m not letting you t©uçh those eggs, I’ll protect them from you savage beast with every fiber in me” she stated.

“Yes ma’am” I replied.

“Good, now let’s talk about the horses” she asked and stared at me expecting me to give her my report on the horses cause I was the one who checked the stables.

“The horses are In good shape, two of them are female while one is a male”

“Women are dominating the world today” andra blurted out and I laughed. This girl won’t kill me. “And men are getting married to a lot of women these days and still back it up with a lot of concubines and that horse and those chickens are good example” she added 😂.

“Don’t mind them, Solomons of this generation” I backed up with a serious tone, she tried to f0rç£ herself not to laugh but the laughter f0rç£d its way out.

“Alex you are so n@ûghty” she laughed out.

“Who started the naughtiness” I asked with a giggle.

When the laughter died down.

“So what next” Andra asked.

“Let’s go check the Vine yard and the orcha-rd ” I replied and she twirled.

“Yepeeee, my favorite p@rt, I’ve been waiting for that all morning, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go” she dragged my hand towards the street as if I promised to get her a bowl of ice-cream.

“Andra chill” I called out as we crossed the street heading to the vineyard.

She st©pped and stared at where she told me the man was standing that morning. I patted her back and she looked up at me.

“I’m scared Alex” she confessed, I drew her in for a hvg and smooshed her hair a little.

“Don’t be cutie, He’s gone now OK?” I as-sured her.

She nodded and then brightened up, she turned to the vineyard and beamed with smile.

“Come on” she dragged me again, I inwardly Palmed my face.

Andra, you can never predict her, one minute she has a different character and mood, then the next minute she will change to a total different person, but how she manages to keep her main personality in check all the time still baffles me, I don’t think I can ever get used to this beautiful creation.

“Wow” she brou-ght me out of my reverie with her beautiful ‘wow’.

“This is heaven on earth” she spre-ad her arms wi-de and ran around the vineyard.

“It’s beautiful” I commented with a smile as I looked around the perfect vineyard I’ve ever seen. Actually this is the first I’ve seen.

It’s gr@p£s are so ripe although there’s a p@rt that still look tender which got me wondering if they were just planted.

“I think this ones were just planted” Andra said as she cu-mddled the leaves with her hands, she bent down and sniffeded them.

She then stood up and walked to the ones with ripe fruits, she plucked a good number of gr@p£s and began to eat them.

“You didn’t wash them” I reminded her.

“It taste better like this, you can only wash them when you want to use them for wine” she stated and went back to eating them.

“Want some” she offered, but my mind were alre-ady running wild, revolving around that wine she mentioned.

“Alex” she called out.

“Huh? Yea sure” I shrugged and sat beside her. She gave me some, I wanted to collect it from her but she sli-pped her hand away.

“Open your mouth” she commanded.

“Are you my wife” I asked her with a chuckle.

“No, I’m your baby mama and you will do anything I say” she stated with authority.

“Yes ma’am” I replied and opened my mouth.

“Good boy” she said and put a gr@p£ fruit in my mouth.

“Now close it and chew it gently while sa-vouring the taste” she instructed, I obeyed and closed my eyes as I eat the gr@p£.

“Now how does it taste” she asked.

“Like a glas-s of perfectly made fruit wine” I replied and she smiled at me.

I opened my eyes and caught her staring at me, she blinked twice when she realized I caught her.

“I wasn’t staring, I swear” she said in embarras-sment.

“Yes you were, I caught you, don’t even think about lying” I tea-sed her and poked her nose, she giggled and shrugged.

“OK, I’m sorry” I laughed and asked her why she’s sorry, she just smiled and pe-cked my cheek.

She went back to her fruits, I looked around us and all I could see in that vineyard and the orcha-rd after it is ticket to freedom and wealth, I just nee-d to figure it out.

“Your mind is far” i heard Andra say, I j£rked back to my b©dy and turned to her.

“I was just thinking” I replied.

“Care to share” she asked.

“I’ve not figured it out yet” I replied and she shrugged.

“OK, when you do, inform me” she demanded and I nodded.

She smiled at me, t©uçhed my cheeks and bit herl-ips.

“Who’s corrupting you this girl” I asked her, she began to laugh. “I’m serious, you’ve become so corrupt and free these days, and don’t blame this on pregnancy hor-mones” I added.

“Alex, plea-se, leave me alone” she said and shyly faces her fruits, I picked one of the gr@p£s and threw at her, she g@sped and turned to me.

“Oh so you want fruit fight” she asked. “Well Mr. Man it’s so on” she said and sprang up, she plucked enough fruits even before I could get up, she began throwing them at me while I ran around the garden laughing my heart out.


“Dinner is served” Andra called out as she carried a food pot to the dinning.

“Cool” I replied as I fli-pped the channels of the TV trying to know if I can get a good TV show but none, just old people’s channels and kiddies cartoon and Fox news, not even CNN.

“Dude I wasn’t talking to you” Andra said to me, I turned to her and twisted me brows.

“So who were you talking to” I asked.

“The baby” she replied nonchalantly as she placed her hand on her h!ps.

“God save your life Andi” I prayed and she cl@psed her hands together and said amen.

“You can join us if you want” she stated and sat down, I rolled my eyes at her and she stuck out her ton-gue for me 😛.

I chuckled and stood up. I joined ‘them’ at the dinning.

“Andra back in the garden I was thinking” I started when I sat down.

“Have you finally figured it out” she asked and I chuckled.

“Yes” I replied.

“Good, let’s hear it”

“What if we start ma-king fruit drink and wine” I asked her. She stared at me for a while before replying.

“Having our own wine industry you mean” she asked.

“Yes, and fruit export” I answered.

“Oh my gosh, that is literally the best idea you have ever thought of in your entire life” she stated with smiles.

“You are crazy” I chuckled.

“I swear Alex, this could be a life changing deal for us”

“I know right” I asked rhetorically.

“Mmmhm, so how do we go about it” she asked.

“Actually, the idea is still cooking” I chuckled and she threw a fork at me.

“Crazy guy” she fired. “Anyway, let’s eat first, we will get back to it later”

“So what are we having” I asked.

“Didn’t have strength to make a good food, so I decided to make noodles and scrambled eggs” she stated and I twisted my brows.

“Huh? Who eats noodles and eggs” I asked, that’s a weird combination.

“Africans do” she replied.

“Your people are funny and crazy” i said and she shrugged as she fished out the food. When she got to the eggs, I had to ask.

“Umh, Andra, where did you get the eggs” I asked with an amused smile knowing where it c@m£ from but I wanted her to say it.

“Don’t ask me questions Alex” she replied trying to hide her blu-shing cheeks.

“Who’s the savage beast baby eater now” I asked her and she covered her smiling face with her hands 🙈

“n@ûghty girl…”
