Alexandra 2 episode 17


🕺CHAPTER 17🙅‍♀️



“I told you she’d kill you” Alex added.

The mayor staggered back to his feet, he clean the dark liquid that was gushing out of his nose as a result of the punch.

“Is that supposed to be his blood” jake asked in a whisper.

“What do you expect from someone who has lived for over a thousand years, the blood is probably tired of staying in his b©dy, and expired too” Jeremy replied and we couldn’t hold the laughter that roared out of us.

We heard fast footsteps running towards us and it doesn’t seem like Andra’s.

Before I could peep throu-gh the table to know who it was, the table was alre-ady smashed on the wall with a f0rç£ that can move the sea of Mississippi, my brothers and I g@sped while Dee whimpered, it was as if our clothes were r!pp£doff of our bodies, I looked up at the evil face of the mayor smiling evily at us, probably rejoicing over smashing our hiding place.

“We shouldn’t have laughed” Aiden stuttered and that made me laugh again.

“Relax Aiden, he’s just a coward” I heard Andra whisper, followed by her scream as she jumped on the mayors che-st. Her hands turned h0t red as she de-eped them on his che-st, it burnt his shi-t and was roasting his ba-re che-st when the mayor gr@bb£d her hands as he let out a loud scream.

“Are you afraid mayor, mmmh? Does it hurt?” She asked him with a sm-irk. She applied pressure and the mayor’s eyes turn de-ep black, a p@rt of his face began to burn as Andra pressed dee-per on his che-st. He raised his right hand and sma-cked Andra’s face, she screamed and staggered backwards.

“No” I screamed and tried to rush to her but Jeremy held me back.

“This fight isn’t for mare mortals Alex” he stated and patted my back as I watched Andra wrinkle her face in pain. As if the pain affected her as well, Dee began to cry.

Andra got back to herself, she shook her head and turned back to the mayor.

“Where are they?” She asked him but instead he laughed Evily at her.
“Where are those innocent pregnant girls you imprisoned” She yell at him.

“Dude you better answer her” Jake advised.

“Hahahaha, but they are not innocent, some of them might be amazons, and yes they are all dead, their skulls are hung in my gallery while their hearts, let’s forget it.” He spat out and I felt like punching him.

“You are a demon” Andra blasted at him.

“Look at you, almighty Queen Bollitovah, you want to save your people, the same people you abandoned years ago” he yelled.

Andra scream and a ball of fire formed in her hands.

“You went after a man and abandoned your own family” he continued and the fire ball in Andra’s hand increa-sed. “You were supposed to come back for them but instead you went after a man who doesn’t even love you, so between you and I, who’s the real demon” he fired.

“You are wrong” we turned to where the voice c@m£ from, and there she sat by the window in a golden amour just like Andra, if not that she looks more mature, you can ha-rd ly tell the difference.

“Bollitovah?” I called to her but she was focused on the mayor and Andra.

“I never knew Andra is a twin.” Jeremy muttered.

“No, that’s queen bollitovah, the girl In the story I told you guys at the hospital, the girl Andra reincarnated.” I explained to them.

“Oh, it makes s-en-se now” Jake stated and we turned back our attention to them.

Bollitovah jumped down from the window and walked a little closer to the mayor.

“I am the one who made that mistake” she said.

“She is your reincarnation which means she is you” the mayor spat out.

“I thought so too but now I know, we are nothing alike” she stated.

“It doesn’t change the fact that the both of you are the same” the mayor said.

“Are you deaf?” Andra fired at him. “She is bollitovah the queen of the amozons who existed a thousand years ago and I am Alexandra Edward, the amazon queen of today and you will pay for everything, everything damn thing you have done to my people…” She fired the fire ball at him, he screamed as he tried to put the fire out of his b©dy. “And I show no mercy to demons like you” Andra screamed and rushed to him, she gr@bb£d his face and just like before, her palms turned bloo*y red, his face began to burn and his b©dy began to age until he turned completely to a very, and I mean very old man, Andra re-moved her hands from his face, she fli-pped her f!ngersand lighting appeared on them.

“One more thing Mr. Mayor….” She glared at him, he gro-an ed tiredly and looked up at her with pleading eyes. “You shouldn’t have Killed those girls” she whispered. The lightening in her hands slowly reformed into a very long and extremely sharp sword, she raised it up.

“No, no plea-se, no” the mayor pleaded with his weak old voice.

“..and you shouldn’t have t©uçhed my babies” with that she raised the sword higher and landed it on his n£¢k, his head fell off his n£¢k and rolled on the ground, and like askes, both the b©dy and the head faded into air. Andra dropped the ti-p of the sword on the ground and leaned on its head as she tried to catch her breath.

Bollitovah sat opposit her in the same position and I almost couldn’t tell who was who.

“Wow, what did I just witness?” Jeremy asked in astonishment.

“I guess this will b!ow your disbelief about magic and superstition sky high.” Jake stated and we giggled.

“We did it” I heard Andra whisper to bollitovah.

“No, you did it” she whispered back.
I stood up and walked to her, she looked at me and smiled, stretched her hands to carry Dee and she jumped into her hands without a question, Andra cleaned her eyes and k!$$£d her forehead, I cu-mddled her and k!$$£d her cheeks, she took a de-ep breath and relaxed in my arms but her eyes went back to Bollitovah.

“So what now” she asked. “Do you think any of those girls are still alive”

“A few, about 5, the Kcee guy re-leased them, the cops has been outside for the past 20 minutes” bollitovah replied.

“How did you know” I asked her.

“She’s a spirit babe” Andra tapped me, I chuckled.

“Hey andra” Jeremy called out as they walked to us.

“Thanks for rescuing my baby guys” she said to them.

“Hey they didn’t rescue me, they got caught” I argued.

“You are welcome” jake stated.

“I didn’t say thank you” I fired pla-yfully at him.

“That’s because you are ungrateful” Jeremy replied and rumpled my hair.

“Hey st©p treating me like a boy, I’m a proud father”

“You are still a boy” they all said in unison and we laughed.

When the laughter died down Andra asked Bollitovah. “Hey, umh how do we tell the government to change that law”

“The law got wiped out from the constitution immediately you slashed his head off” she replied.



“That’s really cool” we commented.

Andra sighed, she raised her head at me and without a warning she k!$$£d me. God it felt good.

“OK, we are done here” bollitovah said as she got up.

“Get a room plea-se” jeremy added.

“n@ûghty people” jake mumbled.

“And they did it in front of this my baby” Aiden complained and took Dee from Andra and walked away from us.

The door opened and Kcee walked in.

“The police have taken the remaining girls, the investigation for this whole issue was canceled, its a secret to the people, you are all free to go” he said with his head bent below his shoulders in shame.

“Did that motherfu-cker just talk to us?” Jake asked and wanted to pounce on Kcee but Aiden held him back.

“I’m so sorry for everything” Kcee stated.

“How are you even still alive, why didn’t you die?” I asked him in anger.

“I over powered the guards, and I knew I nee-ded to redeem myself for the wrongs I’ve done, so I re-leased the girls, and handed them to the police” he cleaned his face. “Look sir, I’m sorry, for everything, truly I am” he tried to walk closer to me.

“Don’t you dare get close…” I fired at him.
“..sorry? Dude After everything we’ve done for you, I accepted you in my life, I gave you a job, paid for your ap@rtment, I gifted you a car, and took you as my own brother, I trusted you only for me to realize you were just on a mission to destroy my family, and you have the guts to stand there and rant about ‘sorry'” I barked at him.

“Sir plea-se, I’m not asking you to take me back in your life, but plea-se forgive me, so that I can have peace of mind, plea-se sir, plea-se ma’am” he pleaded.

“Babe plea-se, let’s just forget everything that happened and forgive him hmm” Andra whined as she ca-ressed my back. Feels gooood.

I sighed de-eply before replying. “Fine, it’s OK, you are forgiven, as much as I wouldn’t want to take you back in my company but you are really good with the job so, you are still welcome to work for me” i stated.

“Really, thanks a lot sir” he hvgged me without warning. I patted his back.

“Well that is settled” I heard Bollitovah say. “So guys, this isn’t good bye, I’ll always be with you, Alex plea-se, take very good care of my two queens” she said.

“I will miss you” Andra complained and hvgged her.

“I won’t, cause like I said, I’m always with you.”

“I hope my Dee won’t go throu-gh any of this as the last queen of amazons” I asked them as I stared at Dee who was alre-ady slee-ping in Aiden’s arms.

Bollitovah chuckled. “No, her mother has alre-ady fought the last battle, and when she finally grow old and die, amazons will seize to exist” she explained.

“Thanks for everything” Andra said and hvgged her.

“Yea, thanks” I gave her a little tap on the shoulder.

“Alright go on you guys, have a nice life” she said and gestured us to the door.

We walked out and the door closed behind us, my brothers went ahead of us, I turned to Andra and she was still staring at the door.

“Come on babe” I offered my hand for her to take.

“Just a second” she pushed the door open but no one was there, I expected That.

“She’s gone” she whispered quietly. I slight took her hand and walked us out of the building.
