Alexandra 2 episode 17 B


🕺CHAPTER 17 B🙅‍♀️

“What are you guys still doing at the hospital?” I heard Andra ask lola over the phone

Jeremy c@m£ out of the bar with a glas-s of wine. I took it from him and downed the whole thing.

“Dude I didn’t bring that for you” he complained.

“Your business not mine, can I have more though?” I asked him, he rolled his eyes at me and slumped on a chair.

“Where’s jake and Aiden?” I asked.

“Pool” he replied.

“I think I should join them, its been a long day”

“No, its been a tough day”

“I think I nee-d a vacation” I heard Andra say as she joined us, she sat on my l@ps.

“We do nee-d a vacation” I replied.

“What did Lola say?” Jeremy asked her.

“They were trying to cover up my abs£nce at the hospital but I told them to not worry and come back home, I called the doctor to let my dad sign my discharge papers.” She stated.

“Hey, Jeremy, what’s up with you two now?” I asked him.

“Huh?” He whined.

“Oh plea-se don’t pretend, are you guys still together?” Andra asked my question.

“Well, we broke up when you guys left” he replied.

“Annnnnnd…” I asked.

“And what?” He asked back.

“Dude really?” Andra asked in frustration.

“I noticed the chemistry is still there” I spoke out.

“There was never any chemistry, it was just teenage fling” he argued.

“Well then let’s say the chemistry just started growing”

“Aarrgh, I’m done with you two” he yelled in frustration and stood up.

“St©p denying it, Jeremy and Lola on a tree…”

“K.I.S.S.I.N.G” we both sang out, jeremy threw a pillow at us.

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that song” we turned to the door when we heard Lola’s voice.

“Mummy, daddy” Andra jumped up and ran to her parents.

“Mummy’s girl” Titi called her and we laughed.

“You guys are welcome, are you hungry?” I asked them.

“Yes” my mum answered.

“So famished” Mr. Alfred added.

“I’m sure y’all know the kitchen, go cook for yourself” I replied, dad rushed to hit me but I ran out of the chair.

“Where’s my granddaughter” Halen asked.

“She’s asleep”

My mum’s phone rang, she looked at the caller ID and sighed.

“Who?” Dad asked her.

“Disney’s mum” she answered.

“How is Disney” I asked out of the blue.

“Oh my God, Alex did you just ask that?” Jeremy asked in surprise.

I chuckled. “Why are you guys surprised?”

“Because it’s surprising” Jeremy replied and everyone laughed.

My mum’s phone rang again and she excuse herself to answer the call.


We were relaxing by the pool side after dinner, wonderful dinner made by Andra, her mum and Halen.

Jake and Aiden were sitting with there legs inside the pool and Titi and Jenny were beside them, jeremy and Lola were sitting by the mini pool bar, my parents and Andra’s parents were chatting with Mr. Alfred and His wife. While my Andra is right in my arms. wi-nk.

“I love this” Andra smiled and relaxed in my arms. “Peace” she added.

“So when are you guys coming back home?” I looked up when I heard Jeremy’s voice, when did they get here.

I sighed before answering. “This is our home Jeremy” Andra nodded in agreement. Everyone turned to us.

“What are you saying?” My dad asked.

“I’m saying that this is our home now, we’ve adapted to this place, there’s nothing left for us in new york, we have a business to run and our house, we can’t just leave it” I explained.

“Also we love it here, it’s peaceful” Andra added.

“What about school?” Jenny asked.

“Yea, have you forgotten about school?” Titi Backed up.

“Of course not, we will enroll for pri-vate clas-s at the university. Get our degrees and all that” I stated.

“Well, it’s your decision, you’ve been coping without us for a year so you know what you want I guess.” My dad stated.

“Awwww, we just found you and now we gonna lose you again” Jenny whined.

“Hey, you are not losing us, you are welcomed here anytime you are on holiday and we will also be visiting you guys” Andra as-sured them.

We all went silent for a while. Jeremy finally broke it.

“Well, let’s enjoy family time right now” he said and pushed Lola into the pool, he jumped in and splashed water on Andra and I, we g@sped, I carried Andra and jumped in.

We pla-yed while our parents laugh and chat as they watch over us, I’m really gonna miss them.

“Like we always say, this isn’t goodbye” Andra’s mum stated as Jeremy and Jake put their last luggage into the car.

We all hvgged each other, they entered the car but Lola walked up to Andra.

“I wish I was a better elder sister to you, I’m sorry I let you down” she apologized.

“Lola, you are the best big sis ever and I love you, always remember that” Andra urged her and she nodded.

“I love you too, you are such an angel” she pu-ll-ed Andra into her arms and k!$$£d her cheeks. She turned to me and gave me a fist bu-mp. “You better take care of my girl and my little niece, when she wakes up tell her that her favorite aunty loves her” she added and I nodded.”I’ll see you when I see you” she said and swiftly wiped the tears that dropped from her eyes, I could hear Andra sobbing as well.

Lola entered the car, they all waved at us as the car drove out of the compound.

Andra leaned on my shoulder, I cleaned her tears and k!$$£d her. She smiled and wra-pped her hands around my w@!st, I chuckled and held her ti-ghtly as we watched the headlight of the car fade out of sight.
