a pregnancy bargain episode 10 & 11

?? A pregnancy

Bargain ??

?❣️Love wasn’t a part of it?❣️

By Marie G

? Do not copy or repost ?

Chapter 10 & 11

~~~~ The Contact~~~~

?Two days later ?

“Kaylan are you going somewhere ?” Molly asked after she saw Kaylan fully dressed

” I’m going for a job interview” She replied

“Interview?” Molly asked

“Yes, I picked up a flyer and the qualifications weren’t stated,,, anyone can apply”

“Alright, I pray you get the job” she said.

“I hope so too. Take care of mom till I get back okay?”

“I will” Molly smiled

“Alright darling… I need to go now” Kaylan said

“Bye kaylan” Molly waved and she waved back

They lost their dad Seven years back and since then life hasn’t been easy for them. Kaylan had to leave school so she could help her mom with their feeding expenses. Their mom fell ill and the doctor confirmed she had a heart disease and needed a heart transplant urgently but they had no money so their mom has been living off drugs

Raising $30M for her operation wasn’t an easy task for Kaylan and to think she’s been loosing all her jobs because she wouldn’t sleep with her bosses

“Pweh” She sigh. “I hope I get the Job” she prayed before stopping a cab


“What are you gonna tell mom?” Collins asked

Gradually, Dean’s company was going bankrupt yet he could do nothing about it

“I don’t know” he replied and immediately his phone rang

“Speaking of the devil” Collins sigh after seeing the caller

Dean picked up the call and put it on speaker

?”So did the groom find his bride” Brittany asked

? Not yet mom. They’re all like that gold digger.. he replied

? No woman is perfect Dean. You just have to make your choice and tame her

? Are you saying you were like them too? Dean asked

? Are you crazy!? I was the best thing that ever happened to your late dad… She yelled into the phone

? If you don’t show me your bride or girlfriend before this week runs out, your company will fall totally. Trust me when I say TOTALLY… she threatened and ended the call

“No,,, this is bad”Collins shook his head


Kaylan paid the cab man as she got down from the cab

“Why is it a house instead of a company”. She wondered. “Or I got the wrong address? She thought as she stood in front of the large gate

She stood there just looking at the gate contemplating on w-ether to go in or just go back

After a while of de-eper thinking, she exhale de-eperly before pushing the gate open.

She marveled at how huge and beautiful the Mansion was

The house looked quiet and calm that she was beginning to wondered if she got the right address

“I must have got the wrong address” she said and turn to leave

” Who’re you?” she heard a masculine voice and she turned slowly to face whoever was speaking

“I think she’s here for the job” Collins whispered to Dean

“Her face looks familiar” Dean whispered back

He stared at her intensely and his brow narrowed

“Delivery?” He exclaimed

“Rich je-rk?” Kaylan frown too and Collins chuckled silently

“What are you doing here?” Dean yelled

“I see you came here for the Job interview too” Kaylan stated her hands at akimbo

” You’re not even rich and you were talking like you owned the world the other day” She added

” What did you just say”

” You heard me,,, your ears aren’t faulty” She rolled her eyes at him

“Collins, you remember the rude ugly girl I told you about who threw money at my face,,,, she’s the one” Dean glared

” Did you just call me ugly?” Kaylan demanded

” Yeah, so what?” Dean asked back

” I don’t have time for bu-tt Monkeys”

“bu-tt,,,, bu-tt monkey” Dean exclaimed unbelievably while Collins chuckled

Kaylan turned to Collins. ” I came for the interview,,, who’s the interviewer? She asked

“Him” Collins pointed at Dean. “He’s the the interviewer” he added and Dean sm-irk

“Seriously? I wouldn’t have wasted my time coming here if I knew this baboon was the interviewer” kaylan said and Dean scoff

“You’re so bold” Dean said and kaylan made to leave but Collins stopped her

“Let’s just go inside Since you’re here already, forget everything the ape said” Collins said and Kaylan sigh

She stare at Dean then back at Collins before nodding.

” Let’s attend to her” Collins face Dean who was glaring ha-rd at kaylan

He glared at her one more time before walking into the house.

I’m so gonna frustrate your life and give you the Job even if you are a b!tch. I’m surely going to get back at you” Dean thought and ball his fist as they got into the living room

“What if she’s just like other sluts” he said looking directly into her eyes

“Me coming here for a job doesn’t mean I’m a slut…Kaylan frown. ” I’m never gonna sell my body for a job?” She added glaring back at him

“Wow… interesting,,, that’s what they all say at first” Dean sm-irked

“Well, let’s begin the interview” he said

Kaylan for-ce a smile and sat Infront of him

“What’s the Job all about?” She asked and Dean sm-irk again

She looks tough but I’m tougher,, I will have to give her the job” He thought

“Anyway. I’m sir Dean,,,and I.. He couldn’t complete his statement when she burst into laughter

“What’s funny” he arch his brow in confusion

“I’m sorry” She apologized and face the floor while giggling silently

“Look at me” Dean yelled and she flinch slightly

“What was funny?” He thun-dered

“Geez, don’t yell at me” She yelled back

” Then why did you laugh when I was still talking?” He shouted frustratingly

” I said you shouldn’t yell at me Sardine” She retorted

” What, wait? Sar… sardine?” He asked unbelievably

” Isn’t that your name? You just said Sardine” She replied and Collins burst into laughter

” Its Sir Dean not sardine” Collins corrected amidst laughter and she nodded slowly

“Ahh..he should have just said that not yell at me”She glared. “Well,,, sorry about that….sir Dean” She apologized and he took de-eper breaths trying to calm himself

“Do you know the type of job you’re here for?” He asked staring at her maliciously

“It wasn’t written anywhere on the flyer neither was your number written on it. So I’m not sure of the type of job” kaylan replied truthfully

“Hmmm” Was the only thing Dean said

“Make Love to me.. that’s the job” he sm-irked

” Pardon?

“Make Love to me” he repeated

” Are you naturally stupid or you took lessons?” She said angrily

“Be my s-ex toy” he said again

She walked up to him. ” Repeat that” She said, her eyes glistening

“I said be my se-x t… Dean couldn’t complete his statement when a resounding slap landed on his face and Collins gasp while Dean held his cheeks shockingly

“You disgusting dog. You think I’m a who-re?” She shouted, her eyes producing tears

“Yes, you ladies are bitc-hes who just have to be laid” Dean retorted angrily and it was accompanied by another slap.

Collins eyes widdened in shock yet he burst into laughter as he watch kaylan stump out of the house furiously

“Gosh, she’s the real deal.. the perfect person you are looking for” Collins laughed and ran after het

He grabbed her hand and kaylan turn, ready to slap him but her hands stopped mid-air when she realized it was Collins

Tears were trickling down her cheeks nonstop

“I’m sorry about what he said,,, he behaves like a di-ck sometimes” he said and kaylan clean her tears which wouldn’t stop flowing

“Your brother clearly needs some home training. How could he ask me for s-ex just because I want a job huh? Is this how all rich people behave? Why can’t they just give me a job without wanting to get into my pa-nts”… She yelled in tears

“I’m sorry” Collins apologized.

He didn’t want kaylan to leave cause he saw her to be a very decent girl if she could slap dean for what he said.

” I was the fool to come here for the interview. He’s such a je-rk” She said tearfully and Collins immediately pulled her into a hug since that was the only solution he could think of

“It’s fine. He was just testing you. He doesn’t want to have s-ex with you” Collins said and kaylan disengage from the hug and stared at him

“Test? What sought of test is that? Do you think I will believe a je-rk like him?” She said wiping her tears

“Calm down miss,,, pls” Collins said . “I swear.. he was only joking, he wanted to see your reaction” he told her

“Really ?” She asked and Collins nodded

“There’s no need going back inside. I think I already failed the test because of the slap” Kaylan said

“I doubt that” Collins replied and pulled her back into the house

Dean was still holding his stinging cheeks when Collins came back with kaylan. He was expecting an apology but kaylan didn’t say anything

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” He asked angrily

“You were wrong. So why should I apologize? Kaylan asked and Dean looked at her angrily

“She’s got some guts” he balled his fist as she sat

“So what’s your name? I’m Collins” Collins chipped in

“I’m kaylan” she replied with a smile

“You’re pretty” Collins winked and she blus-hed

She turned to Dean. ” I’m sorry but you deserve it” She said and adjusted herself on the seat

She looks decent but crazy and tough.. Dean thought as he stare at her. For a moment he was lost staring at her face. She was indeed beautiful

She looked at him and frown. “Is something on my face?” She asked and he blinked severally before looking away

“Collins. Bring the files ” he said instead and Collins handed Kaylan the docu-ments

“You can go throu-ghit” he said and resume looking at her

“A contract? Why are you giving me a contract when I Know nothing about the job?” Kaylan frown more

“The job is written on it and the pay too” Collins replied

She opened the file and went throu-ghthe content before looking at dean

She felt anger building up in her as she glared at him

She exhale and stood up

“What do you really take me for huh? You want me to get pregnant for you?” She asked and he nodded

“The fool even have the nerves to nod. I’m sorry to disappoint you sir Dean I can’t accept this offer” She slammed the paper on the table and turn to leave when he spoke up

“This is my business card. You can call me when you change your mind. I’ll help your mom with her surgery bills if you change your mind” he sm-irked and his word hit her ha-rd and tears threatened to fall from her eyes

Truly she had seen Dean 2days ago when she took her mom to the hospital. Dean had mistakenly overheard her conversation with doctor banks that day

She turned to him at once. “Is it my fault I’m poor?” She yelled in tears

“Because your life is blissful doesn’t mean you should mock me?” She yelled and gave him another slap before turning to leave

Dean’s cheeks were already hurting badly

Collins giggle softly as he watch Dean hold his already red cheeks

“I will pay you $70M” Dean suddenly spoke

Omo, someone should offer me $70M na?

If kaylan do not take it me I wee take it???