A gumiho’s love episode 1

💕💕💕💕(Will this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
Genres: fantasy, comedy, r0m@nç£
🔮 prolouge 🔮
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Don’t worry too much about the meaning of a gumiho, a gumiho is a powerful monster who transforms into it’s true form anytime it’s angry or sad or when they want to, their true form is usually fearful cos they grow claws and furs on their hands like animals, their veins turn green or red and become obvious, their hair change to pure white and their eyeba-lls turn green or red, they grow fangs in their teeth, fearful right??? they never grow old no matter the numbers of years they live, they live eternally
In ancient Korea fifty years ago, there are different family of gumihos but they live in silence and hidings among humans cos of gumiho hunters who hunt for them and lock them up
Gumiho hunters believe gumihos eat human livers but the truth is, not all of them eat human liver cos some breeds are not liver eaters, they feed on animal meats, they are called pure gumiho
Then, there are three gumiho sisters who bear the name of their birthmonths…they are the animal eater breed, they never eat human livers…pure gumihos
May is the eldest, vicious, wicked and always out of patience, she’s pretty but harsh, she possess powers just like every other gumiho but not as much as June… May can be funny sometimes but she’s no good when it comes to desperate feelings, she’s the most experienced..she has lived for three hundred years
June is the second sister, calm, rational, beautiful and surprisingly, her powers surpas-s those of her two sisters which makes May jealous but she never shows it, she’s the most powerful cos she’s the only gumiho born in the month of June so all the powers in the month belongs to her, but she has weak points, maybe cos of her powers, one of her weak point is ice, she gets extra scared and weak when she sees it and as the ice melts, she’ll cry, her eyes turn green when she’s angry,… .she has lived for two hundred years
April is the junior sister, respectful, wise and equally beautiful, she has lived for one hundred years
Then there is a gumiho witch called Mulan, she’s from the breed of human liver eaters, wicked, no mercy, she eats the liver of any human she comes across and she’s the first in the list of gumiho hunters, she has a son called Jordan though no one has seen him, rumours had it that she locked up her son in a room and sealed up his gumiho powers so he’ll be powerless until a certain period of time… wanna know why he locked him up?
re-ad the story till the end
Now there’s a p@rticular wicked gumiho hunter named Arthur, he possesses black magic, his dream is to get rid of all the gumihos either the liver eaters or the animal eaters…he locks them up in a dungeon and tortures them, he’s desperate to catch June cos of her extra powers and her sisters too… and he vows to be the one to kill Mulan
The three sisters always got lucky anytime he’s around cos he never got them
But he finally got them one day and tied them up
they’re special breeds so he decided to lock them up in the two ancient cu-ps of bondage at the emotionless cave
He locked May and April in the same cu-p but cos June is more special, he locked her in the other cu-p but while trying to lock the cu-p, he made a mistake and locked himself with June inside the cu-p
Now they can’t come out unless an extraordinary someone opens the cu-p, the cu-p is like another world on it’s own cos it contains forests and woods
June faced hell from Arthur cos he’s always torturing her and scaring her while he tied her up
May and April hoped for a day they’ll come out from the other cu-p
Later a museum owner, Mr Lee discovered the cu-p in the cave while journeying and took them without knowing their contents cos they seem Impossible to be opened, he kept them as special acquirements in his museum
The story took a fifty years leap to pres£nt Korea
Now let’s talk about Jesse Lee, a grandson to the rich and popular museum owner, Mr Lee… Jesse is a twenty four years old guy who seems to be getting younger everyday, handsome, cute, funny and creative
Jesse is a medical student at Taesung university, south Korea … He’s popular cos of his handsome face and athletic skills, he runs as fast as flash and also very brilliant
He has always Marvelled about the cu-ps in his grandfather’s museum and wonder what might be in cos his grandfather warned him never to try opening them but Jesse is a curious guy
The cu-ps strangely attra-ct tourists from far and wi-de who come to the museum just to watch the cu-ps which made Lee museum very popular and rich, it’s like the cu-ps attra-ct good luck
Jesse made a plan to open the cu-ps, will it be successful?
What will be the outcome of the cu-ps opening?
Meet Kim Yung, another student at Taesung university, actually the most popular student cos of his handsome looks with that gentle and calm face plus cute appearance, he’s studying medicine, brilliant but not like Jesse, he also pla-ys violin and guitar very well, he has a great secret that isn’t known to anyone and that’s the reason for his loneliness and friendlessness despite his popularity, wanna know the secret?, He’s a vampire!
Does he hurt humans?
Does he bite?
Will he meet someone to share his story with?
What happens when he falls in love?
Who did he fall for?
And what about Mulan the witch and her locked up son?
What about June, May and April?
A lot of secrets to be revealed, watch out!
💕💕💕💕(Will this love be possible???)💕💕💕💕
🔮 Chapter one 🔮
🏆 June 🏆
“Shouldn’t we just leave Korea and go to another country?, Arthur is ma-king life ha-rd for we the gumihos, he doesn’t even care if we’re pure or liver eaters, he’s re-ady to capture anyone he lays his filthy hands on” April complained as we hunted for an animal to eat in the forest
“You can go ahead and leave Korea, I stay here, and do you think gumiho hunters aren’t everywhere? ” May replied, ma-king funny faces
I just kept walking silently, listening to the slightest sounds
“You guys should keep quiet, if you continue chatting away like this, we might go to be-d without eating” I said
” Oh plea-se June, you act like you’re the only perfect one” May snapped
That’s when I sighted a deer and ran after it, I’m the fastest of us so I caught it in no time and killed it
“Now we have our dinner with us, let’s go home”
“Shhhh” April hushed
We all kept quiet immediately and started hearing sounds from the other side
“It might just be another deer, let’s check stealthily” May suggested as we ti-ptoed to where the sound is coming from
There we saw Mulan the old witch, eating the liver of a male human, she’s munching it wickedly and I can’t even look
“Eew, She’s indeed a witch” April said
“Gross!, I’ll just go and kill that old witch! ” May blurted and made to advance towards her but I and April drew her back, we all fell on the dried leaves and it made a big sound
When we looked at her side again, she’s alre-ady coming our way
“May, just look at what you caused, she’s coming our way” I said
“Are you afraid of her? ” May asked
” Not really but you know liver eaters are way more powerful than we are” I replied
” We should run” April said
“action! ” I said and we ran in our various directions, I kept running till I lost the deer
I fell down as I hit my toe on a stone
I made to stand up but I saw her standing in front of me, her long red robe drawing on the ground … Mulan!
I stood up, facing her
“Look who we have here, it’s June the powerful pure gumiho, I’m sure Arthur will get rid of you and your sisters soon, you three are the only pure gumihos I know, eat some human liver and Know the taste of life” she said, l!çk!ng the blood on her lowerl-ip
“Arthur can’t do anything to us, the vampires he has caught are all liver eaters so it’s sure we won’t be caught, and I heard he keeps those who has been capturing in a dungeon, he can’t kill them”
” Do you want to know why he keeps them there?, Because he’s still looking for the sword of death, once he gets it, he’ll kill them all, the sword of death is the only thing that can kill gumihos, either pure or liver eaters…so I’m advising you and your sisters to eat some liver and don’t die without tasting the sweetness” she said and started moving towards me, I moved backwards
“Chorika! (Go away!), I don’t want to hurt you” I said
“And you think you can hurt me?, Silly little creature” she said and leapt to the sky, she flew away and I sighed in relief
“June are you ok?” April asked as she and May c@m£ out of their hiding place
“Chincha?, You girls are really hiding when the witch is threatening me?”
” Don’t worry sister, you’ve got the powers, if you two engage in a combat, I’m sure you’ll win” April said and I smiled
” I don’t think so” May scoffed
” Be positive for once” April said
” Whatever” she spat and started heading home
“Don’t mind her June, Where is the deer?” April asked me
” I lost it while running” I replied
“eish (gosh)” she said disappointedly
” We might just find even a bigger meat while heading home, let’s be positive” I said and she nodded as we head home, catching up with May
“I heard the witch has a really handsome son” April suddenly said
“Yes, I heard it too, they said she sealed up his powers and locked him up in a room, maybe because he’s too handsome” I replied
” You’ve never seen him before and yet, you concluded that he’s handsome, st©p being cheap” May said and my eyes flashed green with anger
“oh dear, June is angry …. I really don’t care, I’m off” May said and ran off
” She’s just jealous that you’re the most pretty and most powerful, don’t mind her” April said and ru-bbe-d my hands
Despite the fact that we’re hundred years older than each other, we still look like we’re the same age….gumiho blood is really something
We caught another deer before getting home
💛 Mulan 💛
“Have you taken the liver to Jordan?” I asked Dan my maid
” Yes ma’am, but he refused to eat it as usual”
“He’s trying ha-rd to be a pure gumiho but I won’t give him the chance, the day he decides to start eating liver, I’ll re-lease him and also his powers” I said, genuflecting on my chair
” But ma’am, he hasn’t eaten for the past two months you’ve locked him up in his room, he might die” Dan said
” Is it my fault that he refused to eat the liver I offer him everyday?, Well he can’t die like you know, only the sword of death can kill gumihos like us”
I stood up and head to Jordan’s room, I stayed by his doorstep
” You refused to eat the liver again” I said
“Omoni (mother), I don’t want to be a liver eater,I want to be a pure gumiho, omoni chebal, can’t you just leave me alone?” He said from inside
” I your mother is a witch, I’m the most wicked and cruel of all the liver eaters, and you my son is planning to be pure?, No way, like I said, I’ll only re-lease your sealed up powers when you agree to listen to me” I said bluntly and started walking away
” Omma!, Omma!, Open this door will you?, Omoni, let me out plea-se!” He screamed as I walked away but that won’t change my mind
💗 April 💗
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me all the way home
“Why the race?” May asked as I entered, breathing heavily
” I just saw Arthur the hunter, heading towards this place, he’ll soon be here, what do we do”
” Bo!, That’s bad” June replied
” Let’s run!” May suggested
” Ani (no), we’re staying, I’ll fight him” June replied
“Bichaso?(are you crazy?), You know he uses black magic, he’ll kill you” May exclaimed
” you know he has no power to kill us, he can only wound us and he’ll be able to capture us only if he knows one of my weakness but he doesn’t” June replied as the door bur-sted open and Arthur entered in his usual cloak and sword
“Good, it’s a good thing I met the three of you, follow me willingly or I’ll have to f0rç£ you” he said, squinting wickedly
“bring it on Arthur, you’ll be so dead if you make one mistake” June replied and started transforming into our real form, her hands to that of an animal, full of furs and long claws, her hair turned white her veins turned green and bec@m£ obvious, her eyes turned green with anger
We transformed too but the only difference is that our eyes and veins are red
“You must be asking for your death” Arthur spat and rushed to her but June to-re his face with her nails and blood gushed out
“You wench!” He yelled and raised his sword to slash her but I bit his th!gh, he screamed in agony and his sword fell
“Still want more?” May asked
“I’ll be the one to kill you all!” He snapped and transformed into a Lion
“cool!” May remarked
“You call this cool?” I snapped back
“The two of you should stay back, I’ll handle him” May said and started advancing towards him
“May, no!” June warned but May rushed to him and a combat started
They rolled each other on the floor, to-re each other’s flesh and wounded each other, but as a gumiho, May’s wound healed up immediately after getting them
May held his mouth and tried to tear it but he threw her away and she landed in a corner
June rushed to help her up
“You’re so dead!” I threatened and rushed to Arthur too
” April wait!” June called but I’m not re-ady to listen
I gr@bb£d Arthur by his legs and threw him in the air, he landed with a loud thud and roared angrily, it almost brou-ght out the whole house, he rushed to me and tried to gr-ab my hand in his mouth, I tried to dodge but he’s fas-ter, he took it and gave me a big wound on my wrist, though it healed up immediately but I grew unusually tired and fainted
“April!, April!” I can hear June calling but I’m too weak to answer
😋 June 😋
Seeing my two weak sisters, I got infuriated, he won’t have such powers Over us if not for his black magic
“I’ll wound you till you turn to a pulp!” I spat and went closer stealthily, he roared but I stood stiffened
I ran to him and carefully gr@bb£d his n£¢k, I pinned it to the ground while he struggled to break free,
“You’re so dead today!” I said, my green eyes shinning more brightly, pinning his n£¢k more till he started vomiting blood, I to-re his flesh with my claws and he gave one loud roar before pushing me away, I landed few meters from him and stood up immediately, I looked at him and he has transformed back to his human form, badly wounded…he spit out a copious amount of blood and coughed weakly
“You’ll regret this” he spat and vanished
I rushed to April and helped her up
May is up alre-ady
” Where’s the bastard?” May asked
“He vanished, I made him go” I replied
“Don’t feel too great because of that” May replied sourly and went in
“That br@t” April said
“Just let her be” I replied, sighing loudly
“Are you ok?” She asked
” The witch said Arthur keeps the gumihos he catches because he’s still looking for the sword of death, it’s the only thing that can kill us, both the pure and liver eaters” I said, somewhat afraid
“Bo!, So we’ll all be dead once he finds it!” April exclaimed
“I’ll protect you guys” I said boldly
“I trust you, but May is a problem, she never listens” April said
” Don’t worry, she’ll soon come around” I replied and started going in
“Wait….do you really like the locked up son of the witch even without seeing him once?” She suddenly asked
I turned back swiftly
“I dunno why but I feel something when I hear about him, and for the fact that the witch locks him in a room, I really feel for him even without seeing him” I replied sincerely
“It’s tou-ching…..I’ll prepare the meat” she said, smiling as i entered and l@yon my be-d, thinking about Arthur and the sword of death, the witch and her son…