30 days with the superstar episode 34 & 35

?30days with the superstar?

?by authoress pinky?

⚡Chapter Thirty—Four (34)⚡

Subtitle: Going down?

Ashley’s pov

“well, well, well love. I’ve missed you like crazy.”

And i really want to punch your face like crazy, a-sshole.

We’ve already carried out plans. Josh and the rest including the police are somewhere around the corners looking out to me, just in case.

I was a bit scared and uneasy about all this. What if something goes wrong? Ashley, no, no, don’t be negative. At least, not now.

“what are you thinking, love?”

I rolled my eyes. “they are my thoughts, remember?”

He smir-ked as he came closer to me and pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Stupid hair, how did they escape my ponytails. I swatted his hand away from my face.

“whoa, that was aggressive, love.”

“go fu-ck yourself.” I retorted.

”you just swore.” He said feigning surprise.


“i know.” I spat in fury. God, how did i date a guy like Evans back then? Why didn’t i see all this? Oh, i was blinded by his good looks. fu-ck you, Ashley. fu-ck you.

“But anyway, you know i can’t fu-ck myself. I would need a pus-sy for that and funny enough, you got one.”

What the hell? Can this guy get anymore nasty? There is no a way he is getting close to me or my body.

I cringed from the thought of fu-cking Evans.

He started laughing. ”seems like you want that too, right?” I didn’t say anything. “but too bad we are not alone.” Yeah, yeah, don’t you think i know that alread….wait, how does he knows that?

I look up at his face in utmost surprise. He had a smile on his face and gradually, the smile fades and turned into a de-ep frown.

“w…h…y…” I couldn’t get any word out of my li-ps. Before i could even blink my eyes, a gun was pointed at my head. No, I’m going to die.

“you think you are smart? really?” He sighed. “i knew you never broke up with Jos…okay, truth be told, you really fooled me. I thought you had broken up with that jerk but no, you tricked me.” He laughed for a while. “I followed you when you left for the basement yesterday. Thank God, i did.”


“just shut up and do as i say or else i will blow off your head. Now, move.”

I did as i was told and we made our way downstairs away from the house. We stood on the center of the compound.

According to what i heard, the house have never being bought after we left. Which means, it has been vacant for a long time.


After a while, they all came out of their hiding sp-ots, including the police. Damn, i should have listened to my feelings.

“wow, you even invited the police to the party.” He said with a smirk.

“Mr Williams, i will advice you drop your weapon.” One of the policemen said.

“oh, shut up. You have no right to tell me what to do, Mr. I’m in charge here, so you better shut up and do as i say.” He spat.

”let her go, Evans.” Josh said.

Evans started laughing. Will he shoot me if i punch him on his face? I think he will.

“what? let her go? And if i don’t?” No one said anything. “i thought as much.”

Die! Die Die, idiot!

“you guys shouldn’t have tried to over smart me. I am way, way ahe…” He was cut off when someone hit him from behind on his head.

I stepped on his feet and away from him as well. It was Jasmine who had hit him on his head. Wow, that girl is bold.

“how dare you?!” He growled at her as he backed us and turned to her.

She seems unaffected by his growls. “look, we are all keeping quiet because of that weapon. Drop it and face me, if you can, scu-mbag.”

“you…!” He cracked the gun and pointed it at Jasmine. She was now frightened and scared. No, i have to do something.

I was still thinking of a plan but Josh already had a plan. He made a way to Josh and tried to yank the gun from his grasp.

The key word, ‘tried.’

They both started dragging the gun. Jasmine suddenly jumped on Evans back so he could release the gun. While Kyle made his way to support Josh when we all heard a gunshot. They had shot the gun.

Josh finally pulled the gun from Evans grip and threw it away.

“is everyone okay?” Kyle asked as he look at everyone.

I think everyone is okay. Maybe the bullet didn’t hit anyone.

Josh was already bleeding from his palm.

“Josh…” My voice trailed away. I felt so weak all of a suddenly. What was going on with me? I took a step forward but my leg felt so weak.

I slowly raised my hand and rested it at the side of my stomach. I pulled out my hand and stare down at it. My hand was red. Wait, i didn’t paint my room red, right? They…they were blood. The bullet had hit me.

“Ashley?” Tiffany noticed my subconscious state.

My eyes were glossy with tears. I’m going to die. I’m going to leave my prince charming.

Slowly, i crumpled to the ground.

“ASHLEY!” Kyle and Josh yelled as they made their way to me, including Tiff and Jasmine.

My eyes were already heavy.

“SOMEONE! CALL A fu-ckING AMBULANCE!” That was Josh voice.

He made his way to me and pulled me to his arms.

“Don’t leave me…Princess…don’t leave…me.” He was crying.

I couldn’t hold it anymore. I could feel my body or anything. I was going to die. I could already see death knocking on my door.

I lifted my hand slowly which was covered with my blood and placed it at the side of Josh’s face.

“j…Josh…i…i love you.” And with that, my hand fell to my side and i welcomed the darkness, right in the arms of my prince charming.

?30days with the superstar?

?by authoress pinky?

⚡Chapter Thirty—Five (35)⚡

Subtitle: Hospitalized?

Josh’s pov

“Ashley?” I shake her slightly but she wouldn’t bulge. “Ashley?” I tried calling her again, still no answer. I tried checking her pulse but couldn’t get a read of it. fu-ck! I know nothing about checking pulse and all that.

Kyle came beside me and rested his head on her ch-est. He stayed there for some minute before raising his head up with a frown on his face.

“Ashley?” He called as he poke her gently on her cheek.

“what happened? Is she breathing?” I asked him.

“i know i didn’t study medicine but i still know when someone is breathing.” He sighed as he ran his fingers throu-ghhis hair. “she is not fu-cking breathing.”

“wha…what?” I choked out. No, this can’t be possible. Ashley can’t die like this. No. “Ashley?” I called again.

I quickly took off my jacket, good thing i was putting on a black shirt. I placed my jacket on the wound at the side of her stomach, just to reduce the flow of blood..

My vision was very blurry and a tear drop down to my face. I can’t lose someone else again. She means the whole world to me. I can’t lose her. Seeing Ashley in this state made me remember my mother when she laid in her own cold blood. That was the memory i tried to block out but right now, i couldn’t.

Evans was already handcuffed. He look down at us with a smirk on his face.

“i didn’t go down alone, after all.” He said.

I angrily got up and walked over to where he stood and started punching the hell out of him. It is all his fault. He made my princess that way. I’m so going to fu-cking kill this son of a bitc-h.

Kyle held my on my wa-ist and pulled me away from Evans, before i commit murder.

“He is not worth it.” He whispered in my ears.

Evans spat out some blood from his mouth and started laughing. “she is going to die, Mr Superstar.”

Kyle was the one who lost control as he punched Evans square on his jaw. fu-ck! That’s going to hurt like a bitc-h.

The police held us back and ordered some of his men to take Evans away.

“we are going to handle him by the law.” He said. fu-ck, the law. If anything happens to Ashley, am so going to murder that bastard.

“Guys! The ambulance is here.” Tiffany called out.

Kyle and I ran over to them. They had already lifted Ashley from the ground and had placed her on a gurney and rolled her into the ambulance.

I followed them in and they gave me a questioning look.

“I’m her boyfriend and there is no way, am leaving her alone.” I told them.

“i will meet you guys at the hospital. I need to inform my parents.” Kyle said.

I nodded my head and two guy from the paramedic closed the double door of the ambulance.

Ashley eyes were closed. She looked so pale and white. God, i should have stopped her from going to meet Evans.

“hey, can you hold on to this cloth against her stomach?” A lady asked. We were the only ones in here.

“yeah.” I held onto the cloth. The lady put a mask on her nose, so she would be able to breathe.

Slowly, Ashley ch-est started rising and falling. I let go of the breath, i didn’t even know i was holding.

The lady did some things i don’t even know until i noticed a heart monitor by Ashley’s side.

It was reading her heartbeat, it was very slow.

Finally, we arrived at the hospital and those two guys opened the door and they slowly pulled Ashley out and started pushing her into the hospital. I ran with them from behind.

“hurry!” The lady who was with me in the ambulance said and they pushed Ashley into the Emergency room.

I was about to go in with them when a man stopped me.

“What? I need to be with her.”

“you can’t, sir. You hav to wait for her till they are done.” He said and quickly made his way to the Emergency ward before i could even say a word out.

I sat down on the floor and rested my head on my palms. God, please save Ashley. Please. I prayed.

Honestly, i never believed in prayers or God but right now, i need him.

After a moment, the doctor came out of the Emergency ward. I quickly got up and ran to him.


He sighed. ”we need to perform surgery on her, to take out the bullet.” He said.

“so what are you waiting for?”

“you need to sign some things first. Are you her guardian?”

“uh…” I look out to the door but there was no sign of Kyle and his mother. “i will sign it.” I said.

They had already taken Ashley to the surgical room to perform the surgery after i had signed to the terms of the surgery.

“where is she? where is my daughter?” Mrs Hamilton asked as she made her way to me.

I sighed. “she is still in the surgical room.” I replied.

“no!! my poor child.” She started crying as she fell down to the ground. Mr Hamilton knelt down by her side and pulled her in his arms.

Kyle was comforting Tiffany as she cries. While Jasmine was comforting Jeremy. That girl is damn strong and brave.

I stared at the closed surgical room door and sighed.

Princess, wake up. Please. Fight for your life. Fight for your family. Fight for us. Please. Please.

The doctor finally came out of the surgical room after an hour which was like forever to me.

We were walked towards him.

“how is she?” Mr Hamilton asked.

“The operation was successful. She is out of danger but she is still asleep and will also be in the ICU room until she fully awakes.” He said.

I inwardly let out a breath of relief. She is okay. Thank God.

“Thank you, doctor.” Mr Hamilton said as he shook hands with the doctor. “how about the payment?”

The doctor grinned. “this gentle man had paid for her hospital bills and other things.” He turned to me. ”and hey, you owe me an autograph.” We all laughed.

“okay sir.” I said. The doctor smiled and walked away to take Care of other things.

Mr Hamilton turned to me with a smile on his face. ”Thanks son. Thanks for your help. But you shouldn’t have.”

I smiled. “that was the least i could for Princess. I owe her a lot.”

“Princess?” Jeremy questioned.

“yep. She is my princess.” I said with a smile.

“Tommy sounds more better.” He retorted.

”Jerry!” His mom scolded as she furrowed her brows at her.

“It’s Jeremy, mom. Jeremy.”

“Shut up and come with me.” She turned to me and pulled me in for a warm and motherly hug. “Ashley made a right decision.” She whispered before parting away and walked out with Jeremy by her side.

Guess she wants to get lunch for the family.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out from my pocket and answered the call.


“It’s Joshua.” Joshua? Wow. Why was he calling? I thought he hated me after that day. “where are you now?”

“I’m at the hospital, why?”

”Hospital? why? Are you hurt?”

Why was he acting like he cares. ”Stop with the pretense, okay? And no, I’m not the one at the hospital but Ashley.”

“fu-ck. Is she okay?”

”Thankfully, yeah. Why did you call?”

After a while of silence. “you haven’t checked the news yet, right?”

“no? what is it?”

“you have being vindicated. The real photo was published an hour ago ” He said.

Oh, now i get it. Walter had done his own part of the deal by putting out the real photo of the picture. Phew! Am free at last…all thanks to my princess. She will be very happy to hear the news.

“um, Joshua?” I called out.


I took in a de-ep breath. I need to tell Joshua the whole truth about what happened that day but first i need to start with the appropriate word.

“I’m sorry.” I said. ”But honestly, i never did anything with Jessie. Sh_”

“Um, sorry. Am i speaking with Josh?” He asked.


“what? Did Josh Hilton just apologize to me? Someone pinch me…Ouch! Jeff, that hurts, okay?”

”you said someone should pinch you.” I heard his voice.

“yeah. But not that hard.” Joshua snapped. I almost laughed over their childish behavior. “Josh?”


“Ashley told me everything. I should have being the one apologizing for not believing you and for leaving you. I’m sorry, bro.”

We talked for a while and that was when i knew I’d missed my best friend, Joshua. TBC.