who’s the father finale



I was humming some song while cooking breakfast for my sweetheart.

Stella already took Gigi to school, she’s inside taking care of Mickey.

I carried the pot full of carrot soup and wanted to serve them at the dining.

I yelped as I saw Teddy standing behind me, I smiled “Good morning babe.”

He kssed my forehead “Good morning. Can you help me with my tie?”

I nodded as I collected the tie and try to set it but something drop from it.

I bent and frowned seeing an expensive big diamond engagement ring.

I frowned as I took it, I look at smiling Teddy with confusion “Teddy, what’s this?” I asked.

He smiled “Surprise!!” He pressed a bu-tton and poof!

Some confetti fall on my head, some red and white glitter banners fall and shows ‘Will You Marry Me?”

My heart begin to beat fas-ter “Teddy, what is this? Did you really mean it?” I asked again.

He nodded as he collected the ring and went on his knees, looking curious at me, who’s still amazed and confused.

“Monica Layan Myers, ever since I met you and became my best friend, you’re the best thing that ever came into my live and you blessed me with beautiful daughter and life.

You’re the reason for my happiness. Will you marry me?” He asked.

I burst into more tears of joy, I don’t know what to say or how to say it.

I nodded with a hu-ge sniff “Mmhmm!!”


“Yes!!” I cried and he grinned happily as he wore me the ring.

He stood up and hu-gged me ti-ghtly “Thank you so much, I love you.” He cried.

“I love you too.” I replied.

I love this moment, I don’t want it to get ruined.

Someone knocked the entrance door and I frowned. Is Teddy bringing more surprises?

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked but Teddy shook his head negatively.

I disengaged and went to the entrance and opened the door, I was shocked to see Mia standing in front of me with crutches.

Mia went back to mom and dad and we see each other once in a while. China and Trevor got married and had triplets, 2 boys, a girl.

Bianca and Chase had another twins, boys after Benita.

Everyone lives happily ever after.