What dreams are made of episode 19





Chrissy felt the emptiness of the room with him leaving but she decided this was for the best. She wanted to forget everything about the night and just go back to being the Chrissy she was before she met him. She lied down on the be-d again but sleep was nowhere to come. Every time she tried to close her eyes, she could see Susan in his arms. She kept telling herself that it should not affect her, he was nob©dy to him but her heart had a different un-derstanding. The more she tried to push that memory away, the more it caused her the pain.

She was not sure if Nikloi was still outside or had left for the night. She was not even sure what time it was. For long sleep kept eluding her but finally the day’s stress caught up with her b©dy. She drifted into sleep thinking that Nikloi would have left for his home by now.

During the night sometime she heard some voices from the drawing room of the suite but her b©dy refused to wake up. May be the medicines doctor had given her were finally working and she continued to sleep. Sometime she also felt someone come up to her be-d and sat next to her. She wasn’t sure if it was Nikloi or Henry or just her imagination. While she was in a de-ep slumber, she kept seeing images of Nikloi and herself and Henry and Susan throu-ghout the night.

When she did wake up after the long rest, it was bright and sunny outside. She heard voices from the drawing room. Though she was still in her last night go-wn, completely ruined by now, she was feeling quite rested and much better than last night.
Mrs. Clark walked in the room and seeing her awake, quic-kly come up to her.

“How are you feeling now, dear?”, she asked concernedly.

“I am fine, Mrs. Clark”, replied, Chrissy.

“I was so worried for you last night. All of us were. And to see you go throu-gh such pain because of the food at my p@rty. I was mortified!” Mrs. Clark cried sitting next to her on the be-d.

“Pls don’t think like that. It was not your fault. I may have caught the weather”, Chrissy tried to pacify her.

“No, my child. Doctor checked you last night and said it was a case of food adulteration. He suspects your sickness was because something was added to your food or drink since none of the other people pres£nt in the p@rty had this problem”, Mrs. Clark explained sadly.

“why would anyone do that? I ha-rd ly knew anyb©dy at the p@rty”, Chrissy asked surprisingly.

“I don’t know Chrissy and that’s what is upsetting me so much.
There were only close friends invited yesterday”, she replied. Chrissy didn’t know what to say. She was too confused herself. When she said nothing, Mrs. Clark added, “I could ha-rd ly sleep after that. And I never wanted to leave your side. But Nikloi and Henry wouldn’t let me stay. Doctor said I should not stress. Oh but I had organized the p@rty especially for you and I wanted you to have a wonderful time. Instead all this happened!” She was clearly distressed.

Chrissy took both her hands in her hands and said, “You mustn’t blame yourself, Mrs. Clark. It wasn’t your fault. Plus I did enjoy the p@rty very much”. She lied but she didn’t want the old lady to be upset any more. “And I am feeling all right today. See!” she said getting up from the be-d.

“Ah your dress! Didn’t you change last night?” She asked knowing the answer fully well. “These boys should have told me or asked one of the ladies in the staff to help you. I shouldn’t have left”, she added disapprovingly.

“It’s ok, Mrs. Clark. You mustn’t very about these things. I was comfortable last night and that’s what matters, isn’t it? She asked smilingly.

“Yes, that’s right. This is Nikloi’s room and I knew this was the best place for you because his staff would ensure you were properly taken care of. He even stayed outside in the drawing room, just in case you nee-ded any help during the night. Henry dear stayed the night with me saying I nee-ded attending too”, Mrs Clark informed smiling.

In spite of herself, Chrissy couldn’t help but feel a weird s-en-sation run down her back on being informed that she had spent a night just few steps away from Nikloi Swarosk!
And she hadn’t even locked her door when he had stepped out!
She wondered if it was him whom she had seen in the room at night. Colour rose to her cheeks thinking about Nikloi standing in this room watching her while she was slee-ping.

Did he really watch her? How long had he stayed?

He was in the room when she had first woken up, she thought.
Not noticing her reaction, Mrs, Clark went on. “It must have not been very comfortable night for him. He was just leaving for his office when I c@m£ in. I told him he should rest after last night but he said something urgent to be attended to with respect to his new h0tel”.

Chrissy didn’t want to hear about his plans for the day. “I think I should leave now, Mrs. Clark. My mother must be waiting for me”, she said to st©p Mrs. Clark. She wanted to be at her home, away from his room, his h0tel, his pres£nce.

“Yes of course, my dear. But are you sure you are all right to travel now? Mrs. Clark asked with concern.

“I am fine and in any case I should rest at my home”, Chrissy replied quic-kly.

“Yes, you want to be with your mother. I can un-derstand”, said Mrs. Clark inferring a different reason for her sudden de-sire to be at home.

Chrissy kept quiet.

“But before that you must eat something and promise to have your medicines. And you must visit the doctor if there is any problem. If you don’t, I promise I will be at your place with the doctor myself, Mrs. Clark ordered her lovingly.

Chrissy wanted to leave as early as possible but she knew she wouldn’t be able to refuse Mrs Clark without hurting her s£ntiments, so she agreed. While she ordered a light breakfast. Chrissy c@m£ out in the drawing room to see Henry had joined Mrs. Clark.

Seeing her, he rushed towards her with stretched hand. “How are you now feeling, Chrissy? He asked with genuine concern on his face. He wanted to hold her in arms and make sure she was safe but she st©pped at a distance. He accounted that to her shyness and consoled himself by taking her hands in his stretched hands. Taking her along with him to the chair, he said,
“You gave me such a fright! I was so afraid when you fainted right in front of me”.

Chrissy could see he was clearly affected by her sickness. She smiled to him saying, I am sorry for all the trouble. I had no clue what happened”.

“Of course you didn’t. plea-se sit down and have your tea”, Mrs. Clark said handing over a cu-p of tea to her. Chrissy took the cu-p and thought of getting done with it as quic-kly as possible. That’s when she remembered she had started feeling sick last night after having the tea.

She thought of sharing this realization with Henry and Mrs Clark but she wasn’t sure. What if Mrs. Clark gets more upset thinking that she was really doubting her preparations for the p@rty. She decided to stay quiet for now.

Henry sat close to her on the next chair. He was watching her closely with a concerned look. He wanted to say so many things to her but controlled himself as he didn’t want to distress his mother.

“I c@m£ to see you after Mom had settled in but Nikloi told me you had gone to asleep. I didn’t want to disturb after the troubled night so I went back. Nikloi stayed back saying you might nee-d something during the night”, he said looking at her face trying to see any emotions but there were none.

When she didn’t reply, he continued, “But I had asked him me to call me in case there was any problem. Now that he didn’t call me, I am as-suming you sle-pt well?”

“Yes, I did. And I would like to go home now”, she said keeping her cu-p on the table.

“Wouldn’t you eat anything? Asked Mrs Clark motherly but Chrissy declined saying she didn’t feel like eating anything yet. Accepting her wishes, Mrs. Clark made her promise that she would take all her medicines on time and see the doctor immediately if there was any problem. Chrissy said she would stay in t©uçh with her on phone and left with Henry who was dropping her home.

Ride back home was quic-k in Henry’s car. Henry kept giving her side glances but he didn’t say anything. She knew he was worried about her abut right now she didn’t want to discuss last night any more. She had had enough of this experience and just wanted to put yesterday behind her.

On reaching her home, Henry gently took her hand in his and said, “I know that you don’t look at me the way I do and that you nee-d more time. But, I just want you to know that whatever be your decision, I will still be your friend and you can count on me always. Give me a call when you feel like talking. Now you must go home and rest.”s

Chrissy couldn’t help but smile at his loving face while a tear drop from her eyes. She was grateful for his friendsh!pand wondered for a hundredth time why couldn’t Nikloi be as un-derstanding as him. But this was not the time for her wish list and she reminded herself of the promise she had made to self she about not think of Nikloi anymore.

Henry quic-kly got off the car and opened her side of the door.
Thanking him for the drop and also for being a true friend, she stepped out of his car and went inside her home. Henry stood watching her go inside the house for some time. When there was nothing more to do there, he got in and drove away in his car.

Her mother and sister were glad to see her back. Mrs Smith asked about the p@rty and last night. When she mentioned about her sickness, skipping the greater details of course, they made sure she didn’t do any other work at home. Though she was feeling much better with the medicines, she was made to spend the day resting in the be-d. This was an unexpected change in her schedule but somehow she felt she nee-ded it. More than her b©dy, her mind nee-ded the rest and she welcomed it by drowsing herself in oblivious sleep.

Chrissy spent the next few days at home. It was after long that she had taken a break and so her mother and sister were more than happy to take care of her. While her mother was concerned that it had been a health scare, she was told that Chrissy had exhausted herself because of overwork, but she was thankful to God that it did make Chrissy st©p.

According to her, her little girl was burdened with too much responsibility at a very young age and that had made her st©p thinking of life other than her work. They had seen some bad days but things had improved over time ad this year was going good. In fact since the time she had moved her shop to the Regency h0tel, things had been looking quite bright. They didn’t have to big a dreams and all she wanted was for her daughters to be happy.

But she saw Chrissy was pushing herself too much. As if she had to prove herself. It was not good for her but she had always been too proud about her work and worked with a single purpose in her life of caring for her family.

Mrs. Smith had been quite plea-sed when she started observing slight change in her daughter. She had started dressing up like most girls of her age. And she had not missed the young man who had dropped her at home in his car today and earlier as well. She may not too well, but she was attentive about her daughters and obviously she cared about Chrissy’s wellbeing.
Chrissy’s lack of interest in marriage or any kind of relationsh!pwith any man had concerned Mrs Smith about her future life but she was content that Chrissy was slowly moving out of her self-constructed walls. She wanted her daughter to live, be alive, be happy and that man gave her hope that it would happen one day soon. For now, she was happy to nurse her daughter back to full health and enjoy these days with her.

For Chrissy, it was time to enjoy her family life. Since her father had died, she had always been carrying the responsibility of taking care of her family. But because of that, she never really had the time to sit with them and relax. There was always one struggle after another.

But things had started getting better. It had been nine months since she met Nikloi Swaroski. Saying that her life had completely changed since meeting him would be an un-derstatement. Life that changed and so had she. But there many things still to be done. Her sister would be graduating to a college next year. She wanted her to have the best education, something she couldn’t have herself. And her mother also nee-ded better medical attention. One day she hoped she would be able to take her to the best neuro surgeon and get her operation done, something that looked extremely difficult currently. But she decided to forget her worries for few days and cherish what she had.
