WEDDING OF MY EX (episode 17)
Aaron A.A

Afful turns into a wi-de driveway, and is st©pped by three gun-wielding guards.
Afful winds down the window and pokes out his head. The guards recognize him instantly gestures to him to drive throu-gh.
They park the car and get out. Chris looks around; his face looks pained.
This way, Romeo. I took great pains to become a member just for this day. I tell you this; it is mighty expensive being a gold card member of this club.
Chris looks shocked. Afful takes him throu-gh glas-s sliding doors, down a big lighted corridor filled with well-dressed people.
He leads him to a door marked pri-vate, manned by two of the biggest muscle-bound men Chris has ever seen.
They are in black suits and sunglas-ses. Afful produces a membersh!pcard.
No nee-d for that, Sir. We nee-d to see your friend’s card!
Oh, he’s a special invite. I’m introducing him so … free pas-s!
The men do not smile, but again the other one who has not spoken steps forward and gives Chris a thorou-gh check.
They let them throu-gh and enter a large, dimly-lit room filled with a lot of men.
Look at the great and mighty people queuing to watch S-x shows and nûd£ ladies. They are decadent souls, aren’t they?
Chris does not speak. He watches as approaches a ticketing window and comes back with two pas-ses.
This is very expensive, man. You can’t believe just how much I paid to watch Sighing Sparrow. Oh, forgive me, that’s Effe’s stage name. Here, take a look at your pas-s.
With trembling hands Chris looks at his pas-s. It is a pas-s for a one hour show with Sighing Sparrow and friends.
And below the lettering, is a bust portrait of Effe. She looks beautiful and exotic, and she is n-ked to her shoulders; the t©ps of her brea-sts are also n-ked.
Chris trembles violently. He speaks in a totally dejected voice.
Oh, God, no!
Chris is directed throu-gh a glas-s door to a dimly-lit pri-vate viewing room.
There are high comfortable stools with back-rests and arced glas-s-t©pped tables.
Young women ba-rely out of their teens and wearing air-hostess caps, short white Sk-irts with matching long boots and skimpy br@s walk from table to table, offering drinks.
There are a lot of viewing rooms, some replete with be-ds, housing the filthy rich who can afford a be-d and a mate. The amount of scre-wing that goes on here cannot be matched by the Hollywood p©rn industry.
Chris notices that there is a performing stage, which is lighted and which now shows a very buxom white lady performing a str!ptease.
She is wearing only a pink G-String, and ma-king lewd pumping actions with her crotch towards the men.
Mind you, the girls here are paid well. Effe is ma-king a lot of…
(voice is vicious and filled with murder.)
One more mention of Effe’s name and I’ll kill you, Afful!
The white lady eventually peels her p@n-ties down her legs in a S-xy way, and kicks it into the audience.
Now n-ked, she struts on the platform, gyrating her h!ps and pres£nting her pri-vates to the ogling men.
She walks off the stage to loud applause and lewd remarks.
The lights dim, and when they come back on Afful speaks excitedly.
Yeah, man, that’s my favorite girl! Sighing Sparrow in the flesh!
Chris bolts upright, and screams silently. His face contorts into ugly lines of de-ep pain.
Effe is on the stage. Her face is nicely made-up. She looks really stunning. She is wearing white p@n-ties and a matchng white bras-siere.
On her head is a white cowboy hat, and her feet are adorned with white knee-length high-heeled boots.
Herl-ips are painted red, and she is doing a very S-xy dance, gyrating her b©dy in a lvstful fashion and winding her behind in a most captivating way.
The men peel off Cedi notes and throw them unto the stage. It seems that Effe is a very popular performer.
Her hat comes off first, and this she throws into the crowd.
She continues to dance, and now she turns her back to the crowd and opens her bras-siere hooks, and takes it off.
Still gyrating, she looks over her shoulder at the engrossed men, and then she turns slowly, her hands covering her lovely brea-sts.
She steps forward, bows, and suddenly her hands drop, and there she stands, ex-posing her brea-sts.
(in a whisper of agony.)
No, oh dear sweet Lord, Effe, oh no!
He jumps up and runs towards the stage.
Chris, no, st©p! Don’t do that!
He tries to hold Chris back, but Chris chops him across the throat with the edge of his open right palm and Afful falls down, gagging for air.
Chris is pushing people out of his way and running across the tables, s£nding plates, glas-ses and bottles flying.
People are screaming. Some try to st©p him, but he punches them away.
On the stage Effe has kicked off her boots and her thumbs are now hooked into the stra-ps of her G-String, re-ady to pu-ll it down.
She is now fixed, staring with horror at Chris charging down towards her.
She covers her brea-sts, and then she turns and runs towards a door at the back of the stage. Chris lets out a fearsome yell.
Effeeee! Don’t run, you snake! I’m gonna kill you!
Someb©dy gr-abs a wine bottle and attempts to br@in Chris, but it misses his head and smashes painfully into his shoulder.
With a yell of fury Chris turns and slams a fist into the man’s face, the man screams.
Chris jumps unto the stage. Effe is almost at the door.
Efffeeeee! St©p right there!
Chris runs after her, but suddenly two muscle-bound men in black tuxedos emerge from the door and bear down on Chris.
Two more bouncers climbe-d in from behind him
One lunges at Chris, catching him behind the knees and bringing him down ha-rd unto the ha-rd stage.
In a flash they are on him, raining ha-rd b!ows on him. Chris can hear Effe’s shrill screams.
No! Don’t hurt him! St©p it, plea-se! Don’t hurt him!
Chris is aware of being lifted off the stage, and his phone falls down though he does not notice.
He does not struggle. They carry him out of the nightclub and hurl him into the air, and he falls down ha-rd on the concrete.
He gro-an s, and tastes blood in his mouth.
You keep outta this place. You show your ugly mug here again, we will stomp all over you, as-s-hole!
Chris struggles to a sitting position. He realizes that they have brou-ght him to the car park, and thrown him against his own car.
A shadow crosses his vision, and looks up warily. It is Afful. He is holding his throat where Chris has chopped him.
(speaking with pain.)
I guess our business is done, Romeo. I hope you realize now that getting me fired wasn’t worth it because your girl, the angel you thought you had, is nothing but a devil to the core. Taking the wool off your eyes has been physically painful to me, yeah, with all your damn karate stuff. But, man oh man, am I glad! That who-re does not love you. She’s in it for the money, and now that you’ve caught her, I guess she will now elope with Bright, her childhood lover. Bye, Romeo, you $h!thead!
With that Jonathan Afful turns and walks away. Chris painfully gets into his car and drives off.
He st©ps the car after a while, and puts his forehead on the steering-wheel and cries his heart out. After a while he looks for his phone to call Steve, but he cannot find it. It is lost.
He is bleeding from his nose and from a cut in his scalp. He drives to Dr. Anaman’s clinic to have his wounds treated. He tells the doctor that he was in a fight with some thu gs.
When he leaves the clinic he drives around aimlessly for a while.
Finally he heads home.

To be continued

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