unbreak my heart episode 101

{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.?


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Evelyn smi-rked and turned to Minnie and Myles who were still tied up.

“If you think of escaping, my men who are outside will finish off with you so” Evelyn said and smiled before leaving the room.

She stopped in front of the room next door and slowly opened the door to the room.

Ricardo immediately aimed his gun at that direction. He frowned when he saw Evelyn entering with that annoying smile on her face.

“Evelyn…” Ricardo gritted his teeth

“Love…” Evelyn called.

“Dont you dare call me that ever again or else..”

“Or else what? You’ll shoot me! C’mon i wanna see you do that” Evelyn said and rushed out of the room.

Ricardo made to go after her but paused and looked back at Pearl who was holding his hand.

“Go,, I’ll take care of her” Michael said entering the room.

Ricardo nodded and left the room immediately..

“So pathetic,, makes me wonder if you’re really the men from the Harper clan” Gael said and brou-ght out his knife from a man’s body.

The person dropped down dead. Well that was the last man from the Harper clan.

By this time, Gael’s dress was covered with blood and his face had stains of blood on it..

“You’re safe now my family.” Gael thought.

He brou-ght out a GPS and furrowed his brows.

“Time to help out my son in law” Gael muttered.

“Listen everyone, prepare for we’re leaving this place for war.. This never ending war nee-ds to stop and it’s gonna end today..” Gael said and ti-ghtened his grip on his knife.
“Wow!, never knew you could shoot like this” Evelyn teased, dodging Ricardo’s shots.

Suddenly a light shun on were they were standing. Evelyn released a sinister laugh, one will think she has gone insane.

“We’re were I wanted to take you to.. At the moment that we speak, everyone is watching us..”

“They’re gonna see how I’m gonna end the great and famous Ricardo Thornton” Evelyn said and smi-rked dangerously.

“You’re sick…” Ricardo muttered, not loosing focus.

As she said everyone was watching them at the moment they speak. Peggy, Iris, Gavin, Logan, Kristina…everyone!!

“Fu-ck!” Logan muttered from where he was watching.

Kristina held his arm, staring intently at the TV ..

“You say I’m sick? Of course I am..you took everything from me so I have nothing to loose.. Killing you will be my only achievement” Evelyn said.

“Just shut up!” Ricardo shot her but she dodged again.

Evelyn now got serious and they engaged in a serious fight!


“Thank Goodness Pearl is safe” Minnie muttered.

Myles just kept quiet as he fiddled and struggled with the rope he was tied on. He smi-rked as he successfully broke free.

“Myles you…”

“Shh” Myles hushed.

He walked to her and then began untying Minnie till he removed the ropes binding her to the chair.

“How do we do to escape?” Minnie whispered.

Myles held her hand and opened the door. He peeped out to see two men standing there.

“Don’t make any noise as well leave this place if not we’re dead” Myles whispered while Minnie nodded.

They both walked out of the room, slowly walking on their tiptoes as they headed to the exit.

Suddenly and unfortunately, Myles tou-ched a vase which made some noise.

“Hey! Where you going to?” One of Evelyn men said, turning to the kids.

“Oh no,, run!” Myles said and held Minnie’s hand. They began running to the exit.

Evelyn’s men immediately drew out his gun charged it, aiming at them.

Like a slow mo, Myles pulled Minnie to himself and hu-gged her shielding her with his body.

What followed was a gunshot..

“Sh*t! I’m out of bullets” Ricardo cursed, breathing heavily as his sweat dripped down his face.

“C’mon baby,, your precious Valentina is dead..I killed her. Just take me back and let’s go back to the beginning..you, me and our beautiful kids” Evelyn said.

Ricardo closed his eyes and raised his hands up, walking out of his hiding.

“Are..are you serious about that?” Ricardo asked innocently.

“Of course..let’s get back married and build everything from the start” Evelyn smiled.

Ricardo slowly approached her with his hands up.

“You..you won’t break my heart again right?” Ricardo asked.

“Actually,, I’m sorry for all what I did.. I did it coz,, my clan for-ced me to do so. They said I should marry a strong and ruthless man who’s capable of leading them but that wasn’t who you were..” Evelyn said

Ricardo stopped just right in front of her. He stared down at her and then at her li-ps. His hand cu-pp-ed her cheek while the other held her wa-ist.

Ricardo began leaning in till their li-ps were just few inches apart. Evelyn closed her eyes immediately.

“I..I.. I hate you and you’re the most stupid woman I’ve ever seen” Ricardo whispered to her.

He immediately snatched her gun and threw it off the rooftop.

Evelyn opened her eyes immediately. It happened so fast that she couldn’t process it.

“You..you motherFu-cker! How dare you play with my feelings!” Evelyn yelled angrily and threw a punch at Ricardo who swiftly dodged it.

She began attacking Ricardo in anger while Ricardo simply dodged them.
Minnie was trembling greatly as she hu-gged Myles ti-ghtly. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Myles.

Myles opened his eyes too and slowly released Minnie, turning behind.

They watched as the man who wanted to shoot them dropped death on the floor. The two other looked back at the person who shot him.

The person was wearing a mask..

“Who are…”

She jumped up and gave on of the men a kick on the ne-ck making him pas-s out.

The other brou-ght out his gun but she was fas-ter, shooting him on the stomach twice.

She removed her mask, revealing Pearl..

“Mommy!!” The twin chorused and rushed to Valentina who hu-gged them.

“You didn’t get hurt right?” Valentina asked.

“Yes mom.. Pearl, she..”

“I know she’s fine..I was the one who disconnected the machine.” Valentina said.

She turned to the room where Michael and Pearl was and then kicked it open.

“Mom!” Pearl cried out when she saw Valentina.

She quickly rushed to her mother.

“It’s fine baby, you’re safe now” Valentina said, ki-ssing her hair.

She looked up at Michael and smiled..

“Mich!, please take the kids out of this building. There’s a safe way at the right which leads outside.” Valentina said.

“Okay I will” Michael said.

Valentina released Pearl and smiled.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry baby” Valentina smiled. Pearl simply nodded.

“Please be careful Tina” Michael said.

“I will. You’re my mentor so I can’t let you down” Valentina smiled.

She looked at Myles and Minnie and smiled before putting back on her mask, leaving the room.

As she ran to the rooftop, her head suddenly began spinning. She stopped running and held onto the wall for support as images began flashing in her mind..

“Evelyn.. Evelyn stop this madness” Ricardo said, pushing her hand which wanted to hit him.

All what he had been doing was dodging her attack. Well he can’t hit on a woman..

“Evelyn don’t you see you’re fighting a lost battle?” Ricardo said.

He grabbed her by the arm and twisted her arm to her back, pinning her on the rails on the rooftop.

“Look down and tell me what you see” Ricardo said.

Evelyn gasped.

“That’s right. That’s Gael and his men, ruthlessly killing your men. There’s no way of escaping Evelyn. Just give in to the police and maybe..”

“Shut up!” Evelyn snapped and stabbed him in the stomach.

Ricardo Gr0-ned, releasing her in the process. She turned to him and raised the knife up to stab him again..

“Touch my husband and I won’t hesitate to blow off your Fu-cking skull” An icy voice said.

Evelyn turned to see a lady wearing a mask, aiming a gun at her.

“Back off! Now!” Valentina snapped..

Evelyn raised her hand up and slowly drew away from Ricardo.

Valentina rushed to Ricardo and removed her mask, shocking the daylight from Evelyn..

“You? How come?” Evelyn stuttered.

“Hubby? Are you okay my love?” Valentina asked worriedly.

“You remember” Ricardo smiled.

“Yes and I’ll make sure never to forget my heartbeat” Valentina said and ki-ssed him lightly.

“Go teach your sis a lesson. Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine, it’s just a slight wound” Ricardo smiled.

Valentina nodded and ki-ssed his forehead before standing.

She faced Evelyn with a murderous look on her face. Evelyn was still standing there shocked to the bones..

“I’m tired of you already think its time I handle you personally.” Valentina said, keeping her gun beside Ricardo

She removed the bullets she was wearing and kept it too, cracking her ne-ck and knuckles afterwards.

“Time for your big sis you teach you a lesson.” Valentina said, staring boringly at Evelyn.


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