Truth of the heart episode 40 – 42

# ~Truths_of_the_heart~ ❤️

Naomi smiled at her reflection in the mirror, straightening out creases she saw in her dress. She noticed how smaller she looked due to the weight she had lost. Her dieting must be on track she presumed giving herself a satisfactory nod. Naomi t©uçhed up her makeup, then locked her office to join the c0cktail. The biggest ball room was hired for the event, with a guest list of 200 people expected. Four tables were set up in each corner of the room for f!nger foods. The bar was placed at the back of the room, with waiters moving around the tables taking orders and delivering drinks with one rule in mind; never leave a guest without a drink or with an empty glas-s. c0cktail tables were placed in a random pattern around the room. This enabled the guests to move around freely as they mingled with potential business contacts.

Naomi moved around the room ma-king small take with the guests, ensuring that all received the service that they required. She inspected the catering tables to ensure none run out of food. At the bar she went throu-gh the check list of the drinks approved to be served ensuring they were adequately stocked as well.

“Naomi! Wow, still beautiful as ever.”

Naomi looked to find Nerbert standing in front of her.

“Nerbert? Is that you? Oh wow!” Naomi leaned in to hvg him. “How have you been? And hows Wanda?”

“I’ve been good. Wanda is fine. We have twin boys now.”

“Really? That’s amazing! Congratulations.”

“Thank you.” He smiled.

“So, where did you go after leaving AgroTech?”

“I started consulting at the tennis club before starting full time at a certain soft loan company.”

“Interesting. Atleast I know who to call when I’m in nee-d of a small loan.” Naomi tea-sed.

“Yeah, I’m sure I can make a few calls. But you know I’m not working there anymore.”


“Mwamba has not mentioned to you that we are back to working together?”

“Not yet.” She smiled. “So you are now working for Shoprite?”

“Shoprite? Heavens no! Igobi and Sons. They are a Nigerian company expanding to Zambia.”

“Oh?” Naomi hadn’t the slightest clue. “Sorry Nerbert, I nee-d to attend to some work issues. It’s been nice seeing you. I’m sure we’ll chat some more during the evening.” She walked away leaving him grinning at her reaction. Naomi made sure to avoid Nerbert further rest of the evening. She saw him leave the event early to her delight. For some reason she felt more at ease knowing he was no longer pres£nt.

As the event begun to wind down with more guests leaving, Naomi decided to head home. Learning that Mwamba had st©pped working for Shoprite had preoccu-pied her mind for the duration of the event.

“Leaving so soon.” Jefferies found her in her office getting her bags.

“Yeah. I have a headache.” Naomi lied.

Jefferies sat down on one of the chairs. “That’s unfortunate. I was really looking forward to an evening out with you.”

She sat down on a chair facing him. “What did you have in mind?”

“Drinks plus dinner! I know you haven’t eaten a thing.”

“Its ha-rd to eat when you’re on your feet the whole time. Eish, my feet are so so-re.”

“I can help with that.” Jefferies pu-ll-ed up her feet, placing them on his l@p. He took off her shoes and begun mas-saging her soles.

“Oh God, that’s feels amazing.” She m0@n ed softly.

Jefferies pu-ll-ed her chair closer to him. He continued to mas-sage her feet, then moved to mas-saging her calfs, pu-lling up her dress in the process. As his hands worked their way up her th!ghs, Naomi’s mind screamed ‘St©p’ but his hands felt good on her skin that she found herself going weak. Without warning, hisl-ips found hers. Jefferies dug into her mouth, capturing her ton-gue In the most s-en-sual way. Naomi let out a soft m0@n as he pu-ll-ed her up to sit on his l@ps.


Naomi bolted from Jefferies l@p, adjusting her dress. “Mwamba? What are you doing here?”


“Its not what you think.” Naomi could swear her pounding heart was visible and heard by everyone.

Mwamba stood quietly at the door with a blank stare on his face. “I’m sorry to disturb you. I just thought of checking on you.” He finally said, then retreated.

Naomi rushed out to him. When she got to the exit of the h0tel, she failed to sp©t him in the carpark which was now crowded. Naomi thought of calling him but remembered that she had left her phone back in her office. Jefferies was still seated when she got back.

“Trouble in paradise?” He asked, standing to meet her.

“Eh, sorry about that.”

“Don’t sweat it.” He pu-ll-ed her close to him. “So, we can pick up where we left off?” Jefferies lowered his face to meet herl-ips.

“Sorry but I can’t do this right now.” She watched as his eyes changed from de-sire to rage.
“Who do you take me for? Huh? You flir-t with me, turn me on then plan to leave me out in the cold?” His voice was slightly raised.

“Jeff, come on.”

“I don’t like pla-ying games.” Jefferies told her pushing her to the side.

Naomi remained rooted in the same sp©t, stunned. It took her few minutes to compose herself. It would be days before she saw Jefferies again. Mwamba seemed to be avoiding her as well. Her calls to him went unanswered. When he finally responded, he avoided the t©pic of seeing her with Jefferies all together. A week from the day of the c0cktail, Naomi received a large envelope whilst at work. The delivery was made by DHL with specific instructions to let her sign off when she received it. Naomi wondered what could be so important as to warrant her signature upon receipt. Her excitement quic-kly faded, realizing that she had just been served divorce papers.

For a moment she believed she could be dreaming. Turning the do¢v-ments around her hand, she re-ad throu-gh slowly to make sure she did not misinterpret any word. But written in bold, black and white were the letters DIVORCE! Naomi immediately called Mwamba, who picked up on first ring.


“Mwamba, what is the meaning of this?”

“Meaning of what?”

“You know exactly what I’m referring to. You have s£nt me divorce papers?”

“Why are you acting surprised?” Mwamba asked,sounding irritated.

“After everything we have been throu-gh? Just like that huh?”

“You have alre-ady moved on Naomi so why prolong the inevitable?”

His remarks stung her core.

“Baby come on. That was just a misun-derstanding ” Naomi tried to explain.

“You don’t have to explain anything to me. I asked for a divorce, and you moved on. Good for you. Atleast now you can d@t£ him without me holding you back. After all you have always thought him the ideal man right?” Mwamba paused,waiting for her to comment but she remained quiet. “I have alre-ady signed the do¢v-ments. Go throu-gh and when you are re-ady call the number on the envelope. Someone from the courts will come and collect it from you.” He hung up.
# ~Truths_of_the_heart~

Wezi wiped the tears from her face that showed no sign of slowing down. It was getting ha-rder to breathe as a lump refused to dislodge from her throat. She wept like someone had just died. Maybe someone did die. And that someone was Wezi herself. Her heart had just been r!pp£doff her che-st and cut into a million and one pieces.

“plea-se feel free my dear.” She heard Cathy say. Wezi did not even bother to look up. Instead she focus on the same sp©t on the carpet letting her tears fall freely.

“Wezi, you will move your stuff to the guest be-droom to make room for Tomaida.” Cathy poked Wezi’s shoulder as if to make sure she heard her.

“Oh mum, that’s not necessary. I will be ok in the guest be-droom.” Tomaida laughed. “I do not want my son being bewitched simply because I sle-pt on the wrong side of the be-d.” She ru-bbe-d her very pregnant belly.

Cathy joined in the laughter. “Oh my, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to my precious grand child. And make sure you have plenty of rest. You heard what the doctor advised”

“Yes mummy” Tomaida responded.

Tomaida and Cathy went on ignoring Wezi like she was not in the room. Wezi sat in the same sp©t all day until Lwipa arrived home after work. He seemed to be taken aback at finding Tomaida and his mother.

“What is going on here?” He asked Cathy.

“I’ve brou-ght Tomaida to stay here. You know how stressed she had been and its effect on the pregnancy. She nee-ds to be near a proper hospital and gynaecologist unlike our small hospital in Chirundu.”

“Mum, that’s not what we agreed on!” He protested.

“The doctor says she nee-ds to be seen every week until she puts to be-d. Her BP going up is dangerous for them. Are you sure you want her to stay at my place?” Cathy explained. “Oh plea-se. Don’t tell me you are scared of hurting your barren wife’s feelings?” Cathy stood akimbo.

“No mum. But I brou-ght Tomaida to your house and not mine for a reason.” Lwipa looked at where Wezi sat, seemingly unfazed by his return home. He knelt in front of her but she didn’t stir. “Look, she wasn’t supposed to be brou-ght here. But you know how mum gets sometimes. Nonetheless, Tomaida will have to stay here until she delivers then go back to mum’s house.”

Wezi continued to stare at the same sp©t. Lwipa waved his hand in front of her face hoping to elicit any reaction but received none. Lwipa, realizing she was not going to speak to him, left her in the livingroom.

Cathy, Tomaida and Lwipa had supper together, talking and laughing like the perfect family. Cathy cleared the able, telling Lwipa to help Tomaida settle down and rest. Wezi was still rooted in the same sp©t hours after they had all gone to be-d. The tears had eventually st©pped falling. Sometime after 2am Wezi finally stood from her seat. She walked to the master be-droom. Lwipa was fast asleep, snoring like he did every night. She went straight to a box that she kept in the wardrobe on the t©p shelf. Opening it, she sorted throu-gh the box until she found what she was looking for. Wezi did not bother putting the box back in it position. She went to the bathroom and looked at her reflection for the longest time. Fresh tears started to fall. Wezi emptied the contents of the small bag she had placed on the counter into her hand them shoved them down her throat. In less than a minute she began to feel drowsy. Wezi got into the bathtub, resting her head on the side. Soon she would fall asleep. A sleep that she would never wake from. It was better to die than live a childless life of ridicule.
