The way to a man’s heart Episode 1

The Way To A Man’s Heart 💌💌
💌💌By Hossana Isaac O.
Bonus Short Story💌💌
💌💌Chapter 1
I gro-an ed and stretched my arms out. Finally I’m done with this typing.
I shut down my computer and hurried to my be-d. I’ve been typing for hours and my f!ngersfelt like breaking off
My back was aching and longing for the soft comfort of my be-d.
I sighed in relief when I la-id down. I yawned and darted my face to look at the ticking clock on the wall. Just then, Big Bentley gave it’s jingle. It’s twelve midnight
I can’t believe I’ve been sitting since I returned from work by five pm.
I turned and la-id on my tummy. I closed my eyes and drifted into the sweet land of sleep. Thank God tomorrow is Sunday… No work
My name is Jesse Mariano. I’m Italian but I live and work in London, England. I’ve been here since I was twenty, that’s five years ago.
I’m tall and I have black hair. My eyes are brown and my eyebrows too.
I work at Admire Fashion Company here and I’m the treasurer.
I own two cars but I ha-rd ly take the second one out, except on Sunday’s to church or a wedding that I can’t dodge.
My favorite color is orange because of my love for oranges
My favorite thing in the world?
My mom and brother are living in Italy though they sometimes visit me here in England
One thing I’ve really missed about Italy is the food. Sometimes when I fantasize over my mother’s dish, I get a strong urge to book the next flight to Italy.
Actually, there’s an Italian restaurant here but their food su-cks ever since chef Roberto resigned. There are other Italian restaurants but their food just doesn’t have the taste I want. The taste of Italy itself is lacking. But I still manage to always go there.
I wish I could cook. It would really be easier for me instead of ordering food all the time or going to restaurants always. And Alyson isn’t helping me at all. Always insisting I take her out for ro-mantic dinners even when my eyes are dull and tired.
She just never un-derstands. She only thinks about herself
Most times, I wonder if I’m the one who asked her out because she’s the opposite of what I want in a woman.
It’s a Monday morning alre-ady. I’m feeling really sick so I called the Company and took a day off. The wicked migraine I had since Saturday night was still lingering and I didn’t want to take drugs but I guess I’m f0rç£d to do that alre-ady
I walked downstairs with pain relievers in my hand. I opened the fridge and brou-ght out water though it wasn’t cold yet cause I dropped it in few minutes ago.
I opened the bottle and took in some water before throwing in the pills and gulping down.
It’s so funny I haven’t eaten yet. I have morning hunger and the first thing on my mind when I wake up is usually food.
I took my phone and ordered pizza and in just few minutes it was delivered.
As I sat at the dining table eating, I got a text from Alyson saying she was at the door. Who even told her I’m not going to work today?
I sat still and ate two more slices of pizza and reluctantly stood up, I gulped down a full glas-s of my freshly squee-zed orange jui-ce and headed to the front door, l!çk!ng my f!ngers.
I opened the door and she smiled brightly at me with dark redl-ips.
“hey babe” she cooed and win-ked
“wow!” I exclaimed as I looked all over her. She’s looking way too S-xy and it’s just morning
“like what you see?” she asked and turned around slowly
“love what I see” I replied and she chuckled
“are you gonna invite me in or not?” she asked and I sm-irked and opened the door wi-de then stepped out of the way
“come in” I said and she entered inside and breathed in
“I smell pepperoni” she said and looked at me.
“I’m eating pizza. Wanna join me”
“I’m on a strict veggie diet” she replied and began to move to the couch. I rolled my eyes…. Models
“so why are you here early this morning?”
“because I called in at the company to give you some morning S-x in your office, knowing how much you love morning S-x but I was told you took the day off. So I c@m£ all the way here to still do what I intended to do on your desk, but this time it’s going to be either on your be-d, the couch or the dining table. Choose one” she said and began to pu-ll off her shoes
“you really want me to choose?” I asked
She stood up and began to f!nger comb her hair
“yeah choose”
I sm-irked
“all of the above” I said and she chuckled.
Alyson was lying in be-d with my white blanket covering her. She was looking into a hand mirror and wiping off smudges of makeup from all over her face.
I on the other hand was out of the be-d, standing with a bottle of wine and pouring it into a glas-s. I was wearing nothing but a towel round my w@!st.
Alyson and I had a rou-gh time. We started out on the large couch there in my sitting room, then I took her to my dining table. But I was wise enough to shift my pizza aside.
The last place we found ourselves was the be-droom.
I just took a shower and I’m hoping for a stress free day.
“babe, I’m going to see Justin right now. I’ve got an appointment with him”
I looked at her and she dropped her phone and got down from the be-d n-ked.
I threw her a towel and she wra-pped herself up and walked into the bathroom.
I took my glas-s to myl-ips and gulped down a mouthful of wine before dropping the glas-s.
She’s got an appointment with Justin means she’s going to have S-x with him. I’m not the only one she sleeps with. I’m just one of her clients.
Alyson and I actually aren’t d@t!ng. We’re just more like S-x mates. But she sometimes makes it seem like I’m her b©yfri£nd. I was the one who approached her and asked her out, strictly as friends with benefits. But I sometimes wish I had just made it a one day affair. It’s just days like today that make me wanna keep her.
I arranged my files and set them up in my drawer. It was time for me to close from work and I was arranging my desk.
A knock c@m£ on my door and it opened almost immediately.
I didn’t look at the person, I knew it would be Melissa, my secretary.
“you’re going home alre-ady boss” she asked and sat on my desk
“yep.” I replied and took my phone and car keys. My home keys were alre-ady in my pocket.
She stood up and stood in front of me then she held my arms
“are you sure you wanna go now?” she asked s£dûçt!velyand ti-ptoed, trying to k!ssme. I pu-ll-ed her down
“Melissa, not today. I’m in a hurry to go home. I’m so hungry” I said and she pouted
“then let’s go gr-ab dinner together after we have fun. Come on, don’t turn me down after turning me on” she said and ran her hands on my che-st
“I’ve got no energy for anything but the energy for food. Melissa, tomorrow we can have fun okay?” I pe-cked her cheek and took my l@pt©p.
“good night” I said and walked out. I could hear her scoff but I just chuckled and headed out of the company.
This company of ours is the devil’s lair. Before you can get to work here as a model or any job at all, you have to be-d someone.
You nee-d a promotion, you sleep with the person in charge.
Secretaries constantly sleep with their bosses and models and workers are also p@rtners in the biz.
Even janitors are not left out, some super hor-nymodels corner janitors at any corner and have S-x with them.
The ph0togra-phers constantly t©uçh ladies bo-ob s and as-ses especially when their wearing half n-ked outfits, in the name of fashion.
But everyone knows the overall S-x devil is the CEO. He might be walking around the company and see a sister or friend to a worker, if he likes her he orders her to his office immediately. I don’t nee-d to tell you what happens there and if the girl refuses, the person she c@m£ to meet is loosing his or her job straight away.
Enough with the secret affairs of Admire. I’m hungry and I nee-d to get some good food.
I entered my car and drove off. I actually wanted to drive straight to a restaurant but I decided to go home and take a shower first.
As I reached home, I noticed my curtains on my French window upstairs were p@rted. But I remember shutting them before leaving this morning.
Who’d be in my house without telling me? Did Alyson finally get a spare key?
It’s definitely her
I walked to my front door and opened it. As I got inside, I paused as the sweetest aroma of food hit my nostrils.
Who’s cooking? Alyson can’t cook.
I took about five steps when my mother c@m£ out of the kitchen wiping her hands with a kitchen towel.
She looked up and saw me
“oh my boy!” she ran to me and we hvgged
“I’ve missed you my sugar” she said as we stared into each others faces.
“I’ve missed you too mama. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I would have been re-ady to pick you up from the airport” I said and she chuckled
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“but what if I had traveled?” I asked as I sat down on the couch
“that’s why I called your janitor to know if you were around. I also called your personal as-sistant at your work place and she said you didn’t travel and you won’t be traveling until next week” she said, beaming with smiles.
“oh mom. You’re so adventurous” I said and stood up. She laughed and I re-moved my suit and kept it on the couch.
“what’s that sweet smell? Are you cooking?” I asked as I walked to the kitchen
“no I’m not cooking” she replied and I st©pped walking and looked at her
“you’re not cooking? Then who is in the kitchen?” I asked
She smiled and I went to the door of the kitchen and looked. I saw a tall slim girl facing the cooker, she was wearing a blue short dress 👗 and her hair was in a ponytail. It was a really long hair.
“mom who’s this?” I asked still looking at her. She turned her face and saw me.
“whoah” I muttered at the large, bright and white eyes that were looking at me.
“she’s Louisa” my mom replied from behind me
“and who’s Louisa?” I asked still looking at the girl who was just staring at mother and son.
“the surprise I brou-ght for you”
I looked at my mother
“what the heck?” I exclaimed as I looked at my mom in confusion
To Be Continued
Written by Hossy