The twin sisters episode 28 & 29


[Gabriela 💚 and Daniela 💛]


Gabriela POV

We walked out of the restroom beaming with smiles on our faces. Can’t wait to surprise Sebastian with this!!

We walked up to Shane and he was very nervous..Till a point where he was b!tt!g his f!ngernails…

Eleanor was beside him trying to calm him down…

“Hey, Shane we’re here.”

“Thank goodness, where were you guys. I thought you would never come”

“We had a tiny problem to settle”

He said…

“Good Daniela, it’s your turn now”

Almost immediately we heard someone speak on the mic…

“And here come our 30th contestant,,,miss Daniela McRae!!”

“Go and rock it sis”

She nodded and walked to the podium. I cl@pped for her as I watched her cat walking on the stage….

Sebastian POV

Luckily I arrived on time to watch Gabriela. I made sure to occu-py the front seat so as to see her clearly.

I cl@pped my hands as I saw Daniela cat walking on the stage. I looked at my left and I saw Adrien eyes were glued on her…love!!

Some people did pas-sed and I could I could see some wi-nking at me in a form of striking a pose. I even yawned at one point

Finally the person I was eager to see walked on stage…

“Pres£nting to you Miss Gabriela McRae”

I smiled as I watched her walking on stage. She sp©tted me and smiled at me,,

She’s ravagingly beautiful and with that hairstyle,,wow!! She blew a k!ssat me and my breath hitched… All eyes turned at me but I didn’t mind. I cl@pped happily for her.

She then walked back in,,,after some minutes the contest ended and we were awaiting for the results…

“Now the best model award of thr year,,,goes to…Miss Gabriela McRae”

A round of applause were heard. I cl@pped my hands happily as I watched her walk up the stage. She took her award and the microphone and said…

“Hello everyone, honestly I’m so overwhelmed that you choose me as the best model of the year. I wasn’t expecting that because of what transpired in the past. I wouldn’t be here if not for my heartbeat, Sebastian.”

I smiled and mouthed “I love you” to her. She then continued…

“And I wouldn’t also be here because of my sister, Daniela. plea-se cl@py your hands for her”

They began cl@pping and I watched as Daniela walked up to Gabriela.

“Thank you all for your support, I love”

She kept back the mic and bowed at the audience. She hvgged her sister and they waved goodbye before turning to leave

I noticed a red dot on her head. I looked at where the red dot was coming from and my eyes wi-de-ned as I saw a sniper.

“No, Gabriela!!!”

I stood up and ran to where she was. Then I shielded her with the my b©dy before I felt a sharp pain on my back…

Gabriela POV

I froze as I heard a gunsh0t when suddenly I felt someone arms round my b©dy.

I felt my heart break into million pieces as I saw Sebastian face.


He cu-mpped my check and smiled but I could see throu-gh his eyes that he was in pains…

“I promise you that I’ll protect you with my life right?”

Tears began flowing out of my eyes as I placed my hand on his cheek.

People were in panic running up and down as they heard the gunsh0t.

“Why did you do it?”

He smiled and t©uçhed my hairs then said…

“Silly you, I did that because I love you”

I hvgged him as I felt some liquid substance on his back, it was blood…

He then fell on the ground as his breath bec@m£ shallower. I kneeled beside him and said in tears…

“plea-se just hang in there, help is coming my love”

“If I don’t make it, just know that I love you so much Gaby”

“Shut up silly, you will make it, just hang in there for some minutes”

He began coughing out blood and my heart broke even more seeing him pains. He then said…

“plea-se st©p crying. I don’t want your tears to be the last thing I should see”

I wiped away my tears but they just kept flowing on it’s own…

I felt a little bit relieved as I heard the sirens of the ambulance…

Some of his men carried him to the ambulance. I entered to and they drove us to the hospital.

The ambulance arrived and they placed him on the be-d. He said…


I placed a k!sson hisl-ips,, he smiled before he closed his eyes…

“Sebastian,,, no, no Sebastian!!”

I made to enter the emergency room but Adrien held my arm…

“No, you can’t get on Gaby, let’s stay here and wait for him…”

I sat down on a chair waiting for the results. My thoughts were occu-pied with Sebastian… plea-se be safe Sebastian…

Who did that is the first place. I stood up and ran out of the hospital. I hailed a cab and went back home…

With determination in my heart, I str!pped then I took a bath while praying for Sebastian to be well…

I walked out of the bathroom with anger, sadness and fear boiling in me…

I wore a black jeans, black hoodie and a black leather gloves. I put on my sneakers then tied my head into a pony tail..

I walked to a locker and I opened it then I brou-ght out a gun…

“I vowed nevercome to use you but I guess I’ll do it…”

I put the gun on my back and covered it with the hoodie I was wearing..

I walked out of the room and marched to the exit…I then boarded a bike and I put on the helmet before driving off…

The person who sh0t was aiming at me and there is only two person who hates me that much, its Jayden and Michelle.

I rode my bike heading to where the concern took place, I have to see the security footage as soon as possible…

“Whoever you are, you better say your last prayers because you won’t escape my wrath..”

[Gabriela 💚 and Daniela


Gabriela POV

I rode my bike to where the concert was held and I sneaked into the area. The reason why I’m sneaking in is because if I enter and show myself the would know what I’m up to and they might end up deleting the footage….

I followed a guard till he entered a room. I peeped in the room and I saw c@m£ras everywhere,I don’t nee-d a magician to tell me that this are the security footage.

I kicked opened the door and aimed the gun at the person manipulating the computers…

“Dont move or else prepare yourself to being buried”

He lifted his hands up while trembling. I then spoke…

“What are you doing here”

“I…I c@m£ here to verify if the c@m£ras are working perfectly”

I chuckled and said…

“Do I look like I’m a goat or something,I’ll ask it to you one last time, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!”

He trembled and said ….

“I was paid to delete the security footage!!”

“Who s£nt you?”

“Mr. Kendrick, Jayden Kendrick”

My guess was right, its Jayden. I looked back at the man and said…

“Call him and tell him to meet you at the rooft©p”

He hesitated for a while. I then aimed the gun at him and said…

“Are you dead or don’t you un-derstand English?”

He quic-kly re-moved the phone and called him…

📞 Boss?

📞 What do you want Steve?

📞 The mission is completed. plea-se I want you to meet me at the rooft©p of the h0tel…

📞 It better be useful, I’m on my way

He hung up the call and looked at me then said…

“I’ve done what you wanted, now plea-se don’t kill me.”

“I don’t kill, I only scare people with this gun. Now I nee-d you to do me a favor”

It looks like he calmed down and then he said…

“Which favor can I do for you mam?”

“I nee-d you to hack into a well known news station then you publish this video”

I handed him a flash drive the one in which Jayden R@p£d a girl till death.

I stood up and said..

“And one more thing, never you accept an illegal offer again. You might end up in jail, there are a lot of ways to end money”

With that said, I walked out of the room heading to the rooft©p.

Jayden POV

I packed my car in front of the h0tel and I smiled satisfied that Gabriela is finally dead…

I walked into the elevator which took me to the rooft©p. I walked out of the elevator and I was surprised to see someone all dressed in black..

Of course this is not the man I hired, because this person is short and she has a physique of a woman

“Who are you?”

She turned to me and I g@sped as I saw her face. No this can’t be…


Gabriela POV

I stood at the rooft©p as the cool breeze ca-ressed my face,,, Sebastian plea-se be okay…

I then heard someone speak behind me and I folded my fist as I alre-ady know who it was.

I turned and faced him with a murderous look on my face


I could see the shock in his face…Maybe he was expecting me to be dead… I sm-irked and said…

“Surprised to see me?”

“How,,,how are you still alive?”

I lifted my leg and landed a kick on his face made him loose balance as he fell on the floor…

“It turns out thats the person you sh0t is my fiance, Sebastian”

I was alre-ady boiling in anger,, I held his collar and gave him a punch…

“You’ll pay for this trust me…”

I stood up and pointed at a direction and said…

“Look over there”

He stood up and his eyes wi-de-ned as he saw police cars down the building…

“I warned you not to do any $h!t but you didn’t listen so I published that video of you ra-ping a teenager to death. You’re going down Jayden”

He began shaking in fear…

“No, I can’t go to jail, I can’t”

I then said

“Good bye Jayden”

I made to go downstairs but I felt him hold my n£¢k.

“Where do you thinking you’re going? It’s because of you that I’ll be spending my whole life in jail and you think I’ll let you go just like that,,, I’ll kill you with my own hands”

With that said he gave me a punch on the face. I fell down, I felt my nose bleed. My eyes wi-de-ned as I remembered that I was carrying a child in me… I can’t let him harm my baby…

He gr@bb£d my hair harshly and sl@pped my face. I spit blood, then I st©pped up and positioned myself, re-ady to fight…

He mocked at me…

“What are you gonna do to me, you’re going to punch me with does skinny hand of yours? Huh?!”

He drew a punch at me but I ducked and then I immediately threw a punch on his face…

Blood c@m£ out of the wound I made on his mouth, which seemed to anger him. He began throwing punches at me but but skillfully dodged it.

I threw punches at him and he dodged it too. He then made to punch my stomach but I held his hand and then I tackled him which made him fall on the ground.

I kicked him angrily as I remembered all the lies, the heart break I went throu-gh because of him.

He caught my legs and dragged it which made me fall down. He then caught my n£¢k and lifted me up, placing me on the rails to the rooft©p…

“How about I throw you”

I scratched his arm but he didn’t bulge, I was beginning to lose my breath…

“L..Let me go”

He smiled devilishly and made to throw me. I quic-kly re-moved my gun and aimed it on his forehead…

He chuckled and said…

“Come on shoot me,,, you are too weak and soft. You would never shoot me”

I closed my eyes and made to pu-ll the trigger but I heard a gunsh0t. I looked at Jayden’s face and he was like shocked.

He re-leased my n£¢k and I fell down, coughing ha-rd . I looked up and I was surprised to see it was Gwendolyn…

“Gwen, you killed him?”

She shook her head and said…

“O didn’t kill him. I only sh0t his arm, he pas-sed out due to fear”

The cops c@m£ in and picked Jayden up then went with him. Gwen c@m£ to my side and helped me get up we began walking to the elevator. I asked…

“How do you know I was here?”

“I rent a room in this h0tel and when I saw you walking to the rooft©p, I decided to follow you but I st©pped as I saw Jayden coming here, I knew something was wrong so I c@m£ and peeped and I saw you guys fighting. I quic-kly ran downstairs and stole a gun from one of the security guards before coming here and here I am”

I smiled weakly and said…

“Thanks Gwen, I owe you my life”

The elevator opened and we walked out of the elevator..We walked out of the company and I boarded an ambulance which drive me to the hospital.

I reached there and my wounds were treated. They carried some checkups on me and the doctor said…

“Miss, you’re really tough…If it was another lady she would have been badly wounded. Luckily the baby is safe but I would advice you not to pu-ll any dangerous stunt again”

I nodded and my mind drifted to Sebastian. I then said…

“Um doc, how is Sebastian doing?”

He smiled and said….

“Your husband really loves you. We almost lost him but it seems like he had a strong will to live. The bullet was successfully extracted from his b©dy and he has being awake since two hours ago. He almost went crazy when he saw you on the television, fighting with Jayden. Right now he’s slee-ping because we sed@t£d him in order to make him calm down…”

I smiled as I heaved a sigh of relief… The doctor continued…

“At the moment we are speaking now there’s a hvge crowd in front of the hospital, your fans. I’m sure you must have gone viral, each and every women admire your br@very and kindness. You’re a source of inspiration miss Gabriela”

I smiled happily and said..

“Thanks doc, I only did that for Sebastian”

“Love, it can make you do the craziest things. I still remember when I was your age. The day I met my lovely wife”

I chuckled, he can be very talkative…I then said…

“Um can I go and see him?”
“Sure you can, he must be awake by now”
I stood up from be-d and walked to his ward as I reached to the door of his room, I heard him yelling…
“Let me go,,, Gabriela might be in danger by now. I nee-d to go and save her…” you can re-ad more of these from fresh stories kingdom, house of story room, sweet and nice story room, unlimited story platform throu-gh ohene ish on+2335.
I opened the door to his and I saw two of his men trying to hold him down.
As he saw me, he st©pped struggling. I ran to his be-d and hvgged him ti-ghtly burrying my head in his che-st as I lead out the tears I’ve being holding. The guards walked out of the room, giving us some privacy…

We broke the hvg and he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.. He then said…

“Fool, you scared the hell out of me when I saw you on TV fighting with Jayden. Don’t do that again Gabriela. I was so worried for you”

I pu-ll-ed him closer to me and k!$$£d him hungry. I then broke the k!ssand said…

“I’m sorry I scared you,,, I was just so furious. It was because of Jayden that you almost died… You know when you were sh0t, I felt my whole life crushing down to my feet…I thought I lost you, that I will never get to k!ssyou, that you’ll not get to see your baby, that I’ll no longer tell you I love you”

He held my shoulder and said…

“My baby?”

I nodded with a smile and took his hands then placed it on my belly then said…

“Yes, our baby. I never had the chance to tell you but I’m pregnant Sebastian. We’re going to be parents…”

He smiled and tears of joy flowed out of his eyes…

“You don’t know how much I’m happy Gaby, thank you for this gift…”

I wiped away his tears and suddenly he pu-ll-ed me closer and made me sit on his l@ps then he wra-pped his hands round my w@!st as he k!$$£d me. I smiled and k!$$£d him back too, feeling some unmeasurable joy….
