The sound of love batch 2

**Sarah’s pov continues**
I made my way into the marbella and suddenly received a text message, I looked on the screen and saw mom, I dropped my phone back now is not a good time and I’ll reply her later, as I Zi-pped my hand bag I bu-mped into someone,
“oh my god I’m sorry” I said and looked up to see a tall muscly dude, correction handsome muscly dude..
“it’s okay” he said and picked up his coffee cu-p because the coffee was on the floor, spilled coffee which I caused,..
“I guess I’ll just have to enjoy my coffee cu-p” he said and smiled, and he had that smile that could s£nd a sad person to a happy world
“still sorry ” I said and he scrunched his nose and said
“no worries, I’m Owen by the way I work here and you ”
“I’m Sarah and you’re delaying me for my interview ” I said smiling and he said “oh I’m sorry, well I’ll see you soon sarah hope you get the job ” he said and I smiled and nod
“and if you want to get there fast for your interview take the right elevator the left one is a psycho” he Said and I laughed and thanked him..
I got to the floor of my destination and walked out of the elevator and saw a door, this must be the place, I said to myself and opened the door and entered, oops and it looks like I’m late, I saw a man directing some other ladies like me what to do and what not to do, looks like I’m not the only one who c@m£ for this job.. I saw a dude seated at a table at the center of the room looks like he’s the boss and he was busy turning from page to page in a magazine..
“well well well, and you’re” the man directing us asked and I looked at the name tag on his shi-t, he’s the as-sistant CEO
“I’m.. Sarah Sydney” I said as boldly as I can.. Immediately I said that the boss looked up and started staring at me..
“Sarah Sydney you’re late and that shows that you’re not responsible so if I may, get out” the rude as-sistant CEO said to me and i felt like sl@pping his head out of his b©dy..
“but I’m sorry i..
“quiet and leave ” the as-sistant CEO whose name is Ken said and I gave him a glare and was about to walk out when the boss said “st©p” I st©pped and turned and looked at the CEO clearly “m.. Me” I asked and he nodded and he looks a little familiar but charming, he had a little shaped beard un-der his mouth and above hisl-ips and had a manly dimple, strangely familiar..
“yes, you! ” he replied his voice was thick and heavy that it made my heart beat go fast..
“but sir, she c@m£ late and
“silence, you can get on with the interview for the rest but she, she’s hired, not yet but I’ll interview her my self ” the boss said and Ken looked at me before walking out and the other girls followed him..
He told me to sit down on a chair in front of him and I slowly did, what the hell is going on I quic-kly put on a small fake smile..
“so Sarah Sydney right? ” he asked
“yes” I replied and nod
“okay let’s see” he said and smiled
“age? ”
“um twenty four ” I replied
And he nodded and smiled at me.. And I tried my best and smiled back I just Want this job badly
It’s her it’s absolutely Her, Sarah, she’s changed so much from six or seven years ago, she’s still the beautiful Sarah I know and still so matured I can’t believe she’s seeking for a job in my Company, she alre-ady got the job but one problem is she doesn’t really recognises me if she does she would have landed sl@ps on my face for being a per-vert six years ago when I R@p£d her, I remembered how she begged me to st©p but I just wanted to have her, as-suming I was intoxicated I would have let her go but I wasn’t I was madly drun!kand Samuel, my friend filled my mind up with dirty words that I couldn’t even control my self, “it won’t hurt ” I remembered when I told her that, but she just cried,
I remembered when I got home that night I wasn’t my self and when I bec@m£ intoxicated the next day, I started regretting , I la-id cusses on my self and and stayed in my room all day I wanted to hear from her but anything I go to her house her mom just tells me She’s not available and I wondered what that means, still every day by day I regretted my actions and stupidness, I even stayed alone in my room crying that I R@p£d the girl I loved, and till then I haven’t seen her up till now, and I’ll make sure that I make it up to her because what I did Is totally unforgiving..
“so… Tell me are you married” I asked I know it’s stupid but I’m just a little curious and she looked a little b!own off
“no I’m not married ” she said and I breathed calmly
“so tell me why do you want this job ” I asked,
And she bit herl-ips uncomfortably “ I can
“it’s okay if you don’t want to answer though ” I say and she nods
“who do you live with” I asked
“my mom and my daughter ” she said
I thought she said she wasn’t married!
Or could it be my… No.. Maybe.. Who.. I don’t think so
“could you tell me the father of your daughter” I say before I can st©p my self,
“excuse me.. Uh” she said surprisingly
“sorry I.. Well that’s the end of my questions and also the interview ” I say and she breathed, I could have let Ken the as-st CEO do the interview for her but no she’s Sarah Sydney, the girl I loved and R@p£d.. Wow I am one big fool..
She breathed and waits for my suggestion or something
“instead of being a secretary for the first ward, which Ken is the head, why not be my personal secretary and trust me the pay will be good” I say
“Yes!” she said immediately “I mean yes.. ” she said calmly and smiled
“good ” I said and nodded, I may be giving her too much but she totally deserve it and she’s nee-d it for her daughter, who knows that kid could be mine, I’m hundred percent sure.. Or maybe fifty percent sure..
“so sign here and come as early as possible tomorrow, your job starts tomorrow ” I tell her and handed her a contract paper to sign as my personal as-sistant (secretary) and she did and she just couldn’t st©p smiling…
“so Mr.. Um
“Zachary ” I tell her and she smiled
“Mr Zachary see you tomorrow ” she said happily and I nodded and she stood up and was about to walk away when I st©pped her..
“so your daughter, sorry for asking, how old is she ” I asked
“five, five years old “she tells me and I nod and she walked away, happily I wanted to ask her for her daughter’s name but I’ve alre-ady asked too much, I continued what I was doing, but quic-kly stood up and walked to my window behind me, and looked down and saw her Walking out of the building but bu-mped into Owen. The manager of our soap sales dep@rtment..
He asked her something and she nodded happily and they both smiled and shook hands and she walked away,
I went back to my seat and sat down feeling a little jealous, why am I even jealous I don’t even deserve to be jealous after everything I did..
**Sarah’s pov continues**
I got home that afternoon and met my mom on the couch.. She turned and sighted ME immediately she heard the door slammed
“hey sweetie how did it go” she asked as she switch off the TV..
“it went great and I got the job ” I say and she smiled and said “told you you’ll get it”
“the boss is way too nice and he picked me as his personal secretary, this is amazing ” I said happily and my mom smiled
“I’m happy for you honey finally you can save up and buy a car” my mom said and I nodded , I’ve always wanted a car so I don’t have to pay for taxes or buses and I’ll always be the one to drive Valery to school…
“so what time is it” my mom asked and I glanced at my watch
“2:54pm” I tell her and she sighed
“well I guess I have get going to pick Valery from school ” she said and was about to stand up but I st©pped her..
“it’s okay mom, ive got this, it’s not like I’m busy or something I can go” I say and my mom nodded and I hurried out..
“mommy!!” Valery said immediately she saw me and hvgged me as I stood in front of her clas-s..
“hey.. Sweety, come-on let’s go home ” I said and held her little hand as we both walked out together.
“why didn’t grandma come to pick me up today” Valery asked
“because she’s a bit tired and I’m not working why do you ask” I asked
“nothing , but it’s because grandma always bring candy ” she said
Oh Mom
“oh.. Candy’s not good for you honey all your teeth are going to fall off” I tell her
“I know.. but it’s so sweet” she said slowly and sadly
“I’ll tell you what, when we get home I’ll make an ice-cream sundae just for you, to celebr@te” I said and she asked “celebr@te what? ” she asked
“I got a job, so we’re going to celebr@te with ice-cream ” I said
“yay! ” she said happily and I smiled,
Getting home I did make an ice-cream sundae as promised to valery and went to my room to pick tomorrow’s outfit for work I’m just madly excited about it..
As I was done I la-id down and sighed I nee-d enough rest as possible tomorrow’s gonna be so tiring, now that I’m close to the ‘boss’who knows, he might load so much for me tomorrow, but why the hell did he choose me,..
I didn’t know when I fell asleep that afternoon
.i woke up the next morning very early, I couldn’t believe I sle-pt since yesterday.. I glanced at my table clock and it’s only six thirty, I took my time to bath, get my hair done and and finally decided on an outfit,..
I didn’t want to eat and because I couldn’t I was a little nervous I took a taxi even though they’re a little expensive I’ll take the bus next time but I just feel like spending a little today,.
I got to the marbella and people were there alre-ady, and I made my way to the boss’ office so I can ask him where or whatever I can begin with..
I got there and knock but there was no response so I decided to enter, as î did I was surprised to see another new made desk beside the boss’ desk but wasn’t too close on the new desk there was a blue, red and black pen with a pencil beside it and a plate at the middle that says
“Sarah Sydney”
Oh my goodness I can’t believe it this desk is for me, I walked closer to it and admired the way the name was carved I looked below the name and saw
“boss’ personal secretary” wow this is a dream come true not actually a dream come true but absolutely incredible, just as I admired the table, Mr Zachary or Zachary or.. Whatever I call him c@m£ in and he paused seeing me.. “oh you’re here early that’s nice” he said and smiled.
and I nod..
“just so you know your work start at exactly 7am and closes 7pm and your lunch break is 3 o’clock” he said and I nodded
“so work doesn’t start until three minutes from now ” he said and I nodded and everywhere bec@m£ silent the tension between us was awkward ..and he kind of noticed it…
“so what do you think of your new desk” he ask and closed the door Walking closer to me, oops I was wrong he’s desk..
“I think it’s nice, very nice” I say and he nods … I sat down on my new chair, feeling a little awkward about all this but still, happy, yeah..
Just then Ken walked in, “good morning Mr Zachary, ” he said but Zachary just nods his head..
He turned to me and gave me the fakest smile he could get, I could feel it “and good morning to you miss Sandra” he said but I gave him a real happy smile and said “it’s Sarah, not Sandra ” he glanced at the plate on my table and turned away,..
“I just wanted to give you this information early, the chairman wants to see you this afternoon in the conference at exactly three o’clock ” Ken said and Zachary sighed
“what the hell does that old man wants” Zachary said fiercely
“not to be rude but you do know that, that old man is your father, ”
“I know that, now fv¢k off I’ll be there” Zachary tells Ken and my eyes wi-den, wow Zachary is so not whom I thought he is, I can’t believe he actually use those negative words and called his father old man, Ken adjusted the collar of his shi-t and walked out..
“um..sarah, can you take this to the soap sales dep@rtment for me, give to anyone to print it for me ” Zachary said and pas-sed a bunch of do¢v-ments on my table
“sure thing, Mr Zachary, I mean Zachary, or sir” okay seriously I have to work on what to call him
“you can call me Zachary but put sir because I just like the title ” he said and laughed lightly and I smiled and took the papers and hurried out.. After coming out from the elevator just three feet left to enter the soap sales dep@rtment, I bu-mped into Owen
“hey.. Sarah, I see you’ve alre-ady started ” he said and I nod and tuck my black hair behind my ear,
“so what’s that ” he asked
“it’s um.. Actually Mr Zachary said I should hand it over to anyone in this dep@rtment to print it out for him” I say and he smiled
“well lucky you because I’m the manager” he said, wow he collected it from me
“wow um thanks ” I say and was about to go but he st©pped me
“want to gr-ab lunch with me today” he asked
“I don’t know my lunch break is actually three o’clock” I tell him
“it’s everyone’s lunch break time, so you and me? ” he asked
“sure” I replied and he smiled , I looked inside the soap sales dep@rtment and there were a lot of workers it was nice and wi-de and some where talking while some were working, I immediately re-moved my gaze from there
And then I walked away and back to my boring office but with a cute boss,
When I entered inside the office there was a typing machine on my desk..
“sorry but you have a lot of work to do ” Zachary said and I nodded does he have to put sorry.
“okay no problem ” I said
“I nee-d you to type these, then print it out and ph0tocopy it” he said and handed me some blank papers and a written one..
“make sure you get all that before three so you can catch up and eat, I don’t want people to think I’m giving you a ha-rd time ” he said and I nodded and got to work .. At exactly 1:pm I head to the ph0tocopying room to ph0tocopy what I did and wow I was fast, and after that I arranged it on Zachary’s desk before going back to my chair and falling asleep
“hey wake up” I hear Zack’s voice
“wake up, Sarah, I’m sorry okay I R@p£d you big deal let’s just get over it” his voice says again and I flin-ched
“wake up!!” I hear mr Zachary’s voice and my eyes fli-pped open, and I breathed and sit properly, I must have been dreaming,
“oh I’m so sorry sir ” I say and he smiled
“no nee-d, just go to the cafeteria it’s your lunch break I didn’t want you to miss it” he said and I smiled gently and nodded, then stood up and walked out, I got to the hvge cafeteria which was way way down the building and I bought my food and sat down alone on a chair placing my food on the table, and just then Owen joined me
“you made it” I say and he smiled
“yeah I wouldn’t miss it for the world ” he said and I smiled back..
We ate silently until he said “so.. You’re done with college”
“I didn’t go to college” I replied “oh” He breathed
“I mean there was no money and I live my single mom and I nee-d money badly to raise my little girl” I say and he suddenly dropped his soda
“your little girl?” he asked
“yeah my daughter, she’s five ” I said and he looked surprised
“wait like you gave birth to her ” he said
“yes Owen, I did she’s my daughter I carried her for nine months ” I said and he shook his head negatively
“you don’t look like a mother at all, you look like a teenage girl ” Owen blurts out and I laugh
“that means you must be married I guess ” he said
“no not really, it’s actually a long story ” I said and he smiled and said “I’m all ears”
T. B. C