The prince maiden finale

( My Crazy Girl )
©Haryormideh Ayeni

Final Chapter(14) and Epilogue




Tyler went out to only God knows where.

I used the opportunity to visit the dog.

It barked happily and wagged its tail when it caught sight of me.

I giggled and let it out of it’s cage.

It jumped on me and barked.

She was so happy she didn’t stay still for a while.

I sat in the tiled floor as it circled me.

“Come on girl, stay still. Missed me that much?”

It barked in response and stood still infront of me, p@n-ting.

“Sit, let me tell you all that happened”

She obeyed instantly and sat down very close to me so I can reach out and pl@ywith her fur, waiting patiently for me to start talking.

” Tyler was a big bad boy. He hurt me, R@p£d me and the result of that S-x is the baby I’m carrying. Then I trusted him with everything in me and was beginning to fall in love but after the incident, I c@m£ out of the love I was falling into and my trust for him shattered instantly.”

” Now he’s charming, gentle, caring and I’ve forgiven him.”

“My heart skips a beat whenever he enters the room, bu-tterflies flutter around in my stomach and I try not to get lost in his eyes.”

“I’ve got two fears though, I feel he changed because of the baby and secondly I’m scared for my baby. I’ve been having this feelings for a while now. I pray nothing happens to my baby”

“If even she’s the result of the r@p£, I still love her so much her because she’s my baby, my first”

The dog whined in response.

“It’s not to get worried about, let’s think of a name for you instead” I suggested

She barked twice and li-cked my face in response.

“I can’t believe Tyler has had you for two years and he didn’t bother to name you”

She barked one and looked at me expectantly.

“Since you’re a bit-ch” my eyes had a mischievous gleam ” I’ll call you Mulan!”

She barked happily and wagged her tail

“That way, Tyler won’t name my girl Mulan”

I stood up “come let’s go inside but promise not to litter the ground and if Tyler calls Mulan, answer him. That’s your new name”

Mulan barked, ran a few feet and c@mÂŁ back.

I giggled and began walking to the house when a sharp pain pierce my abd0mÂŁn.

I felt my heart race in panic.

I took a de-ep breath and tried to even my breathing, it was coming short.

A more sharper pain pierce my abd0mÂŁn and I felt water trickled down my leg.

I screamed as the pain bec@mÂŁ unbearable.

I saw Tyler by my side in an instant.

I screamed again, the pain was excruciating.

I gr!ppÂŁdhis clothes ti-ghter as he led me to the car.

“When did the car reach here?”

I screamed again, ” mama never told me childbirth is this excruciating.”

“Take it easy dear” Tyler said as he drove recklessly.


When I c@mÂŁ in, I saw Allison going to the dog and decided to let her go though I followed as discreetly as possible.

When dog saw her, she wagged her tail endlessly and barked happily.

The dog has never given me this kind of treatment since I bought her.

She’s always either silent or barking angrily at me.

It’s a surprise she took to Allison easily and they bec@m£ friends.

I heard all she said to the dog and my heart broke. I almost thought she still hates me.

But when I heard her say she has forgiven me and her heart skips when she sees me.

I immediately melted at her words.

Then she named the dog Mulan!!!

My most treasured name!!!

She stood up and invited the dog inside.

I wanted to run back inside when I saw her st©p and squee-zed her face in pain.

I ran back to the car and reversed so it’s closer to her.

When she let out a scream, I was by her side in a instant and guide her gently to the car.

Thank God the gate is motor s-en-so-red.

It opened automatically when my car got closer and closed when I was out.

I drove recklessly to the hospital.

“Take it easy dear” I said to her when I heard her breathing heavily.

I was getting scared myself. “What if I don’t get to the hospital on time?”

I got more panicked.

The car tyres screeched loudly as I parked in front of the hospital.

“My wife is in labour” I screamed to the nearest nurse.

Upon recognizing my face, the nurses scrambled around.

They brou-ght out a stretcher and and wheeled Allison to the labour room.

I held her hands ti-ghtly, not letting go.

I can’t imagine the pain she’s going throu-gh now.

“I’m here for you” I hair off her face as she was wheeled into the labour room.

She was sweating vigorously.

It’s over five hours and Allison is still labouring.

She looks weak and exhausted

“Tyler, I’m tired and I’m scared” she confessed to me.

I k!$$ÂŁd her forehead.

“I trust you, I know you can do this.”

That was the motivation she nee-ded.

I prayed silently for her not to die during labour.

She tried pushing again but the baby wouldn’t come out.

Two hours later, Allison was still labouring.

She was too weak and almost fell asleep.

The nurses sl@pped her awake.

“Can you let her go throu-gh surgery to bring the baby out?” I asked the doctor.

“Sure, let her give one more try” the doctor replied

“Allison can you try for the sake of our baby. You get to give her any name you want”

She nod tiredly and gave one final push.

The baby c@mÂŁ out and Allison fainted.

The doctor gave the baby to the nearest nurse and attended to Allison.

Amongst the chaos, I noticed something though, the baby wasn’t crying.

In movies, the baby cries after childbirth.

I expressed my worries to the nurse.

We went out to call another doctor.

That day is a red lettered day for me, I almost lost Allison and I lost my baby.

Her heart st©pped beating. She was tired and weak.

My Mulan was courageous, she c@m£ out of the wo-mb but she didn’t survive.

Allison was unconscious for two days.

When she woke up, the first thing she asked was “where’s my baby?”

The tears that fell on response was answer for her.

She turned away from me and turned to the other side.

“I’m sure you must be angry with me” she said softly

“You changed completely because of the baby and now I’ve lost our only chance at building a family”

“What?” I was shocked beyond words.

I took hold of her hands yet she refused to look at me.

“I didn’t change because of the baby, I changed because I realized I don’t want to lose the treasure with me, I changed because I love you and even with our baby gone, I still love you. God has a reason for everything. I’ll always love and cherish you all my life.”

I missed her hands.

She finally turned to me with tear-brimmed eyes.

“I killed our baby” the tears fell and kept flowing

“If I had pushed ha-rder and wasn’t scared, she would have survived” she sobbe-d.

“I don’t blame you and don’t yourself” I la-id beside her on the be-d and buried her face in my che-st as she cried.

I thought of something, “perhaps, God doesn’t want our first child to be my Mulan because she might always remind Allison of the incident and her mind and heart may never heal. God, I ask only for one thing, soothe my wife’s mind.” I s£nt a word of prayer up.

She’s my crazy girl and I am her Prince.


Allison’s POV

“Tyler you can’t leave me here” I screamed ” what if I fall?”

We are currently skating on ice and Tyler left me standing, skating fast holding our five years old daughter and he knows fully well I’m not good at skating

He turned back and laughed “Okay, I’m coming” and made to come back to me me but my five year old daughter st©pped him.

“Daddy, carry me” she raised both hands up.

“Wait let me meet mummy first” he cajoled

She shook her head “mummy is biiiiiiiig” she demonstrated ” and strong, she can not fall dhown”

Tyler bur-st out laughing, “okay Cindy” he carried he on his shoulder and win-ked at me.

I gro-an ed and feigned annoyance “mummy isn’t big and strong, she’s just like you.

Let daddy help her” I pleaded to my bby. She’s obviously the boss here.

Tyler was hell bent on naming our baby after a Disney princess and he named our second girl Cinderella.

As you all know, my first baby girl died.

I miss her and at the same time, I’m grateful for everything that happened.

I know had it been she was alive, seeing her everyday would bring back memories no matter how strong my love for her is. It’s just something that can’t be helped.

But seeing Cinderella, my heart bur-sts with joy and more love because she reminds me of the sweetest r0m@nç£.

I ain’t afraid to make love to my husband now, he gives me all plea-sure and there’s nothing I could ever ask for.

The Cinderella I watched in my childhood is very gentle and generous but my Cinderella??

She’s stubborn, troublesome and rarely on her best behavior. If she doesn’t want something, she doesn’t. There’s nothing you can do about it.

I wonder whom she takes after.

She can be very funny at times. Especially when she does something wrong.

My mum and the queen are currently in our suite looking after my twins, a boy and a girl.

I was told to go for a break this night.

How the h*ll am I supposed to get the break now when my five year old daughter won’t let my husband teach me how to skate!!

Tyler had name our twins Kelvin and Pocahontas. Weird name combination. “Come on, let’s help mummy, she’s small” Tyler pinched her little nose

“If mummy is small, why is she not like me? She’s very biiiig..” Cindy asked She asks questions a lot, maybe she would be a journalist when she grows up “You un-derstand later, do you want mummy to fall down?” Tyler asked

“If she fall, will mummy cry like me when I fall down?” Cindy asked “Yes” Tyler nodded.

“If mummy falls down, can I tell her sorry?” She asked again

“Yes” Tyler replied.

I wonder what she’s getting at and I don’t make it another 10 secs on my feet or rather skating shoes.

“Cindy let Daddy help mum”

“Daddy, if mummy falls down, will I fall down too?”

“No baby you won’t” Tyler replied

“In two sec

..” I started saying but fell with a thud.

Tyler ran to my side quic-kly and drop Cindy gently so we won’t sli-p.

“Are you okay?” Tyler asked putting my head on his l@ps.

I nodded looking at the sky

“Daddy, why isn’t mummy crying?” Cindy asked “Do you want mummy to cry?” I asked.

She shook her head “if mummy cry, I cry too and say sorry” herl-ips wo-bbled like she was alre-ady imagining me cry.

pu-ll-ed her gently to the floor and la-id her on my che-st. “Mummy won’t cry so that her princess won’t cry too” “Mummy, am I a princess like in those stories?” She asked “Oh no” I gro-an ed internally.

“Yes you’re a princess” Tyler replied

“No I want mummy to answer” she protested

“Yes darling, you are a princess” I said in resignation.

“Come on get up, if you continue lying there, you’ll catch a cold” Tyler said.

“I want to stay a bit longer”

“Mummy, where is the sky going to?” Cindy asked.

“I don’t know Cindy but don’t ask another question so that the sky would go to where it’s going to in peace” I replied

“Will it st©p if I ask another question?”

“Yes, so keep your mouth shut”

“Okay mummy.”

Tyler la-id beside me and sli-pped his hands un-der my w@!st, drawing Cindy and I closer to him and forcing us me to turn to him while Cindy la-id in our middle with pursedl-ips, trying ha-rd not to talking.

We both looked silently into each other’s eyes, my mind raging with different thoughts about how our journey had began.

I’ll forever be grateful you gave me a second chance” he said I smiled “I’m glad I did, thanks for not giving up though”

“I would never give up on you because I don’t want any other man near you. The journey has been rou-gh but we scaled throu-gh. Thanks for forgiving me and also for not giving up on child birth”

” How could I give up when I want a family with you”

“You know I love you right?”

“You do?” I asked

“I really do and I don’t think anyone can ever take me away from you” he looked at me sincerely, his eyes filled with love.

My heart overwhelmed with love, What more could I ask for, I have a loving husband and three children.

I have good in-laws and a male best friend, Mr Francisco.

“I love you too, so so much” I replied.

He k!$$ÂŁd me lightly on thel-ips.

We stood up and tried skating once more, laughing each time any of us falls