The president’s daughter batch 43


I turned around and saw Mirabel standing at the doorpost; it’s surprising because she c@m£ unannounced.
Mirabel: Fred, what was that you just said?
Fred: I think your b©yfri£ndand my girlfriend having an affair
Mirabel: Oh really?
Fred: Can’t you see their so-called friendsh!p? They’re having an affair right un-der our nose
Me: Mirabel…
Mirabel: **cuts-in** Wait, I’ll handle this (gesturing her hand towards me) You Fred, we had the wrong impression towards you
Fred: What are you talking about?
Mirabel: You’re not good for Promise and I’m telling you now to go your way and never come back, it’s a clear warning
Fred: Warning for what? Why telling me I’m not good for her? No, I’m going nowhere! You can’t tell me to leave. I love Promise and will not let go of her just like that
Mirabel: You’re not getting it, do you? Are you tired of being the son of a minister? That can be arranged and you’ll be the son of nob©dy. Are you tired of running your night club? That can also be arranged and the club will be shut down permanently. Or are you tired of living a good life? That can be arranged and you can imagine what will happen next
Fred: Are you threatening me?
Mirabel: Not really, just telling you what will happen the next time you show yourself to Promise or to anyone that’s related to us one way or the other
Fred: Can we talk pri-vately?
Mirabel: There’s nothing to talk with you, just go away. We’ve forgiven you for the wrongs you did to Promise and our trust that you betrayed, so just go now!
Fred: Why are you doing this? I really love Promise; I sincerely apologize for my shortcomings, plea-se give me another chance and I’ll be the best man I can be for her
Mirabel: Like I said earlier, we’ve forgiven you, but we’re not taking any chances no more
Fred: plea-se, I promise never to hurt her in whatsoever way again
Mirabel: Get out of here Fred!
Fred: Plea….
Mirabel: Get out!!
Fred: Ok alright, I’ll leave… but, I will advise you to watch those two closely; they have something hidden un-der the radar
Mirabel: One more word from you and I promise you’re not gonna like the outcome of it. Frank!
Frank: (from outside) Yes?
Mirabel: Come get this ingrate out from here!
Frank walked in with Jummy and two mobile policemen; they wanted to drag him out, but he behaved himself and told them not to t©uçh him that he’ll leave and he left.
Mirabel: (to me and Nancy that’s with her) it is done guys! Where is Promise?
Nancy: she’s inside, lemme go call her **ran off**
Me: Thanks for not listening to what he said
Mirabel: That’s nons-en-se, why would he be after the girl that’s cheating on him? And besides, I trust Promise can’t do such thing **walking inside**
Me: **confused** wh… what?
Mirabel: What? **turning around**
Me: What do you mean by you trust Promise can’t do such a thing? What about me?
Mirabel: What about you?
Me: Are you kidding?
Mirabel: **laughs** I trust Promise 100% and I trust you over 100% darling… so if I say I trust Promise, you should know your where you stand, and plea-se it’s enough, let’s not talk about what doesn’t make any s-en-se
Me: **relaxed** Yeah… that’s my fiancée
Mirabel: You said Promise refused to listen when you told her to break-up with Fred, hope she hasn’t fallen in stupid love with him?
Me: Which love? She later c@m£ back to her s-en-ses and broke up with him the moment he c@m£ here, that’s why he’s been talking ru-bbish
Mirabel: Oh…
Me: What?
Mirabel: I thought I was the one that took care of him not knowing that she alre-ady broke up with him
Me: Hey sweetheart, you did something great here, you finalized everything because if not for what you just did, i’m sure he won’t st©p coming for her.
Mirabel: Yea… I had to warn him to clear off so Promise won’t go throu-gh what we both went throu-gh in the hands of Marcus and Dorothy
Me: That’s right
Mirabel: Where are they na?
Me: Maybe we should go in there
Mirabel: Yea let’s go **walking inside**
Me: Sweetheart…
Mirabel: **turns around** Yea?
Me: You know we haven’t seen each other for a while
Mirabel: Yea, I know… (walking back to me) so sorry my love, I was just so focused on fixing Promise’ predic@m£nt

Mirabel: Missed you so much
Me: I missed you more
Nancy: **coughs** Promise is here o…
Mirabel: **breaking off from the hvg** Promise…
She went to her and they hvgged each other for some seconds…
Mirabel: How are you holding up?
Promise: I’m fine
Mirabel: Sure?
Promise: Sure **smiling**
Mirabel: Good then, I was so worried about you. Sorry for hooking you up with that p—–t, now we’ll un-derstand and respect your decisions
Promise: It’s okay… I un-derstand you guys were worried about me and you all care for my happiness, of which I appreciate
Me: Boring…. **tea-singly**
They all laughed
Me: Nancy, where the food na?
Nancy: I thought we’re discussing something important?
Me: Discussing what? Go bring food abeg
Nancy: Nawa o…
She went into the kitchen, Mirabel joined and they c@m£ with the food and we ate peacefully but Promise refused to eat, that she’ll eat the remnant beans later.
Me: Nancy, you should upd@t£ Vincent
Nancy: I’ve alre-ady done that but not in details though, I’ll tell him everything when we meet tomorrow
Me: Of course, that’s what you do best
Later that night when we all bade ourselves goodnight and went to our be-drooms, Mirabel and I discussed on many things before she sle-pt off while I was working in my website. It was around when a text message c@m£ from Promise and it re-ad “Thanks for always been there for me, no one can beat the sp©t you have in my heart”
I smiled and replied her “I know that *wi-nkz*”
I took it as a friendsh!pthing and nothing else, and I’m sure that’s the same way she also took it as.
Then we started chatting like-pl@ylike-pl@ythrou-gh SMS where each message costs ₦4.00
Promise: Why can’t you just say thank you instead of that reply? It’s embarras-sing na
Me: Embarras-sing for what? Or don’t you also know your sp©t in my heart? *wi-nkz*
Promise: Whatever!
**Minutes later**
Me: Why are you still up?
Promise: Can’t sleep, trying to watch tv but it’s not helping, what about you?
Me: Surfing the web… you’re in the living room?
Promise: Yea
Me: Ok I’m coming
Promise: What about Mirabel?
Me: slee-ping
Promise: Ok
I put on a shi-t and went to the sitting room. I sat with her while we talked, tea-sed each other and laughed out till she felt sleepy. We bade each other goodnight for the second time that night then I walked back to room. I opened the door and met Mirabel who seemed to be going out. She st©pped when she saw me and then stretches her hand towards me handing my phone over to me.

The President’s Daughter

The look on her face when she was handing
over the phone to me was so unusual; i
collected the phone from her thinking I got a
night call or something.
Me: What’s up dear?
Mirabel: Victor where have you been?
Me: What’s wrong that you even called me
by my name?
Mirabel: I’ve been up for some minutes and I
didn’t see you here or in the toilet. Then a
message popped into your phone from
Promise telling you to try and sleep
immediately you get into the room, I scrolled
up out of curiosity and found those chats
you both had, what explanation can you give
me Victor? I trusted both of you with all my
Me: Honey what are you saying? That’s
nothing I promise
Mirabel: Nothing?
Me: Come on dear, you have to calm down,
what is the thing you saw that’s ma-king you
to react this way? It was just a harmless
friendly chat
Mirabel: St©p ma-king a fool out of me, what
did she mean by nob©dy can beat the sp©t
you have in her heart? And you also
confessed that she also have a sp©t in your
heart, what kind of sp©t is that? You went
to meet up with her because I was slee-ping.
Victor why did you do this to me? Why? I
gave you my everything
Me: Mirabel you have to calm down and
allow me to talk
Mirabel: Of course I’ll let you talk, go on and
give me another definition of the chats and
the meeting you both had
Me: plea-se sit down
Mirabel: I’m fine standing
Me: Mirabel you have to sit down so we can
talk and reach an un-derstanding, this is not
how a couple can settle their
Mirabel: **sits down**
Me: (I sat down on the be-d too) you have to
trust me; I cannot do anything like that. She
was only thanking me as a friend and how
I’ve been there for her, that no one can
replace me in doing all that. Sweetheart
plea-se don’t misinterpret it. You know too
well that I can’t do something like that and
neither can Promise do such thing
Mirabel: Yes I trust you both, but that chat
is like that of those having an affair
Me: It’s nothing dear
Mirabel: Like when you said you’re coming
and she asked what about me and you told
her that I’m slee-ping before you went to
meet up with her… what did you even go to
her for by this of the night when everyone is
Me: She couldn’t sleep just as you see in the
message, and I thought it was about Fred,
so I went to her in the living room to cheer
her up.
Mirabel: It’s just too suspicious Ok? plea-se I
don’t like something this. I have to say your
clos£ness with her should be redefined so I
won’t be suspecting anything plea-se… I have
never been suspicious of you for anything; I
always believe whatever you say until I saw
those disturbing messages that got me so
Me: You have nothing to worry about dear
Mirabel: No let’s make some things clear,
I’m here to be your friend and companion
and everything you nee-d, so plea-se… your
friendsh!pcan continue but not this close
Me: Alright, no problem
Mirabel: I will let this go, but I’m begging
you now, don’t cheat on me and never give
me any reason to doubt you
Me: Ok my princess
Mirabel: I am very serious
Me: Relax na, it’s me oh… (Going for my
magic move)
Mirabel: You that got me very worried this
night abi morning
I threw my phone on be-d and drew her
closer to me by holding w@!st
Me: Sorry for the misconception… I hope I
didn’t lose any percentage of your trust for
Mirabel: You lost 80% of it
Me: Ah!
Mirabel: Kidding buh you almost lost it
Me: That’s never going to happen; I rather
gain more of your trust than lose a single
percentage of it
Mirabel: Okay… now can you let go of my
w@!st so I can sleep?
Me: If not until you smile, I won’t
Mirabel: **She let out a fake smile** Can I
go now?
Me: Okay…
I let go of her, then she climb the be-d facing
the other side. I knew we were not all cool
yet, so I thought of doing something about
it. I joined her on the be-d and placed my
hand around her w@!st
Me: Sweetheart…?
Mirabel: What now?
Me: I can see you’re still mad at me, I will
just tell you what I wanted to tell you later in
the day **withdrawing myself from her**
Mirabel: What is it?
Me: Don’t worry… I’ll just tell you later
Mirabel: No I want to hear it now
Me: Ok, if you really want to hear it, come
rest your head on my shoulder
Mirabel: **Hesitating**
Me: Come na… it’s about our wedding oh…
When she hear that one, nob©dy told her
before she brou-ght herself closer to me.
Mirabel: Ok what is it?
Me: Uhmmmm… I think we should start
taking our pre-wedding pictures from now
Mirabel: What for?
Me: You don’t like it?
Mirabel: No, we don’t nee-d it
Me: Why?
Mirabel: It’s just not nee-ded, what are we
going to do with it? To post on social media
and all, I don’t like it
Me: I thought it’d be fun
Mirabel: You know what?
Me: What?
Mirabel: Instead of this pre-wedding thing,
let’s just have all the fun together without
the world knowing about it until the day
we’ll get married
Me: Okay…
Mirabel: And st©p holding my w@!st anyhow
anytime you want, because it’s not yours
Me: **Laughs** No problem, I’d be the proud
owner come next month
Mirabel: Until then, you’re strictly restricted
Me: It’s okay… I’ve heard you, we nee-d to
sleep now
I took my pillow and positioned myself on
the floor to sleep
Mirabel: What are you doing?
Me: Well… so you won’t rest on my che-st
later while I’m asleep, as it’s not yet yours
to l@yon whenever you feel like
Mirabel: Oh really?
Me: Goodnight, love you…
Mirabel: Goodnight!
I woke up the following morning and saw
Mirabel resting comfortably on my che-st
while on the floor; I just smiled and placed
my hand around her w@!st.
Later that morning when Nancy has gone to
school, and Promise to her computer
institute leaving Mirabel and I in the house
while Frank and Jummy were also around.
Mirabel was in the kitchen preparing lunch
while I was in the room working in my
website with hollandia yoghurt by my side,
sipping it little by little until Mirabel
suddenly stormed into the room looking
Mirabel: Victor what’s the meaning of this
Me: **Surprised and bemused** what is it?
Mirabel: I saw this diary somewhere in the
kitchen which is supposed to be for
Promise; take and look what I found inside…