The obsessed mafia king batch 4


~~SHE IS ALre-adY MINE~~

Story written by : Pamela Jame




We were both quiet during the dinner too but inside my head, I was planning on how to escape from him.

Maybe I should call our uncle who is living abroad?

Perhaps I might go far away from him.

Away from the monster that pretends to be a sweet human.

“Princess, Are you thinking about how to run away from me?” His de-ep voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


“You should eat quic-kly, your mom will be waiting for you at home.”

I sighed in relief.

At least, I won’t be staying here.

Thank Goodness.

With that, I quic-kly rushed my food even when I didn’t have an appetite but I will do anything to go away from him.

To stay away from his pres£nce.

I could feel his stare at me when he st©pped the car in front of my house.

I quic-kly got out of the car walking towards the front of my door.

But before I could ring the bell, he gr@bb£d my arm pu-lling me into him ma-king me whimper.

“Alexa…”, he pu-ll-ed me close by my w@!st leaving no distance between us.

He was looking at me with so much desperation in his eyes that I lowered my gaze to avoid it.

“You are all mine, don’t ever forget that”, his hand traveled from my w@!st to my bu-tts squee-zing it r0ûghly.

” Aaah, that hurt”, I g@sped in pain trying to breathe.

“Shhh, baby. I haven’t begun and you are alre-ady complaining about being in pain, really darling?” He said as he sm-irked.

I hissed in disgust.

Can anyone save me from him?

“And I will get rid of anyone that gets in between us even if it is your”, he paused for a moment,

“Your Uncle darling”.

My breath hitched.

How does he even know?

He sm-irked placing his one hand on the doorbell while still looking at me.

“Justin! What a surprise at this hour. You two c@m£ together?”, my mother said cheerfully as she opened the door.

She seemed so happy to see him.

“May I come in mother?”, he bowed as he asked innocently.

Have you seen an innocent devil before?

Justin is one.

A pretender.

A chameleon.

A wolf in sheep clothing.

If only you knew mother…

My mother turned towards me as soon as Justin left.

“Don’t stay out this late my child. If Justin didn’t reach there on time, God knows what could have happened”, she said while hvgging me ti-ghtly.

Little did she know that the angel she is praising is worst than the devil and none of us could do anything to st©p it.

“Mom, I am okay, really!” I as-sured her as a faked a smile.

The last thing I want is for her to be worried.

She doesn’t deserve to be in all this mess.

This is my life and I guess I have to face all this all by myself.

After spending some time with my I c@m£ into my room sighing.

I took off my t©p to see my back. I l@yon my be-d thinking about everything.

From the first day, I met him till this very moment. My life hasn’t been the same ever since then. Suddenly my phone beeped.

>>>message notification<<< I opened it. [Uknown number: Baby girl! Make sure you and your mom is all re-ady tomorrow] WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? [Unknown number: At 10 PM sharp!] I felt a pang of fear! Is he coming to take me? Or does he want to kill me? I haven’t told anyone that I saw him killing someone…. I have done everything he said, so why…. What will happen tomorrow? What will happen to me? CHAPTER 12 JUSTIN P.O.V Sitting at the club a str!pper was stuck to Manuel’s arm continuously trying to get his attention by tou-ching his inner th!ghs. I took a sip of wine looking at this atmosphere thickly filled with the smell of cologne and alcohol and the drun!kpeople dancing, k!ssing, and grinding against each other. A str!pper ba-rely wearing anything with her hair dyed red hair walked into our VIP room in a s£dûçt!veway. I looked at her from the corner of my eye. A sm-irk formed on my face as she approached me sitting on my l@p grinding herself on me. She locked her eyes with me! I gr@bb£d her hair ma-king her kneel on the floor. She took the hint sm-irking opening my belt. I looked towards Manuel and he sm-irked back and continued to k!ssthe other str!pperl-ips. She took out my member immediately taking it inside her mouth. She began to bob her head back and forth sliding my member in and out. I tangled her hair in a fist slamming my member de-ep inside her throat ma-king her gag. She tried to move her head back to catch her breath but I pushed her back on my member practically choking her. “Look at me you filthy slut”, I commanded. She opened her eyes trying her best not to get choked. “Ah! Look at you! What a pitiful ending you are about to experience”, I sl@pped her cheek harshly. She s-en-sed something and tried to push away but I ti-ght£ñed my grip f****ng her face finally ¢v-ming in her mouth. I pu-ll-ed her up looking into her eyes. “You alre-ady know what’s coming B!tch”, I sneered placing my pistol on her temple. “No plea-se sir. plea-se spare me sir!”, she joined her both hands in front of me. I sm-irked throwing her on the ground putting the pistol on her forehead. She was still begging. “You should have thought about that before spying slut”. With that, I sh0t her. She was dead! With her eyes, wi-de open. Manuel sm-irked k!ss!ngthe other str!pper who was now shaking badly keeping her eyes closed. I Zi-pped my p@n-ts up as my men entered. “Clean this up”, I commanded as they took the b©dy out. “Go and forget this ever happened”, Manuel whispered in the str!pper’s ear as she nodded and ran out from the room. “They s£nt an almost n-ked woman this time”. Manuel said while drinking alcohol. “Ah! I feel bad for them now. Such an old technique”, I said. Just then my guard appeared. “Sir, Your dad has arrived and he demands you to go meet him” Manuel looked at me puzzled. “What’s going on?” “I will let you know soon buddy”, I stood up walking outside with my b©dyguard. CHAPTER 13 Alexa’s p.o.v I woke up to the smell of fresh vanilla. The clock was striking 8:30 AM. I walked downstairs only to find the dining table heavily loaded with almost all kinds of food. My mother appeared carrying a fresh German Apple pie cake. “Alexa! You are awake darling! Go freshen up!”, She was happily setting everything. “Mom! Is it thanksgiving?”, I asked. “No silly! Justin called me that his father wants to come to meet us. He said he told you alre-ady.” I froze at my place. FATHER? IS HE COMING FOR A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL? “He is such a nice boy! I can do this much for him. By the way, go get re-ady!”, My mother made me come back to reality. “B..But why mom?”, I stuttered. “Why?”, she wi-de-ned her eyes. “These are considered as manners plus an elder would be here, Go and get change before they arrive “, she pushed me towards my room. As I locked the door, I sat on the floor. WHY IS MY HEART BEATING TOO FAST? WHY IS HE COMING? WHY DOES MY MOM NOT FIND THIS ALL SUSPICIOUS? I held my forehead but just then my phone rang. I picked it up seeing Mitchell’s name flashing on the screen. Mitchell: Yo girl! Where are you? “I…I have to help my mom with house chores”, I tried to come up with an excuse. “A very cute guy c@m£ here asking about you”, Mitchell said. “Hmm, a guy?” I asked. “Oh yes! Alexa !!!!!!! He was handsome and cute with that silky hair! He asked about you but he didn’t give any information about him”, Mitchell was excited not knowing how stressed I was. “Oh…emmm Mitchell. My mom is calling love you bye”, I quic-kly ended the phone. It wasn’t up to five minutes when my phone rang. “Mitchell, I told you I have no time for any cute guy”, I said sounding frustrated. “A cute guy I see… Should I kill Mitchell for introducing my wife to cute boys?”. IT WAS HIM. I panicked as I heard the voice. “Noo… No. it’s not what you think”, I was shaking internally. “It’s better if it isn’t”, he growled ma-king my heart drop. “Sweetheart, you won’t do anything stupid, will you?”, His voice has a dangerous effect on me. “N…No! I won’t..”, I replied shaking. “Good girl! Otherwise….”, I could feel his sm-irk throu-gh the phone. Just then the call ended leaving me speechless. I was too nervous to go down but my mom called me. I c@m£ out fidgeting my f!ngersfinding him and another old person sitting there. “Good evening sir, I am Alexa”, I greeted. “Ah, Alexa! I have heard a lot about you too”, the old man said. He was a graceful and kind-looking person. I sat down nervously. His father leaned forward crossing his f!ngers. “Ma’am! What do you think of my son, Justin?”, He asked. “He is such an obe-dient and caring boy”, my mother looked at him in an appreciating way. “He is the CEO of Greg’s corporations and still have more companies un-der his name” My mother g@sped. “Wow! I didn’t know that”, she was startled now knowing they were not of our status. “I know! He told me that he likes your family! Your simplicity has t©uçhed his heart and he made me come here just for one cause…”, He paused for a moment. My heart was thumping loudly. DON’T SAY IT plea-sE. plea-sE DON’T SAY IT. TBC