The new cleaner batch 3

(A guy in the midst of gals)
✍️written by authoress princy✍️



he went into the kitchen to do his wonders. I rushed upstairs, freshened up. I put on a black bu-m short and spaghetti ru-bber t©p.

I walked downstairs, and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV, watching an action movie.

Some minutes later, Bella waller downstairs and sat the opposite direction.

She’s always busy with her phone, I continued watching my movie.


They’ve asked him to prepare another Neal. This time, the aroma I’d capable of pushing me outta the seat.

Mhen ..this is crazy, a guy can cook like this, well I can’t wait to eat.

An hour later, he c@m£ out of the kitchen, drying his hands.

He started bringing the food to the dining table as we all moved over.

“hope this one is eatable!”,Julie muttered, and I sh0t a look at her but she didn’t notice.

He served us and stood by a corner.

I decided to wait first and watch their reactions.

They put it in their mouth, and still frowned

A sm-irk formed on my face.

”its bad!”,they said and stood up.

”oh am sorry sorry!”,Mason replied.

He gathered their food, and wanted to take them away.

“what are you doing?”,they asked.

“its terrible, and its morning. You can order something, unlike last night”,he replied.

“no, bring that here!”,they ordered.

“why?”,he asked.

”don’t question us, bring that here!”,Julie yelled.

“i can’t let you eat such ru-bbish”,he persisted.

“its not ru-bbish, its delicious”,Zara yelled and quic-kly realised she actually praised the food.

”oh really?”,he said, dropping the plates down.

”uh…that was a sl!pof ton-gue. Jus wanted you to out the plate down”,she replied.


She said it! That proud gal said it!😋💃

My heart dancing, and I went to the kitchen. I ate my own share.

Few minutes later, I dozed off on the floor.

I slowly opened my eyes, and sat upright, when Zara walked in. She placed a cu-p and poured some water into it and gulped it in. She looked….tensed a bit.

”is…is anything the matter?”,I managed to ask.

“Uh….na, nothing”,she replied. She looked like she’s lying.

She walked out and I followed slowly.

The three girls sat in the sitting room.

“re-ad it!”,julia said to Zara.

“i can’t…..the writing is clear. I can get the words one after the other but I can’t join them to form the s£ntence. Its…tactic”,she replied.

I walked over to Bella who had the letter in her hands

“let me have a look!”,I said and collected the paper.

I stared at it. This is the simplest amongst all the complicated writing I have seen cox my dad made me learn them.

“it says. *y’all are invited to a ball and you’re expected to come with a p@rtner. Dress code: black, blue, or red. Time: 9:00pm-13:00am, Venue: new white Texas.*,I re-ad and gave ba-lls the letter back.

“am impressed, but how did you know how to re-ad!?”,Bella asked.

(A guy in the midst of guys)
✍️Written by authoress princy✍️


“uh…well…..well, I learnt it”,he replied.

“why? And its costs a lot to learn, so …..?”,I asked.

“uh…one of my dad’s rich friends made me learn it”,he replied.

“why?”,I persisted.

”oh cut the cra-p. The rich man probably saw it necessary for a going man like him to learn it”,bella intervened.

“so………….?”,Zara asked.

“i am not going!”,Bella said.

“why???”,I asked. I want to all of us to attend this ball.

”you know….”,she replied, focused on her phone.

”but I thought you have forgotten all about Je….”,Zara asked and she interrupted.

”sharra-p! I told you, it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Don’t ever bring that up ever again”,she half yelled with rage in her eyes

Nah, it still matters to her.

“so if its not…

“i’ll go”,she replied hastily.

“cool,I replied, so how do you wanna choose your p@rtner?”,I asked.

She looked up, and paused for a while!

“mason!”,she said.

“you mean ya taking mason?”,I asked, somewhat confused.

“is anything wrong with that?”,she asked.

“no, I just wanted to be sure that’s why!”,I replied.

”whatever!”,she said and walked inside

“are you going to prepare?”,Zara asked.

She ignored and entered her room.

“uh…don’t I have any say in this?”,mason spoke.

“no, you just sharra-p and do as instructed!”,I replied and stormed upstairs.

I entered my room and slammed the door shut. Now who am I gonna take to the ball?

I checked the time and it was 3:45pm, there’s still time. I changed into trou-sers and put on a jacket and walked out.

”for that stuff?”,Zara asked and I nodded.

“oh, give me five minutes pls!”,she said and rushed upstairs.

Ugh! She’s acting like my younger sis, well she’s like a sis to me though.

We have been friends since childhood, we were all orphans…. Story for another day!😊

She c@m£ out, and we left together.


I am not an as-set, so they better start behaving themselves😒😕

I think I have tolerated enough😬

Anyways, that ap@rt, Bella seemed to get upset by the mere mention of what means to be her …..past!

Lemme go get re-ady for the ball, either ways💃

(A guy in the midst of gals)
Chapter 9&10
✍️Written by authoress princy✍️


I entered my room and slammed the door behind me.

I threw my phone on the be-d, as I sat down and ran my f!ngersthrou-gh my hair.

I breathed out loudly, walked in the bathroom and washed my face.

I looked at myself in the oval mirror. “Ugh Bella forget it”,I said to myself.

I hit my hand ha-rd against the wall, the memories are still fresh!.

I dabbe-d more water on my face, dried with a towel and walked out.

For the ball, I walled into my closet. I don’t really attend such stuffs, so I really don’t know what to wear.

Thank goodness, black was included.😊


We went to the beach, and found guys who were re-ady to follow us.

We took them shopping, and drove back home to get re-ady. I also did a little shopping for mason, I know Bella wouldn’t.

“take this!”,I handed it to him, and he let out a smile.

“thanks”,he muttered.

Geez! So charming!!😇
I ran upstairs to change.


Why is everyone running up to dress now, we still have……geez! One hour left.

I ran upstairs quic-kly, and slammed the door behind me. I had a quic-k shower.
I c@m£ of the bathroom, walked to the be-d and picked a dress from the ones I shopped. I put it on and sat in front of my dressing mirror.

I dried my face properly and applied a little make up, and ru-bbe-d l!pbalm.

I put on some earrings and n£¢klace, and loos£ned the towel I tied on my hair. I dried my hair properly, brushed it and let it flay.

I wore my shoes and picked a small purse, pocked up my phone and am re-ady to go😍


I wore a blue tuxedo and stood at the side of the staircase waiting to see the girls.

Then, julie c@m£ down, I quic-kly lowered my head…who knows? She might be with a pocket knife.

I still tried to look at her properly, she was looking gorgeous, too bad she ain’t my d@t£. She wore a blue short handless go-wn with red belt.

Then, Zara c@m£ next. She was looking splendid….😮
She wore a red long go-wn😍

I checked the time and it’s 8:35. Where is Bella?

”did she change her mind and decided to stay?”,Julie asked Zara

”she sure is weird. Let’s go”,they said and left with the d@t£s, taking separate cars.

I ran upstairs and slowly opened her door.

“bella?”,I called out.

There was no response, so I walked in.

I stood transfixed to the ground as I looked Bella who stood in front of me. She looks so stunning, in her black designers go-wn!

“you look breathtaking”,I said to her, and she let out a smile.

”i don’t really know how to wear heels though!”,she said sadly.

”no problem. Cling onto me, and with time, you’ll get used to it!”,I replied, and she wra-pped her arms around mine.

We walked out, and got to the scared. I could see the fright in her face, so I care her in a bridal style.

I put her down when we got outside.

“thanks”,she muttered softly and entered the car.

I slammed the door and entered the driver’s seat and zoomed off.

I couldn’t st©p stealing glances at her.

We walked into the hall, dim lights, people drinking and dancing.

“oh hey!”,Zara waved at us, well Bella.

She walked over to us
“you c@m£”,she said to her and she nodded.

“that’s good. Keep it up! You look beautiful”,she complimented.

“thanks, you too”,Bella replied.

I walled to the counter and say on the chair when I saw someone!



I went to a ball I was invited, and took a guy along as required.

I met mason there too. He was seating on a stool, closing to the counter.

“stunning surprise”,I said to him and he sh0t me a glare.

“yea….”,he replied, trying to end the conversation.

“so where is your d@t£?”,I asked.

“She’s around!”,he replied.

“oh, so are you guys actually d@t!ngor… jus brou-ght her here?”,I asked.

“doesn’t concern you!”,he replied, and i sm-irked.

”how many even sure you c@m£ here with a Lady?”,I asked.

He jus glared at me, and turned his face.

“mason, why are you doing this to me?”,I asked, with a teary voice.

“i have nothing to do with you. Your d@t£ must be looking for you”,he replied, probably getting pissed.

”but your d@t£ doesn’t seem to….care…….


I sat down on a couch, when a masculine figure walked up to me.

“hey!”,he said, his voice was quite familiar, I looked up.

“you……”,I said standing up.

‘are you…..?”,he didn’t let me finish, he pu-ll-ed me by the wrist!

“stalking you?”,he asked and sm-irked.

”let go of me”,I struggled free as he looked at me in shock.

“you’ve trained yourself. You’re much stronger than before. br@vo!”,he said.

“bella?”,mason called out.

I turned towards his direction as he walked over to us.

“mason… ..uh lets…..go”,I said in form of a whisper.

“hey baby doll, won’t you introduce me to him??”,he asked, as he gr!pp£dmy arm.


“hey”,I said, removing his hands from hers.

“chill…do you know……?”,he asked.

“i don’t wanna know who you are!”,I replied quic-kly.

A sm-irk formed on his face.

“i’ll be around!”,he said, and t©uçhed Bella’s cheeks.

I looked at Bella’s face, her eyes were watery but she was holding it back.

“come”,I said and took her outside.

There was a bench there so I sat her down, and sat down besides her.

”who is he?”,I asked calmly

She didn’t reply, she seemed not to wanna answer.

I squee-zed her hands, the fierce and scary Bella is actually the one sitting close to me right now, can’t believe this!

“thanks mason, it helped!”,she said, and….O.M.G….. she rested her heads on my shoulders.

We stayed there for a while, and I entertained her. A smoke formed on herl-ips.

“you look cute when you smile. Are you re-ady to go in now?”,I asked, and she nodded.

We walled in, hding hands.

”ladies and gentlemen, the time is here for a little competition. You just have to dance with your p@rtner, best team win”,he said, and the music was changed to a ro-mantic, soft jazz.

Everyone began dancing, I stared at Bella, and as if she re-ad my mind, she pu-ll-ed my hands and put on her w@!st.

She wra-pped one hand on my n£¢k and I held the other hands.

We danced smoothly as we stares into each other’s eyes.

She had a light blue eyes, so pretty.

We danced, and got lost in each other’s eyes, that we didn’t know when the music st©pped, and everyone had moved back, leaving us in the middle.

I quic-kly realised and slowly re-leased her.

The crowd cheered
”we all see clearly who the winners are!”,the host said.
”lets give a round of applause to them as they mount the stage!”,he said and called us up.

The lights shone on us as we walked up stage.

They wore us a sash and handed us a small trophy.

We c@m£ down from the stage.
“let’s go home”,I said to Bella who was totally lost

”oh”,she said and we walked out.

I opened the door for her as she stepped in.

The drive home was silent, Bella was looking throu-gh the window all throu-gh the ride.

We got home and I opened up for get.

She stepped out and we both walked inside.

I esc-rted her to her room and she was hesitant in opening the door.

I didn’t know what got into me, I pu-ll-ed her and landed myl-ips on hers😲🙆

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