The minister’s son Episode 21 & 22

“This is my mother! Where is she? Tell me now!” I held her by her n£¢k, there was no doubt that my mother could be alive but in trouble, I would do anything to save her. “You are hurting me David!” She screamed causing some alarm, one of the cops standing few yards from the door approached us.
“What is it? Young lady?” He was addressing Achieng whom I had let her n£¢k go.
“It’s nothing, thank you.” She said with finality as she straightened her collar.
“But you shouted, was he haras-sing you?” He nagged.
“The lady said it’s nothing! Don’t you have ears? ” I interrupted rudely. The cop just glared at me and moved away. To survive in prison you nee-ded to act tough, everyone would take advantage of you on your slightest softness.
“I wish I said the truth .” Achieng said with a low tone.
“What truth?” “That you strangled my n£¢k.” She complained.
“I will not only strangle you but also kill you, a painful death is all you deserve, how can you? Achieng? Try to st©p justice?” I argued.
“You know it’s my job to defend the minister, David.”
“By accusing me falsely? You pretended to be a family friend, how then do you side with one of us to intimid@t£ and ruin all of us? Achieng?” I complained.
“David, you won’t un-derstand, now plea-se, I have a message for you…”
“You aren’t waiting for a bell to ring , are you?”
“What bell?” She asked.
“A bell to let you deliver your message, wil you deliver it and evaporate from my sight? You must be the devil’s wife if at all he has one!” I insulted.
“Whatever that means, now, You must not say anything against the minister in the court, that’s the message.” She said seriously.
“Are you insane? We are here to accuse each other, are we not?”
“Yes or no but my message was clear to you, nothing against your Dad, in short , Rozina should not confess.” She warned .
“What if she does?”
“Then your mother dies.” She threatened.
“What? Who?! My mother again? What has she to do with all these?” I was so furious but a bit glad that my mother was alive.
“Your Dad knows it, he s£nt to deliver all I have told you, he alone knows where your mom is, her life depends on your decision David.” She convinced.
“But, Achieng’, why do you do this to me? Why value money than the truth? Why value money than human life?” I asked sadly.
“Your mother is a good lady David, she has always been good to me, I accepted to come and warn you so as to have her life spared.” She said softly.
“I don’t trust you at all Achieng!” I protested.
“No one does, in fact , I don’t trust myself too. But, I advise you to dismiss everything if you love your mother.” She advised.
“What do you mean?” I was confused.
“Right now, your Dad and the judge are having a breakfast together in her office, you still expect her to give you justice and jail her boss the minister?Are you even aware that Mercy the nurse has officially been dismissed from her duties as the clinic nurse and her certificates cancelled for not complying with the minister to have you jailed?” She explained, confusing me even more.
“Fighting with a man in power can never be in a court of law, you know our institutions well David, corruption, why not to choose rescuing your mother by letting everything go? Just finish your jail term and spare your mom’s life.” She advised.
Achieng confirmed to me that the Minister’s would have my mother killed if at all I tried to have anything confessed against him.
Having my mother live meant everything to me, it would have cost me anything, even if it meant loosing the case which I eventually lost and the minister went free.
I still hoped for one day in which my mother and I would reunite and gang up against the minister in a just court of law.
Two weeks gone since my lost case, I still had not seen mother even after st©pping Rozina and Joe from confessing against the minister. I had gone back to my prison life, I always thought about my mother, I knew she was alive somewhere.
On that day, I was informed that I had a visitor. I was esc-rted to the waiting room where I pushed the door open. Joyce Ndegwa stood up and opened her arms for me, I went ahead and hvgged her, it was months since I saw her.
” I am sorry for everything David, at least I know the truth, count me on your side! Our father’s betrayed us!” She cried.
“Joyce?” I called in curiosity.
“Yes bro!” Joyce Ndegwa replied.
“What do you mean by that?” I wasn’t curious, I was sure she was joking.
“You are a brother to me David, your Dad was my biological Dad.” She said sadly. That was too much for a joke, had she come to mock me? There was no doubt that her dad was Minister Ndegwa, the minister for transport and communication.
“Joyce! Do you have anything s-en-sible to share with me ap@rt from your childish tales and jokes?” I was alre-ady furious with her, I wanted her to leave and never visit me again. Maybe she had gotten a lover and now wanted me to pl@ythe p@rt of ‘brother in Christ.’ If only she knew how her engagement would amuse me then she would be long married by then.
“David, calm down, we nee-d to talk and take a revenge against our father’s murderer.” Her words startled me. How did she even know that my Dad was killed?
“Who told you? I think my Dad is alive, the minister, Mutua and yours minister Ndegwa, go home and rest Joyce.” “My mother was your late Father’s secretary, when he died in the hands of Mutua, she was alre-ady pregnant with his child, two months later after his death, I was born. Later, my mother, who had been his secretary for long and his secret lover, got married to Ndegwa who had been our Dad’s personal driver.” She explained thus increasing my shock, it would take me centuries to believe that Joyce and I were a brother and a sister. But then, i had witnessed how difficult it had been for me to try and love Joyce as a lover, I had tried to figure it out ma-king love to her but all I saw was darkness. I had liked her but I felt nothing for her. My question was, if at all Joyce was my sister, why on earth was our parents so commited in wanting us to marry? There was no doubt that there were so many secrets in my life, no wonder I had to write my autobiogra-phy and name the book “the hidden secrets.”
“Who told you all these?” I enquired. How I wished it was a dream.
“My mother did, she narrated everything to me.” She confessed.
“In the afternoon when I vowed to do something and revenge against you for rejecting me and disgracing me. She warned me that I shouldn’t and when I dug de-ep, she narrated to me the whole story. My mother and your mother, as much as they never wanted us to marry each other for it was uncouth, your Dad and my Dad f0rç£d them to support the marriage.” She explained sadly.
I was totally confused, I didn’t know how to take the news, should I take Joyce as the only family member left to me now? According to her, everything was ruined because on t©p of being married, we had lots of love. It was an abomination for a sister and a brother to make love on each other.
“I wept the whole of last night David, there is no doubt we are living on a curse, all they wanted was to ruin and destroy our lives.” She said breaking into tears. I had no idea on how to handle her, I still saw her as a bad person who had brou-ght nothing but sufferings into my life.
I hesitantly took her into my arms and she held me ti-ght as she flooded my che-st with her tears. I wondered how she would react to discover that Judas had made love to her and not me. Judas, a guy from a poor background had almost fathered her first child had she not miscarriaged. I cleared my throat.
“Joyce? I want to tell you something.” I started as she raised her forehead from my che-st to place her we-t eyes on me.
“Go on dear.” Her voice was weak.
“I don’t know how you will take it, am sorry about it, am truly sorry.” I looked into her curious eyes.
“David! Tell me everything dear, am desperate!”
“I have never sle-pt with you, Judas did…..
“You have to st©p crying Joyce, is it not good that I didn’t sleep with you? How would it be to discover that I made love to my own sister? You must un-derstand me my dear.” I tried to calm her down.
“You never knew that I was your sister, you did it out of hate David! You hated me! You still do!” She cried.
“How would I be so foolish to hate my kid sister? Its not that i hated you, I only felt it that it was wrong to make love to you, I couldn’t do it Joy, my conscious couldn’t allow me.” I pleaded.
“Do you love me?” She asked weakly.
“More than you can comprehend, you are the only family am left with Joyce.”
“I have always loved you David, I always saw future and hope in you brother David.” She confessed. “Any girl would have loved to be with you.” She confessed ones more.
“And any man would have loved to be with my lovely sister.” Joyce was beautiful, it wasn’t a mere praise, I was proud to be her brother.
“Now you must get me out of this d–n prison Joyce.”
“In the shortest time David, am still unable to call you , bro David.” She joked and laughed.
“With time you will learn to do it, meanwhile, you have a responsibility to take care of me as my sister, putting me in prison isn’t p@rt of it, is it dear?”
“No David, in fact I will live to regret it.” She confessed.
“You have only one option sister, join hands with Maccain and get me out of prison.” I advised.
“I will do all it takes, should I rush and bring you some food?” She asked.
“That would be time wasting , my mother is still alive and I nee-d to find her.”
After few minutes more, Joyce left to search for Maccain, in two days time she would demand my re-lease, I wanted everything to remain a secret so we never involved the minister in it. Now that Joyce had been used to file the case against me, she was the only one the court required in the appeal.
I really longed to be out, I would do all I could to have my mother and Serena back, I still felt that Joe knew a thing or two about them.
After two days , Joyce , Maccain and I met in the courtroom. The proceeding was short and brief. There were few people in the room, there wasn’t a single Journalist.
“David Kamau Mutua, according to the information in this file, information given by Joyce Ndegwa, you are innocent. She says that she fell on her own gun after shooting you on your shoulder.” She, the Judge, st©pped to look at me.
“Yes my lord. She was mislead.”
“Do you wish to file any case against her or anyone?” The judge opened her file.
“Yes your honour.”
“Go ahead, who do you want to accuse?” She asked.
“My Dad, the minister for the internal security.” The judge tried to hide her shock but it was clear, the prosecutor seemed so afraid too.
“What did he do? ”
“Am accusing him of murder, murdering my real Dad and kidnapping my own mother so as to hide the evidence. It have been a secret but its now revealed that Mutua,the minister is not my real Dad.” The judge seemed so afraid to ask a question.
“Do you have an evidence to all these allegations? Do you know the consequences of these kind of allegations?” The prosecutor sounded so serious.
“Of course I do, I have eye witnesses, all I nee-d is a little more time my lord, a week will be enough your honour.”
The judge looked at the prosecutor before opening her file and she wrote something.
“On Monday next week, your case will be listened to, this court demands full evidence of your allegations, failure to which you will not like my ruling against you.” She sounded gravely serious.
“Thanks your honour.” I thanked though I didn’t know why I did, did I thank her for threatening me?
“Now, this court finds you, David Kamau innocent and officially re-leases you.”
*2days later*
“My name is David, am looking for lady Mercy, the nurse in charge.” I said politely to a lady who was sited in her office.
“My name is Monica.” She started. “Mercy is no longer with us, I replaced her.” She explain causing my worry.
“You mean she no nolonger works here? What happened to her?” I was curious but as though she didn’t discover it, she took her time before answering me. “She was sacked for going against the s£niors, you know it’s unforgivable crime in our country.” She said firmly.
“How did she?” I wanted to know.
“She protected a ra-pist, a prisoner R@p£d her but she was influenced to protect him, something that the s£niors disapproved.” Monica was sounding interesting, it seemed she hadn’t recognized me.
“That’s strange! How could she do that? Protect a ra-pist? Cruel of her! Who was he?” I asked.
“I hear that he was the minister’s son, she feared that she might get herself in trouble if she got him jailed.” She whispered after looking throu-gh the door to make sure nob©dy was around.
I enjoyed the moment, rumour mongers sometimes can be funny, they will mislead you at anytime you depend on them as a source of your information. They hear something but whisper quite a different rumour.
“Where is the minister’s son now?” I asked in a whisper as well.
“In prison, he is serving a life s£ntence for ra-ping his wife and trying to kill her, are you not from this country? Everyone knows these things.” She said, she seemed so proud to have been the first one to inform me about it.
“ra-ping his wife, did you say?” I was offended by her words. How could it be that now the public took me for a ra-pist? Or was she the only one with the same information?
“Yeah, he R@p£d his wife.”
“I don’t think that is true, how can a man r@p£ his own wife?” I tried to hide my offended moods.
“You don’t know him, do you? People are different.” She said.
“His name is David, right?” I asked.
“Yes, that’s what i hear.”
“David was f0rç£d to p@rt with his lovely fiancee so as he can marry Minister Ndegwa’s daughter. He was unable to leave her and that created the animosity between him and his Dad, Minister Mutua. One day the two girls collided in a h0tel and the minister’s girl produced a pistol. By the end of the conflict, David and the Minister’s daughter were badly wounded. That is the real story.” I concluded. She seemed so keen.
“How did you know all that?” She sounded amazed.
“I worked as David’s driver.” I lied.
“Waoh! Am humbled to meet you, plea-se sit down and tell me more.” She offered smiling broadly.
“Thank you, I must take my leave now.” I didn’t smile back. I hated her clear hypocrisy, she had kept me standing but now she was offering me a seat just because she believed I was David’s driver, what if she knew I was the David himself?
“No plea-se, just sit down, I will order a cu-p of tea or coffee if you don’t mind.” She offered.
“Some other time my lady, for now I must get going, I have a message, an urgent one for Mercy.” I excused myself as I moved towards the door.
“Who is she to you? Sorry to ask.” I turned to her sharply and she smiled.
“A good loyal friend, the one that will always be genuine to someone.” I explained knowing that she would hate it, her face frowned.
“Give me a break, do you even know her well?” She sounded disappointed.
” Yeah, I know her more than I know you Monica, trust me.” I laughed to ease the tension.
“You love her?” She asked but before I could answer her, the door was pushed open after a brief knob. Talk of the devil and there the devil appears! Mercy stepped in and the two of us were shocked and excited to see each other. She rushed towards me and we embr@ced.
“Hello My lady!” I greeted her.
“Hello David, are you unwell again? How did they s£nd you without an esc-rt today?” She looked askance.
“It’s a long story dear, am a free man now.” I announced, I had not expected her to look so happy. On her side, Monica seemed so confused.
“The minister’s son is free now?!” Mercy asked in disbelief.
“Wait wait wait,,,,can someone tell me,,,,,,what is going on here? Mercy, who is he?” She sounded anxious.
“You don’t know him? Is that why you keep him standing yet there are seats in the room?” Mercy asked harshly, her voice still carried the joy with itself.
“He refused to sit down, he told me he was the minister’s son driver.” She confessed.
Mercy made a prolonged laughter thus causing more confusion in Monica.
“His name, did he tell you his name?” Mercy asked.
“His name is…..”Monica paused and stood on her feet. She placed her both hands on her head as though about to scream.
” David! Are you the minister’s son?” Monica asked in disbelief.