the masked mafia episode 93 & 94

(His Shy Spy…)

By; Sommy Pearl F.



“Rhoda?” Malcolm smiled and walked into the tea room.

He hu-gged her from behind and a giggle left her li-ps.

“What are you doing?” He whispered.

“As you can see,,, I’m making our Don’s herbal tea as usual” She replied.

“Stay with me for a while” He made her face him.

Rhoda looked at him as he made her on his thi-ghs while he was on the small chair.

“The tea…might get warm” She whispered.

“We can heat it up later. Cause for now,,, I really nee-d to cool off and nothing could heat me off later” He ki-ssed her de-eply.

They broke the ki-ss and she laughed softly.

“You’re really something else” She said.

“I made pancakes” He took a paper bag from the floor and showed it to her.

“Wow” She smiled and took the bag. She brou-ght the contents and smiled.

“Did you make it yourself?” She asked.

He nodded.

“Then,,, Let me have a taste”

“Please,,, do” He nodded.

He watched her eat a piece of the pancake.

“Mmmm…” She murmured.

“How’s it?” He raised a brow.

“Yummy. Its a killer” She smiled.

“Thanks. Keep the remaining and eat it for later. I’ve cooled off already We wouldn’t have to heat the herbal tea after all” Malcolm uttered.

“You’re right” She lic-ked her lower li-p.

“Lemme have that” He stretched his hand and she dropped the cu-pcake on his palm.

He took the paper bag and was about to drop it inside but it suddenly sli-pped and the cu-pcake tou-ched her gown.

The bu-tter and sugar stained it immediately.

“Oh my!” She exclaimed and stood up.

“Darn. I’m sorry about that” He muttered.

“Its fine. I’ll go clean it up”

“Okay. Go on” He said and she left.


Rhoda went outside and suddenly remembered there was tissue inside the tea room.

She went back and suddenly stopped by the door. She saw something odd.

Malcolm was dropping a liquid substance into the herbal tea.

“What’s he doing?” She muttered.

Malcolm suddenly turned back and she quickly took her body away.

Her eyes blinked a hundred times and she felt her heart beating really fast.

“What’s happening?” She whispered.

“Rhoda?” Malcolm voice called her.

She swallowed ha-rd and looked up.

Malcolm.was facing her, like damn! How did he know she was here? He was pretty fast too.

“Mal…Malcolm” She chuckled, nervously with fear in her eyes.

“Why are you here?” He asked.

“I…I just arrived here” She stuttered, holding her onto gown ti-ght.

Malcolm eyes looked down.
“You…didn’t clean up the stuff?”

She swallowed and looked at the stain.
“It kinda sli-pped off my memory” She whispered.

“It could happen” He nodded.

“I checked the tea” He suddenly said and she looked at his eyes. written by sommy pearl f.

“Huh?” She whispered.

“The tea. I just checked it and I noticed it has gotten cold” He said pointing into the room.

“Oh. I’ll see to it,, that I heat it up”

“Good” He tou-ched her cheek.

“Love you” He smiled and ki-ssed her forehead. Her whole body shivered.

Shiver of fear, apparently.

He looked at her.

“Me too” She whispered.

“C’mon. You should emphasis on the love” He corrected.

“I…love you too” She swallowed.

He smiled, stro-ked her cheek again which made her close her eyes.

She opened it and saw he was gone.

A loud gasp escaped from her mouth and she squ-atted down.


“Your herbal tea is ready” Rhoda reported as she walked closer and dropped the tray on the table.

Her hands were shaking when she dropped it down.

“Thank you” Leo said.

She swallowed and nodded. She walked out slowly and finally left.

The instant she did, Malcolm went in.

He smi-rked seeing Leo drink the tea.

“Do you like it?” Malcolm asked and checked his wrist watch.

“Its nothing from the usual” Leo dropped the tea cu-p.

Malcolm looked at the empty cu-p and raised a brow with a smug on his face.

“Leo Da Cruz” Malcolm whispered and shoved his face to him.

Leo simply watched him.

“You have 3 minutes to breathe. For now,,, Stare de-eply at my face and let it haunt you forever…for killing my- Tears flowed down his eyes.

“My…parents” He completed.

“I knew it” Leo mumbled.
“I always knew you would find out. You’re indeed wise”

“Shut up!” Malcolm barked.
“Dieeeee!! I came to Italy with my parents at the age of 10 and lost them at 15!! How hurts it feels! The dilemma!!” He shouted.

“I’m sorry…I’m really sorry for putting you throu-ghso much. I hope you won’t be like or kill mercilessly like I did… and even if you do, I pray someone corrects and changes you”

Malcolm scoffed at his deranged statement.

“Find for my fortune. Here’s the code.. It’ll trace you to South Korea” He gave him a piece of paper.

“What’s this?” He asked.

“I’m just returning my debt. 6.15 billion dollars and 100 gold bars. Don’t feel too sorry, okay? I’m…fine. You and I…know that…i- his eyes flic-kered.

“I…deserve it” He muttered and finally gave up the ghost.

Tears fell down from Malcolm’s eyes. He sniffed and pocketed the paper.

“I’m sorry too but…the vengeance still haunts me” He said.

“Rhoda!!” He called.

Rhoda who was hiding by the door, trembled.

“Come in now. It seems Leo…collap-sed. I’ll go call the others” He added.

Malcolm looked at him again.

“Old age has a thing for him now. Too bad…” He whispered and Rhoda slowly walked in.

“What….What happened to him?” Rhoda stuttered, blinking, carelessly.


“Rhoda!!!” Gilberto screamed and broke the door.

Rhoda and her roomates je-rked and looked.

“Leave!! Except Rhoda!” He fumed.

They all scurried out and he looked at her with a ha-rd glare.

She had her head and eyes down.

“You…You killed Leo Da Cruz” He whispered.

Rhoda eyes shook and she slowly looked at him. written by sommy pearl f.

“You killed him. You!!”


“The autopsy came out as poison. Guess where the poison was from?”

She swallowed.

“The herbal tea!!! And you are the only one who serves it to him!! I’ll tell everyone and your head shall be in a plate,,, very soon. I as-sure you. I just nee-d to get to the roots of this”

She was just speechless.

“Where’s Malcolm by the way? Is it true he left to Korea?”

She nodded, quietly.

“No shame. Isn’t he a consigliere? Why leave immediately our Don died. It makes me suspect him the more” Gilberto laughed out of scorn.

Rhoda let out a small gasp.

Gilberto turned and smi-rked.
“Thank you, Rhoda for making my work easy. I was planning to eliminate the Don in the first place so that I can safely and easily get to his fortune” He thought and left.

Immediately, he walked out, Rhoda fell on her bu-tt and tears ran down her cheek.

“What’s gonna happen next?” She thought, anxiously.


“Rhoda? I just found out something” Gilberto said.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“I…made a de-eper investigation and found out it wasn’t you”

“Huh?” She looked at him, de-eply.

“You weren’t the cause of his death. Its…Malcolm” He whispered.

She was really anxious now.

“I guess you knew already? You aren’t even surprised. Uff! No one knows. Don’t worry, Only you and I knows about this” He whispered.

“So,,,, You won’t let anyone hear about this?”

“Of course” He nodded.

“What your condition? You never do things for free. I know you for that”

Gilberto laughed.
“The time will come and I’ll contact you for the so called condition. Till then,, be patient” He winked and she gulped.


“Rhoda?” A de-ep familiar voice echoed.

“Gilberto?” Rhoda tilted her head.

“You still at Leo’s palace?” He asked.


“The condition,,, remember? I’m here for it now” He whispered.

“Let’s hear it” She muttered.

“I’m at Korea now. Ariana whom I sent has been taken hostage. What I want you to do now is to go to Korea, stay with Malcolm and his new sets of alliances. Make them trust you and slowly get me information on Leo’s fortune. Malcolm knows a lot and Ariana knows a lot, on her own side of the story”

“Anyways,,, Once you get to Korea,,, You’re to do to her what you want. You can kill her secretly too or she might confess everything to Malcolm and others if she’s tortured”

“un-derstood” She muttered after listening carefully without giving questions.

“Also,,, Just so you know,,, If you fail like Ariana. You’ll die! And not only you,,, Malcolm too! Others will be craving to kill him after finding out he betrayed us. Ariana will also try kill him cause she knows Malcolm betrayed the gangs and clan and she actually grew a strong bond for Leo…”

“Don’t hurt Malcolm, please. None of you. I’ll do what you say, bring you information and get you to Leo’s fortune. I’ll also do whatever I want to Ariana as you wish”

“Good…” Gilberto smiled, evily.


“MALCOLM IS A MOTHERFu-ckING BEYRAYER!!! Let’s all kill him!!!” Gilberto screamed and they all pointed their different weapons at them.

“Attack!!!!” He shouted.

Cindy swallowed and looked at Malcolm who still had a sm-irk on his face.

She looked in front at the now targeted weapons.

“Sh!t…This is so bad. We’re so Fu-cking dead” She muttered


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