The masked dancer Episode 10 & 11

💜👠(His Cinderella)👠💜
💜💜(Kay’s short series)💜💜
🎭Episode Ten🎭
Prince Adrian’s POV💜
What the hell just happened??..
She just acted like I don’t even matter or something!!!..
‘WHOA someone’s angry!!!’..Alex muttered as he walked over..
‘Look young man I’m not in the mood for arguing or for fighting just talk to your friend Giselle and tell her that if she doesn’t behave herself she might loose her job’..I retorted..
‘Why?? Cause she refused going out to dinner with you?? I think you’re the type that isn’t used to getting what he wants’..He said and I rolled my eyes ineptly…
‘Mind your business muchacho and stick to your Greek gods’..I warned..
Still looking at him Giselle walked out with her hair all we-t and with only a robe on and she yelped running back inside..
I was quic-k to barge in barge in before she locked it..
‘Okay what’s wrong with you today??Is it something I said??’..I asked even though I was half blinded at the sight of her we-t hair and th!ghs…
‘What?? I didn’t do a thing your highness I just didn’t want to go out to dinner with you’..She replied cleaning her hair out..
Where’s the submissive Giselle I know of?!!…
It’s like she’s a whole new person and I don’t recognize her anymore…
‘Have I done something wrong??’..I asked and she raised her hands in mock surrender…
‘You’ve done nothing wrong!!! You’ve done nothing wrong for fivefu-cking years with all due respect!! You haven’t done anything so let’s leave it at that!!’..She yelled and i arched my brows..
‘What are you really angry about?!! If you’re so angry and can’t stay any longer then quit!!!’…I screamed not knowing the gravity of my words and she nodded…
‘Okay then your highness!! I quit!!!’..She yelled and went into the bathroom slamming the door really ha-rd on my face..
What on earth did I just say??….
Giselle’s POV💜
I stared at myself in the mirror and in a moment I bur-sted into h0t tears..
The words ‘THEN JUST QUIT’ repla-yed and repla-yed in my head over and over again…
For five years I’ve loved this man and given my all to him and all he could say is ‘THEN JUST QUIT’…
For five years I’ve put up with his attitude..
His raining insults..
His precarious demands..
And he could say is ‘THEN JUST QUIT’..
📱:Mom??’..I whimpered as soon as I slided to the green icon on my phone..
📲:Baby what’s wrong??’..She asked and I broke down..
📱:He told me to quit mom!! He said if I wanted to quit then I should just quit!! He was so awful to me mom!!’..
📲:Who?!! The prince?? You quit?! Honey come listen Giselle has finally quit!’..she said aloud and I heard dad’s voice from the background..
📲:Giselle?? You quit?! Well praise saint john you’ve finally come to your s-en-ses!!’..He said and I couldn’t help but laugh…
They’re always there for me when I nee-d them..
📱:But it hurts knowing that you put your all for someone and it’s taken for granted’..I murmured wiping a spe-ck of liquid of my cheek…
📲:That’s life honey,some men are just born to be ungrateful and Prince Adrian actually is—Take this as a new turn around in your life,you’re still in Athens aren’t you?? Go around,go sightseeing get a h0t rich pl@yboy andfu-ck him to death’..He replied..
📱:Dad?!! That’s nas-ty!!’..
📲:Yeah that’s why your mother married me,go honey,go become no prince’s property’…He said and hung up…
I don’t know why I was so blinded by the love I had for him..
So blind that I had to be stupid enough to let him use me..
Minutes later💜
🎶Right now I’m in a state of mind..
I wanna be like this all the time..
Ain’t got no tears left to cry..
🎶Yeah I’m picking it up,I’m picking it up,Ioving and living so we turn it up..
I c@m£ out of the sto-re with three bags filled with new clothing and smiled at every guy who looked at me twice…
A c@m£ra hung on my n£¢k as I boarded a taxi still juvinated and excited about my trip to Aphrodite temple..
Hmm mm…
The smell of independence is so good..
‘Where to beautiful??’..The taxi driver asked dubbing his hat from the rear view mirror..
‘The Emperor h0tel’..I replied and his eyes wi-de-ned..
‘The emperor h0tel?? Are you some rich woman or something??’..He asked and i chuckled softly..
‘No sir I’m a woman who no longer cares about her prince charming anymore!!’..
Prince Adrian’s POV💜
I stared at the picture of Lady Gigi and I which was captured at the ball over and over again but my mind couldn’t bear drifting back to Giselle..
Did i really tell her to quit and she quit??..
Oh God of mercy i was so blinded by my anger and frustration that I said unimaginable things to her!!..
‘Hey is there a club somewhere near here??’..I asked feeling the urge to drink…
I can’t even remember when last I visited the club..
I’ve been so busy with attending meetings and working that i don’t even enjoy the normal things bachelors like me do anymore…
‘Yes sir there’s a club just downstairs’..the maid replied and i nodded dropping my room key inside and left the room..
‘Sir your key’..The maid hollered..
‘Nah just leave it there’..
Giselle’s POV💜
📱:I quit’..I murmured..
📲:You what??’..Isabel snickered..
📱:I’m not pla-ying I quit’..I said and this time more sternly..
📲:Jeez you’re not really joking are you?! Oh my God Giselle what the hell happened?!!’..She asked with pure concern in her voice and i shook the thought of crying away from my head..
📱:He told me that if I can’t bear working anymore then i should just quit’..
📲:Really?? He said that?? Adrian has always been dumb!! And to think that he doesn’t know that his masked dancer is right in front of him!!’..She scoffed and before I could say more someone knocked on my door…
‘Who is it??’..i asked and when i opened it Adrian was there..
‘What do you want??’..I asked..
‘Look uhmm I’m locked out of my room can you plea-se call for room service??’..He replied…
‘I can’t’..
‘Cause i don’t WORK for you anymore your highness’..I muttered and slammed the door on his face
🎭Episode Eleven🎭
Giselle’s POV💜
Even though I slammer the door right on his face I just couldn’t help but cry…
I wanted to be independent but why does it still hurt so bad??…
‘Giselle plea-se open the door’…I heard him say but still didn’t budge even though my heart wanted to…
‘What do you want from me huh?? I no longer work for you Prince Adrian so give me one good reason I should let you in!!’..I yelled and he went silent immediately….
‘Yeah I guess so!! You’ve got nothing to say,nothing to prove…Good night Prince Adrian!!’..I implied when he didn’t say anything I turned off the lights immediately..
The Next morning⛅
I changed into simple man shi-t and simple boots,packed my backpack for my expedition to the Greek temple and headed out the door…
Alex and Alexa were both down at the hallway and I f0rç£d a smile across myl-ips…
‘Ohhh sweetheart are you okay??’…Alex asked wra-pping his arms around my shoulder..
‘Yeah I’m okay thanks’..I replied with my voice alre-ady husky and he nodded even though a cloud of worry still hovered around him…
‘So is everyone re-ady??’..Adrian muttered as he c@m£ out clad in working boots and a leather coat which made him look like Indiana Jones…
‘What is he doing here??’..I asked Alex..
‘You are both joint clients so the expedition has to go on with you two,sorry’..He replied and I nipped at my bottoml-ip…
The last thing I nee-d is to be around Prince Adrian and also learning Greek mythology is all I nee-d to keep my mind of him..
Maybe ignoring him would be better what do I know..
Prince Adrian’s POV💜
My eyes couldn’t help but wander towards Giselle’s direction in the car..
Yesterday was an emotional rollercoaster for the both of us and I can’t even imagine she no longer works for me anymore…
She wasted five Years??…
Wasted five years doing exactly what??…
Why do i feel like there’s just something she isn’t telling me..
Maybe like a secret she’s been hiding for a long time..
‘Jeez you guys are acting like you’re mourning someone!!’..Alex muttered and I frowned…
Can’t he Learn to keep his mouth shut??…
‘Let’s sing a song!!!’..Alexa added and I shook my head..
‘I’m actually a terrible singer’..
‘No you’re not’..Giselle countered and my brows perked up..
‘Are you talking to me??’..i asked..
‘No I wasn’t I just said a text aloud Alex’..She replied as if totally ignoring my pres£nce..
Where is the nice woman I know??…
‘Well then if you’re going to ignore my pres£nce then don’t reply me..
‘We’re here!!!’…Alexa said aloud as she st©pped the car and everyone quic-kly got out of the car immediately…
We climbe-d the steps of the temple ruins and I smiled at the little girl who handed a rose over to me..
‘For the pretty lady’..She whispered pointing at Giselle and my smile faded immediately…
‘So Alexa and I would nee-d your phones and your wallets plea-se cause they are considered unholy in the temple’..Alexa murmured and I chuckled softly..
‘I don’t carry wallets around only credit cards’..I said after..
‘Show off’..he tea-sed and began walking away with his sister..
‘Wait where are you both going??’..i asked with a frown on my face..
‘To keep the stuff in the car we’ll be back’..They both said in unison and then were both later out of sight…
Nervously I tapped my leg on the ground and stared at my watch so as not to glance at my ex personal as-sistant but Alex and Alexa didn’t show up…
Minutes later💜
‘Okay let’s accept the fact that they aren’t coming back’..I finally gave up on the awkward silence pas-sing between Giselle and I…
‘Yeah i knew that the moment Alex win-ked at me’..She replied curtly and I frowned…
‘Then why didn’t you say anything??’..
‘Cause you’re not my concern anymore’..She replied and turned towards the direction of the battle caves of Athens…
‘So are you just going to pretend that nothing’s wrong between us??’..I asked following up behind her..
‘There is no US your highness,there’s only you and you’ve made that pretty clear’..She muttered and my mouth opened to say something but it shut back immediately…
‘Look can we plea-se at least talk?!’..
‘About what?’..
‘About us Giselle!! About what’s going on between us!!’..I yelled with a line of frustration clearly showing in my voice…
‘So now there’s a us?? After five years and you now consider you and I as a ‘Us’…She scoffed and then turned to leave but i was quic-k to gr-ab her arm and dragged her back with so much f0rç£ that she landed on my che-st…
‘First we talk and then you can leave’..
Giselle’s POV💜
I gulped ha-rd as Prince Adrian dragged me into a small shelter close to the battle caves and when he shut the door my heart skipped a beat..
‘Now let’s talk’..He muttered and I pursed myl-ips..
‘You’ve been using the term for five years you’ve wasted your life with me..plea-se tell me what that means Giselle’.he asked and I sniffed loudly..
‘You still don’t get it do you?? For five years I worked my bu-tt off for you even though you treated me as sh*t’..I said..
‘Then why didn’t you just —
‘Cause i loved you goddammit!!! I loved you more than anything even though you treated me badly!!! Why do you think i was so clumsy around you?? Why huh?? Cause I loved you you idiot!! I loved you even though you insulted me most times,I loved you even though you made me work late hours!! I loved you even though you didn’t notice me!! I still loved you nevertheless but at this point I just can’t take it anymore!!!’..I yelled and his mouth went agape..
‘You…you loved me?? And you still do??’..He asked…
‘Yeah I guess so but—
‘plea-se wash away every feeling you have Giselle,I’m in love with someone else’..He cut in and walked out of the door leaving me alone in the shelter…
If you could enter the story what would you tell Adrian🤦‍♀️…