The love doctor episode 45 & 46

🩸Episode Forty-Five
Jared’s POV💙
‘You bastard!!! You motherfu-cking bastard!!’..Isabel screamed at the t©p of her voice and the next thing I knew she landed a h0t sl@p on my face…
‘You’re evil!!!’..She cried out and rushed upstairs…
‘Isabel it’s just a prank!!’..i exclaimed obviously surprised by her outbur-st and she scoffed…
‘You think so??! Is commitment really a joke to you or what??Do you have to take something serious like a joke?! And to think that i almost said yes!! You’re the worst Jared d!¢kon’…She said and turned to leave..
Oh God…
I really didn’t think this throu-gh one bit…
I didn’t realize she would be so hurt like this…
‘Look Isabel it was just a joke and I…
‘You don’t have to say anything else Jared,i get it’…she interrupted me and shut the door on my face…
I can’t let this happen again..
And I can’t let her think I’m not re-ady for a life with her…
How do I explain to her that I’m waiting for the baby to be born before I ask her to be my wife…
‘Isabel I’m sorry okay plea-se let me in??’..i begged and went on my knees…
‘Just go away Jared,stay in the guest room cause there’s no way I’m going to let you sleep near me tonight!!!’..She lashed out at me and I sighed de-eply…
Now I get why people say ‘Never make a pregnant woman angry’…
The Next Morning
I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw Isabel seated next to me with a scowl on her face and her arms crossed…
‘Good morning’…i murmured with a smile on my face and she scowled again..
‘I’m hungry and that’s why I’m here nothing else so don’t keep your hopes up and think I forgive you’..she said and walked away..
‘What would you like to eat?!’..I hollered loudly..
‘Eggs and bacon with chocolate mousse’..she replied and I heard her shut the door loudly..
Typical Isabel…
I didn’t bother wearing a shi-t when Isabel screamed my name again..
‘What?!!’..I shouted back as I went downstairs…
‘There’s a..there’s a c0ckroach on the kitchen counter get it off!!!’..She cried and pointed at the vermin on the counter..
‘What?!! You don’t expect me to do that dirty thing?? It’ll go away!’.I replied..
There’s no way I’m going to kill that flying wild animal and besides I’m late for work…
‘Well I can’t stay in the house with that thing?!’..She protested..
‘So would like to come with me to work?? Your check up is today also’..I replied and she smiled..
‘You’re scared of the c0ckroach aren’t you??’..
‘yeah I am so let’s go’…
‘I’m not going anywhere okay?? I’m not going anywhere!! You’re scared of the c0ckroach but you’re not scared of using to pl@ya prank on me!!!’…She exclaimed and i chuckled softly..
‘I thought you’ve forgiven me for that?!’…
‘No i haven’t but let’s go anyway!!’…
Monica’s POV💙
‘Prisoner 8764′..The warden screamed and i sighed de-eply…
I wonder what Officer lumpy wants this time..
She’s been always on my case every time since I’ve been in Jail….
‘Good morning Officer Lumpy how may i help you??’…i replied in a sarcastic drawl..
‘Follow me Monica and don’t fret cause you’re not in trouble this time’..she said and walked away…
I followed her down the hallway into a corner..
‘Here are your clothes Monica you’re a free woman now even though I’m detest it’…she murmured and gave me a plastic bag which contained the same clothes I c@m£ in with before…
I’m free?!!..
‘I..I’m free?! But how’s this possible it’s not 20 years alre-ady is it?!!’..I replied…

‘Yeah well we have a new mayor and whenever a new mayor is elected a pardon is given to two prisoners and luckily you’re on the free list’..she replied and walked away..

I can’t believe this..
I can’t believe this…
I’m finally free.
Oh my God I’m finally free!!!…
‘I can’t believe this!!’..i cried out..
‘Yeah i can’t believe it too so you have 20 seconds to change and leave this $h!t hole’…
Jared’s POV💙
I sm-irked lightly watching the way Isabel gobbled up three bags of cookies un-der thirty minutes as i drove her to work..
‘You know too much cookies isn’t good for the baby and didn’t your gynecologist advise you to st©p eating junk??’..i asked arching my brows..
‘Ohhh hell Jared just take me to the hospital and…’.she tried to say but was cut short by the announcement on the radio.
What the hell???..
‘Oh my God Jared your mom is really out of jail!!!’..Isabel squealed in delight…
‘Hmmm’.I murmured…
‘What do you mean by that?? She’s your mother Jared!!’..
‘Hmmm’..i murmured again…
‘Jared st©p this charade, I know you miss her’..she retorted…
Yeah she’s right…
I miss my mom more than anything but it still doesn’t mean I’ve forgiven her…
She killed my father and has a daughter for my uncle…
It’s not something to forget easily??..
Hell no…
‘Look Jared i know you’re pretty angry with your mother and I totally get it but it still doesn’t mean you can’t forgive her?? She messed up really bad,I mean really really bad but still she’s your mother and i don’t want my baby to have only one grandmother’..she said ru-bbing her protruding belly…
I smiled and blew a k!ssat her and she chuckled…
‘So you’re going to forgive your mother??’..
‘Yeah,yeah I’m going to forgive my mother’…
Isabel’s POV💙
At the Hospital🏥
‘Isabel you might want to sit down for what I’m about to tell you’…Doctor Amelia said just as i changed into my normal dress…
‘Okay doc hit me with the facts how’s my baby doing??’..i replied with a feeling of cheerful enthusiasm…
‘Well uhmm Isabel i think we should wait patiently for Jared to come before i tell you what’s going on’..she said..
I don’t get it…
Jared has never been with me during my check ups before…
‘I’m here!!!’..Jared said aloud as he walked inside the office and i jo-lted..
Doctor Amelia glanced at the both of us and after a momentarily pause she brou-ght out a file…
‘What is this??’..Jared asked with a frown on his face…
‘Well it’s the ultra scan of the baby Jared and from the looks of it there seems to be a lot of complications,the baby isn’t in the right position and this could be really dangerous’..Doctor Amelia replied…
I sh0t a look at Jared and then sh0t her another look and yanked the scan report only to see my baby at the left side of my wo-mb which was totally out of place…
‘So what does this mean doctor?! I want to know?’..i asked holding onto Jared’s hands ti-ghtly…
‘It means that we’re going to carry out a CS Isabel,we’re going to have to re-move the baby from your wo-mb now that it’s still 6 months’..she replied..
‘Or else what?!!’..i inquired further…
‘Or else you’re going to die Isabel,you’re going to die delivering this baby and this crisis would’ve been averted if only tou terminated the pregnancy earlier’…
Jared’s POV💙
Not again…
Not again…
So Isabel’s going to die while giving birth to our baby?!!..
‘I can’t do it,i can’t let my baby be re-moved I’m sorry but i can’t do it’…Isabel blurted out loudly and left the office in a jiffy…
‘Isabel plea-se just wait up okay??!’..i called as I ran after her towards the car..
‘I’m sorry Jared but i can’t do it!! For heavens sake we’re going to name her JARISA Jared!! She’s going to be our little angel!! I can’t loose her Jared!! I can’t let her think I didn’t put up a fight to keep her alive!!!’..She cried out..
‘Look Isabel i know,I also love this child with my own blood but the complications are too severe,it’s possible you’re going to die delivering the child Isabel so what would you have me do?!!! You have to terminate the pregnancy Isabel while there’s still time plea-se i don’t want to loose you!!’..i begged literally going on my knees and clasping my hands in hers..
‘I…I’m sorry Jared but i can’t,if I have to die giving birth to this baby then I will’…she said brushing my f!ngersaway…
‘Isabel plea-se!!’..i cried out..
‘Sorry Jared but i can’t’..she replied and went into the car…
🩸Episode Forty-Six
💙💉(Quarter Final Episode)💉💙
Jared’s POV💙
Isabel and I got home without saying a word to each other and when we both sat down on the couch she broke down in tears…
‘I just can’t take it anymore Jared,I just can’t take it anymore!! Why us?Why this?! Why now?!’..She asked endlessly…
I just stared at her re-sisting the urge to cry as a code of my masculinity…
‘We can still fix this Isabel,we can re-move the baby and we could still have more children Isabel plea-se,I broke your heart and I wanna make things right again between us,plea-se give me a good chance to do that,we could still have more children’…I begged clasping her hands in mine…
‘Do you trust me Jared??’..she asked looking up to me…
‘Yeah i trust you Isabel,I trust you more than I trust myself’..i replied and she covered myl-ips with hers and k!$$£d me softly…
‘Then trust me when I say that I’m not going to die and this baby isn’t going to die,who cares about what the doctors say Jared?? There’s something called faith and I’m not afraid to test it’..she said and i smiled..
‘If you want to keep the child then I’m with you all the way but if you die on me then I’m going to haunt your soul and tell you how much i hate you deal??’…
‘Deal’..she replied and rested on my arm…
Two Months Later💙
‘Hey baby’…i murmured as I jammed the car door…
‘Hey’..Isabel replied reaching out to me..
I tried k!ss!ngher but with the way her belly was so big myl-ips couldn’t reach hers…
‘I think you should start k!ss!ngme from sideways from now on’…she said and I chuckled softly…
‘Enough of the talk how’s the baby doing??’..
‘Great,a little agitated though but it’s great and you know my due d@t£ is near’..she replied as we both entered the house…
‘Hmmm it’s eight months alre-ady right??’..i murmured..
‘No,eight months and two weeks’..she corrected and i smiled…
If only she knows how tensed I’m feeling about her then she would pity me…
Isabel’s POV💙
‘Someone’s at the door Jared!!!’..i yelled as i heard the doorbell ring..
‘I’m busy go answer the door yourself!!’..He yelled back and i gro-an ed dropping the knife which I used in cutting the cabbage..
‘Lazy you —Monica?!! I’m sorry Mrs d!¢kon?!’..My voice trailed off in horror as soon as i saw Jared’s mother standing in front of me…
She was looking so frail and thin that i thought she would snap in half if care wasn’t taken..
Even her silky brown hair looked so thin and judging from the strands of hair on her pleated jacket I’m sure she’s having a hair breakage…
Oh my word!!…
Being in jail has surely turned this beautiful woman into an Egyptian mummy…
Literally an Egyptian mummy cause she looks so pale…
‘Oh h..hi Isabel i see you’re pregnant and I uhmmm I..I..I’m here to see Jared that’s if he’s around but uhmm i can leave if he isn’t’..she stuttered endlessly clearly evading my distraught gaze…
‘Well Jared’s inside come in’..i replied trying to make her feel as comfortable as possible…
‘Do you care for any beverage or wine perhaps??’..i asked as we both reached the living room…
‘No thanks well uhmm i would like water plea-se’..she stuttered again as she sat down..
Yeah i pretty much un-derstand what she’s going throu-gh with the baby and all…
I also hope Jared doesn’t ruin this moment for her…
I quic-kly walked to the kitchen and poured a glas-s of water for her and just before i could give it Jared c@m£ running down the stairs…
‘Isabel who was at the….Mom?!!’..He blurted out loudly and I heaved a short sigh…
Here comes the rumble…
‘Jared I…i c@m£ to see you’..Mrs d!¢kon whimpered in a shrill voice…
I sm-irked as Jared sh0t me a dirty look which i could clearly re-ad as ‘I’m gonna kill you for this’…
‘Well i think I’ll leave you two to say whatever you have to,bye!!’…i finally said breaking off the silence and quic-kly ran out before Jared could st©p me..
The moment I’ve been waiting for is finally here…
I just hope Jared doesn’t ruin it with his stubbornness…
Jared’s POV💙
Mom and I stared at each other without ma-king a sound or saying a word for five minutes immediately Isabel ran out…
I’m glad she did cause I’m pretty much going to give her an earful after this problem is taken care of….
‘You have ten minutes…speak’..i muttered trying to cloud away the feeling of pity that I feel towards her..
I mean look at her..
She’s not the same Monica d!¢kon anymore…
She looks to thin and pale..
‘Look Jared I’m sorry okay?!I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you!! I’m sorry for lying to you,I’m sorry for killing your father,I’m sorry for Andrea,I’m just sorry okay! The truth is that i was scared and your Uncle Fred wouldn’t let me go,he promised to tell your father everything that’s happening between us and it’s just that….I..I thought I was in love okay?!! I thought Fred loved me but it was all a lie,he never loved me he was only using me and taking advantage of me just because your father and i were having problems with our marriage’..she said..
‘Problems?!! Mom you and Dad never even had a fight and you’re talking about problems?!’..i yelled visibly trying to contain the anger in me…
‘Well you were a kid then so you won’t un-derstand,your father was always so busy with work that he ba-rely had time for us and that hurt me so badly,why do you think I put you in a boarding school?? So you won’t see the problems we were having and so you won’t feel like you’re from a broken home’..she replied and broke down in tears…
so she was having problems with her marriage??..
And that’s why i was enrolled in a boarding school??..
How come I’ve never heard of this before in the 28 years of me living in this world..
‘Mom how did you feel when you killed Dad,i just wan to know’..i asked..
‘W..well at first i felt like I was Mike Tyson,I felt like I did a good thing but then after seeing the flowers and note your dad got for me i literally went into depression mode’..she replied and I nodded..
‘Okay mom,i guess I’m tired of being so stubborn,I love you and I’m sorry for not coming to see you in jail when you were convicted,I’m sorry for everything’..i muttered…
Immediately the words rolled out of my ton-gue she hvgged me soc ti-ght that i felt ribs on her soft b©dy…
‘I love you so much Jared and I’m sorry for everything i just want you back I love you so much!!’..She cried…
‘I love you too mom’..i replied and just then Isabel c@m£ in with a smile on my face…
‘Now that you guys are both reconciled plea-se can I have my dinner??’..She asked and we all broke into laughter…
‘Come on babe let’s go have dinner’…
Isabel’s POV💙
At 12’o’clock midnight☄️☄️
Jared had alre-ady gone to the hospital for his night shift and i was alone…
I sle-pt so well but just then i felt a sharp cringe on my abd0m£n…
Immediately i woke up and turned on the lights i screamed at the t©p of my voice…
‘Nathan?!!! Wh..what are you doing here?!!’..i cried out seeing his blood sh0t eyes…
Oh no this can’t be happening right now?!!..
He can’t be here..
‘Hello sweetheart I’ve come to finish what i started’..he replied sm-irkingly and then i saw a knife in his left hand…
‘Jared!!! Jared!!!’..i screamed but it was all in vain..
‘Your Jared won’t save you Isabel,your Jared won’t save you’..he muttered…
My eyes caught a pocket knife near the headboard of my be-d and i quic-kly gr@bb£d it before Nathan could sp©t it…
‘Stay away fro —Ahhhhh!!!’..i cried out as another pain hooked me…
And then…
And then the whole be-d bec@m£ we-t…
Oh God i think my water’s broke!!…