The love doctor episode 27 & 28

💙(He’s a life saver but also a heart breaker)💙
💙💙Episode Twenty-Seven💙💙
🔮(Quarter Season Finale [1] )🔮
Monica’s POV💙
‘I’m pregnant Fred’..I muttered in tears and dropped the doctors report on Fred’s table…
‘What do you mean by you’re pregnant Monica??’..he asked sharply opening the brown envelope..
‘I said I’m pregnant you idiot and you’re asking me what I mean??What sort of a stupendous question is that?!!’..I retorted loudly…
He just sniffed and then scratched his curly brown hair nervously…
‘I..I’m sorry Monica but I don’t think I can father this child,things are alre-ady pretty bad between Jeremy and I and if he finds out that you’re carrying my child then there’s going to be more trouble,you have to terminate it!!!’..he said..
‘Terminate what?!!!Are you out of your mind?!!’…i screamed..
‘No I’m not out of my mind Monica,it’s either the baby or me’..
End of Flashback💨💨
Now I’m beginning to regret the fact that I didn’t listen to Fred and terminate Audrea..
I’ve been so busy trying to keep her a secret from Jared that i neglected my duty as a mother to her…
Now she’s become so wayward and basically hates me more than anything right now. ..
And to crown it all she’s pregnant!!!..
‘Your daughter is pregnant Mrs d!¢kon,two weeks gone’..the nurse said and at that moment I watched my life flash before my eyes….
‘’re pregnant?!!’..I stuttered obviously shocked but all Audrea did was sneer…
‘Yeah I’m pregnant and whose fault is that?!!,yours Monica yours!!’..
‘I am your mother Audrea so address me like your mother!!’..i screamed at the t©p of my voice ..
‘You are not my mother Monica you are not my mother!!! You are just the woman who brou-ght me to this world and that doesn’t qualify you as my mom so not another word!!!,a mother that doesn’t care,a mother that sees me once in a month,a mother that just pays my bills and not care about what goes on in my personal life doesn’t deserve to be called a mother!!!!’…She fired back…
‘Come back here Audrea!!’..I ordered..
‘Just leave me alone Monica,I’m pregnant and it’s all my fault but I’m gonna treat my own baby with love and respect,more than what you’ve ever done for me!!!No wonder your Jared left you,you’re the worst mother ever and i think you should get a Grammy award for it!!!’…
End of Flashback💨💨
Is she really saying the truth?!!..
Am i the worst mom ever??…
Jared’s POV💙
I have a sister?!!..
I have a sister and she’s 17?!…
‘You’ve got to take things easy Jared,everything happens for a reason yunno’…Johnny said trying to calm me down…
‘Take things easy you say??My mother fv¢ked my uncle and then killed my father -I haven’t gotten over that trauma yet and now she has a daughter??!! I have a sister that I don’t know of?!! She’s seventeen Johnny!! She’s seventeen and i didn’t know about her!!!’..i cried out and gr@bb£d my car keys before he could say anything else…
‘You just have to chill Jared if not for me then for Isabel okay plea-se i beg of you just take things easy’..he said.
‘Okay Johnny,I’ll take things easy I’ll take things pretty easy’..I replied trying to g@sp for air…
There’s no way I’m gonna take things easy..
An Hour Later💙
‘Ohh Master Jared you’re back!!’..Gerta squealed obviously struck with sheer delight as I walked into the kitchen.
‘Yeah Gerta uhh is my mom around?’..i asked feeling the anxiety in my fidgeting f!ngers…
‘Uhmmm she’s not around bu….’..she tried to say but her voice trailed off at the sound of a loud screech…
‘Uhhh I..I’ll be back Master Jared it seems like madam Audrea is…’..she tried to say again but was cut short as the supposed sister of mine walked into the kitchen…
Gosh why didn’t I even see this before!??…
She’s got everything ..
Mom’s eyes,li-ps,nose and even hair…
‘Gerta what’s up with my breakfast which i asked for five minutes ago??!!’..She screamed acting totally oblivious of my pres£nce…
Yeah she’s damn rude too..
‘Well Madam I was about bringing it but Master Jared here c@m£ in and…..
‘I don’t care,I don’t care Gerta!!!’…She screamed at the middle aged woman who is basically old enough to be her mother…
‘Hey Audrea or whatever you call yourself,I know you’re my mom’s daughter but that doesn’t mean you can just talk to an elderly woman like that!!!’..I said aloud alre-ady angry at her rude outbur-st…
‘Ohh the pl@yboy prince perfect is here?!Sorry i didn’t notice your stupefied posture’..she replied with a strong shade of sarcasm…
‘Ohhh really but I did notice a shabby low life seventeen year old girl who is obviously pregnant and is obviously a juvenile talking to an elderly with no source of respect whatsoever!!!’..I fired back and when i saw the hurt in her eyes I instantly knew I had said too much…
Well she made me!!!…
‘Look Audrea I….
‘No it’s okay I guess i deserved that,look i don’t know how you found out about Me’..she replied..
‘Yeah i know it’s pretty crazy right??,for ten good years I didn’t know I had a sister for ten good years all thanks to one person though -Mom/Monica’…we both said in unison at the last s£ntence…
‘Well she isn’t here Jared or brother or whatever cause the situation is so awkward that I don’t know what to call you yet,Monica is not around now and I’ll be leaving anytime soon anyway so it’s just better you keep things on a low for now cause that woman has a lot of secrets -Deadly ones in fact’..she said and my face broke into a smile…
She might not be so bad after all…
‘Okay Uhh Audrea I’ll see you maybe later and we’ll know how to deal with the situation at hand’..i responded and left the house before I discover what I’m not supposed to.
She’s right…
Mom has a lot of deadly secrets…
A lot of deadly secrets…
Isabel’s POV💙
‘Well I wouldn’t say it’s great -Oh who am i kidding S-x with him is tots awesome!!’..Nadia said in excitement as she helped me fill in the guests list…
Well Nadia is also a worker in Kevin’s h0tel and from all her vulgar words it seems like they’re both slee-ping around with each other…
Not so surprised but Kevin??..
I didn’t see that coming..
‘It’s okay Nadia it’s not like you are both officially d@t!ngare you even in love with hi?’..I asked in reply…
‘Love??Since when did I give a fv¢k about love,as long as the S-x is great he’s a keeper’..she replied fli-pping her hair backwards and I laughed..
She’s the one person I really like cause she says things as it is..
And she stands up for me too…
‘Uh uh girl so what about you and that doctor b©yfri£ndof yours anyway?? I heard he was a pla-yer but who cares anyway I want to know all the S-xy details’..She added…
‘No Nadia,my S-x life is pri-vate!’..I protested as a flush of embarras-sment filled my cheeks..
No one has ever asked me about how my S-x life is..
‘No girl you can trust me -we’re besties remember??’..
‘Ohhh we are not besties Nadia but I’ll tell you anyway’..
‘Okay go on’…
‘Well it’s kinda funny and embarras-sing too but I had my first S-x experience with Jared and it was damn good -Excruciatingly painful but damn good and it made me love him more and now we literally have S-x almost every day’..i said..
‘No $h!t!!!’..she exclaimed and i chuckled softly..
‘Yes Nadia and the best S-x I’ve ever had with him was at the pool table,he was all over me and the second best was when I was eating an apple in the h0t tub,the per-vert almost drowned me with his crazy fanatics but it was damn!!’..I added..
She then threw me a quizzical look and I shrugged…
‘Ohhh girl your man is one that is definitely worth keeping and from your story I see you’re getting pregnant soon’..she said..
‘Me??,Pregnant..h..hell no!!!’..
‘Ohhh you’re getting pregnant alright,I always go for a sh0t from the hospital every month and you don’t so expect a baby soon honey’..she tea-sed and I laughed..
‘Ohhh get away Nadia Kevin’s coming’..I muttered and she ran off immediately…
I’m sure she’s just joking…
There’s no way I’m getting pregnant..
Not at this stage and besides it’s only been a week hasn’t it..
So there’s no way I’m getting pregnant…
Carlton’s POV💙
‘So how do you get the footage out??’..i asked the shabby and dirty looking geek who lived close to me..
‘It’s simple,there’s a small memory ch!pat the back of the watch,once you get it and put it in your PC you can get the footage’..he replied removing the small black ch!pfrom the watch I got from Isabel..
Getting it wasn’t easy though cause I had to bribe the security guard to let me in..
And now I have the watch…
I won’t use it now..
it’s just a plan B just in case Vanessa’s phase or should I say plan doesn’t work…
Jared’s POV💙
At the Hospital🏥
‘Scalpel’..I said to Marie in the theatre..
‘Here you go Jared’..she replied pas-sing it over to me..
‘Thanks,nee-dle and scissors plea-se’..I muttered again and she pas-sed it over…
‘Hmmm and we’re done’..i said as I stitched up the stomach of young Thomas,who apparently had a blade in his small intestine..
‘Well that was a great surgery,The love doctor has saved another life’…Marie commended as we both walked out and i smiled..
‘Ohhh thanks Marie,I’ve missed it yunno,it gives me a great s-en-se of comfort especially now that my family issues are burdening the hell outta me’. .
‘Ohh sorry about that but you have Isabel with you right??’..she asked..
‘Yeah we’re currently living together but i want more with her’..I replied..
‘More with her??You mean kids??’..
‘Ohhh no I want to make it official with her,I mean I want to make her mine forever and no one else’s and oh -I also want to have kids with her’..I explained and she smiled very broadly…
‘Oh my word Jared!! So when are you going to pop the question??’…
‘Uhmm I don’t know yet but I’m thinking maybe when it’s my birthday I’m planning on doing it in front of the whole hospital staff’..i said..
She screamed at the t©p of her voice and jumped on my b©dy with so much energy that I almost fell to the ground…
Marie is like a second mother to me and since my own mother I currently not mine anymore it’s better I tell her..
At least now that someone knows the urge to tell Isabel would cool off…
Twenty minutes later💙
I gazed down at the files which were piled up on my desk and took out one of them…
Blew out the gust of dust and just then someone barged into my office…
‘Who the -Oh it’s you’..I blurted when I realized that it was mom…
After everything I’ve found out and after everything she’s done she still has the mind to come over?!!…
So unbelievable!!..
‘J..Jared Gerta told me you c@m£’..she stuttered as she shut the door…
‘Ohhh yeah and i met Audrea too’..i responded in a gruffly way…
‘Audrea??Oh my God Jared it’s not what you think!!’..she cried out and ru-bbe-d her temples nervously…
Oh that’s it!!!..
‘Enough mom!!!,that’s enough I tell you!!That’s just enough!!! How many more secrets are you keeping huh??Just tell me I want to know?!! How many illegitimate kids do you have!?,I’ve had a sister for ten fuvking years and I didn’t know!!! She’s seventeen mom she’s seventeen for crying out loud so for ten years you’ve been sneaking around going out to take care of her but it seems pretty well to me that you did a very bad job with that cause she’s pregnant and totally hates just the way I do!!’..I screamed…
‘Jared plea-se just listen to me,I never meant for any of…’..she tried to say..
‘This to happen yeah I get it mom but the irony of the whole situation is that you made it happen okay so st©p the bru ha ha and just go,also tell Audrea that I’ll give her a free check up for your unborn grand child!!!’…
Isabel’s POV💙
At Night☄️
The time was exactly 10:00pm as I entered into the house only to see the whole house messed up and a strong ooze of alcohol everywhere…
Oh God Jared!!!…
I rushed upstairs only to see Jared on the floor with a bottle of Martini in his hands and his shi-t all wrinkled up…
‘What the hell is going on??!’..I asked taking the bottle away from his hands..
‘Ohh my beautiful…be..beautiful Isabel you know I love you right??’..he asked all shaken up as he rose from the ground..
‘Jared get a grip of yourself and tell me what happened look at you!! You’re all a mess and you’re beginning to piss me off!!!’..I screamed…
He staggered a bit and then bur-sted into an hysterical laugh which of course was as a result of the booze…
He’s never behaved like this before and from the looks of it I think he’s pretty hurt…
‘Do you know that I have a sister Isabel??’..he said..
‘No you don’t have a sister Jared,you’re the…
‘I have a step sister Isabel and she’s seventeen and she’s pregnant and her name is Audrea!!!’..he cut in loudly and I g@sped…
‘What?!!!,b..but that isn’t..that isn’t possible?!!’…
‘Ohhh it’s possible my love,my life is fv¢ked up alre-ady so plea-se just give me my Martini and let me wallow in pain’..he said reaching out for the drink but I sl@pped his hands off…
I can’t believe this!!!..
Monica has a lot of deadly secrets…
Jared hasn’t even gotten over the death of his father and now he has a sister?!!…
‘Jared go to be-d okay??,come let me help you’..I muttered balancing his weight on mine and guided him to the be-d…
He began snoring immediately and I took off his shoes and socks…
un-bu-ttoned his shi-t and then covered him with a blanket and then let him sleep…
He’s been throu-gh a lot these past few weeks and I just wish it would all go away ..
‘Thank you Isabel I don’t know what I would have done without you’…he murmured in his sleep…
I smiled and pressed myl-ips to his forehead,covered him well with the blanket and just then a message entered his phone…
It was from Vanessa…
Episode Twenty-Eight💙💙
🔮(Quarter Season Finale [2])🔮
Jared’s POV💙
The Next Morning⛅
‘Hey my head hurts,you have any aspirin??’..i asked as I walked into the kitchen seeing Isabel whisking a batch of eggs…
She walked past me clearly in a mode of ignorance and walked towards the refrigerator…
Brou-ght out a packet of sausages and went back to the frying pan…
‘Hello I’m talking to you??’..i said again ru-bbing my hands on my aching forehead but she still didn’t answer me…
What’s wrong with her??…
‘What?!!!’…She retorted loudly…
‘I’ve been talking to you for like a minute here and you’re clearly ignoring me’..I replied..
‘Well check your phone Jared there’s an interesting text for you there’..she said…
I raised a brow and opened my phone and then saw the incriminating text from Vanessa…
💬Vanessa:WE nee-d TO TALK JARED …I’M PREGNANT!!,..
What the hell?!!!.
This isn’t even possible..
Vanessa can’t be pregnant and even if she is it’s certainly not for me…
‘Isabel I can explain this…
‘You don’t have to say anything else I’m off to work’..she cut in and pas-sed a filled plate of food over to me and walked off….
‘Isabel plea-se wait!!!’..i called out but she was gone alre-ady…
What the hell is Vanessa trying to do?!!…
It’s been months since i last saw her ever since she went to jail for the heinous act she committed and now that I’ve dropped all charges she’s claiming to be pregnant for me?!!…
So fv¢king unbelievable???…
Now Isabel’s pretty mad at me and I don’t know what to do..
How do I clear the air and tell her that Vanessa’s just trying to pu-ll us ap@rt??…
Just before i could do anything else a phone call c@m£ in and it was from the one woman who I hate the most after my mother -Vanessa…
📲 :Hey b…
📱:Hold it Vanessa what the hell are you trying to do,you and I know you’re not pregnant for me so what are you trying to do?!!’..i screamed and she cackled…
📲:Ohhh sugar boy you’re a little bit pained aren’t you??,just chill okay??And heavens know I’m not lying I’m pregnant for you and I want you so come see me later okay??’..
📱:I’ll never come to see you Vanessa,you’re the only woman who’s totally obsessed with me and it’s freaking stupid can’t you just go on with your life and let me go on with mine with the woman I truly love!!!’..i said..
📲:Ohhh shut the hell up sugar boy meet me at Padre Huí at 6pm,I’ve got something to show you’..she replied and hung up immediately ma-king me wince…
It seems like my sins of the past are catching up on me huh???…
How do I even make things right with Isabel??..
I just hopes she doesn’t take it to the next level cause I’ve got a lot of problems in my life right now and not having Isabel is just going to make things worse…
Isabel’s POV💙
I sighed as I dropped the trash bag into the bin and before i could go back I bu-mped into Kevin and hissed loudly…
‘Eish someone’s in a bad mood’..he muttered and i wiped a tear off my left eye…
‘I’m not in a bad mood Kev and I think something’s in my eye’..
‘Ohhh sweetie come give Kevin a hvg’..he said and wra-pped his arms around me..
This is one thing I love about Kevin..
Even though he could be such a pain sometimes he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met ap@rt from Jared…
‘I can’t anymore Kevin I’m just so tired of the emotional roller coaster that’s going on I’m just tired’…i whimpered sniffing on his pla-id shi-t…
‘Just take a chill pill Isabel I know being with Jared is an emotional relationsh!pdeal and I’m just glad you’re with him Isabel,you’re the only woman who’s been there for him even when he’s in hell but sometimes you’ve got to keep yourself as s priority too’..he whispered and stro-ked my hair lightly..
‘Thank you Kevin,now that I’ve let everything out i feel a lot better’..i said in an almost whisper and tucked my hair behind my ear…
‘Okay you’re a mess you’re getting emotional so you’ve gotta go home,get in a h0t tub and let the steam out okay honey??’..he said and i let out a hearty laugh…
‘Okay Kev love you’…
‘Love you too Isabel now go home and sleep cause you look like you’ve bought a ticket to hag town’…
Thirty Minutes Later💙
I walked into the house and to my own temporary dismay Jared was in the living room watching a movie…
What the??…
Isn’t he supposed to be at work?..
‘Hey Isabel’..he said aloud the moment hw saw me and rose up from the couch…
I sighed and tried to move away but he was quic-k to block my way…
‘Jared plea-se just leave me alone’..I murmured and tried to move away again but he just kept blocking me….
‘Look Isabel you’ve got to believe me when i say that Vanessa is just trying to cause a rift between us,she’s not pregnant for me Isabel and I nee-d you to believe it,I love you more than anything in this world and I won’t loose you for anything,Vanessa isn’t pregnant for me Isabel and you should know that she’s a bit-ch just trying to confuse you so just chill and forgive me on her behalf okay??’..he muttered linking his arms around my w@!st and pu-lling me closer…
Maybe he’s right…
Vanessa is totally obsessed with him and would totally try every possible thing to rift us ap@rt…
But still the emotional baggage is deteriorating…
‘Hmmm okay but I’m tired and weary that’s why Kevin gave me the day off’..i implied resting on his shoulders and he snickered a bit…
‘You’re tired and weary??Why??’..
‘Seriously??,you’re seriously asking me that question?,For the past weeks you’ve been on my priority list,i mean i cook for you and I basically do everything for you even yesterday you c@m£ home drun!kand i was there for you and seriously I’m getting wearer every day Jared I’m tired’…I explained..
‘Isabel are you saying you’re tired of our relationsh!p??’..He asked and I shook my head…
‘That’s not what I mean,what I mean is that i want to be spoiled too and I’m tired okay now if you’ll excuse me I nee-d to chill off in the h0t tub’…
Jared’s POV💙
Hearing Isabel explain how weary she was kinda made me feel bad…
I’ve been so wra-pped up in my family’s problem that I neglected her…
‘Look I’m sorry Isabel,I’ve been selfish the past weeks and I’m sorry okay and I promise to make it up to you’..i finally said…
‘How are you gonna make it up to me??’..she asked and i carried her up in my arms and k!$$£d her cheeks lightly…
‘Just wait and see babe,just wait and see’..
Twenty Minutes Later💙
🎼So love me like you do love me love me like you do..
🎼t©uçh me like you you do t©uçh t©uçh t©uçh me like you do….
🎼What are you waiting for??..
The song pla-yed loudly as I poured the mas-sage oil onto Isabel’s n-ked b©dy which was backwards anyway…
She deserves what ever treatment she gets today cause I’ve been so busy wallowing in my own pain that I forgot that I have a queen by my side…
A queen that literally does everything so I could be happy..
A queen that cooks for me,takes care of me,wash my clothes,cleans my house,goes shopping for my groceries,lets me have S-x with her at 3am almost every morning and still goes to work after ma-king breakfast…
Isn’t she a woman worth keeping..
‘Mmhh this feels good’..She m0@n ed adjusting the blanket on her w@!st…
‘i know right?? I’m gonna treat you like the queen you are today so all you have to do is relax and chill okay??’..
‘Okay lover boy love you’..
‘Love you too Isabel’…
Vanessa’s POV💙
‘I don’t think it’s gonna work Carlton it’s not gonna work!!’..I said aloud as I walked into Carlton’s office and taken aback too…
I was expecting to see a sort of splendor or a hint of glamour but no -All I saw was a dirty blue rug and dusty bookshelves…
What does he even do in this shabby place??..
‘Vanessa why would you come here in the first place?!! Didn’t I say that I’ll come over to your house?!!’..He screamed and clearly hid something inside his drawer…
My nose twitched as I sat on the chair opposite him which clearly had the insides coming out of it…
I thought he was the son of a billionaire or something so why is he here?!!..
In this dirty old office…
‘Look I’m just here to tell you that the fake pregnancy plan didn’t work okay??Jared doesn’t even believe me and Isabel surely knows -I told you the plan was stupid!!’..i replied in a surly manner…
‘Well I know it wouldn’t work anyway that’s why there’s a plan B’..he murmured and to my surprise he brou-ght out a gun…
‘T..t..there’s a plan B?? Really and why you h..have a gun with you??’.. .I stuttered as a gush of fear enveloped my b©dy giving me goose pimples…
‘Yes Vanessa there’s a plan B and sadly you won’t be in it’..he replied and pointed the gun at my head…
Oh God…
Isabel’s POV💙
At Night☄️
‘What’cha doing??’..I asked as I s£dûçt!velybit my lowerl-ips…
Jared was over at the g@s cooker apparently ma-king something and then best p@rt??..
He looked so handsome doing it..
‘I’m ma-king dinner for my woman’..he replied giving me a lewd wi-nk and I chuckled softly as I bit into an apple..
My th!ghs were expo-sed as I propped onto the kitchen chair and tucked my hair into the collar of his oversized shi-t…
And it clearly caught his attention…
‘What are you doing??’..he asked and I sm-irked..
‘Nothing’..I replied and crossed my legs,bit into an apple and sma-cked myl-ips…
‘You’ve got that mischievous glint in your eyes Isabel Monteniero,what are you up to??’..he asked again moving in on me..
‘What??I said nothing’..I raised my hands in protest and before i could say anything else he sl@pped the apple off my hands and lifted me up to his w@!st…
‘You’re damn beautiful when you want me’..
‘Who said I want you??’..i asked..
‘You don’t nee-d to pretend I know all the signs Isabel’..he whispered and lowered hisl-ips to mine…
Okay he’s right i want him…
‘Jared wait for a minute’..I said pushing him away for a minute..
‘What??You always st©p me every time the mood is in action!!’..
‘Shut up bozo I’m..I’m worried’..I said..
‘Worried about what??’..he asked..
‘Well uhmm we haven’t been using protec-tion and all and i haven’t been using or taking any birth control pills don’t you think I might get pregnant??’..
‘Preg?? -Oh you’re right Isabel i haven’t even thought of that’..he replied and I frowned…
‘Ohhh so what you’re trying to say is that you don’t have any plans for any us??’..
‘Ohhh no that’s not what I mean,what I mean is that I don’t care if you get pregnant for me I’ll still love you anyway’..he said…
He doesn’t care if I’ll get pregnant for him??..
He’ll still love me anyway??..
‘I’m going to be-d’..I muttered after a pause and re-moved his hands from my b©dy…
‘Isabel what’s wrong with you?!! For the past weeks you’ve been getting all cranky so plea-se tell me what’s wrong with you?!!’..He screamed slamming his hands on the table…
I paused and turned over to look at him with my eyes glistening in tears..
‘I’ll be in the guest room Jared’..